Bernie Sanders does not understand economics

Yup. All you can respond with when you'v got nothing.
We had the longest peacetime expansion under Reagan, with GDP growth that makes Obama's look like permanent recession.

Bush/Clinton got to ride the wave all the way to the bust. Even my Filipino co-worker immigrant knows that fact. He is smarter than the citizens.
Evidently he has no clue how collateral works, the man is obviously a few cards shy on the ole economic deck. A home has actual value...a women's study degree? Not so much. The man is running on an economics platform? Scary shit

Bernie Sanders


You have families out there paying 6, 8, 10 percent on student debt but you can refinance your homes at 3 percent. What sense is that?
10:39 AM - 26 Dec 2015

It's simple: Houses will stand empty if there are no generations of people coming into the job market who have the ways and means to buy them. If they are saddled with debt that eats up 30% of their income, they will be renters and never buyers. Got it, now?

The housing market is what drives the economy or makes it dive. Google "crash of 2008" and get back to us.
Yes house sellers will simply allow their houses to sit vacant for generations. That's the ticket.
Geezus No Pee-Pee, did you take your stupid pills this morning?
Evidently he has no clue how collateral works, the man is obviously a few cards shy on the ole economic deck. A home has actual value...a women's study degree? Not so much. The man is running on an economics platform? Scary shit

Bernie Sanders


You have families out there paying 6, 8, 10 percent on student debt but you can refinance your homes at 3 percent. What sense is that?
10:39 AM - 26 Dec 2015

Student loans can not be discharged via bankruptcy . Unlike mortgages .

They are actually pretty good loans to bank on .
Evidently he has no clue how collateral works, the man is obviously a few cards shy on the ole economic deck. A home has actual value...a women's study degree? Not so much. The man is running on an economics platform? Scary shit

Bernie Sanders


You have families out there paying 6, 8, 10 percent on student debt but you can refinance your homes at 3 percent. What sense is that?
10:39 AM - 26 Dec 2015

Student loans can not be discharged via bankruptcy . Unlike mortgages .

They are actually pretty good loans to bank on .
Student loan default rate: 11.8%
Mortgage loan default rate: 5.45%.

We can add banking to what little Timmy knows nothing about.
Evidently he has no clue how collateral works, the man is obviously a few cards shy on the ole economic deck. A home has actual value...a women's study degree? Not so much. The man is running on an economics platform? Scary shit

Bernie Sanders


You have families out there paying 6, 8, 10 percent on student debt but you can refinance your homes at 3 percent. What sense is that?
10:39 AM - 26 Dec 2015

Student loans can not be discharged via bankruptcy . Unlike mortgages .

They are actually pretty good loans to bank on .
Student loan default rate: 11.8%
Mortgage loan default rate: 5.45%.

We can add banking to what little Timmy knows nothing about.

And ? What's the comparison on bankruptcy forgiveness ?
Evidently he has no clue how collateral works, the man is obviously a few cards shy on the ole economic deck. A home has actual value...a women's study degree? Not so much. The man is running on an economics platform? Scary shit

Bernie Sanders


You have families out there paying 6, 8, 10 percent on student debt but you can refinance your homes at 3 percent. What sense is that?
10:39 AM - 26 Dec 2015

Student loans can not be discharged via bankruptcy . Unlike mortgages .

They are actually pretty good loans to bank on .
Student loan default rate: 11.8%
Mortgage loan default rate: 5.45%.

That doesn't say student loans can be discharged by bankruptcy. You don't seem to know what the topic is.
Reagan's tax cuts stimulated the economy and got it going on a pretty good run.

Yup. All you can respond with when you'v got nothing.
We had the longest peacetime expansion under Reagan, with GDP growth that makes Obama's look like permanent recession.

I am not as exuberant as you are.

There were a lot of factors that helped.

But, RDeans stupid claim has to be examined in light of that period of time.

I agree....some times it makes no sense to cut taxes.
Evidently he has no clue how collateral works, the man is obviously a few cards shy on the ole economic deck. A home has actual value...a women's study degree? Not so much. The man is running on an economics platform? Scary shit

Bernie Sanders


You have families out there paying 6, 8, 10 percent on student debt but you can refinance your homes at 3 percent. What sense is that?
10:39 AM - 26 Dec 2015

Student loans can not be discharged via bankruptcy . Unlike mortgages .

They are actually pretty good loans to bank on .
Student loan default rate: 11.8%
Mortgage loan default rate: 5.45%.

We can add banking to what little Timmy knows nothing about.

And ? What's the comparison on bankruptcy forgiveness ?
Student loans can actually be forgiven sometimes in bankruptcy.
But it is irrelevant. Student loans are more risky because 1) there is no collateral to take, and 2) their default rate runs twice what mortgage loans do. Ergo student loans charge higher rates of interest to make up for the increased risk.
Evidently he has no clue how collateral works, the man is obviously a few cards shy on the ole economic deck. A home has actual value...a women's study degree? Not so much. The man is running on an economics platform? Scary shit

Bernie Sanders


You have families out there paying 6, 8, 10 percent on student debt but you can refinance your homes at 3 percent. What sense is that?
10:39 AM - 26 Dec 2015

Student loans can not be discharged via bankruptcy . Unlike mortgages .

They are actually pretty good loans to bank on .
Student loan default rate: 11.8%
Mortgage loan default rate: 5.45%.

That doesn't say student loans can be discharged by bankruptcy. You don't seem to know what the topic is.
No one is disputing the bankruptcy issue. But student loans are more risky for all the reasons I've mentioned. Ergo the rate of interest is higher. You get that, right?
Cuts? OK to get rid of these?

National Aeronautics & Space Administration NASA (I will cut this just for Matthew)
National Archives & Records Administration NARA
National Consumer Cooperative Bank NCCB
National Council on Disability NCD
National Credit Union Administration NCUA
National Endowment for the Arts NEA
National Endowment for the Humanities NEH
National Institute of Building Sciences NIBS
National Labor Relations Board NLRB
National Mediation Board NMB
National Railroad Passenger Corp AMTRAK
National Science Foundation NSF
National Security Education Board NSEB
National Transportation Safety Board NTSB *****OK combine with other? shrink it?
The wealthy already pays the bulk of the taxes here in the US. Where is the equality in that?

They also control most of the wealth, so they should. Here's the thing. if you HAD a more equitable distribution of the wealth, you probably wouldn't need as much government.

Instead, you wingnuts got it ass backwards. You have the government doing more for working people than the employers they slave away for, and then you totally wonder why they vote for more government and not less.

You are the one that is confused.

What is really despicable is the level of greed that you Libtards have.

It is not enough that the higher income earners pay more because they make more but you greedy little bastards want them to pay at a progressively higher rate. That is unfair, immoral and absolutely despicable thievery.

If you really think the rich gets more benefits from the government then you should support the Conservative idea to limit the function of the government to minimal services and do away with welfare, subsidies, bailouts and entitlements.

That way the rich don't get their government welfare checks through various transfer of funds and neither do the ghetto welfare queens or the illegal aliens.

Nobody gets a free ride. That is fair, isn't it?

The problem is that you greedy sonofabitches don't want it to be fair. You want to use the government to steal money to pay the bills that you are too sorry to pay yourself.

You want free stuff and you want to punish those people that are more productive than yourselves. That pretty well well makes you greedy scum, doesn't it?
More cuts?

Privacy & Civil Liberties Oversight Board PCLOB
Railroad Retirement Board RRB
Securities & Exchange Commission SEC **watching porn all day
Securities Investor Protection Corporation SIPC
Selective Service System SSS ** we don't have a draft.
Small Business Administration SBA ***don't know
Social Security Advisory Board SSAB ***negrooooo pease.
State Justice Institute SJI
Tennessee Valley Authority TVA ***this is still open?
U.S. African Development Foundation ADF
U.S. Agency for International Development USAID
U.S. Election Assistance Commission EAC
U.S. Institute of Peace USIP
U.S. International Trade Commission USITC
U.S. Postal Service USPS *****privatize it?
U.S. Trade & Development Agency USTDA
Evidently he has no clue how collateral works, the man is obviously a few cards shy on the ole economic deck. A home has actual value...a women's study degree? Not so much. The man is running on an economics platform? Scary shit

Bernie Sanders


You have families out there paying 6, 8, 10 percent on student debt but you can refinance your homes at 3 percent. What sense is that?
10:39 AM - 26 Dec 2015

Student loans can not be discharged via bankruptcy . Unlike mortgages .

They are actually pretty good loans to bank on .
Student loan default rate: 11.8%
Mortgage loan default rate: 5.45%.

We can add banking to what little Timmy knows nothing about.

And ? What's the comparison on bankruptcy forgiveness ?
Student loans can actually be forgiven sometimes in bankruptcy.
But it is irrelevant. Student loans are more risky because 1) there is no collateral to take, and 2) their default rate runs twice what mortgage loans do. Ergo student loans charge higher rates of interest to make up for the increased risk.

The government also brings in a lot of money wh student loans . Interest payments , the loans itslef goes to pay public school most of the time , and the government decides you can never discharge the loan .

Plus the gov benefits from a public that's highly educated . We shouldn't be discouraging the loans .
Of course, he understands the economics of what he's saying. Higher taxes on the wealthy to start when that doesn't handle his free everything then the hikes move down to the middle class. Its all about more government.

The top 20% controls 87% of the wealth. They can afford to pay more in taxes.

We had our greatest prosperity between 1945 and 1980, when the rich paid 93% to 70% top marginal rates.

The top 20% also pay 80% of that trillion a year in income tax. The top 2% pays 50% of it. "The rich" also pays the bulk of the state income tax and property tax in the US.

When is enough going to be enough for you greedy bastards who thinks the government should steal from other to pay your bills?

Who in the hell are you to think you are entitled to the money that other people makes?

Who the hell do you think you are to use and become heir to every opportunity this great country offers and not do a thing in return? Most of those in the top tier never even consider joining up and fighting in these Republican oil wars. George W. Bush was born with a silver spoon in his mouth, dodged the draft to stay out of Vietnam, used family ties to work his way into politics and then single handedly involved the country in a totally unnecessary war because of personal reasons. I wish there was a hell so that ass hole would burn. I'm pretty sure the families of the 4500 killed there probably feel the same way.

The reason most young Americans don't go to college and if they do they attend one of the small schools for financial reasons. Those at the top have it made. They ride rough shod over the less than fortunate and poor. It's what they do. The very first thing this country should do is get the goddam private enterprise out of schools and provide a thorough education for every young citizen. Then....when everybody is playing on a level field we'll see how goddam great the rich ones are.

As far as me....I began working 40 hours a week during my junior and senior years in high school, worked 60 during the summers then worked for Union Carbide Corp./Martin Marietta etc. in Oak Ridge, TN 41 years. The only benefit I ever took from the government was a 3 year electronics school which I attended at night in addition to my regular job. I served in the U S Army in 1957 and 1958 then stayed in the TN National Guards till 1963.

Your Turn!!

You are very confused.

I have paid a ton of taxes in my life and have received very little from the government in return.

When a filthy ass ghetto queen in Orlando gets her welfare check that I paid for I don't get jack shit for it.

The only way that fat ass bitch gets the money is because she votes for stupid Liberals that have no idea of fairness or fiscal responsibility that they pass bills to take the money away from me by force and give it to her and that is not moral, right or fair.

I don't mind paying my fair share for defense, courts, police etc. I don't mind paying a user fee for building roads through the fuel tax. I don't mind paying for minimal government functions provided these jackasses we elect to office spends the money well but that very seldom happens.

I don't mind giving money to charity when it is voluntary. I am a very generous person. The Bible teaches that charity should come from the heart, family and church. The government needs to stay out of the business of charity.

What I object to is when the friggin shitass government takes the money I worked hard to make and gives it away in the form of welfare, subsidies, bailouts and entitlements.

That is not a legitimate function of government. It never has been and never will be. You Libtards are greedy and make it a function of government and that is why our economy is so screwed up with poverty increasing, welfare increasing, family income decreasing, the gap between the rich and poor widening and we are almost 20 trillion dollars in debt.
Evidently he has no clue how collateral works, the man is obviously a few cards shy on the ole economic deck. A home has actual value...a women's study degree? Not so much. The man is running on an economics platform? Scary shit

Bernie Sanders


You have families out there paying 6, 8, 10 percent on student debt but you can refinance your homes at 3 percent. What sense is that?
10:39 AM - 26 Dec 2015

Student loans can not be discharged via bankruptcy . Unlike mortgages .

They are actually pretty good loans to bank on .
Student loan default rate: 11.8%
Mortgage loan default rate: 5.45%.

We can add banking to what little Timmy knows nothing about.

And ? What's the comparison on bankruptcy forgiveness ?
Student loans can actually be forgiven sometimes in bankruptcy.
But it is irrelevant. Student loans are more risky because 1) there is no collateral to take, and 2) their default rate runs twice what mortgage loans do. Ergo student loans charge higher rates of interest to make up for the increased risk.

The government also brings in a lot of money wh student loans . Interest payments , the loans itslef goes to pay public school most of the time , and the government decides you can never discharge the loan .

Plus the gov benefits from a public that's highly educated . We shouldn't be discouraging the loans .
So you're in favor of government saddling young people with loans they cant pay back and they cant discharge through bankruptcy, effectively making them serfs of the government.
What a shock.
Evidently he has no clue how collateral works, the man is obviously a few cards shy on the ole economic deck. A home has actual value...a women's study degree? Not so much. The man is running on an economics platform? Scary shit

Bernie Sanders


You have families out there paying 6, 8, 10 percent on student debt but you can refinance your homes at 3 percent. What sense is that?
10:39 AM - 26 Dec 2015
Bernie does not understand life, hes just another career politician born with a silver spoon in his mouth.
Control freak through and through
Student loans can not be discharged via bankruptcy . Unlike mortgages .

They are actually pretty good loans to bank on .
Student loan default rate: 11.8%
Mortgage loan default rate: 5.45%.

We can add banking to what little Timmy knows nothing about.

And ? What's the comparison on bankruptcy forgiveness ?
Student loans can actually be forgiven sometimes in bankruptcy.
But it is irrelevant. Student loans are more risky because 1) there is no collateral to take, and 2) their default rate runs twice what mortgage loans do. Ergo student loans charge higher rates of interest to make up for the increased risk.

The government also brings in a lot of money wh student loans . Interest payments , the loans itslef goes to pay public school most of the time , and the government decides you can never discharge the loan .

Plus the gov benefits from a public that's highly educated . We shouldn't be discouraging the loans .
So you're in favor of government saddling young people with loans they cant pay back and they cant discharge through bankruptcy, effectively making them serfs of the government.
What a shock.

No I am not . I think public Ed should be affordable and the govt shouldt be profiteering off student loans.

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