Bernie Sanders does not understand economics

You want a government that functions to do things it not Constitutionally delegated to do.

Like pass protectionist legislation that forces you to pay more taxes because some corporations pay nothing at all?
WTF? What are you snorting again?
The main problem is that 40% of wage earners not only pay nothing, they get back more than they paid in. If those arent freeloaders I dont know what is.

The bleeding heart Liberals have no problem with someone not contributing to the pot getting more and more from it.

That's not true. True liberals want a level playing field without plutocrats running the country.

The problem with your level playing field claim is jealousy. A level playing field comes from taking opportunities that come your way, knowing that life isn't and can't be made fair by any level of redistribution, and realizing that not taking those opportunities isn't the same as those opportunities not existing. If someone quits high school, is it the place of those who didn't and succeeded financially to pay for that bad choice. I say no but get the feeling you believe it is.
You want a government that functions to do things it not Constitutionally delegated to do.

Like pass protectionist legislation that forces you to pay more taxes because some corporations pay nothing at all?
WTF? What are you snorting again?
The main problem is that 40% of wage earners not only pay nothing, they get back more than they paid in. If those arent freeloaders I dont know what is.

The bleeding heart Liberals have no problem with someone not contributing to the pot getting more and more from it.

That's not true. True liberals want a level playing field without plutocrats running the country.
Liberals support affirmative action. They support progressive taxation. They support using the tax code for social engineering.
You want a government that functions to do things it not Constitutionally delegated to do.

Like pass protectionist legislation that forces you to pay more taxes because some corporations pay nothing at all?
WTF? What are you snorting again?
The main problem is that 40% of wage earners not only pay nothing, they get back more than they paid in. If those arent freeloaders I dont know what is.

The bleeding heart Liberals have no problem with someone not contributing to the pot getting more and more from it.

That's not true. True liberals want a level playing field without plutocrats running the country.
Liberals support affirmative action. They support progressive taxation. They support using the tax code for social engineering.

Their concept of a level playing field is based entirely on equal results not equal opportunity. They want the high school dropout to make the same as someone with a medical degree and try to say those on the upper end are the sole cause of why someone on the lower end is where they are.
I have never chosen a candidate on the basis of a tweet.
But Sanders is consistent in his ignorance of the economy and how it works.

Or his ability to function without a super-PAC worries you...
Is he functioning? There isnt a single poll that shows him beating Hillary.

He's doing better than predicted, and better than Obama was doing at this point in the '08 campaign. I'd prefer to wait for primary results rather than put much credence in polls.
I have never chosen a candidate on the basis of a tweet.
But Sanders is consistent in his ignorance of the economy and how it works.

Or his ability to function without a super-PAC worries you...
Is he functioning? There isnt a single poll that shows him beating Hillary.

He's doing better than predicted, and better than Obama was doing at this point in the '08 campaign. I'd prefer to wait for primary results rather than put much credence in polls.
Hillary is killing him and the DNC is trying to undermine him. No one thinks Sanders has a chance. He wont even criticize Hillary.
I have never chosen a candidate on the basis of a tweet.
But Sanders is consistent in his ignorance of the economy and how it works.

Or his ability to function without a super-PAC worries you...
Is he functioning? There isnt a single poll that shows him beating Hillary.

He's doing better than predicted, and better than Obama was doing at this point in the '08 campaign. I'd prefer to wait for primary results rather than put much credence in polls.
Hillary is killing him and the DNC is trying to undermine him. No one thinks Sanders has a chance. He wont even criticize Hillary.

That sums up the Democrat party. Out of their two top candidates, one is a pussy and they support the other because she has one.
I have never chosen a candidate on the basis of a tweet.
But Sanders is consistent in his ignorance of the economy and how it works.

Or his ability to function without a super-PAC worries you...
Is he functioning? There isnt a single poll that shows him beating Hillary.

He's doing better than predicted, and better than Obama was doing at this point in the '08 campaign. I'd prefer to wait for primary results rather than put much credence in polls.
Hillary is killing him and the DNC is trying to undermine him. No one thinks Sanders has a chance. He wont even criticize Hillary.

Meh. We'll see.
I'd prefer to wait for primary results rather than put much credence in polls.

You prefer to hold your cards until you see if da' beast don't do time. I almost hope for Sanders to just crash this slow bleed once and for all. Then we can rebuild the right way, after the riots are over.
He's doing better than predicted, and better than Obama was doing at this point in the '08 campaign.

Obama got in because he 1/2 black with Muslim name. Nothing else. same folks won't be excited to voter for HER.

Sanders has ZERO chance if the law overlook mis-handling top secret for 6 years.
Evidently he has no clue how collateral works, the man is obviously a few cards shy on the ole economic deck. A home has actual value...a women's study degree? Not so much. The man is running on an economics platform? Scary shit

Bernie Sanders


You have families out there paying 6, 8, 10 percent on student debt but you can refinance your homes at 3 percent. What sense is that?
10:39 AM - 26 Dec 2015

I could have told you he didn't have Clue One about economics, just by that (D) after his name.
Yes, you are financing a HOME which is a PHYSICAL thing worth money on the open market...what the fuck are you financing if the student DEFAULTS on their loan? Anything PHYSICAL that can be taken and resold on the open market?

Well, I guess we could sell them into indentured servitude to pay their debt, but I seem to recall that being made illegal at some point.
I could have told you he didn't have Clue One about economics, just by that (D) after his name.

It's an (I), actually.

The fixation on that tweet aside, what is it in his 30-year track record that highlights his inexperience in economic issues, IYO?
I could have told you he didn't have Clue One about economics, just by that (D) after his name.

It's an (I), actually.

The fixation on that tweet aside, what is it in his 30-year track record that highlights his experience in economic issues, IYO?

Oh, Bernie Boy is running for the Independents nomination? I could have SWORN he was running for the DEMOCRAT candidacy.

Gee whiz, why did all of you let me go on thinking he wanted to be the DEMOCRAT nominee instead of Hillary? :oops-28:
I could have told you he didn't have Clue One about economics, just by that (D) after his name.

It's an (I), actually.

The fixation on that tweet aside, what is it in his 30-year track record that highlights his experience in economic issues, IYO?

Oh, Bernie Boy is running for the Independents nomination? I could have SWORN he was running for the DEMOCRAT candidacy.

Gee whiz, why did all of you let me go on thinking he wanted to be the DEMOCRAT nominee instead of Hillary? :oops-28:

I believe you were asked a question.
I could have told you he didn't have Clue One about economics, just by that (D) after his name.

It's an (I), actually.

The fixation on that tweet aside, what is it in his 30-year track record that highlights his inexperience in economic issues, IYO?
I've read numerous op eds he's written in the Wall St Journal. He has no idea about trade or anything else. IN his mind if someone is making money it's only because they're fucking over someone else.
SSI? Medicare? We paid into it for more than 50 years for many. It is not entitlement. It is our money.

Home Mortgage deduction. They signed up a contract with US. Change it? maybe? not sure.

what else you got?

But under the right circumstances, you'll get more out of those than you'll paid into them. That's the point. You guys are fine with money YOU get out of the government.
It's hard work pushing a button and reading a prompt that asks "Do you want fried with that?". I work harder in one day than they work in one month.

Yet, you never talk about what it is you actually do. I'm sure catching those possums is hard work.

I didn't want to work at such places. That's why I gained marketable skills. Now, because I did, I'm expected to subsidize the incomes of those who have nothing more in their pitiful existence in skills than to work at a place like that.

Yes, your possum catching skills are second to none.
Unlike that poor person, I contribute to the pot. They don't. If they contribute, they should get it. When they don't, all you want is for them to have what they don't pay for and want those of us who do have more than you think we should to fund it. If someone gets food, I want them to pay for it not expect it to be handed to them. If someone has a place to live, I want them to pay for it same as I do. If someone's kid goes to college, I want that parent to pay for it. You won't none of those.

I just have this image of Daffy Duck screaming "Mine, mine, mine, mine, mine!!!" and trying to push Bugs Bunny down into the hole.

As I've said, I would like for WalMart and McDonalds to pay their employees enough so they don't have to go on food stamps. These are multi-billion dollar companies that pay their execs 8 figure salaries. Failing that, I'm all for taxes the ever loving shit out of those 8 figure salaries to pay for those social programs.
In other words, you want the government to do what the government doesn't have authority to do? Those powdered wig shitters 200 years ago put into the document you want to allow what wasn't delegated to the government you want doing it a way to add it to that document. That you don't like the method they provided to expand the government and want the government to just be able to do it isn't my problem. It's yours.

Actually, all we need to do is get the president to sign an executive order. Problem solved.

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