Bernie Sanders speech: End Pharma Greed

Bernie and lib loons that worship him do not believe that all the entities that provide us our qualities of life should make any money on it.
They feel it should be sprinkled around to everyone like fairy dust. If profit IS made then that should come out of the pockets of industrious individuals Only.
Pharmaceutical companies wouldn't bother to develop new medicines, if they didn't think they would make money on them.

And medicines that aren't developed aren't going to be around to help anyone.

What fools like Crazy Fucking Bernie fail to recognize is that actually developing medicines and bringing them to market isn't a sure thing from any pharm concern. Plenty of medicines fail to succeed completely and a drug isn't proven to be safe or effective, others fail financially even if their development is a success- because another drug company came up with a solution to the problem first.
Dumb ass liberals everywhere just went :aargh::aargh::aargh::aargh::aargh::aargh::aargh:

The Liberal "retort" to my statement is that they will explain that the government will just develop the new medicines.

Of course the problem with that is that the medical staff for the government are people like Doc Fauci, and who will decide what project these researcher will work on and which they won't bother with? What criteria- other that the ability to market it- will they use to determine which projects to pursue and which to abandon.
Asked by Edward R. Murrow in 1955 who would own the patent on his polio vaccine, Salk smiled and replied, "Well, the people — I would say. There is no patent. . . .Could you patent the sun?"
The inventors of insulin sold the patent for $1. One dollar. Because they knew insulin would save so many lives. One of the 3 inventors, Frederick Banting, wouldn’t even put his name on the patent. “Insulin does not belong to me, it belongs to the world.”

the invention of insulin saved 300 million lives
When is B.S. gonna go after cartels over their fentanyl profits??
Asked by Edward R. Murrow in 1955 who would own the patent on his polio vaccine, Salk smiled and replied, "Well, the people — I would say. There is no patent. . . .Could you patent the sun?"
From One Extreme to the Other

Investors make too much and inventors make too little. Salk's doormat attitude makes him a bad role model. Science doesn't need nerds who'd invent without material reward. Because of corporate patents, Science Is for Suckers.

Compounding this mess is the fact that if inventors became rich, they'd invest based on expertise and wouldn't need to make up all those losses that the dumb plutocratic homo erectus suffers because he doesn't know what he's doing. So those who are forced to gouge everybody to cover their many losses will be eliminated. All investors will be inventors in a system that works for all.
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Asked by Edward R. Murrow in 1955 who would own the patent on his polio vaccine, Salk smiled and replied, "Well, the people — I would say. There is no patent. . . .Could you patent the sun?"

The March of Dimes as well as the U. of Pittsburgh were Salk's funders and employers, and looked into patenting the vaccine. But there was nothing patentable in Salk's innovation.

It had little to do with Salk's generosity, and the decision to patent wasn't his.


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