Bernie Sanders : This Grotesque Level of Income and Wealth Inequality is Wrong

You actually do have a voice to change the government which is more power than your tenants have to change your policies as you are the dictator in your property world. If you don't like your governments rules on your business you also have the choice to not run your own business... Get another job... or move to another country... Similar to your tenants choice to live elsewhere. It isn't apples and oranges, it is very similar. You just don't like the thought of YOU being the "tenant"

I think it's important to add that Ray has a Constitutional right to his voice in government. His tenants have no such right with regards to his business. They can choose to be his customer or they can choose not to be.

Until you can show some Constitutional right granting government the power to intercede, then you don't have a leg to stand on and the case you're attempting to make is simply nonsensical.
It's called law
We have lots of "law" which is unconstitutional. It doesn't make it ok. Where does government derive the power to intercede with a private citizen on a private business? They don't.

The problem is, people somehow have come to believe that private industry is an extension of the government - existing to serve the people. That's simply not the case.
You don't seem to understand the capacity of private business to do harm or the role of government to mitigate it.
We have heard the term income inequality a lot over the past few years given that all jobs do not require the same levels of skill and experience and that all people do not have the same level of motivation and determination how would you ever make income equal?
You nicely summarized the complete and total failure of liberalism. It fails to account for the lack of equal effort, the lack of equal talent, the lack of equal output. But it demands equal results. It's a special kind of stupid that could only come from the left.
Black and white thinking at its 'best'.
Different cities have different supporting industries. Heavy industry has been the loser in the current game of corporatism. I live in what has become known as the Silicon Slopes as a software engineer. At the moment, I'm doing alright. However, the big shitty corporation I work for is doing their best to export jobs like mine to India. Fortunately, they just can't seem to get the job done and it looks likely that I'll be able to keep my job until retirement. But it's not guaranteed and given the short term, kiss-ass mentality of our illustrious leaders, there's not much incentive to be loyal.

And don't you see that all of that is the result of other nations providing a better deal for businesses? Businesses are exactly like consumers - they shop for the best deal. It's hilarious that you as a consumer shop for the best deal to save you money, but you don't expect business to do the same thing.

We as a nation are competing with other nations for businesses and jobs. When we make taxes, labor costs, regulatory costs, etc. cheaper than other nations, all the jobs will flood into this country. As long as liberals continue to demonize wealth and success and drive to "punish" business using taxes, labor, and regulations as tools/weapons, then we will continue to lose jobs over seas.

If you really don't want to lose your job to someone in another country, then vote Tea Party candidates. If you vote Dumbocrat, I don't feel sorry for you and frankly, you deserve to lose your job. The polices causing this are very clear. No company in hell would go through the extreme cost, the headaches, and most of all, the uncertainty of foreign nations if it was cheaper to keep jobs here. Apple manufactures products over in China because idiot liberals want to make the minimum wage $15 per hour or more here. Plus there are a ton of regulatory costs associated with labor, environment, etc. All of that adds up to hundreds of millions of dollars by doing it somewhere else. And the U.S. not only loses out on jobs, but the government loses out on both tax revenue from the employer and tax revenue from the employee.
You don't seem to understand the capacity of private business to do harm or the role of government to mitigate it.

Actually, you don't seem to understand that it is the exact opposite. The U.S.S.R. under Joseph Stalin was responsible for the death of over 60 million people. Cambodia exterminated over 25% of its entire population under Pol Pot. Leopold II of Belgium killed over 30 million. Mao Ze Dung of China killed roughly 70 million. And none of that even remotely begins to cover the nightmares of oppression, torture, rape, etc.

Show me any corporation that has even been responsible for 1,000 deaths. It's insane beyond words to pretend like a corporation - completely powerless and in fact desperate to serve you in exchange for your business is even remotely capable of doing 1/1,000,000,000 of the harm that governments - wielding unlimited power - do.
We have heard the term income inequality a lot over the past few years given that all jobs do not require the same levels of skill and experience and that all people do not have the same level of motivation and determination how would you ever make income equal?
You nicely summarized the complete and total failure of liberalism. It fails to account for the lack of equal effort, the lack of equal talent, the lack of equal output. But it demands equal results. It's a special kind of stupid that could only come from the left.
Black and white thinking at its 'best'.
LOL! Yeah...exactly. It's called facts. Forming policy off of shades of gray is exactly why liberal policy creates endless poverty, famine, and misery.
If average people could have a better lifestyle 40 years ago on one income when productivity has exploded over those years, what's your explanation for what has changed?
We've sadly injected more liberal socialism into policy. And it creates collapse. Just ask Detroit. Over 60 years of liberal utopia - a Democrat mayor all of those years, a Democrat-controlled city council all of those years, plus massive unions like the UAW and teacher unions. And what does the city have to show for that? Poverty. Famine. Misery. The place is like a third-world hell-hole now thanks to liberalism.
Nope, Reagan put us on a path in which whatever the large coporations wanted, the large corporations got. They crushed whatever representation the average guy had and the squeeze continue in earnest today.

Really, back to Reagan again, a guy that's been out of office for over 25 years?

Since Reagan, we've had two Democrat presidents that both served two terms. That's 16 years of Democrat leadership. If Reagan had so much power (with a Democrat Congress mind you) then why didn't any of your hero's do something about it?
You seem to think I'm defending the Democrats. Clinton was every bit the corporate shill that Reagan was and his administration marked the era when the Democrats stopped being the party of the average guy.
You got that right. The party has been completely hijacked by true communists, marxists, socialists. If you notice, liberals have all joined the Republican Party (the Republican's operate in every way like the liberals of the JFK-era), and true conservatives have all moved to the Tea Party.
Communists, Marxists and Socialists? More like Corporatists.
Wrong, you should know this mr landlord. If you don't pay your property taxes the delinquent amount is held as a lien against the property and may be forclosed upon and sold by the government.

Does that sound like you own the property or does it sound like you have a "landlord" in the deal. Sorry man, we are all leasing our rights to own property and do business in this country from the institution that really owns both. It's how the system works

That is stretching it quite a bit. That's like saying that because he might have to hire a painter or someone to do some repairs on the property, they are his "landlord" and he answer to them. Paying taxes doesn't make the government your landlord. You're paying for the services you receive (police, fire, courts, etc.). It's a cost of doing business, just like hiring a painter or a repair man.
Different cities have different supporting industries. Heavy industry has been the loser in the current game of corporatism. I live in what has become known as the Silicon Slopes as a software engineer. At the moment, I'm doing alright. However, the big shitty corporation I work for is doing their best to export jobs like mine to India. Fortunately, they just can't seem to get the job done and it looks likely that I'll be able to keep my job until retirement. But it's not guaranteed and given the short term, kiss-ass mentality of our illustrious leaders, there's not much incentive to be loyal.

And don't you see that all of that is the result of other nations providing a better deal for businesses? Businesses are exactly like consumers - they shop for the best deal. It's hilarious that you as a consumer shop for the best deal to save you money, but you don't expect business to do the same thing.

We as a nation are competing with other nations for businesses and jobs. When we make taxes, labor costs, regulatory costs, etc. cheaper than other nations, all the jobs will flood into this country. As long as liberals continue to demonize wealth and success and drive to "punish" business using taxes, labor, and regulations as tools/weapons, then we will continue to lose jobs over seas.

If you really don't want to lose your job to someone in another country, then vote Tea Party candidates. If you vote Dumbocrat, I don't feel sorry for you and frankly, you deserve to lose your job. The polices causing this are very clear. No company in hell would go through the extreme cost, the headaches, and most of all, the uncertainty of foreign nations if it was cheaper to keep jobs here. Apple manufactures products over in China because idiot liberals want to make the minimum wage $15 per hour or more here. Plus there are a ton of regulatory costs associated with labor, environment, etc. All of that adds up to hundreds of millions of dollars by doing it somewhere else. And the U.S. not only loses out on jobs, but the government loses out on both tax revenue from the employer and tax revenue from the employee.
strip every single regulation and tax and we still could not compete with other other countries that have a lower cost of living and lower labor costs. If American companies were to compete we would need to lower our standard of living to something similar to those areas we are competing with. That means dropping wages dramatically, skipping safety and quality control standards, and polluting the hell out of our environment. Is that the country your tea party is promoting?
You don't seem to understand the capacity of private business to do harm or the role of government to mitigate it.

Actually, you don't seem to understand that it is the exact opposite. The U.S.S.R. under Joseph Stalin was responsible for the death of over 60 million people. Cambodia exterminated over 25% of its entire population under Pol Pot. Leopold II of Belgium killed over 30 million. Mao Ze Dung of China killed roughly 70 million. And none of that even remotely begins to cover the nightmares of oppression, torture, rape, etc.

Show me any corporation that has even been responsible for 1,000 deaths. It's insane beyond words to pretend like a corporation - completely powerless and in fact desperate to serve you in exchange for your business is even remotely capable of doing 1/1,000,000,000 of the harm that governments - wielding unlimited power - do.
I take it you've never heard of Union Carbide or Bhopal. Or of the tactics of Monsanto or Nestle. Such kind, compassionate entities...
Different cities have different supporting industries. Heavy industry has been the loser in the current game of corporatism. I live in what has become known as the Silicon Slopes as a software engineer. At the moment, I'm doing alright. However, the big shitty corporation I work for is doing their best to export jobs like mine to India. Fortunately, they just can't seem to get the job done and it looks likely that I'll be able to keep my job until retirement. But it's not guaranteed and given the short term, kiss-ass mentality of our illustrious leaders, there's not much incentive to be loyal.

And don't you see that all of that is the result of other nations providing a better deal for businesses? Businesses are exactly like consumers - they shop for the best deal. It's hilarious that you as a consumer shop for the best deal to save you money, but you don't expect business to do the same thing.

We as a nation are competing with other nations for businesses and jobs. When we make taxes, labor costs, regulatory costs, etc. cheaper than other nations, all the jobs will flood into this country. As long as liberals continue to demonize wealth and success and drive to "punish" business using taxes, labor, and regulations as tools/weapons, then we will continue to lose jobs over seas.

If you really don't want to lose your job to someone in another country, then vote Tea Party candidates. If you vote Dumbocrat, I don't feel sorry for you and frankly, you deserve to lose your job. The polices causing this are very clear. No company in hell would go through the extreme cost, the headaches, and most of all, the uncertainty of foreign nations if it was cheaper to keep jobs here. Apple manufactures products over in China because idiot liberals want to make the minimum wage $15 per hour or more here. Plus there are a ton of regulatory costs associated with labor, environment, etc. All of that adds up to hundreds of millions of dollars by doing it somewhere else. And the U.S. not only loses out on jobs, but the government loses out on both tax revenue from the employer and tax revenue from the employee.
strip every single regulation and tax and we still could not compete with other other countries that have a lower cost of living and lower labor costs. If American companies were to compete we would need to lower our standard of living to something similar to those areas we are competing with. That means dropping wages dramatically, skipping safety and quality control standards, and polluting the hell out of our environment. Is that the country your tea party is promoting?

strip every single regulation and tax and we still could not compete with other other countries that have a lower cost of living and lower labor costs.

Baloney. American workers are more productive.
That's why Burkina Faso isn't the largest economy in the world.
You don't seem to understand the capacity of private business to do harm or the role of government to mitigate it.

Actually, you don't seem to understand that it is the exact opposite. The U.S.S.R. under Joseph Stalin was responsible for the death of over 60 million people. Cambodia exterminated over 25% of its entire population under Pol Pot. Leopold II of Belgium killed over 30 million. Mao Ze Dung of China killed roughly 70 million. And none of that even remotely begins to cover the nightmares of oppression, torture, rape, etc.

Show me any corporation that has even been responsible for 1,000 deaths. It's insane beyond words to pretend like a corporation - completely powerless and in fact desperate to serve you in exchange for your business is even remotely capable of doing 1/1,000,000,000 of the harm that governments - wielding unlimited power - do.
I take it you've never heard of Union Carbide or Bhopal. Or of the tactics of Monsanto or Nestle. Such kind, compassionate entities...

Ooooh, Monsanto.
Tell me what they've done wrong.
We have heard the term income inequality a lot over the past few years given that all jobs do not require the same levels of skill and experience and that all people do not have the same level of motivation and determination how would you ever make income equal?
You nicely summarized the complete and total failure of liberalism. It fails to account for the lack of equal effort, the lack of equal talent, the lack of equal output. But it demands equal results. It's a special kind of stupid that could only come from the left.
Black and white thinking at its 'best'.
LOL! Yeah...exactly. It's called facts. Forming policy off of shades of gray is exactly why liberal policy creates endless poverty, famine, and misery.
You remind me of the recent crop of leaders in my company. Nuance wasn't their bag either and the results were disastrous. Fortunately, 3 of the 4 main players have been forced out and I predict the fourth will be gone by July but the carnage they were responsible for will be with us for a LONG time.
Different cities have different supporting industries. Heavy industry has been the loser in the current game of corporatism. I live in what has become known as the Silicon Slopes as a software engineer. At the moment, I'm doing alright. However, the big shitty corporation I work for is doing their best to export jobs like mine to India. Fortunately, they just can't seem to get the job done and it looks likely that I'll be able to keep my job until retirement. But it's not guaranteed and given the short term, kiss-ass mentality of our illustrious leaders, there's not much incentive to be loyal.

And don't you see that all of that is the result of other nations providing a better deal for businesses? Businesses are exactly like consumers - they shop for the best deal. It's hilarious that you as a consumer shop for the best deal to save you money, but you don't expect business to do the same thing.

We as a nation are competing with other nations for businesses and jobs. When we make taxes, labor costs, regulatory costs, etc. cheaper than other nations, all the jobs will flood into this country. As long as liberals continue to demonize wealth and success and drive to "punish" business using taxes, labor, and regulations as tools/weapons, then we will continue to lose jobs over seas.

If you really don't want to lose your job to someone in another country, then vote Tea Party candidates. If you vote Dumbocrat, I don't feel sorry for you and frankly, you deserve to lose your job. The polices causing this are very clear. No company in hell would go through the extreme cost, the headaches, and most of all, the uncertainty of foreign nations if it was cheaper to keep jobs here. Apple manufactures products over in China because idiot liberals want to make the minimum wage $15 per hour or more here. Plus there are a ton of regulatory costs associated with labor, environment, etc. All of that adds up to hundreds of millions of dollars by doing it somewhere else. And the U.S. not only loses out on jobs, but the government loses out on both tax revenue from the employer and tax revenue from the employee.
strip every single regulation and tax and we still could not compete with other other countries that have a lower cost of living and lower labor costs. If American companies were to compete we would need to lower our standard of living to something similar to those areas we are competing with. That means dropping wages dramatically, skipping safety and quality control standards, and polluting the hell out of our environment. Is that the country your tea party is promoting?
And why do they have "a lower cost of living" and "lower labor costs"? Because they don't have $15 per hour minimum wage, and nonsensical "environmental" regulations to address an issue that doesn't exist.

Not only that, but with liberal policy we are a nation without jobs, which creates a nation without any tax income, which creates Detroit (where 60 Minutes one covered a segment on how the fire department can't even bring water to a fire because their tankers leak so bad, the water is gone by the time they get to the first). It's literally like a third-world hell-hole. Is that the country your Democrat party is promoting?
We have heard the term income inequality a lot over the past few years given that all jobs do not require the same levels of skill and experience and that all people do not have the same level of motivation and determination how would you ever make income equal?
You nicely summarized the complete and total failure of liberalism. It fails to account for the lack of equal effort, the lack of equal talent, the lack of equal output. But it demands equal results. It's a special kind of stupid that could only come from the left.
Black and white thinking at its 'best'.
LOL! Yeah...exactly. It's called facts. Forming policy off of shades of gray is exactly why liberal policy creates endless poverty, famine, and misery.
You remind me of the recent crop of leaders in my company. Nuance wasn't their bag either and the results were disastrous. Fortunately, 3 of the 4 main players have been forced out and I predict the fourth will be gone by July but the carnage they were responsible for will be with us for a LONG time.
Actually, "black and white" is nuance. Ignoring hard core data in favor of ideology is what causes problems. Again, creating policy off of shades of gray is suicide. If you don't know exactly what the problem is and exactly what the solutions are, then you should not act until you do. Study the problem. Study the proposed solutions. And above all else, eliminate the damn emotions. Liberal touchy-feely creates poverty and misery. Policy should be rooted in logic and reason. Not feelings.
Wrong, you should know this mr landlord. If you don't pay your property taxes the delinquent amount is held as a lien against the property and may be forclosed upon and sold by the government.

Does that sound like you own the property or does it sound like you have a "landlord" in the deal. Sorry man, we are all leasing our rights to own property and do business in this country from the institution that really owns both. It's how the system works

That is stretching it quite a bit. That's like saying that because he might have to hire a painter or someone to do some repairs on the property, they are his "landlord" and he answer to them. Paying taxes doesn't make the government your landlord. You're paying for the services you receive (police, fire, courts, etc.). It's a cost of doing business, just like hiring a painter or a repair man.
To hire a painter or repairman is a choice you make in the free market. Paying taxes is a required action. Just like paying rent. You have no choice in the matter or you get "evicted" This means you don't have absolute ownership over your property. Your leasing the right to own. If you do business it's the same thing and your rules or contract lies in the laws and regulations set forth by the state and fed
Different cities have different supporting industries. Heavy industry has been the loser in the current game of corporatism. I live in what has become known as the Silicon Slopes as a software engineer. At the moment, I'm doing alright. However, the big shitty corporation I work for is doing their best to export jobs like mine to India. Fortunately, they just can't seem to get the job done and it looks likely that I'll be able to keep my job until retirement. But it's not guaranteed and given the short term, kiss-ass mentality of our illustrious leaders, there's not much incentive to be loyal.

And don't you see that all of that is the result of other nations providing a better deal for businesses? Businesses are exactly like consumers - they shop for the best deal. It's hilarious that you as a consumer shop for the best deal to save you money, but you don't expect business to do the same thing.

We as a nation are competing with other nations for businesses and jobs. When we make taxes, labor costs, regulatory costs, etc. cheaper than other nations, all the jobs will flood into this country. As long as liberals continue to demonize wealth and success and drive to "punish" business using taxes, labor, and regulations as tools/weapons, then we will continue to lose jobs over seas.

If you really don't want to lose your job to someone in another country, then vote Tea Party candidates. If you vote Dumbocrat, I don't feel sorry for you and frankly, you deserve to lose your job. The polices causing this are very clear. No company in hell would go through the extreme cost, the headaches, and most of all, the uncertainty of foreign nations if it was cheaper to keep jobs here. Apple manufactures products over in China because idiot liberals want to make the minimum wage $15 per hour or more here. Plus there are a ton of regulatory costs associated with labor, environment, etc. All of that adds up to hundreds of millions of dollars by doing it somewhere else. And the U.S. not only loses out on jobs, but the government loses out on both tax revenue from the employer and tax revenue from the employee.
Vote Tea Party? Bwahaha! Tea Party members are exact type of dumb fuck that will go extinct in an information society. What do you think they could possibly do to get an advanced technological economy moving again?
Different cities have different supporting industries. Heavy industry has been the loser in the current game of corporatism. I live in what has become known as the Silicon Slopes as a software engineer. At the moment, I'm doing alright. However, the big shitty corporation I work for is doing their best to export jobs like mine to India. Fortunately, they just can't seem to get the job done and it looks likely that I'll be able to keep my job until retirement. But it's not guaranteed and given the short term, kiss-ass mentality of our illustrious leaders, there's not much incentive to be loyal.

And don't you see that all of that is the result of other nations providing a better deal for businesses? Businesses are exactly like consumers - they shop for the best deal. It's hilarious that you as a consumer shop for the best deal to save you money, but you don't expect business to do the same thing.

We as a nation are competing with other nations for businesses and jobs. When we make taxes, labor costs, regulatory costs, etc. cheaper than other nations, all the jobs will flood into this country. As long as liberals continue to demonize wealth and success and drive to "punish" business using taxes, labor, and regulations as tools/weapons, then we will continue to lose jobs over seas.

If you really don't want to lose your job to someone in another country, then vote Tea Party candidates. If you vote Dumbocrat, I don't feel sorry for you and frankly, you deserve to lose your job. The polices causing this are very clear. No company in hell would go through the extreme cost, the headaches, and most of all, the uncertainty of foreign nations if it was cheaper to keep jobs here. Apple manufactures products over in China because idiot liberals want to make the minimum wage $15 per hour or more here. Plus there are a ton of regulatory costs associated with labor, environment, etc. All of that adds up to hundreds of millions of dollars by doing it somewhere else. And the U.S. not only loses out on jobs, but the government loses out on both tax revenue from the employer and tax revenue from the employee.
strip every single regulation and tax and we still could not compete with other other countries that have a lower cost of living and lower labor costs. If American companies were to compete we would need to lower our standard of living to something similar to those areas we are competing with. That means dropping wages dramatically, skipping safety and quality control standards, and polluting the hell out of our environment. Is that the country your tea party is promoting?

strip every single regulation and tax and we still could not compete with other other countries that have a lower cost of living and lower labor costs.

Baloney. American workers are more productive.
That's why Burkina Faso isn't the largest economy in the world.
I'm talking about competing with product costs. Run the numbers
We have heard the term income inequality a lot over the past few years given that all jobs do not require the same levels of skill and experience and that all people do not have the same level of motivation and determination how would you ever make income equal?
You nicely summarized the complete and total failure of liberalism. It fails to account for the lack of equal effort, the lack of equal talent, the lack of equal output. But it demands equal results. It's a special kind of stupid that could only come from the left.
Black and white thinking at its 'best'.
LOL! Yeah...exactly. It's called facts. Forming policy off of shades of gray is exactly why liberal policy creates endless poverty, famine, and misery.
You remind me of the recent crop of leaders in my company. Nuance wasn't their bag either and the results were disastrous. Fortunately, 3 of the 4 main players have been forced out and I predict the fourth will be gone by July but the carnage they were responsible for will be with us for a LONG time.
Actually, "black and white" is nuance. Ignoring hard core data in favor of ideology is what causes problems. Again, creating policy off of shades of gray is suicide. If you don't know exactly what the problem is and exactly what the solutions are, then you should not act until you do. Study the problem. Study the proposed solutions. And above all else, eliminate the damn emotions. Liberal touchy-feely creates poverty and misery. Policy should be rooted in logic and reason. Not feelings.
There are times when a decision requires a choice of one path or another. But most times, a strategy requires a bunch or pieces acting in concert with each other. Black and white is a disaster in these instances.
Different cities have different supporting industries. Heavy industry has been the loser in the current game of corporatism. I live in what has become known as the Silicon Slopes as a software engineer. At the moment, I'm doing alright. However, the big shitty corporation I work for is doing their best to export jobs like mine to India. Fortunately, they just can't seem to get the job done and it looks likely that I'll be able to keep my job until retirement. But it's not guaranteed and given the short term, kiss-ass mentality of our illustrious leaders, there's not much incentive to be loyal.

And don't you see that all of that is the result of other nations providing a better deal for businesses? Businesses are exactly like consumers - they shop for the best deal. It's hilarious that you as a consumer shop for the best deal to save you money, but you don't expect business to do the same thing.

We as a nation are competing with other nations for businesses and jobs. When we make taxes, labor costs, regulatory costs, etc. cheaper than other nations, all the jobs will flood into this country. As long as liberals continue to demonize wealth and success and drive to "punish" business using taxes, labor, and regulations as tools/weapons, then we will continue to lose jobs over seas.

If you really don't want to lose your job to someone in another country, then vote Tea Party candidates. If you vote Dumbocrat, I don't feel sorry for you and frankly, you deserve to lose your job. The polices causing this are very clear. No company in hell would go through the extreme cost, the headaches, and most of all, the uncertainty of foreign nations if it was cheaper to keep jobs here. Apple manufactures products over in China because idiot liberals want to make the minimum wage $15 per hour or more here. Plus there are a ton of regulatory costs associated with labor, environment, etc. All of that adds up to hundreds of millions of dollars by doing it somewhere else. And the U.S. not only loses out on jobs, but the government loses out on both tax revenue from the employer and tax revenue from the employee.
strip every single regulation and tax and we still could not compete with other other countries that have a lower cost of living and lower labor costs. If American companies were to compete we would need to lower our standard of living to something similar to those areas we are competing with. That means dropping wages dramatically, skipping safety and quality control standards, and polluting the hell out of our environment. Is that the country your tea party is promoting?

strip every single regulation and tax and we still could not compete with other other countries that have a lower cost of living and lower labor costs.

Baloney. American workers are more productive.
That's why Burkina Faso isn't the largest economy in the world.
I'm talking about competing with product costs. Run the numbers

I'm talking about competing with product costs.

American workers are more productive.
Do you not understand how productivity impacts "product costs"?
Wrong, you should know this mr landlord. If you don't pay your property taxes the delinquent amount is held as a lien against the property and may be forclosed upon and sold by the government.

Does that sound like you own the property or does it sound like you have a "landlord" in the deal. Sorry man, we are all leasing our rights to own property and do business in this country from the institution that really owns both. It's how the system works

That is stretching it quite a bit. That's like saying that because he might have to hire a painter or someone to do some repairs on the property, they are his "landlord" and he answer to them. Paying taxes doesn't make the government your landlord. You're paying for the services you receive (police, fire, courts, etc.). It's a cost of doing business, just like hiring a painter or a repair man.
To hire a painter or repairman is a choice you make in the free market. Paying taxes is a required action. Just like paying rent. You have no choice in the matter or you get "evicted" This means you don't have absolute ownership over your property. Your leasing the right to own. If you do business it's the same thing and your rules or contract lies in the laws and regulations set forth by the state and fed
Again, there is some truth to that. But you don't have to pay your taxes. Life is nothing but a series of choices. You can absolutely choose not to pay your taxes. You have to deal with the results of that choices. Just like you can choose not to hire that repairman, but then you're probably going to lose tenants.

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