Bernie Sanders does not understand economics

You could have spent a few moments doing a LITTLE editing yourself....Copying and pasting is not a post.

oh yeah? what do contribute? you post to ask for more tax dollars to fund this garbage?

The point is the list is overwhelming. Many of those DEPT has 100K+ employees. hired/medical/retired/replaced etc. Some of them have a few employee, but contribute ZIPPO necc. function. yet cost the same.? when is it too much? Now? Cut Cut Cut, then get back to me.

Very costly. Start picking some of your favorites to Cut or keep? You do some work, not all me.

It's YOUR post, not mine.
you want your nice middle class entitlements

SSI? Medicare? We paid into it for more than 50 years for many. It is not entitlement. It is our money.

Home Mortgage deduction. They signed up a contract with US. Change it? maybe? not sure.

what else you got?
But running out of other peoples money is not a problem anymore.

Have you ever heard of the Fed?
Have you heard of the National Debt?
Have you heard of the National Debt?

Hell yea.

3.2 trillion from non revenue and none job creating Tax Cuts passed by reconciliation.

At least 3 trillion from two wars that went on over a decade.

Who knows how much rebuilding Iraq after we flattened it.

The cost of taking care of more than 30,000 Iraq maimed Americans costing trillions into the future.

The taxes lost from millions of jobs moving to China from 2001 to 2008.

The revenue lost from the more than 40,000 factories closed from 2001 to 2008.

Medicare party D passed though reconciliation costing more than a trillion.

The damage to our gulf coast decades into the future while some protect the perpetrators.

The cost of rebuilding our infrastructure since it was neglected while our money was being spent in the ME.

The damage into the future because we have been defunding our schools.

See, we know the debt. No doubt about it. We even know where it came from and what caused it. It's public record. Only tards don't know how we got it.

Great post rdean!! Yet, all they can whine about is how evil paving a road is or educating a child. That is what they bitch about even through it never has caused it debt problems.

Do I want to balance the budget? YES I DO. I'd cut the millitary 50 billion, repeal the tax cuts, close the loop holes and demand a invisgation into government waste. I'd then work to cut 200 billion dollars of bs.

repeal the tax cuts, close the loop holes

Which taxes cuts? Which loop holes?
Be more specific in your whining.
Obama already repealed the Bush tax cuts.
There are no loopholes. It is just what Democrats say to imply unfairness.
Even the GOP leadership talks about closing corporate loopholes. How the hell do you think corporate taxes are 30% but they only pay 12.6%???????????????????????????? Stop the dipshitery.

Unemployment benefits: not until Bush tax cuts pass, Senate GOP says

Obama extended the Bush tax cuts because asshole Republicans said they would block unemployment benefits for millions of Americans. Millions lost their jobs because fucking Republicans helped move them to China. DUUUUUUUH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Don't you ignorant fucks know how to read?????????? What the hell is wrong with you???????????

This is why people get angry because these ignorant right wingers repeat the same shit even though there has been a million links on the USMB backing up the facts. I believe they know how to use Google, but they are determined to be as ignorant as possible. How do they function in real life????????
I'm reasonably sure I want those who get handouts for thing they should be providing themselves to start providing it to themselves. If you want to provide it to them, be my guest. Otherwise MY money stays with ME not some freeloader.

Cleetus, you don't have any money. Just because you fancy yourself the landed gentry doesn't make it so.

Like most conservatives, you want your nice middle class entitlements (which are most of what the governmetn actually does spend money on), but you just hate the thought that some poor person might be getting something.

Just because you claim something for which you have no knowledge doesn't make it so.

You claim you know what I want. Prove it. What entitlements do I want?

Unlike that poor person, I contribute to the pot. They don't. If they contribute, they should get it. When they don't, all you want is for them to have what they don't pay for and want those of us who do have more than you think we should to fund it. If someone gets food, I want them to pay for it not expect it to be handed to them. If someone has a place to live, I want them to pay for it same as I do. If someone's kid goes to college, I want that parent to pay for it. You won't none of those.
Have you heard of the National Debt?
Have you heard of the National Debt?

Hell yea.

3.2 trillion from non revenue and none job creating Tax Cuts passed by reconciliation.

At least 3 trillion from two wars that went on over a decade.

Who knows how much rebuilding Iraq after we flattened it.

The cost of taking care of more than 30,000 Iraq maimed Americans costing trillions into the future.

The taxes lost from millions of jobs moving to China from 2001 to 2008.

The revenue lost from the more than 40,000 factories closed from 2001 to 2008.

Medicare party D passed though reconciliation costing more than a trillion.

The damage to our gulf coast decades into the future while some protect the perpetrators.

The cost of rebuilding our infrastructure since it was neglected while our money was being spent in the ME.

The damage into the future because we have been defunding our schools.

See, we know the debt. No doubt about it. We even know where it came from and what caused it. It's public record. Only tards don't know how we got it.

Great post rdean!! Yet, all they can whine about is how evil paving a road is or educating a child. That is what they bitch about even through it never has caused it debt problems.

Do I want to balance the budget? YES I DO. I'd cut the millitary 50 billion, repeal the tax cuts, close the loop holes and demand a invisgation into government waste. I'd then work to cut 200 billion dollars of bs.

repeal the tax cuts, close the loop holes

Which taxes cuts? Which loop holes?
Be more specific in your whining.
Obama already repealed the Bush tax cuts.
There are no loopholes. It is just what Democrats say to imply unfairness.
Even the GOP leadership talks about closing corporate loopholes. How the hell do you think corporate taxes are 30% but they only pay 12.6%???????????????????????????? Stop the dipshitery.

Unemployment benefits: not until Bush tax cuts pass, Senate GOP says

Obama extended the Bush tax cuts because asshole Republicans said they would block unemployment benefits for millions of Americans. Millions lost their jobs because fucking Republicans helped move them to China. DUUUUUUUH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Don't you ignorant fucks know how to read?????????? What the hell is wrong with you???????????

This is why people get angry because these ignorant right wingers repeat the same shit even though there has been a million links on the USMB backing up the facts. I believe they know how to use Google, but they are determined to be as ignorant as possible. How do they function in real life????????

I function in real life because I provide myself and my family what you think I should provide to some lowlife that won't do it for his.
You want a government that functions to do things it not Constitutionally delegated to do.

Like pass protectionist legislation that forces you to pay more taxes because some corporations pay nothing at all?

The claim that corporation pay nothing at all seems to say you think none of them pay anything. They'll pay more in one year than you would pay if you lived longer than Methuselah.
You want a government that functions to do things it not Constitutionally delegated to do.

Like pass protectionist legislation that forces you to pay more taxes because some corporations pay nothing at all?
Republicans on the USMB call those corporations "the producers" because normal people are like shredded paper orbiting Uranus, they are just "hangers on".
If you know them and expect the rest of us to believe what you say is true, surely you can provide names, jobs they lost, and the ones that got those jobs.

The "revolt" of the fast food industry started because a bunch of unskilled, entitlement minded, good for nothing, freeloaders were convinced that someone owed them more than they skills they offered were worth. Why wouldn't they accept it. They get something for nothing.

Someone with $7.25/hour skills getting $7.25/hour isn't a shitty wage. Someone working at a fast food restaurant because their skill set is so low, isn't in shitty working conditions. If you want to call it that, blame the ones working there. They are the reason the only place they can work is something like that.

I think you wouldn't last a shift working at a fast food place, Cleetus. Those kids probably work harder than you do.

It's hard work pushing a button and reading a prompt that asks "Do you want fried with that?". I work harder in one day than they work in one month.

I didn't want to work at such places. That's why I gained marketable skills. Now, because I did, I'm expected to subsidize the incomes of those who have nothing more in their pitiful existence in skills than to work at a place like that.
You want a government that functions to do things it not Constitutionally delegated to do.

Like pass protectionist legislation that forces you to pay more taxes because some corporations pay nothing at all?
WTF? What are you snorting again?
The main problem is that 40% of wage earners not only pay nothing, they get back more than they paid in. If those arent freeloaders I dont know what is.
You want a government that functions to do things it not Constitutionally delegated to do.

Like pass protectionist legislation that forces you to pay more taxes because some corporations pay nothing at all?
Republicans on the USMB call those corporations "the producers" because normal people are like shredded paper orbiting Uranus, they are just "hangers on".

They do produce. They produce jobs the unskilled workers do in order that those workers can complain someone isn't paying them enough to do what a monkey could be trained to do.
Evidently he has no clue how collateral works, the man is obviously a few cards shy on the ole economic deck. A home has actual value...a women's study degree? Not so much. The man is running on an economics platform? Scary shit

Bernie Sanders


You have families out there paying 6, 8, 10 percent on student debt but you can refinance your homes at 3 percent. What sense is that?
10:39 AM - 26 Dec 2015

Student loans can not be discharged via bankruptcy . Unlike mortgages .

They are actually pretty good loans to bank on .

Except many are opting to default. How in the hell did this happen? I am sincerely asking. With the exception of my first term of my first year I paid my entire way through college working a part-time job in a restaurant, then a department store. Sure it was during the Mycenaean age but, WTF happened to tuition since then?

School-Loan Reckoning: 7 Million Are in Default
Figure translates into about 17% of all borrowers being severely delinquent

School-Loan Reckoning: 7 Million Are in Default
You want a government that functions to do things it not Constitutionally delegated to do.

Like pass protectionist legislation that forces you to pay more taxes because some corporations pay nothing at all?
WTF? What are you snorting again?
The main problem is that 40% of wage earners not only pay nothing, they get back more than they paid in. If those arent freeloaders I dont know what is.

The bleeding heart Liberals have no problem with someone not contributing to the pot getting more and more from it.
Evidently he has no clue how collateral works, the man is obviously a few cards shy on the ole economic deck. A home has actual value...a women's study degree? Not so much. The man is running on an economics platform? Scary shit

Bernie Sanders


You have families out there paying 6, 8, 10 percent on student debt but you can refinance your homes at 3 percent. What sense is that?
10:39 AM - 26 Dec 2015

Student loans can not be discharged via bankruptcy . Unlike mortgages .

They are actually pretty good loans to bank on .

Except many are opting to default. How in the hell did this happen? I am sincerely asking. With the exception of my first term of my first year I paid my entire way through college working a part-time job in a restaurant, then a department store. Sure it was during the Mycenaean age but, WTF happened to tuition since then?

School-Loan Reckoning: 7 Million Are in Default
Figure translates into about 17% of all borrowers being severely delinquent

School-Loan Reckoning: 7 Million Are in Default

Here's the thing. They CHOSE to take out the loans then bitch about having to pay it back. What that shows is they don't like the results of a choice they made and now expect others to just ignore the choices they made.
You could have spent a few moments doing a LITTLE editing yourself....Copying and pasting is not a post.

oh yeah? what do contribute? you post to ask for more tax dollars to fund this garbage?

The point is the list is overwhelming. Many of those DEPT has 100K+ employees. hired/medical/retired/replaced etc. Some of them have a few employee, but contribute ZIPPO necc. function. yet cost the same.? when is it too much? Now? Cut Cut Cut, then get back to me.

Very costly. Start picking some of your favorites to Cut or keep? You do some work, not all me.

It's YOUR post, not mine.

See post #184. Someone did a lot of work. Click on left side, bottom 2015 spending plan. I will let the expert do first pass. I would also cut all the Ridiculous nonsense ASAP.

Click on Spending Charts to see by what everything costs. Very well done site. and hey! did not cost taxpayer $584Mil like ACA site.
You want a government that functions to do things it not Constitutionally delegated to do.

Like pass protectionist legislation that forces you to pay more taxes because some corporations pay nothing at all?
WTF? What are you snorting again?
The main problem is that 40% of wage earners not only pay nothing, they get back more than they paid in. If those arent freeloaders I dont know what is.

The bleeding heart Liberals have no problem with someone not contributing to the pot getting more and more from it.

That's not true. True liberals want a level playing field without plutocrats running the country.
You want a government that functions to do things it not Constitutionally delegated to do.

No, I just don't think a guy in a powdered wig shitting in a chamber pot 200 years ago should be the final authority on what government shoudl and shouldn't do.

You see, I live in t he 21st century, and want 21st century government.

In other words, you want the government to do what the government doesn't have authority to do? Those powdered wig shitters 200 years ago put into the document you want to allow what wasn't delegated to the government you want doing it a way to add it to that document. That you don't like the method they provided to expand the government and want the government to just be able to do it isn't my problem. It's yours.

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