Bernie Sanders does not understand economics

Evidently he has no clue how collateral works, the man is obviously a few cards shy on the ole economic deck. A home has actual value...a women's study degree? Not so much. The man is running on an economics platform? Scary shit

Bernie Sanders


You have families out there paying 6, 8, 10 percent on student debt but you can refinance your homes at 3 percent. What sense is that?
10:39 AM - 26 Dec 2015

Where did the women's study degree come from?
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Not a communist. Just stating things as I see them. There is a growing negative outlook on workers nationally and it is found here as well.
Mention health insurance and people here don't think employers should offer it. Social security is a ponzi scheme. Medicare is bad. Paid sick days are bad. Where's the love?
Of course, he understands the economics of what he's saying. Higher taxes on the wealthy to start when that doesn't handle his free everything then the hikes move down to the middle class. Its all about more government.

The top 20% controls 87% of the wealth. They can afford to pay more in taxes.

We had our greatest prosperity between 1945 and 1980, when the rich paid 93% to 70% top marginal rates.

The top 20% also pay 80% of that trillion a year in income tax. The top 2% pays 50% of it. "The rich" also pays the bulk of the state income tax and property tax in the US.

When is enough going to be enough for you greedy bastards who thinks the government should steal from other to pay your bills?

Who in the hell are you to think you are entitled to the money that other people makes?

Just think Flashy (if that is possible) If the ultra wealthy had ALL the money they could pay ALL the taxes.

Stupid fuck, of course the wealthy pay a lot in taxes. They have the most income and the most income gains.

The wealthy already pays the bulk of the taxes here in the US. Where is the equality in that?

For instance, why should they pay most of that trillion a year in income tax and half the people in the country don't have to pay any? That is not fair or moral by any stretch of the imagination.

It is thievery to have a system where greedy assholes use the force of government to steal from others what they are too sorry to provide for themselves.

There are a few necessary functions of government, like defense, courts, police etc. Those functions should be equally paid for by all users. A progressive tax system is thievery any way you look at it.

There should be no welfare, subsidies, bailouts or entitlements. When you take money from one person that earned it and by the force of government give it to another then that is thievery and that is very wrong.

We need to reduce the size of this filthy ass bloated government to the bare minimum and then make sure everybody pays for the services they get. This immoral idea that you should be forced by the government to pay other people's bills is absolutely despicable.
Not a communist. Just stating things as I see them. There is a growing negative outlook on workers nationally and it is found here as well.
Mention health insurance and people here don't think employers should offer it. Social security is a ponzi scheme. Medicare is bad. Paid sick days are bad. Where's the love?
Love? You want love, go to a whorehouse. This is about business. Companies hire workers because they need those skills. In return they pay workers. They will pay workers exactly enough to be able to get those skills. In doing that companies compete with each other for the same workers. So highly sought workers in tech might get great salaries plus various perks. Low skilled workers wont get as much because there are so many available. This is called the labor market. Something liberals just wont understand. They think employment is another form of charity.
There should also be no loopholes for large corporations who get away with paying nothing. Filthy slimy corporations that do that.
Not a communist. Just stating things as I see them. There is a growing negative outlook on workers nationally and it is found here as well.
Mention health insurance and people here don't think employers should offer it. Social security is a ponzi scheme. Medicare is bad. Paid sick days are bad. Where's the love?
You're full of crap, that's why there's no love. Employers should be forced to pay for your health insurance nor should employees get to decide what they are worth to the company. No one views workers negatively, you made that up to fit your agenda.
Yes you do agree employers should pay health insurance. That's a start. Let's also remember a good employee does not show loyalty to his employer and can pick up and walk out without notice. But that probably would bug you. A good employee uses his skulls against the company also.
Yes you do agree employers should pay health insurance. That's a start. Let's also remember a good employee does not show loyalty to his employer and can pick up and walk out without notice. But that probably would bug you. A good employee uses his skulls against the company also.
I think he meant to say employers should NOT pay insurance.
But you make a point. Any employee who thinks he can get a better deal elsewhere is free to pick up and leave. But similarly any employer who thinks he can get a better deal ought to be free to fire the employee at will.
Yup. Most companies enjoy firing people especially their most productive ones. But those workers can find a better job anyway. I walked out on two jobs in my life. Gotta say those were two of the better days in my life. Very empowering to tell your boss to stick it.
The top 20% also pay 80% of that trillion a year in income tax. The top 2% pays 50% of it. "The rich" also pays the bulk of the state income tax and property tax in the US.

When is enough going to be enough for you greedy bastards who thinks the government should steal from other to pay your bills?

Who in the hell are you to think you are entitled to the money that other people makes?

What home school did you learn to conjugate verbs in, Cleetus?

Here's the problem with that reasoning, Cleetus. Payments to the poor is only a SMALL percentage of what the government spends.

Here, let me help you out.


More than HALF the spending is Medicare and Social Security, nice middle class entitlements you'd scream if anyone tried to deny you. 17% is defense spending and another 18% is mandatory spending on things like infrastructure, law enforcement, debt payment, etc. Only 17% of what we spend is "discretionary" and only a small amount of that are programs to help the poor.

But it gets better. A lot of that spending on the poor is meant to subsidize the interests of the rich. As I pointed out earlier, Food Stamps are meant to keep the demand for food high enough to make it economical to actually grow and process it.

A Koch brother, a teabagger and a single mom go into a restaurant and a waiter brings out a tray of 12 cookies. The Koch Brother wolf down 11 of them and then says to the teabagger, "That Welfare Queen wants half your cookie!"
I think he meant to say employers should NOT pay insurance.
But you make a point. Any employee who thinks he can get a better deal elsewhere is free to pick up and leave. But similarly any employer who thinks he can get a better deal ought to be free to fire the employee at will.

We already have at-will employment. It hasn't made the economy any better.
The top 20% also pay 80% of that trillion a year in income tax. The top 2% pays 50% of it. "The rich" also pays the bulk of the state income tax and property tax in the US.

When is enough going to be enough for you greedy bastards who thinks the government should steal from other to pay your bills?

Who in the hell are you to think you are entitled to the money that other people makes?

What home school did you learn to conjugate verbs in, Cleetus?

Here's the problem with that reasoning, Cleetus. Payments to the poor is only a SMALL percentage of what the government spends.

Here, let me help you out.


More than HALF the spending is Medicare and Social Security, nice middle class entitlements you'd scream if anyone tried to deny you. 17% is defense spending and another 18% is mandatory spending on things like infrastructure, law enforcement, debt payment, etc. Only 17% of what we spend is "discretionary" and only a small amount of that are programs to help the poor.

But it gets better. A lot of that spending on the poor is meant to subsidize the interests of the rich. As I pointed out earlier, Food Stamps are meant to keep the demand for food high enough to make it economical to actually grow and process it.

A Koch brother, a teabagger and a single mom go into a restaurant and a waiter brings out a tray of 12 cookies. The Koch Brother wolf down 11 of them and then says to the teabagger, "That Welfare Queen wants half your cookie!"

If it's only 1/10 of 1%, it's too much going to the poor. That the welfare queen gets something from a pot to which she doesn't contribute makes that half a cookie half too much. You idiots constantly talk about paying taxes is part of living in a civilized society then go about making all sorts of excuses as to why those who constantly have society take care of them shouldn't have to pay a dime of what you say is a requirement of living in society. If taxes are a part of it, it's high time they start paying the same taxes the rest of us pay. You talk about personal responsibility yet support handing someone another person's money which is a direct sign that the one doing the receiving isn't being personally responsible. If you support Obamacare because it's making people who wanted a free ride medically personally responsible, when are you going to support those getting a free ride with food, etc. being personally responsible for providing for themselves?
I think he meant to say employers should NOT pay insurance.
But you make a point. Any employee who thinks he can get a better deal elsewhere is free to pick up and leave. But similarly any employer who thinks he can get a better deal ought to be free to fire the employee at will.

We already have at-will employment. It hasn't made the economy any better.

That's because when people don't WANT to work because the bleeding hearts will hand them another person's money, why would they work when they can get as much or more for doing nothing?
There should also be no loopholes for large corporations who get away with paying nothing. Filthy slimy corporations that do that.

Filthy, slimy individuals do that and all you bleeding hearts do is hand them more of someone else's money.
Yup. Most companies enjoy firing people especially their most productive ones. But those workers can find a better job anyway. I walked out on two jobs in my life. Gotta say those were two of the better days in my life. Very empowering to tell your boss to stick it.
You walked out on 2 jobs. You were fired from all the rest.
The wealthy already pays the bulk of the taxes here in the US. Where is the equality in that?

They also control most of the wealth, so they should. Here's the thing. if you HAD a more equitable distribution of the wealth, you probably wouldn't need as much government.

Instead, you wingnuts got it ass backwards. You have the government doing more for working people than the employers they slave away for, and then you totally wonder why they vote for more government and not less.
I don't think Bernie understands economics either. But we know for sure Republicans don't. They nearly ruined the world and they think "supply and demand", the foundation for all modern economics, is a "wild liberal theory".

I shudder to think the next time they run the entire government after the disaster under Bush. Could you imagine? If they got the change to "finish the job"?

Most Republicans BEFORE 1935 believed and supported "supply and demand" - now they are as fascists as the liberals - central planning is the order of the day. Ask Paul "TARP" Ryan.

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