Bernie Sanders does not understand economics

Yup. Most companies enjoy firing people especially their most productive ones. But those workers can find a better job anyway. I walked out on two jobs in my life. Gotta say those were two of the better days in my life. Very empowering to tell your boss to stick it.

So being a quitter is a good thing? Not surprised. If you couldn't afford you food, etc. after having done that, I'd let your ass starve.
The wealthy already pays the bulk of the taxes here in the US. Where is the equality in that?

They also control most of the wealth, so they should. Here's the thing. if you HAD a more equitable distribution of the wealth, you probably wouldn't need as much government.

Instead, you wingnuts got it ass backwards. You have the government doing more for working people than the employers they slave away for, and then you totally wonder why they vote for more government and not less.

More equitable distribution of wealth? You must mean those who have something being expected to simply hand it over to someone like you has nothing. Not surprised. If it wasn't for the government, you might be able to live in something other than a 40 year single wide mobile home. I bet you call it an RV because it has wheels.
Yes being a quitter can be a good thing. I owe my employer no more than the hours I have to work. When a better job awaits why should I stick around for two weeks for a lousy emp!oyer?
Love? You want love, go to a whorehouse. This is about business. Companies hire workers because they need those skills. In return they pay workers. They will pay workers exactly enough to be able to get those skills. In doing that companies compete with each other for the same workers. So highly sought workers in tech might get great salaries plus various perks. Low skilled workers wont get as much because there are so many available. This is called the labor market. Something liberals just wont understand. They think employment is another form of charity.

The problem with that kind of thinking is that it assumes the Capitalist doing the hiring really merits the power he has to make decisions who deserves what.

The economy is not driven by capitalists being greedy. It's driven by people creating goods and services and buying goods and services.

and when you have a WalMart or a McDonald's underpaying their "low skilled" workers and telling them how to apply for Medicaid and SNAP and Section 8 housing, you guys act all surprised when these self-same workers go out and vote for an Obama who promises them free college or something else that will make their lives or their kids' lives better.

You all really didn't think this through, did you?
Spare the "give your everything for the company" be. Those days are over and rightfully so.
Yes being a quitter can be a good thing. I owe my employer no more than the hours I have to work. When a better job awaits why should I stick around for two weeks for a lousy emp!oyer?

Being a quitter makes you a loser.

Two weeks is a professional way of doing things. I guess when you go from McDonalds to Burger King, that isn't one of those things that is professional.
Walking out is quitting. If it makes you feel better about yourself to say otherwise, do so. The rest of us look at you as a quitter.

Last job I quit, I gave my employer every opportunity to do the right thing. I pointed out where I had saved the company money (close to half a million dollars over 7 years). They simply didn't care, so after a certain point, I finally took a job with a company that paid better.
Yes being a quitter can be a good thing. I owe my employer no more than the hours I have to work. When a better job awaits why should I stick around for two weeks for a lousy emp!oyer?

Being a quitter makes you a loser.

Two weeks is a professional way of doing things. I guess when you go from McDonalds to Burger King, that isn't one of those things that is professional.

When employers give you a two week notice when they terminate you, then you should give them two weeks notice when you leave.

Two weeks notice is a COURTESY, not a requirement. Some people just don't fucking deserve courtesy.
Walking out is quitting. If it makes you feel better about yourself to say otherwise, do so. The rest of us look at you as a quitter.

Last job I quit, I gave my employer every opportunity to do the right thing. I pointed out where I had saved the company money (close to half a million dollars over 7 years). They simply didn't care, so after a certain point, I finally took a job with a company that paid better.

The problem is you expected your former employer to believe it because you said it. You called it the right thing because you believed it to be. Another quitter.
Yes being a quitter can be a good thing. I owe my employer no more than the hours I have to work. When a better job awaits why should I stick around for two weeks for a lousy emp!oyer?

Being a quitter makes you a loser.

Two weeks is a professional way of doing things. I guess when you go from McDonalds to Burger King, that isn't one of those things that is professional.

When employers give you a two week notice when they terminate you, then you should give them two weeks notice when you leave.

Two weeks notice is a COURTESY, not a requirement. Some people just don't fucking deserve courtesy.

When they terminate you, it's for cause. When you leave, it's your choice. Two different scenarios.

Two weeks notice is a PROFESSIONAL courtesy. Some people just aren't professional. That's why they, I mean you, go from job to job.
Never collected a cent of unemployment. Always had a job. But a smart worker is always looking g for a better job. Any worker that doesn't is a company shill.
Yes being a quitter can be a good thing. I owe my employer no more than the hours I have to work. When a better job awaits why should I stick around for two weeks for a lousy emp!oyer?

Being a quitter makes you a loser.

Two weeks is a professional way of doing things. I guess when you go from McDonalds to Burger King, that isn't one of those things that is professional.

When employers give you a two week notice when they terminate you, then you should give them two weeks notice when you leave.

Two weeks notice is a COURTESY, not a requirement. Some people just don't fucking deserve courtesy.

If you suck at what you do, the employer should continue to let you suck more? You want to claim when people are fired, it's the employer being unfair. Based on your work history, sounds to me as if they made a mistake hiring you and were only correcting it later.
How can a worker leaving hurt a company? If they need him that bad then pay him or make the offer. You believe you owe the employer courtesy? Why?
Well at 77 years old I am happily retired and don't miss the ugly rat race at all. Work is for people who don't know how to hunt. Lol
Evidently he has no clue how collateral works, the man is obviously a few cards shy on the ole economic deck. A home has actual value...a women's study degree? Not so much. The man is running on an economics platform? Scary shit

Uh, Fat Irish Sow, the last FIVE recessions have been on Republican Watches. I don't think you guys really can argue on economics.

GFY you childish old freak and stay on topic

I am on topic.

Your party caused the last FIVE recessions. Nearly every recession of my lifetime except the one during Carter's watch was caused by a Republican.

But you guys are going to insist Bernie doesn't know what he's talking about.

Don't agree with Bernie, on a lot of issues, but you guys aren't the ones to make the argument.

Bush was sworn in a month before the 2001 recession began. What did he do to cause that recession?

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