Bernie Sanders does not understand economics

. A lot of that spending on the poor is meant to subsidize the interests of the rich.

That is Left Wing bullshit. The fact that the welfare rolls in this country is astronomical and none of the welfare queens pays a damn cent of the trillion a year in income taxes is all the proof anyone needs.

However, if you really believed that commie crap then you would join me in advocating that the business of government should be nothing more than providing the bare necessary government functions. That way your "rich people" don't get any money from the government. Of course that would also include your filthy ass welfare queens, illegal aliens and Muslim refugees. that you dumbass Moon Bats love so much

You would join me in agreeing that the government should not be giving out any subsidies, bailouts, welfare or entitlements.

You won't do that because being an uneducated low information greedy Left Winger you want the government to be in the business of taking money from the people that earned it and giving to the welfare queens. You think the country would be more prosperous with that organized thievery and that makes you a dumbshit for all practical purposes.
The tax breaks were for doing things that were helpful. If you wanted to bathe in champaign, you paid for it.

No one has ever answered for this Chart showing FED Revenue never breaks 20% * GDP (no matter what upper rate)?

Why is that? Money moves? People stop working at threshold? GDP slows? If 20% is all you can EVER get......set 20% Flat tax and be done with it. no deductions. (home mortgage? ahhh maybe not)

The tax breaks were for doing things that were helpful. If you wanted to bathe in champaign, you paid for it.

No one has ever answered for this Chart showing FED Revenue never breaks 20% * GDP (no matter what upper rate)?

Why is that? Money moves? People stop working at threshold? GDP slows? If 20% is all you can EVER get......set 20% Flat tax and be done with it. no deductions. (home mortgage? ahhh maybe not)

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They dont care. Libs are all about "sticking it" to high income people. They dont care that it is counterproductive and actually hurts lower income people.
Last job I quit, I gave my employer every opportunity to do the right thing. I pointed out where I had saved the company money (close to half a million dollars over 7 years). They simply didn't care, so after a certain point, I finally took a job with a company that paid better.

I suspect you are the typical entitlement Libtard that thinks you deserve a whole lot more than what you are really worth. Most of you Moon Bats suffer from that delusion.

I also suspect that the company expected you to earn your salary by saving them money and probably replaced you with somebody that did a better a job.

Wow, y'all are almost as scared of him as you are of Hillary. Must mean he's gaining ground...

You're right for a change...this prick is MORE DANGEROUS than the murderous bitch Hildebeast is... He will COMPLETELY DESTROY our economy, even that bitch won't do that!

Mm-hm. Just like he's done for 30 years in Congress?

Y'all make me laugh. Don't judge a politician on his track record, but on one tweet and the fact that you're terrified of the word "socialist."

This has been the funniest presidential election of my life, and it's not even '16.

Rock on! :rock:
That's why one leaves one job to take a better one. That's not entitlement that's being smart. Why should I be loyal to a company when another one is waiting to treat me better. Buy bye loyalty.
Walking out is quitting. If it makes you feel better about yourself to say otherwise, do so. The rest of us look at you as a quitter.

Last job I quit, I gave my employer every opportunity to do the right thing. I pointed out where I had saved the company money (close to half a million dollars over 7 years). They simply didn't care, so after a certain point, I finally took a job with a company that paid better.

The problem is you expected your former employer to believe it because you said it. You called it the right thing because you believed it to be. Another quitter.

It might help if we had some context for your POV.
What region do you live in?
Your industry?
Do you hire non-skilled/skilled/combination people?
Are you retired?

As it is, you are coming off as arrogant even if you're not.
As an honest note, most of the people I know who appear to be arrogant aren't going to be too thrilled when they meet God because they really ARE arrogant.
If it's only 1/10 of 1%, it's too much going to the poor. That the welfare queen gets something from a pot to which she doesn't contribute makes that half a cookie half too much. You idiots constantly talk about paying taxes is part of living in a civilized society then go about making all sorts of excuses as to why those who constantly have society take care of them shouldn't have to pay a dime of what you say is a requirement of living in society.

So many problems with this rant.

There was never a "welfare queen". Reagan made that shit up. Most people on assistance are only on it for short times.

Second, most people on assistance have jobs. 40% of SNAP households have at least one person who has a job... Most Medicaid clients work for people who don't offer health benefits.

If taxes are a part of it, it's high time they start paying the same taxes the rest of us pay. You talk about personal responsibility yet support handing someone another person's money which is a direct sign that the one doing the receiving isn't being personally responsible.

Not really. I don't mistake misfortune for merit. The "Generational" welfare recipient is a myth.

If you support Obamacare because it's making people who wanted a free ride medically personally responsible, when are you going to support those getting a free ride with food, etc. being personally responsible for providing for themselves?

I think you are confused. I support Obamacare because what we are doing is impractical. More practical would be single payer.

More practical would be providing a job to every able bodied American, rather than what the rich decide to give us.
The top 20% also pay 80% of that trillion a year in income tax. The top 2% pays 50% of it. "The rich" also pays the bulk of the state income tax and property tax in the US.

When is enough going to be enough for you greedy bastards who thinks the government should steal from other to pay your bills?

Who in the hell are you to think you are entitled to the money that other people makes?

What home school did you learn to conjugate verbs in, Cleetus?

Here's the problem with that reasoning, Cleetus. Payments to the poor is only a SMALL percentage of what the government spends.

Here, let me help you out.


More than HALF the spending is Medicare and Social Security, nice middle class entitlements you'd scream if anyone tried to deny you. 17% is defense spending and another 18% is mandatory spending on things like infrastructure, law enforcement, debt payment, etc. Only 17% of what we spend is "discretionary" and only a small amount of that are programs to help the poor.

But it gets better. A lot of that spending on the poor is meant to subsidize the interests of the rich. As I pointed out earlier, Food Stamps are meant to keep the demand for food high enough to make it economical to actually grow and process it.

A Koch brother, a teabagger and a single mom go into a restaurant and a waiter brings out a tray of 12 cookies. The Koch Brother wolf down 11 of them and then says to the teabagger, "That Welfare Queen wants half your cookie!"

There is so much hidden in those generic pie charts it is hard to know where to begin. So much overhead, waste, cost of govt depts hidden.

Until the GOVT is slim down to bone........Eliminate/Reduce/cut/consolidate, whatever. Do not ask us citizens for one more dollar for OUT OF CONTROL spending.
More equitable distribution of wealth? You must mean those who have something being expected to simply hand it over to someone like you has nothing. Not surprised. If it wasn't for the government, you might be able to live in something other than a 40 year single wide mobile home. I bet you call it an RV because it has wheels.

Well, uh, no. I actually live in a Condo, and while I did get a VA loan, I have a credit score that is close to 800. So as usual, you have no idea what you are talking about. I also own lake property in Wisconsin (although I inherited that from my parents).

Now, here's the thing. I have a college degree, I'm a certified professional in my field (Purchasing and supply chain), and frankly, it's really been a struggle in Bush's recessionary times. Unlike my parents who had no college, but my Dad was in a union and they made sure he got a fair wage.

"The problem with Capitalism is Capitalists... they're too damned Greedy"- Herbert Hoover.
Irrelevant post of the day

It's completely relevant. Conservatives always whine and cry about how (conveniently) we don't have money for the stuff they don't like. But, when it comes to the things they do like, suddenly the national debt and the deficit fade into the background as if they were never really problems to begin with. It's called selective fiscal concern.

So your solution to corporate welfare--a Democrat program btw--is to expand it to everyone?

No, get rid of it entirely. Then provide welfare for people who actually need it.
There is so much hidden in those generic pie charts it is hard to know where to begin. So much overhead, waste, cost of govt depts hidden.

Until the GOVT is slim down to bone........Eliminate/Reduce/cut/consolidate, whatever. Do not ask us citizens for one more dollar for OUT OF CONTROL spending.

The thing is, as much as you Republicans whine about government spending, it usually skyrockets when you are in charge.

I'll take you seriously when you actually propose things to cut that are practical.
The problem is you expected your former employer to believe it because you said it. You called it the right thing because you believed it to be. Another quitter.

Actually, I expected them to believe it because I could DOCUMENT it.

I could pull figures out of their accounting system and show, this is what we paid for this in 2011, and this is what we are paying for it now. - better vendors, better forecasting, etc.

And this guy with a midlife crisis was too busy takign two hour martini lunches with his drinking buddies to care.

So a month after I leave, the parent corporation announces that they plan to shut down operations.
Of course, he understands the economics of what he's saying. Higher taxes on the wealthy to start when that doesn't handle his free everything then the hikes move down to the middle class. Its all about more government.

The top 20% controls 87% of the wealth. They can afford to pay more in taxes.

We had our greatest prosperity between 1945 and 1980, when the rich paid 93% to 70% top marginal rates.

The top 20% also pay 80% of that trillion a year in income tax. The top 2% pays 50% of it. "The rich" also pays the bulk of the state income tax and property tax in the US.

When is enough going to be enough for you greedy bastards who thinks the government should steal from other to pay your bills?

Who in the hell are you to think you are entitled to the money that other people makes?

Who the hell do you think you are to use and become heir to every opportunity this great country offers and not do a thing in return? Most of those in the top tier never even consider joining up and fighting in these Republican oil wars. George W. Bush was born with a silver spoon in his mouth, dodged the draft to stay out of Vietnam, used family ties to work his way into politics and then single handedly involved the country in a totally unnecessary war because of personal reasons. I wish there was a hell so that ass hole would burn. I'm pretty sure the families of the 4500 killed there probably feel the same way.

The reason most young Americans don't go to college and if they do they attend one of the small schools for financial reasons. Those at the top have it made. They ride rough shod over the less than fortunate and poor. It's what they do. The very first thing this country should do is get the goddam private enterprise out of schools and provide a thorough education for every young citizen. Then....when everybody is playing on a level field we'll see how goddam great the rich ones are.

As far as me....I began working 40 hours a week during my junior and senior years in high school, worked 60 during the summers then worked for Union Carbide Corp./Martin Marietta etc. in Oak Ridge, TN 41 years. The only benefit I ever took from the government was a 3 year electronics school which I attended at night in addition to my regular job. I served in the U S Army in 1957 and 1958 then stayed in the TN National Guards till 1963.

Your Turn!!
Bush was sworn in a month before the 2001 recession began. What did he do to cause that recession?

Pissed away the savings by giving another worthless tax cut to the rich.
Ignored a warning we were about to be attacked on 9/11. (which probably turned a minor recession into an ordeal.)
Generally being a complete fuckup. That's why I'm grateful for Jeb. He fucked things up before he got into office.

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