Bernie Sanders does not understand economics

Student loan default rate: 11.8%
Mortgage loan default rate: 5.45%.

We can add banking to what little Timmy knows nothing about.

And ? What's the comparison on bankruptcy forgiveness ?
Student loans can actually be forgiven sometimes in bankruptcy.
But it is irrelevant. Student loans are more risky because 1) there is no collateral to take, and 2) their default rate runs twice what mortgage loans do. Ergo student loans charge higher rates of interest to make up for the increased risk.

The government also brings in a lot of money wh student loans . Interest payments , the loans itslef goes to pay public school most of the time , and the government decides you can never discharge the loan .

Plus the gov benefits from a public that's highly educated . We shouldn't be discouraging the loans .
So you're in favor of government saddling young people with loans they cant pay back and they cant discharge through bankruptcy, effectively making them serfs of the government.
What a shock.

No I am not . I think public Ed should be affordable and the govt shouldt be profiteering off student loans.
Public education is already free.
Why should the gov't be allowed to profiteer from students but banks cant?
Evidently he has no clue how collateral works, the man is obviously a few cards shy on the ole economic deck. A home has actual value...a women's study degree? Not so much. The man is running on an economics platform? Scary shit

Bernie Sanders


You have families out there paying 6, 8, 10 percent on student debt but you can refinance your homes at 3 percent. What sense is that?
10:39 AM - 26 Dec 2015

Student loans can not be discharged via bankruptcy . Unlike mortgages .

They are actually pretty good loans to bank on .
Student loan default rate: 11.8%
Mortgage loan default rate: 5.45%.

That doesn't say student loans can be discharged by bankruptcy. You don't seem to know what the topic is.
No one is disputing the bankruptcy issue. But student loans are more risky for all the reasons I've mentioned. Ergo the rate of interest is higher. You get that, right?

Yes. I also get that if you're going to base your choice of Presidential candidate on a <140-character tweet, you're not exactly a thinking voter.
Evidently he has no clue how collateral works, the man is obviously a few cards shy on the ole economic deck. A home has actual value...a women's study degree? Not so much. The man is running on an economics platform? Scary shit

Bernie Sanders


You have families out there paying 6, 8, 10 percent on student debt but you can refinance your homes at 3 percent. What sense is that?
10:39 AM - 26 Dec 2015

Student loans can not be discharged via bankruptcy . Unlike mortgages .

They are actually pretty good loans to bank on .
Student loan default rate: 11.8%
Mortgage loan default rate: 5.45%.

That doesn't say student loans can be discharged by bankruptcy. You don't seem to know what the topic is.
No one is disputing the bankruptcy issue. But student loans are more risky for all the reasons I've mentioned. Ergo the rate of interest is higher. You get that, right?

Yes. I also get that if you're going to base your choice of Presidential candidate on a <140-character tweet, you're not exactly a thinking voter.
I agree. You are not a thinking voter. Esp if you simply repeat the caricatures going around the media and internet.

But running out of other peoples money is not a problem anymore.

Have you ever heard of the Fed?
Have you heard of the National Debt?
Have you heard of the National Debt?

Hell yea.

3.2 trillion from non revenue and none job creating Tax Cuts passed by reconciliation.

At least 3 trillion from two wars that went on over a decade.

Who knows how much rebuilding Iraq after we flattened it.

The cost of taking care of more than 30,000 Iraq maimed Americans costing trillions into the future.

The taxes lost from millions of jobs moving to China from 2001 to 2008.

The revenue lost from the more than 40,000 factories closed from 2001 to 2008.

Medicare party D passed though reconciliation costing more than a trillion.

The damage to our gulf coast decades into the future while some protect the perpetrators.

The cost of rebuilding our infrastructure since it was neglected while our money was being spent in the ME.

The damage into the future because we have been defunding our schools.

See, we know the debt. No doubt about it. We even know where it came from and what caused it. It's public record. Only tards don't know how we got it.

Great post rdean!! Yet, all they can whine about is how evil paving a road is or educating a child. That is what they bitch about even through it never has caused it debt problems.

Do I want to balance the budget? YES I DO. I'd cut the millitary 50 billion, repeal the tax cuts, close the loop holes and demand a invisgation into government waste. I'd then work to cut 200 billion dollars of bs.

repeal the tax cuts, close the loop holes

Which taxes cuts? Which loop holes?
Be more specific in your whining.

But running out of other peoples money is not a problem anymore.

Have you ever heard of the Fed?
Have you heard of the National Debt?
Have you heard of the National Debt?

Hell yea.

3.2 trillion from non revenue and none job creating Tax Cuts passed by reconciliation.

At least 3 trillion from two wars that went on over a decade.

Who knows how much rebuilding Iraq after we flattened it.

The cost of taking care of more than 30,000 Iraq maimed Americans costing trillions into the future.

The taxes lost from millions of jobs moving to China from 2001 to 2008.

The revenue lost from the more than 40,000 factories closed from 2001 to 2008.

Medicare party D passed though reconciliation costing more than a trillion.

The damage to our gulf coast decades into the future while some protect the perpetrators.

The cost of rebuilding our infrastructure since it was neglected while our money was being spent in the ME.

The damage into the future because we have been defunding our schools.

See, we know the debt. No doubt about it. We even know where it came from and what caused it. It's public record. Only tards don't know how we got it.

Great post rdean!! Yet, all they can whine about is how evil paving a road is or educating a child. That is what they bitch about even through it never has caused it debt problems.

Do I want to balance the budget? YES I DO. I'd cut the millitary 50 billion, repeal the tax cuts, close the loop holes and demand a invisgation into government waste. I'd then work to cut 200 billion dollars of bs.

repeal the tax cuts, close the loop holes

Which taxes cuts? Which loop holes?
Be more specific in your whining.
Obama already repealed the Bush tax cuts.
There are no loopholes. It is just what Democrats say to imply unfairness.
Too often, we get caught in the trap that it's all about taxes. Because that's all the GOP has and their policies all fail. They were so sure it's about taxes, that's why the passed the trillions in lost revenue from the Bush tax cuts. And look at what we got. Debt, debt and more debt. For nothing. They were so sure it would work, they passed a spectacular tax cut and what we got was a spectacular failure. That's what happens without an education. Your policies are based on "wish".

Reagan's tax cuts stimulated the economy and got it going on a pretty good run.

There were other factors.

But education is not a cure-all. Not all jobs require a college education.
Who the fuck would be so stupid to go into huge debt for a job that doesn't require education???? Why do right wingers say such stupid shit???? That's why we have trade schools. Jesus, what is wrong with you people? How can you have a serious discussion when you say what you have to know is so obvious, it's past tard?

Tax cuts are short term stimulus, like Reagan's. And Bush and the GOP hadn't helped move millions of jobs to China and close down over 40,000 factories back then. If the jobs don't exist, tax cuts are shit.
Too often, we get caught in the trap that it's all about taxes. Because that's all the GOP has and their policies all fail. They were so sure it's about taxes, that's why the passed the trillions in lost revenue from the Bush tax cuts. And look at what we got. Debt, debt and more debt. For nothing. They were so sure it would work, they passed a spectacular tax cut and what we got was a spectacular failure. That's what happens without an education. Your policies are based on "wish".

Reagan's tax cuts stimulated the economy and got it going on a pretty good run.

There were other factors.

But education is not a cure-all. Not all jobs require a college education.
Who the fuck would be so stupid to go into huge debt for a job that doesn't require education???? Why do right wingers say such stupid shit???? That's why we have trade schools. Jesus, what is wrong with you people? How can you have a serious discussion when you say what you have to know is so obvious, it's past tard?

Tax cuts are short term stimulus, like Reagan's. And Bush and the GOP hadn't helped move millions of jobs to China and close down over 40,000 factories back then. If the jobs don't exist, tax cuts are shit.

You need to take a class on making sense.

Go into debt for a job ? And you ask about people saying stupid s**t ?

Good job.
Mention CUTS or size of GOVT and they run like CockRoaches. pig pig pig.

Well, again, you really didn't propose anything, you just listed a bunch of agencies without numbers or how you would eliminate them.

I'm reasonably sure I still want someone to do food safety. But if you want to eat unsafe food, please feel free to do so, you rugged individualist, you.
If you suck at what you do, the employer should continue to let you suck more? You want to claim when people are fired, it's the employer being unfair. Based on your work history, sounds to me as if they made a mistake hiring you and were only correcting it later.

Yeah, so about that. So I sucked so much at the job I was let go from they had me in charge of doing ALL THE PURCHASING for their key account in Illinois, about 12 million dollars a year in six locations. No one had any issue with anything I did until I had medical issues in 2007, which didn't effect my work performance one Iota.

I've seen people fired because they got pregnant, were gay, to make a position for a manager's drinking buddy.

SO, yeah, most people who get fired are usually because management crashed the whole company into a ditch or they were just being douchebags to one individual. I never give the employer the benefit of the doubt.

A lot of people in the mid-to-late 50s lost their jobs to younger, cheaper employees in the 2008-09 crash. I know quite a few. Companies started adopting the Walmart business model: high volume, low prices, cheap labor, no more 40-hour work weeks, dump benefits.

This is in no small measure why the revolt in the fast food industry occurred: better educated, older adults taking a job at McDonald's and rebelling against shitty pay and even shittier working conditions.

If you know them and expect the rest of us to believe what you say is true, surely you can provide names, jobs they lost, and the ones that got those jobs.

The "revolt" of the fast food industry started because a bunch of unskilled, entitlement minded, good for nothing, freeloaders were convinced that someone owed them more than they skills they offered were worth. Why wouldn't they accept it. They get something for nothing.

Someone with $7.25/hour skills getting $7.25/hour isn't a shitty wage. Someone working at a fast food restaurant because their skill set is so low, isn't in shitty working conditions. If you want to call it that, blame the ones working there. They are the reason the only place they can work is something like that.
You are the one that is confused.

What is really despicable is the level of greed that you Libtards have.

It is not enough that the higher income earners pay more because they make more but you greedy little bastards want them to pay at a progressively higher rate. That is unfair, immoral and absolutely despicable thievery.

If you really think the rich gets more benefits from the government then you should support the Conservative idea to limit the function of the government to minimal services and do away with welfare, subsidies, bailouts and entitlements.

That way the rich don't get their government welfare checks through various transfer of funds and neither do the ghetto welfare queens or the illegal aliens.

Nobody gets a free ride. That is fair, isn't it?

The problem is that you greedy sonofabitches don't want it to be fair. You want to use the government to steal money to pay the bills that you are too sorry to pay yourself.

You want free stuff and you want to punish those people that are more productive than yourselves. That pretty well well makes you greedy scum, doesn't it?

Actually, what I want is government that functions effectively.

What you want is anarchy, and because you have a few rich Sugar Daddies like the Koch Brothers, you aren't dismissed as a crazy by both parties when you should be.

Except, of course, the Libertarians are only 2% of the population. But we keep treating them like they should be taken seriously.
Mention CUTS or size of GOVT and they run like CockRoaches. pig pig pig.

Well, again, you really didn't propose anything, you just listed a bunch of agencies without numbers or how you would eliminate them.

I'm reasonably sure I still want someone to do food safety. But if you want to eat unsafe food, please feel free to do so, you rugged individualist, you.

I'm reasonably sure I want those who get handouts for thing they should be providing themselves to start providing it to themselves. If you want to provide it to them, be my guest. Otherwise MY money stays with ME not some freeloader.
You are the one that is confused.

What is really despicable is the level of greed that you Libtards have.

It is not enough that the higher income earners pay more because they make more but you greedy little bastards want them to pay at a progressively higher rate. That is unfair, immoral and absolutely despicable thievery.

If you really think the rich gets more benefits from the government then you should support the Conservative idea to limit the function of the government to minimal services and do away with welfare, subsidies, bailouts and entitlements.

That way the rich don't get their government welfare checks through various transfer of funds and neither do the ghetto welfare queens or the illegal aliens.

Nobody gets a free ride. That is fair, isn't it?

The problem is that you greedy sonofabitches don't want it to be fair. You want to use the government to steal money to pay the bills that you are too sorry to pay yourself.

You want free stuff and you want to punish those people that are more productive than yourselves. That pretty well well makes you greedy scum, doesn't it?

Actually, what I want is government that functions effectively.

What you want is anarchy, and because you have a few rich Sugar Daddies like the Koch Brothers, you aren't dismissed as a crazy by both parties when you should be.

Except, of course, the Libertarians are only 2% of the population. But we keep treating them like they should be taken seriously.

You want a government that functions to do things it not Constitutionally delegated to do.
If you know them and expect the rest of us to believe what you say is true, surely you can provide names, jobs they lost, and the ones that got those jobs.

The "revolt" of the fast food industry started because a bunch of unskilled, entitlement minded, good for nothing, freeloaders were convinced that someone owed them more than they skills they offered were worth. Why wouldn't they accept it. They get something for nothing.

Someone with $7.25/hour skills getting $7.25/hour isn't a shitty wage. Someone working at a fast food restaurant because their skill set is so low, isn't in shitty working conditions. If you want to call it that, blame the ones working there. They are the reason the only place they can work is something like that.

I think you wouldn't last a shift working at a fast food place, Cleetus. Those kids probably work harder than you do.
I'm reasonably sure I want those who get handouts for thing they should be providing themselves to start providing it to themselves. If you want to provide it to them, be my guest. Otherwise MY money stays with ME not some freeloader.

Cleetus, you don't have any money. Just because you fancy yourself the landed gentry doesn't make it so.

Like most conservatives, you want your nice middle class entitlements (which are most of what the governmetn actually does spend money on), but you just hate the thought that some poor person might be getting something.
Well, again, you really didn't propose anything, you just listed a bunch of agencies without numbers or how you would eliminate them.

I'm reasonably sure I still want someone to do food safety. But if you want to eat unsafe food, please feel free to do so, you rugged individualist, you.

I am not paid to do it all. I am learn as I go.

I would cut, I printed bunch of stuff looks not needed?
DEPT of ED....gone. See post#184 above. They already did the work in May 2015.
But they seem not bother to chop all the little nonsense I would also cut? every dollar saved is good.

Don't worry, we will keep the Muslim killers in LA looking over your food quality. you betcha!

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