Bernie Sanders Exposes the 26 Billionaires who are Buying the 2012 Election

Excellent work by sanders to show the puppet masters that own the GOP trash.

why did he or you not include the Democrat puppet masters that own the Democrat trash?...

While I get the spirit of your point, there really isn't kind of an equivalency going on here:

According to opensecrets the Top Five Superpacs:

Restore Our Future---------Conservative------$82,200,973
American Crossroads-------Conservative------$40,233,419
Winning Our Future---------Conservative------$23,921,115
Priorities USA Action--------Liberal------------$20,736,737
Club for Growth Action-----Conservative------$10,321,376

Super PACs | OpenSecrets

a puppet master is a puppet master the Republicans have a bunch of people who are worth 25-30 Billion controlling them....while the Democrats have people who are only worth 5-10 i supposed to feel better about them?....:eusa_eh:
That seems to be your meme.

But it also seems that if allowed..alternative energy would be able to take over in less then a decade.

I am stating facts.
We don't have anything yet that will produce all the products made from petroleum.
Without these products we would go back into the dark ages.

So not using fossil fuels for our vehicles or other energy needs means we won't use any petroleum products at all? That's quite a leap...

Talk to the far left greenies who are pushing for it at the G8 summit.
why did he or you not include the Democrat puppet masters that own the Democrat trash?...

While I get the spirit of your point, there really isn't kind of an equivalency going on here:

According to opensecrets the Top Five Superpacs:

Restore Our Future---------Conservative------$82,200,973
American Crossroads-------Conservative------$40,233,419
Winning Our Future---------Conservative------$23,921,115
Priorities USA Action--------Liberal------------$20,736,737
Club for Growth Action-----Conservative------$10,321,376

Super PACs | OpenSecrets

a puppet master is a puppet master the Republicans have a bunch of people who are worth 25-30 Billion controlling them....while the Democrats have people who are only worth 5-10 i supposed to feel better about them?....:eusa_eh:

I think it should make you feel worse about the right/far right, if anything.

I think the numbers I posted above, along with the fact that a handful of individuals are responsible for a large amount of the superpac spending, put a wet blanket on the "both sides are bad" angle of this issue.
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Where is George Clooney, Where is Sarah Jessica parker , Where is Bill Maher . And all the other Hollywood elites

They didn't donate enough to make the list. The heavy hitting puppet masters that pull the strings are exclusive to the GOP.

Maher donated $1 million. I'm sure George Soros donated much more than that.

I thought the criteria for getting on the list was being a billionaire, not how much you donated.
I think it should make you feel worse about the right/far right, if anything.

I think the numbers I posted above, along with the fact that a handful of individuals are responsible for a large amount of the superpac spending, put a wet blanket on the "both sides are bad" angle of this issue.

There's nothing "bad" about donating money to causes you support.
And, Obama has no wealthy contributors.


Keep fooling yourselves.

And, Obama has no wealthy contributors.


Keep fooling yourselves.


....and Obama campaigns with stimulus money and loan guarantees. He can also give our share of GM to the UAW.
Billionaire, fifteen times over, George Soros, referring to the September, 2008 banking panic and subsequent economic collapse that he quite probably helped to orchestrate thus enabling his friend Barack Hussein Obama to gain the American presidency, said the following Depression has been very good to him. That, and the two billion American taxpayor dollars that Obama , once in office, sent to Petrobras all the while telling Brazil America wanted to be their best petroleum customer, probably helped. Brazil took the two bil and promptly agreed to sell all the oil the two bil helped to produce to the Chicomms.

Weasel Zippers » Blog Archive » Video: Obama Thanks “Gay-Porn Kingpin” For Organizing Reelection Campaign Fundraiser…

Meanwhile Obama arranges to have his billionaire donors slide by under the radar. "Free speech for me, but not for thee."always the Democrats mantra. Did you really suppose the Vermont Commie, Bernie Sanders, would release anything newsworthy that would hurt his friend the Chicago Commie?

Weasel Zippers » Blog Archive » Report: Top Obama Campaign Bundler Heads Democracy Alliance, Secretive Group of Liberal Billionaire Donors…
I'm pretty sure Weasel Zippers is a conservative fetish porn site. Click with caution.
Yes American Conservatism is a huge sell in the USA. Wow

Fascism is big business with the GOP thugs.

The Democrat agenda is fascism, not conservatism. Fascism is an ideology favoring big government. Conservatives want small government. Liberals want big government.

Obamacare is fascism.

You don't have a clue to what you are talking about, just the way the right wing propaganda masters want you to be.
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Bernie Sanders Exposes the 26 Billionaires who are Buying the 2012 Election

In his new report, America For Sale: A Report on Billionaires Buying the 2012 Election, Sen. Bernie Sanders named names and called out the billionaires who using Citizens United to buy our democracy.

In front of a Senate panel today, Sen. Bernie Sanders outed the 26 billionaires who are members of 23 billionaire families that are using Citizens United to buy elections. Sen. Sanders estimated that these 26 billionaires are the tip of the iceberg. “My guess is that number is really much greater because many of these contributions are made in secret. In other words, not content to own our economy, the 1 percent want to own our government as well.”

Sanders explained how the Supreme Court’s Citizens United decision put the government up for sale, “What the Supreme Court did in Citizens United is to say to these same billionaires and the corporations they control: ‘You own and control the economy, you own Wall Street, you own the coal companies, you own the oil companies. Now, for a very small percentage of your wealth, we’re going to give you the opportunity to own the United States government.’”

Sen. Sanders also did the last thing the billionaires wanted. He called them out by name.

According to the report, America for Sale: A Report on Billionaires Buying the 2012 Election, here are the 26 billionaires who are trying to buy your government:

1). Sheldon Adelson, owner of the Las Vegas Sands Casino, is worth nearly $25 billion, making him the 14th wealthiest person in the world and the 7th richest person in America. While median family income plummeted by nearly 40% from 2007-2010, Mr. Adelson has experienced a nearly eightfold increase in his wealth over the past three years (from $3.4 billion to $24.9 billion). Forbes recently reported that Adelson is willing to spend a “limitless” amount of money or more than $100 million to help defeat President Obama in November.

2. The Kochs (David, Charles, and William) are worth a combined $103 billion, according to Forbes. They have pledged to spend about $400 million during the 2012 election season. The Kochs own more wealth than the bottom 41.7 percent of American households or more than 49 million Americans.

3. Jim Walton is worth $23.7 billion. He has donated $300,000 to super PACs in 2012.

4. Harold Simmons is worth $9 billion. He has donated $15.2 million to super PACs this year.

5. Peter Thiel is worth $1.5 billion. He has donated $6.7 million to Super PACs this year.

6. Jerrold Perenchio is worth $2.3 billion. He has donated $2.6 million to super PACs this year.

7. Kenneth Griffin is worth $3 billion and he has given $2.08 million to super PACs in 2012.

8. James Simons is worth $10.7 billion and he has given $1.5 million to super Pacs this year.

9. Julian Robertson is worth $2.5 billion and he has given $1.25 million to super PACs this year.

10. Robert Rowling is worth $4.8 billion and he has given $1.1 million to super PACs.

11. John Paulson, the hedge fund manager who made his fortune betting that the sub-prime mortgage market would collapse, is worth $12.5 billion. He has donated $1 million to super PACs.

12. Richard and J.W. Marriott are worth a combined $3.1 billion and they have donated $2 million to super PACs this year.

13. James Davis is worth $1.9 billion and he has given $1 million to super PACs this year.

14. Harold Hamm is worth $11 billion and he has given $985,000 to super PACs this year.

15. Kenny Trout is worth more than $1.2 billion and he has given $900,000 to super PACs this year.

16. Louis Bacon is worth $1.4 billion and he has given $500,000 to super PACs this year.

17. Bruce Kovner is worth $4.5 billion and he has given $500,000 to super PACs this year.

18. Warren Stephens is worth $2.7 billion and he has given $500,000 to super PACs this year.

19. David Tepper is worth $5.1 billion and he has given $375,000 to super PACs this year.

20. Samuel Zell is worth $4.9 billion and he has given $270,000 to super PACs this year.

21. Leslie Wexner is worth $4.3 billion and he has given $250,000 to super PACs this year.

22. Charles Schwab is worth $3.5 billion and he has given $250,000 to super PACs this year.

23. Kelcy Warren is worth $2.3 billion and he has given $250,000 to super PACs this year.

The thing that these billionaires love most about Citizens United it is that it allows them to operate in total darkness. The American people couldn’t fight back because the billionaires were giving their money anonymously. This same cloak of invisibility is what made ALEC so effective for years. The conservative billionaire cabal works best in private, behind closed doors, far away from curious eyes.

Where's George Soros?
Where's Larry Page of Google?
Where's Bezos of Amazon??

Check out this web site for more Democrat DONORS!!!!!

Yep! Not to mention WARREN BUFFET and Bill Maher (He gave more than or close to most on the list)!!! Colonel Sanders is only concerned with the right donors! The left super-pacs have been FLOODING the airs with FALSE negative ads, but that's AKO!

Interesting the leftist scumbag didn't say its the JEWS!!! I'm shocked he didn't go there!

That said. Citizens United is a travesty. I can't say it wasn't an unconstitutional ruling, but I still don't like it!
The Koch brothers could buy George Soros tomorrow and have enough left over to pick up a couple Waltons.

Not true.

You didn't answer the question.

Soros is little league tee-ball compared to the Koch's. He's nothing but a fabricated boogeyman made up by Beck to divert away from the Koch's.

Soros = Pledges to donate 2 million to Obama

Koch's = Pledges to donate almost half a billion to Willard.

another dem tactic people listen up, what hes saying is Soros is doing wrong BUT isnt wrong because hes not as wealthy as the others" LOL this is the pathetic dem defense when they are also caught red handed but want to make it look better. basically saying "we got caught to but we were taking less money" omg its time to grow up people.
That's odd. I intend to vote for Romney and I have yet to receive a check in the mail for my future vote. I will concede they are buying ad time but that is the extent of it.
That's odd. I intend to vote for Romney and I have yet to receive a check in the mail for my future vote. I will concede they are buying ad time but that is the extent of it.

If they thought they had to pay you to vote for Romney, I'm sure they'd try.

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