Bernie Sanders Slays The GOP ''Debt'' Monster With 5 Minutes Of Pure Common Sense

Not taxing someone more does not cost money. Letting them keep their money does not cost the government one cent.

Government SPENDING costs money.

If Bernie Sanders does not understand this incredibly simple concept, how can anyone admire him?

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Not taxing someone more does not cost money. Letting them keep their money does not cost the government one cent.

Government SPENDING costs money.

If Bernie Sanders does not understand this incredibly simple concept, how can anyone admire him?


He is gay.
Bush was a "Deficit hawk" LOL

Bush Prescription Drug and letting fat fucking scumbag murderer from MA write the Education Bill was a Deficit Hawk

The things you learn here
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Why don't even one of you punk mutta fuking rethugs point out which one of Bernies points about the years of the Bush adminastration are not true.

Two unpaid for wars. (how convenient)

Big tax cuts during war time. (never before have we done that)

Big perscription drug program not paid for. (needed those seniors to vote rethug)

Which one of those are not true?
Why don't even one of you punk mutta fuking rethugs point out which one of Bernies points about the years of the Bush adminastration are not true.

Two unpaid for wars. (how convenient)

Big tax cuts during war time. (never before have we done that)

Big perscription drug program not paid for. (needed those seniors to vote rethug)

Which one of those are not true?

WWII Wasn't "Paid for"

Social Security isn't paid for either

Name one government program that was ever paid for

I thought da Boooooooooooosh was a "Deficit Hawk" why mention Prescription drugs?
Frank, you are to fuking stupid to even try and communicate with. Thanks for proving my point that you and people like you are to fuking stupid to even understand what has happened to our country.

What the fuk you think war bonds were used for in WWII Frank?

Why the fuk you think SSI is withheld from your paycheck for Frank. (that is if you even have a job)

Never mind. Back to the original question. Which one of the budget busting Bush programs that Bernie brought up didn't happen?

a. two unpaid for wars.
b. perscription drug program.
c. two big tax cuts.


Heritage Foundation
May 16, 1996

"While there has been some quibbling about the exact details of the Beach/Hodge findings, the overall thrust of their work remains unchallenged: Tax hikes hurt, and the huge 1993 tax hike hurt big time.

If the Clinton administration wonders why American workers are still uneasy about the economy, they should tell the White House: "It's the tax hike, stupid!"​

:lol: . :lol: . :lol: . :lol: . :lol: . :lol: . :lol:
Why don't even one of you punk mutta fuking rethugs point out which one of Bernies points about the years of the Bush adminastration are not true.

Two unpaid for wars. (how convenient)

Big tax cuts during war time. (never before have we done that)

Big perscription drug program not paid for. (needed those seniors to vote rethug)

Which one of those are not true?

I thought da Boooooooooooosh was a "Deficit Hawk" why mention Prescription drugs?

•Under the MMA, Medicare has been significantly overpaying private plans under Medicare Advantage. In 2005, Medicare overpaid private plans by at least 7% per beneficiary, costing taxpayers $2.7 billion. In 2006, overpayment reached 11% per beneficiary, costing taxpayers $4.6 billion.

•Under the MMA, Congress set aside $10 billion for an unnecessary subsidy (or "stabilization fund") to regional PPOs. This year, however, 88% of beneficiaries have access to a regional PPO, before the so-called "stabilization fund" was even tapped--no subsidy was necessary.

•Medicare Part D drug prices are substantially higher than the prices obtained by the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), which negotiates prices on behalf of consumers. For all of the top 20 drugs prescribed to seniors, the lowest price charged by any Part D plan was higher than the lowest price secured by the VA. Yet Congress refused to let Medicare negotiate directly with the drug companies, as the VA does.

•Bottom line: this report shows that, unfortunately for consumers and taxpayers, the MMA has not even come close to meeting the high expectations set for it by Congress. Consumers are getting hurt and taxpayers fleeced, while insurance companies and drug manufacturers are raking in money faster than they can count it. Congress needs to move away from this deeply flawed privatization model, and instead focus on strengthening Medicare.



[ame=]BILL MOYERS JOURNAL | Wendell Potter | PBS - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]Sen. Bernie Sanders Billionaires Buying U.S. Elections - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]Bernie Sanders on Real Time with Bill Maher - January 21, 2012 - YouTube[/ame]​
Simply put, where we are now is a direct result of the republican "starve the beast" policy.

Bush knowingly went into deficit spending and lowered taxes on the richest people, in direct representation of this policy. His own words: "so we have the tax relief plan that now provides a new kind—a fiscal straightjacket for Congress. And that's good for the taxpayers, and it's incredibly positive news if you're worried about a federal government".

Little did the republican voters know, that to take care of this deficit spending it would later be taken out of their hard earned entitlements by the same people who advocated this policy, like Paul Ryan.

Bernie Sanders started off blaming Bush for "starting wars" in the Middle East when that's a huge lie.

CONGRESS voted 100% in September of 2001 to go after the terrorists, and George Bush did.

Bernie Sanders is fulla crap in the first sentence. There was absolutely no reason to listen to the drooling on himself after that.

He is a rabid, and I do mean rabid Republican-hater, obfuscating the role of the American people's insistence that we go after those who funded, trained, aided and abetted terrorists.

Bernie Sanders is paving the pathway to divisionist hell with the blame game popularized by Barack Obama to put Democrats in power with absolutely NO INTENTION of keeping campaign promises to reduce the deficit in half. They did it so they could go on a monumental domestic spending spree for pet rock projects, leaving the American taxpayers holding their empty moneybags.

Meanwhile, Pelosi and Reid's relatives made off like bandits with billions in 100% secured by taxpayer debts based on Democrat legislation so they could empty the US Treasury while nobody was looking and blame Bush for this heinous billion dollar drain and deficit spending.

Don't fall for it.

Bernie is just a tool being used to conceal the truth at election time.

He'll walk away with some nice plums from the US treasury so generously given by his fellow Democrats who work things so that conservative Republicans can be blamed for all that they do that is deleterious to the US Treasury, and we're going to stop the bullshitters just like Bernie by beating Obama in November.

It's October, and this is the best October surprise you have in your pocket? :rolleyes:

Bernie Sanders has nothing to lose by painting whitewash over Democrat spending and blame it all on the Bush Administration.

Good God. This is the 3rd election I've heard "It's all Bush's fault" being proffered as the Democrat #1 Party Plank.

At some point the Democrats have to stop themselves and figure out how to obfuscate Nancy Pelosi's telling the Congress:

Don't Read, Just Pass!!!

She knew damn good and well this was the largest TAX HIKE in the history of the USA, and I can just hear her calling "Oh, Bernie, say something. Wanna ride in my Air Force Jet?"

Bernie Sanders is the most honest man in the Senate.
That reptilian, Sanders is honestly a lying, baloney-filled obfuscation specialist is about as close as he will ever get to honesty.

And you know it too, don't you Chris. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
Not taxing someone more does not cost money. Letting them keep their money does not cost the government one cent.

Government SPENDING costs money.

If Bernie Sanders does not understand this incredibly simple concept, how can anyone admire him?

Bernie is running scared. Next January, the Tax Hike for Obama care, the highest tax increase on the Middle Class is scheduled to take effect, and since the Supreme Court's ruling that Obama Care IS a tax hike, there's no place to hide before the election, so kick up a sand storm and start blaming Republicans for the costs of 9/11 is a good place to go to seek shelter from his own cloud.

If Obama isn't in there lying his tail off about the tax hike being something else, or creating a little Hollyweird, Bernie's Christmas goose is over-cooked. :muahaha:
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Frank, you are to fuking stupid to even try and communicate with. Thanks for proving my point that you and people like you are to fuking stupid to even understand what has happened to our country.

What the fuk you think war bonds were used for in WWII Frank?

Why the fuk you think SSI is withheld from your paycheck for Frank. (that is if you even have a job)

Never mind. Back to the original question. Which one of the budget busting Bush programs that Bernie brought up didn't happen?

a. two unpaid for wars.
b. perscription drug program.
c. two big tax cuts.

What's the difference between "War bonds" and treasury bonds?

Did you forget your Messiah admitted SocSecuirty was broke and the only way to send out checks was to borrow?

Obama: No guarantee for Social Security checks - CBS News

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