Bernie Sanders : This Grotesque Level of Income and Wealth Inequality is Wrong

No one is free to violate EPA regulations. People with guns will come and arrest anyone who tries. How are you "going down your own road" if that involves using government to impose your views on others?

All laws are somebody's views being imposed on others. Even your constitution is...

Yes, that's true. So why should it be OK to impose your views on someone else?

Right. Let's have anarchy. That'll work!

A lot of people think it will.
You mean people are breaking the law? And what happens when they get caught? What happened in the Erin Brockovich movie?

Exactly. So what are we arguing about. We need the EPA. Thank you.

"Need" is irrelevant. The U.S. Constitution delegates 18 enumerated powers to the federal government. Environment is not one of them. Therefore, whether it is needed or not, it is illegal.
It certainly works better than communism, marxism, or socialism ever has. Why does freedom bother you so much? Are you just scared or are you one of those little people (like Saddam Hussein) who feels the need to have power over other people?

Name a country that has had anarchy (either the true version or the Sex Pistols version). I can. One. Somalia. Yeah, let's all live like that.

Most Northern European countries have some form of socialism and capitalism as do we down here. Works fine. As for freedom, I'd have my version down here over yours any day of the week. Oh, sure, I can be 'free' in America if I have a couple of million in the bank. I can be 'free' in a two-party state. I can be free in a country where the size of your wallet gets you elected mayor or governor or to the state supreme court, not your ability to do the job. As for power over other people, are you for or against abortion? Are you okay for gays to marry?
You mean people are breaking the law? And what happens when they get caught? What happened in the Erin Brockovich movie?

Exactly. So what are we arguing about. We need the EPA. Thank you.

No, you need the EPA, not us.

The two biggest threats to our liberty are bureaucracies and lifelong appointed judges. That's because neither has any accountability to the public.
It certainly works better than communism, marxism, or socialism ever has. Why does freedom bother you so much? Are you just scared or are you one of those little people (like Saddam Hussein) who feels the need to have power over other people?

Name a country that has had anarchy (either the true version or the Sex Pistols version). I can. One. Somalia. Yeah, let's all live like that.

Most Northern European countries have some form of socialism and capitalism as do we down here. Works fine. As for freedom, I'd have my version down here over yours any day of the week. Oh, sure, I can be 'free' in America if I have a couple of million in the bank. I can be 'free' in a two-party state. I can be free in a country where the size of your wallet gets you elected mayor or governor or to the state supreme court, not your ability to do the job. As for power over other people, are you for or against abortion? Are you okay for gays to marry?

Hmmm, no, Somalia is not an example of anarchy. It's an example of feudalism that follows the collapse of a communist state.
It always amazes me how liberals get their political information from Hollywood. It's why they believe we "invaded Iraq for oil". It's why they believe the banks "cheated" everyone in the housing crisis melt-down (when nothing could be further from the truth).

Yes my friend - probably 75% of "Erin Brockovich" was downright made up or embellished. After all, they need to get people like you to buy a ticket. But I bet they never imagined that people like you would use it as their primary source for forming political policy....

You did invade for oil. Let me let you in on a little secret sparky, and answer this honestly: Do you think the USA would have invaded Iraq if it was a little desert kingdom with no resources? I think not. There was the WMD excuse, too. But oil was in the mix. Only a fool would not see that. If it is NOT the case, then why isn't the US invading every little tin pot dictatorship in Africa, or Asia or South America?

Erin Brockovich is based on fact. And if you don't think the Gas company was leeching poison into the ground you're an ostrich.
That's a fantasy if you think that's our world. You can't break laws or regulations set forth with your business. You can only operate if you register and pay taxes. This is reality. You lease the right to own In this country no matter what you tell yourself. If you don't believe me then stop paying taxes and hire a bunch of children to work for $1 per hour and see how your "full dictatioral control" works out for you

So lets apply your "logic" here to something else, shall we? The Green River Killer brutally raped and murdered over 40 women. Since that happened, it must make it ok for me to do the same, right?

Illegal stuff happens every day in this country because it's filled with liberals who refuse to accept the rule of law. Just because a state or city passes a law, doesn't make that law constitutional or right. A great example is the idiot Bill DeBlasio in New York. He's not only outlawed firearms (a major violation of the 2nd Amendment), but he also authorized his officers to "stop and frisk" without any probable cause (a major violation of the 4th Amendment). You know it. I know it. Bill DeBlasio knows it.

There are dirt-bag libtards in office all over this country violating the law. It doesn't make it legal or ok.
What are you talking about man? Somebody rapes women and you think liberals think that makes it ok. And all law breaking is liberals too? Are you high?
Latest in the inequality saga:

The regressives get dumber by the day.

Again....libtards don't expect equal effort, equal talent, or equal output. Yet they inexplicably demand equal results :bang3:

It appears they didn't get away with it.

In 1996 "after arbitrators awarded $130.5 million in the first 39 cases, PG&E decided to settle for $333 million,"—[3] the largest settlement ever paid in a direct-action lawsuit in U.S. history.[8]

Exactly. Thanks to the laws of the land. The laws you want to do away with.
Bernie Sanders : This Grotesque Level of Income and Wealth Inequality is Wrong

That's fantastic. We know what Bernie Sanders thinks about income inequality.

What's your opinion on the subject?
It always amazes me how liberals get their political information from Hollywood. It's why they believe we "invaded Iraq for oil". It's why they believe the banks "cheated" everyone in the housing crisis melt-down (when nothing could be further from the truth).

Yes my friend - probably 75% of "Erin Brockovich" was downright made up or embellished. After all, they need to get people like you to buy a ticket. But I bet they never imagined that people like you would use it as their primary source for forming political policy....

You did invade for oil. Let me let you in on a little secret sparky, and answer this honestly: Do you think the USA would have invaded Iraq if it was a little desert kingdom with no resources? I think not. There was the WMD excuse, too. But oil was in the mix. Only a fool would not see that. If it is NOT the case, then why isn't the US invading every little tin pot dictatorship in Africa, or Asia or South America?

Erin Brockovich is based on fact. And if you don't think the Gas company was leeching poison into the ground you're an ostrich.
LOL!!! See what I mean?

Tell me something sparky....if we "invaded Iraq for oil", where is all of the oil? Why did we hand the country over to the people of Iraq with all of that oil available to us? And why didn't we plant the American flag and put all of them under the laws of America?

He literally gets all of his "information" from Hollywood movies... :lmao:
You mean people are breaking the law? And what happens when they get caught? What happened in the Erin Brockovich movie?

Exactly. So what are we arguing about. We need the EPA. Thank you.
You claimed big business simply avoided complying with EPA regulations. If that's the case, then what good is the EPA?

No, I never said that. I am implying that big business will get away with what they can and cannot be relied upon to do the right thing for the people and environment. Thus the need for the EPA.

It appears they didn't get away with it.

In 1996 "after arbitrators awarded $130.5 million in the first 39 cases, PG&E decided to settle for $333 million,"—[3] the largest settlement ever paid in a direct-action lawsuit in U.S. history.[8]

Exactly. Thanks to the laws of the land. The laws you want to do away with.

They won a lawsuit. It had nothing to do with EPA regulations. First you claim big business simply avoids complying with the law, then you thank "the laws of the land" for something they had not part in. You're batting 1000 when it comes to posting contradictions.
LOL!!! See what I mean?

Tell me something sparky....if we "invaded Iraq for oil", where is all of the oil? Why did we hand the country over to the people of Iraq with all of that oil available to us? And why didn't we plant the American flag and put all of them under the laws of America?

He literally gets all of his "information" from Hollywood movies... :lmao:

LOL you think it was literally about the oil. Oh, dear me. What do you think is one of the main economic indicators of the world economy. Oil prices. And what do you think happens to oil prices when one of the main regions where it is extracted becomes politically unstable. And just so you didn't realise, you had your flag planted in Iraq for the best part of a decade.
You mean people are breaking the law? And what happens when they get caught? What happened in the Erin Brockovich movie?

Exactly. So what are we arguing about. We need the EPA. Thank you.
You claimed big business simply avoided complying with EPA regulations. If that's the case, then what good is the EPA?

No, I never said that. I am implying that big business will get away with what they can and cannot be relied upon to do the right thing for the people and environment. Thus the need for the EPA.

Allow me to quote you:

"And the EPA laws are always being avoided by big business. You think Erin Brockovich was fiction?"
That's a fantasy if you think that's our world. You can't break laws or regulations set forth with your business. You can only operate if you register and pay taxes. This is reality. You lease the right to own In this country no matter what you tell yourself. If you don't believe me then stop paying taxes and hire a bunch of children to work for $1 per hour and see how your "full dictatioral control" works out for you

So lets apply your "logic" here to something else, shall we? The Green River Killer brutally raped and murdered over 40 women. Since that happened, it must make it ok for me to do the same, right?

Illegal stuff happens every day in this country because it's filled with liberals who refuse to accept the rule of law. Just because a state or city passes a law, doesn't make that law constitutional or right. A great example is the idiot Bill DeBlasio in New York. He's not only outlawed firearms (a major violation of the 2nd Amendment), but he also authorized his officers to "stop and frisk" without any probable cause (a major violation of the 4th Amendment). You know it. I know it. Bill DeBlasio knows it.

There are dirt-bag libtards in office all over this country violating the law. It doesn't make it legal or ok.
What are you talking about man? Somebody rapes women and you think liberals think that makes it ok. And all law breaking is liberals too? Are you high?
"What am I taking about"? According to you, if a law is passed (whether that law violates the U.S. Constitution or not), that makes it "ok". So by your own logic - since The Green River Killer raped and murdered women (even though they is not ok), that precedence makes it ok for me to do it too. :cuckoo:
They won it lawsuit. It had nothing to do with EPA regulations. First you claim big business simply avoids complying with the law, then you thank "the laws of the land" for something they had not part in. You're batting 1000 when it comes to posting contradictions.

Oh, god, this is hurting my head. Why are conservatives so dumb. Why do I have to spell everything out all the time. This is getting tiresome. It really is. If you cannot connect the dots, there are two things happening here. You are (and I'm being totally serious here) dumb as a bag of rocks, or you are being deliberately obtuse.
LOL!!! See what I mean?

Tell me something sparky....if we "invaded Iraq for oil", where is all of the oil? Why did we hand the country over to the people of Iraq with all of that oil available to us? And why didn't we plant the American flag and put all of them under the laws of America?

He literally gets all of his "information" from Hollywood movies... :lmao:

LOL you think it was literally about the oil. Oh, dear me. What do you think is one of the main economic indicators of the world economy. Oil prices. And what do you think happens to oil prices when one of the main regions where it is extracted becomes politically unstable. And just so you didn't realise, you had your flag planted in Iraq for the best part of a decade.
The U.S. flag was never planted on Iraqi soil junior (at least not in the context of indicating we had taken over the country).

Seriously man....take the tin foil hat off and start getting your information from something other than fictional movies made in Hollywood. :slap:

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