Bernie Sanders Exposes the 26 Billionaires who are Buying the 2012 Election

That's odd. I intend to vote for Romney and I have yet to receive a check in the mail for my future vote. I will concede they are buying ad time but that is the extent of it.

If they thought they had to pay you to vote for Romney, I'm sure they'd try.

The GOP machine just uses propaganda with the "you may not be rich now, but keep voting republican, and one day you will be!" crap.

The GOP sheep seem to think one day there is going to be a knock on the door and ed mcmahon will be standing there with a giant check announcing "Congratulations! You are our newest millionaire from you obedience to the GOP machine by voting against your own self interests and america!"
That's odd. I intend to vote for Romney and I have yet to receive a check in the mail for my future vote. I will concede they are buying ad time but that is the extent of it.

If they thought they had to pay you to vote for Romney, I'm sure they'd try.

The GOP machine just uses propaganda with the "you may not be rich now, but keep voting republican, and one day you will be!" crap.

They seem to think one day there is going to be a knock on the door and ed mcmahon will be standing there with a giant check announcing "Congratulations! You are our newest millionaire from you obedience to the GOP machine by voting against your own self interests and america!"

i havent heard that nor has any republican promised me that nor said it was a right in the consitituion or anything of the sort. So id like to know where u are getting that information.
:lol: no Soros? The guy that funds 454 unions and liberal organizations isn't number two even? OK :lol:

You right wingers are the most programmed sheep on earth. You're I think the 10th right winger to throw that crap out there on this thread. Try reading next time :up:
Dems keep telling us "Vote Dem and NO ONE will ever be rich again" it seems to resonate with their base (the non-living)

I'd like to see a list that includes people who contribute to the Dems too.

Either way, money in politics is playing a big role in our demise.


Allowing anyone to contribute massive amounts of money to a campaign, whether directly or indirectly, is not a good thing for democracy.
That's odd. I intend to vote for Romney and I have yet to receive a check in the mail for my future vote. I will concede they are buying ad time but that is the extent of it.

If they thought they had to pay you to vote for Romney, I'm sure they'd try.

The GOP machine just uses propaganda with the "you may not be rich now, but keep voting republican, and one day you will be!" crap.

The GOP sheep seem to think one day there is going to be a knock on the door and ed mcmahon will be standing there with a giant check announcing "Congratulations! You are our newest millionaire from you obedience to the GOP machine by voting against your own self interests and america!"

That isnt it stupid.............

When the people think they have a chance at bettering their lives they vote repub.

When they feel they dont stand a chance they vote dem for the handouts.

Its that simple............
If they thought they had to pay you to vote for Romney, I'm sure they'd try.

The GOP machine just uses propaganda with the "you may not be rich now, but keep voting republican, and one day you will be!" crap.

The GOP sheep seem to think one day there is going to be a knock on the door and ed mcmahon will be standing there with a giant check announcing "Congratulations! You are our newest millionaire from you obedience to the GOP machine by voting against your own self interests and america!"

That isnt it stupid.............

When the people think they have a chance at bettering their lives they vote repub.

When they feel they dont stand a chance they vote dem for the handouts.

Its that simple............

A Republican that thinks Republicans are the smart ones.

What insight. :thup:
The GOP machine just uses propaganda with the "you may not be rich now, but keep voting republican, and one day you will be!" crap.

The GOP sheep seem to think one day there is going to be a knock on the door and ed mcmahon will be standing there with a giant check announcing "Congratulations! You are our newest millionaire from you obedience to the GOP machine by voting against your own self interests and america!"

That isnt it stupid.............

When the people think they have a chance at bettering their lives they vote repub.

When they feel they dont stand a chance they vote dem for the handouts.

Its that simple............

A Republican that thinks Republicans are the smart ones.

What insight. :thup:

I am not a repub dumb ass.

I am very very anti democrat though.

Maybe you have the guts to accept a challenge .

Name a single issue democrats have not lied about...............

I will wait but will not hold my breath.
That isnt it stupid.............

When the people think they have a chance at bettering their lives they vote repub.

When they feel they dont stand a chance they vote dem for the handouts.

Its that simple............

A Republican that thinks Republicans are the smart ones.

What insight. :thup:

I am not a repub dumb ass.

I am very very anti democrat though.

Maybe you have the guts to accept a challenge .

Name a single issue democrats have not lied about...............

I will wait but will not hold my breath.

I'm not a democrat dumbass.

You're not a Republican but you vote for them? Did I read that right?
A Republican that thinks Republicans are the smart ones.

What insight. :thup:

I am not a repub dumb ass.

I am very very anti democrat though.

Maybe you have the guts to accept a challenge .

Name a single issue democrats have not lied about...............

I will wait but will not hold my breath.

I'm not a democrat dumbass.

You're not a Republican but you vote for them? Did I read that right?

Then at some point you will post something to back that up.

So far you fail miserably on the point.
I am not a repub dumb ass.

I am very very anti democrat though.

Maybe you have the guts to accept a challenge .

Name a single issue democrats have not lied about...............

I will wait but will not hold my breath.

I'm not a democrat dumbass.

You're not a Republican but you vote for them? Did I read that right?

Then at some point you will post something to back that up.

So far you fail miserably on the point.

Right, I'll fax you a copy of my voting record. :thup:

So, you were saying something about not being a Republican? :lol:
That isnt it stupid.............

When the people think they have a chance at bettering their lives they vote repub.

When they feel they dont stand a chance they vote dem for the handouts.

Its that simple............

A Republican that thinks Republicans are the smart ones.

What insight. :thup:

I am not a repub dumb ass.

I am very very anti democrat though.

Maybe you have the guts to accept a challenge .

Name a single issue democrats have not lied about...............

I will wait but will not hold my breath.

So you're a neo-nazi?

I'd like to see a list that includes people who contribute to the Dems too.

Either way, money in politics is playing a big role in our demise.


1 of 5 Reps used for this response. How anyone doesnt see this is beyond me. Actually it's not, too many people just want their team to win without thinking about the next season
Bernie Sanders Exposes the 26 Billionaires who are Buying the 2012 Election

In his new report, America For Sale: A Report on Billionaires Buying the 2012 Election, Sen. Bernie Sanders named names and called out the billionaires who using Citizens United to buy our democracy.

In front of a Senate panel today, Sen. Bernie Sanders outed the 26 billionaires who are members of 23 billionaire families that are using Citizens United to buy elections. Sen. Sanders estimated that these 26 billionaires are the tip of the iceberg. “My guess is that number is really much greater because many of these contributions are made in secret. In other words, not content to own our economy, the 1 percent want to own our government as well.”

Sanders explained how the Supreme Court’s Citizens United decision put the government up for sale, “What the Supreme Court did in Citizens United is to say to these same billionaires and the corporations they control: ‘You own and control the economy, you own Wall Street, you own the coal companies, you own the oil companies. Now, for a very small percentage of your wealth, we’re going to give you the opportunity to own the United States government.’”

Sen. Sanders also did the last thing the billionaires wanted. He called them out by name.

According to the report, America for Sale: A Report on Billionaires Buying the 2012 Election, here are the 26 billionaires who are trying to buy your government:

1). Sheldon Adelson, owner of the Las Vegas Sands Casino, is worth nearly $25 billion, making him the 14th wealthiest person in the world and the 7th richest person in America. While median family income plummeted by nearly 40% from 2007-2010, Mr. Adelson has experienced a nearly eightfold increase in his wealth over the past three years (from $3.4 billion to $24.9 billion). Forbes recently reported that Adelson is willing to spend a “limitless” amount of money or more than $100 million to help defeat President Obama in November.

2. The Kochs (David, Charles, and William) are worth a combined $103 billion, according to Forbes. They have pledged to spend about $400 million during the 2012 election season. The Kochs own more wealth than the bottom 41.7 percent of American households or more than 49 million Americans.

3. Jim Walton is worth $23.7 billion. He has donated $300,000 to super PACs in 2012.

4. Harold Simmons is worth $9 billion. He has donated $15.2 million to super PACs this year.

5. Peter Thiel is worth $1.5 billion. He has donated $6.7 million to Super PACs this year.

6. Jerrold Perenchio is worth $2.3 billion. He has donated $2.6 million to super PACs this year.

7. Kenneth Griffin is worth $3 billion and he has given $2.08 million to super PACs in 2012.

8. James Simons is worth $10.7 billion and he has given $1.5 million to super Pacs this year.

9. Julian Robertson is worth $2.5 billion and he has given $1.25 million to super PACs this year.

10. Robert Rowling is worth $4.8 billion and he has given $1.1 million to super PACs.

11. John Paulson, the hedge fund manager who made his fortune betting that the sub-prime mortgage market would collapse, is worth $12.5 billion. He has donated $1 million to super PACs.

12. Richard and J.W. Marriott are worth a combined $3.1 billion and they have donated $2 million to super PACs this year.

13. James Davis is worth $1.9 billion and he has given $1 million to super PACs this year.

14. Harold Hamm is worth $11 billion and he has given $985,000 to super PACs this year.

15. Kenny Trout is worth more than $1.2 billion and he has given $900,000 to super PACs this year.

16. Louis Bacon is worth $1.4 billion and he has given $500,000 to super PACs this year.

17. Bruce Kovner is worth $4.5 billion and he has given $500,000 to super PACs this year.

18. Warren Stephens is worth $2.7 billion and he has given $500,000 to super PACs this year.

19. David Tepper is worth $5.1 billion and he has given $375,000 to super PACs this year.

20. Samuel Zell is worth $4.9 billion and he has given $270,000 to super PACs this year.

21. Leslie Wexner is worth $4.3 billion and he has given $250,000 to super PACs this year.

22. Charles Schwab is worth $3.5 billion and he has given $250,000 to super PACs this year.

23. Kelcy Warren is worth $2.3 billion and he has given $250,000 to super PACs this year.

The thing that these billionaires love most about Citizens United it is that it allows them to operate in total darkness. The American people couldn’t fight back because the billionaires were giving their money anonymously. This same cloak of invisibility is what made ALEC so effective for years. The conservative billionaire cabal works best in private, behind closed doors, far away from curious eyes.


Well there you go. No need for anything more then, right? Everyone now knows who's donating to who.

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