Bernie Sanders, Champion of Stimulus Checks, Favorability Rating Higher than Biden and Kamala: Poll

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), who blocked a vote for $2,000 stimulus checks during his last month as majority leader, had by far the worst rating in the poll. Net favorability for McConnell was negative 48 points, with 65 percent viewing the Republican leader unfavorably and only 17 percent taking a favorable view.

Sweet. I started really liking Mitch a couple years ago. He showed a little spine. When it suited him. Then he finally showed me he is just another piece of worthless dogheave taking up oxygen in DC. As soon as it no longer suited him, he turned back into another piece of GOP jelly.
Without agreeing with Sanders on everything, it isn't hard to see him as a better choice than what was offered last time by either side of the duopoly.
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), who blocked a vote for $2,000 stimulus checks during his last month as majority leader, had by far the worst rating in the poll. Net favorability for McConnell was negative 48 points, with 65 percent viewing the Republican leader unfavorably and only 17 percent taking a favorable view.

Sweet. I started really liking Mitch a couple years ago. He showed a little spine. When it suited him. Then he finally showed me he is just another piece of worthless dogheave taking up oxygen in DC. As soon as it no longer suited him, he turned back into another piece of GOP jelly.

Mitch was probably even more spineless 2 years ago then he is right now. Why not simply admit you have a lower opinion of him simply because he said something negative about your cult leader, Trump.
fake poll? how come he's not the president but Biden and Kamala are!

That's a good question i'd like answered myself.
The answer is obvious. Those chosen instead of Sanders are the evident servants of those who did the choosing, and it wasn't "us".
fake poll? how come he's not the president but Biden and Kamala are!

That's a good question i'd like answered myself.
The answer is obvious. Those chosen instead of Sanders are the evident servants of those who did the choosing, and it wasn't "us".

I think it was us.
fake poll? how come he's not the president but Biden and Kamala are!

econTabReport.pdf (

I think republicans mainly did this poll.
the poll i posted is 10 trillion times more accurate than yours
fake poll? how come he's not the president but Biden and Kamala are!

econTabReport.pdf (

I think republicans mainly did this poll.
the poll i posted is 10 trillion times more accurate than yours
The article said its the same poll. Take your pick:
The Economist / YouGov polls | YouGov
The Party, rigged the primaries again, they wanted Biden. When I say the party I mean the Chinese Communist Party of China...or the CCP, since they own the DNC

Sanders wasn't their pick, they own and had a lot of investment in Biden
Lefty lemmings seem to be having trouble deciding which nincompoop to worship. What the hell are they teaching these dopes in school today? This will definitely be the dumbest generation we ever produced
"Bernie cares more about Americans than they care about themselves" - Jimmy Kimmel

Kimmel asks Bernie if he's in a hotel in Cancun

Bernie says he'll be holding hearings on income inequality, but Walmart executives have declined to attend

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), who blocked a vote for $2,000 stimulus checks during his last month as majority leader, had by far the worst rating in the poll. Net favorability for McConnell was negative 48 points, with 65 percent viewing the Republican leader unfavorably and only 17 percent taking a favorable view.

Sweet. I started really liking Mitch a couple years ago. He showed a little spine. When it suited him. Then he finally showed me he is just another piece of worthless dogheave taking up oxygen in DC. As soon as it no longer suited him, he turned back into another piece of GOP jelly.

Why not simply admit you have a lower opinion of him simply because he said something negative about your cult leader, Trump.

Because that's NOT the reason I have a lower opinion of him! I said I've NEVER had a good opinion of him if you took the time to actually READ, but thought I saw some signs of some backbone a few years ago, but the GOP has turned into a complete do-nothing, suck up jellyfish under his leadership.

But I know you'd just LOVE for me to say it was all because of Trump just to assuage your yearning TDS!

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