Bernie Sanders to introduce the dishonestly-named "Medicare for All" this week

I'm still hopeful that most Dem legislators know better, and that we'll end up with more of what I'm looking for.

The amount of negative evidence that the Single Payer types have to overlook/ignore tells me they're either lying or (more likely) just looking at this from the standard simplistic, shallow partisan perspective.

Single Payer has indeed been better in some ways, but they have to pretend that there's no way to improve on it. They're willing to pretend, because they're not honest.

Once an issue becomes politicized, it's fucked.

Really... It seems to me that the Single Payer opponents are the ones who ignore things.

Like Canada
And Japan
And the United Kingdom

You see, the thing is, Ed Hanaway's 99 Million dollar severance package at Cigna really doesn't improve health care. It's just a greedy dude who had access to a money spigot.

Oh, he made the company more profitable by doing things like denying Nataline Sarkisyan a liver transplant AFTER her father had paid through the nose for premiums.
Damn. To think the government hasn't caused prices to rise, has to be the dumbest thing ever.

Then how come Countries with single payer spend less as a percentage of GDP than we do?

In the UK, where the government runs everything, including the hospitals, they spend only 8% of GDP on health care, compared to our 18%, and they get better results.

You see, the problem with free market health care is that the person selling the health care has a huge advantage over the person needing it. so they can be as abusive as they want in terms of pricing.

So you get a guy like the Pharma Bro raising the price of an AIDS medication or the people who make Epi-Pens raising the price to $600 for a pen that probably costs $10 to produce.
I'm still hopeful that most Dem legislators know better, and that we'll end up with more of what I'm looking for.

Either way I end up DEAD, since I will not take Government health care or any other Government Social service (including Social Security)
Who is footing the bill for trillions spent on pharmaceutical ads? It`s not the govt. that`s running these mind numbing commercials.

Generics dont have that issue and are also expensive.

Besides that, other medical costs are going up as well, in part it is simply because more people can get care now and also because of regulatory burdens imposed by the government.

We need to simplify the record keeping digitally, have each person carry a copy of their medical records on a chip, like your credit cards have, and then you just scan it when you go to a doctor.

Then negotiate lower pharmaceutical p[rices between the government and pharmaceutical companies.
My HMO does this .. I love it.
Just read Bernie's "Medicare For All" plan that he'll be introducing this week.

I like Bernie in general, but I have to remember that he's a politician, so I'm not surprised that he's lying about the plan to make it more palatable for the masses. I guess he figures he can get away with being dishonest because most people don't actually know how Medicare works.

His plan is NOT just "Medicare for All". Medicare has deductibles and only covers 80% of expenses. That's where dynamic free market competition comes in, to fill those gaps (and more, in many cases) to different degrees depending on the consumer's choice. His plan appears to be 100% single payer, period. "Free" health care.

How would he pay for it? An across-the-board 6.2% tax on employers at a time when global business competition is becoming more intense by the hour. A new 2.2% tax on all Americans and higher taxes on the wealthy. Then we'd see, maybe a few additions here and there.

If you're a health care provider on any level, you will have one contract, with the government. It will tell you what you will be allowed to make. And, since no tort reform is in the plan, you'll need to keep that battery of unneeded defensive medicine measures in place so that you're not sued.

Expanding the current Medicare / Medicare Supplement / Medicare Advantage system to all would be much better, but that's not where Bernie's head is. He'd rather be dishonest with the name of this thing to make it more attractive. Standard politician behavior. Oh well. Even Bernie is susceptible to it.

Maybe the plan would look more like what I want than his plan by the time it made it through the process. Here's hoping.

Medicare for All: Leaving No One Behind


It worked for Nazi Germany, why not us?

Holy crap, a Nazi reference first thing.

Maybe we can calm down and have a normal conversation here.

Why is Nazi such a bad word?

It's like the term liberal and socialist, those words got ruined as well, probably because the term Nazi is derived from socialist.

Soon they will have to find another name other than Progressive as well.


Well, I'd rather avoid insulting the memories of millions who suffered in the 40's by using the term as a political Frisbee™.

Now, I wonder how many here understand the difference between true Single Payer and actual Medicare for All.

I did provide a quick video there.

What about the 50 million plus unborn children who were all aborted?
Government continues to drives up the cost of healthcare, so Bernie tells us we need more government.
My God, that's such a lie. Private insurance has driven health costs up.
Damn. To think the government hasn't caused prices to rise, has to be the dumbest thing ever.
Who do you think pays CEOs of health insurance companies $hundreds of million a year, each?
Dumb response. Your post has nothing to do with government involvement in HC. The government is primarily responsible for the high cost and multiple failures of our HC system. Government works hand-in-hand with the big HC corporations to screw average Americans.

Government never works and when HUGE and UNLIMITED, as it is today, it only HARMS the average citizen.
What about the 50 million plus unborn children who were all aborted?

They are all filling medical waste dumps, and we are better off for it.

When you guys advocate locking up women for having abortions, I'll take you seriously.

Are you in favor of locking up women who have just snuffed out the life of a new born?
Damn. To think the government hasn't caused prices to rise, has to be the dumbest thing ever.

Then how come Countries with single payer spend less as a percentage of GDP than we do?

In the UK, where the government runs everything, including the hospitals, they spend only 8% of GDP on health care, compared to our 18%, and they get better results.

You see, the problem with free market health care is that the person selling the health care has a huge advantage over the person needing it. so they can be as abusive as they want in terms of pricing.

So you get a guy like the Pharma Bro raising the price of an AIDS medication or the people who make Epi-Pens raising the price to $600 for a pen that probably costs $10 to produce.
We don't have free market HC. We have a crony system of HC, where the government and politicians, HC establishment, and HC insurance companies collude together to enrich themselves.

We once did have a free market HC system, and it was the envy of the world. That all changed when the huge progressive unlimited federal government took hold.
Just read Bernie's "Medicare For All" plan that he'll be introducing this week.

I like Bernie in general, but I have to remember that he's a politician, so I'm not surprised that he's lying about the plan to make it more palatable for the masses. I guess he figures he can get away with being dishonest because most people don't actually know how Medicare works.

His plan is NOT just "Medicare for All". Medicare has deductibles and only covers 80% of expenses. That's where dynamic free market competition comes in, to fill those gaps (and more, in many cases) to different degrees depending on the consumer's choice. His plan appears to be 100% single payer, period. "Free" health care.

How would he pay for it? An across-the-board 6.2% tax on employers at a time when global business competition is becoming more intense by the hour. A new 2.2% tax on all Americans and higher taxes on the wealthy. Then we'd see, maybe a few additions here and there.

If you're a health care provider on any level, you will have one contract, with the government. It will tell you what you will be allowed to make. And, since no tort reform is in the plan, you'll need to keep that battery of unneeded defensive medicine measures in place so that you're not sued.

Expanding the current Medicare / Medicare Supplement / Medicare Advantage system to all would be much better, but that's not where Bernie's head is. He'd rather be dishonest with the name of this thing to make it more attractive. Standard politician behavior. Oh well. Even Bernie is susceptible to it.

Maybe the plan would look more like what I want than his plan by the time it made it through the process. Here's hoping.

Medicare for All: Leaving No One Behind

Here's how Medicare ACTUALLY works, in less than three minutes:


Don't most people get their insurance from employers now? Something like 80-85% get it from their employer, where the employee pays their share and the coverage may only be for 70% and the employee has to pay 30% or if they are lucky and pay an arm and a leg in premiums for the copay of 20%?

If the tax for this Medicare for All, comes to less than what the employer is funding now for his employees and less than what the employees pay now, it's a win win....even if we have to pay the 20% out of pocket....... we were already paying 20% to 30% to 40% if we had coverage from work equivalent of a Bronze plan..... and of course Medicare Advantage type plans would be created for those who use a lot of healthcare to cover those out of pocket amounts and for the very poor, like this old woman who used to live near Matt's mom that we knew, would get Medicaid on top of Medicare, to cover her out of pocket expenses....

Remember, the insurance companies are 25% to 30% of the cost that we pay for healthcare, and that is simply for pushing paper and not actual health care.....

there has got to be savings going to a Medicare for all, for both the Employer funding it now, and the employee funding their share now....

From what I have read...medicare's overhead costs are really really low too...

And can you imagine the savings in doctor's offices and Hospital's Billing departments....on NOT having to bill 100+ different Insurance companies with 100 different negotiated prices?

Another perk for employees is that their Medicare for All coverage would be Nationwide...

vs. now, many insurance plans only cover in network which is commonly only within their State, and out of network costs the employee at least 50%...

There has got to be a way to do this, with SAVINGS for everyone, employer and employee and the hospitals and the govt.
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Just read Bernie's "Medicare For All" plan that he'll be introducing this week.

I like Bernie in general, but I have to remember that he's a politician, so I'm not surprised that he's lying about the plan to make it more palatable for the masses. I guess he figures he can get away with being dishonest because most people don't actually know how Medicare works.

His plan is NOT just "Medicare for All". Medicare has deductibles and only covers 80% of expenses. That's where dynamic free market competition comes in, to fill those gaps (and more, in many cases) to different degrees depending on the consumer's choice. His plan appears to be 100% single payer, period. "Free" health care.

How would he pay for it? An across-the-board 6.2% tax on employers at a time when global business competition is becoming more intense by the hour. A new 2.2% tax on all Americans and higher taxes on the wealthy. Then we'd see, maybe a few additions here and there.

If you're a health care provider on any level, you will have one contract, with the government. It will tell you what you will be allowed to make. And, since no tort reform is in the plan, you'll need to keep that battery of unneeded defensive medicine measures in place so that you're not sued.

Expanding the current Medicare / Medicare Supplement / Medicare Advantage system to all would be much better, but that's not where Bernie's head is. He'd rather be dishonest with the name of this thing to make it more attractive. Standard politician behavior. Oh well. Even Bernie is susceptible to it.

Maybe the plan would look more like what I want than his plan by the time it made it through the process. Here's hoping.

Medicare for All: Leaving No One Behind

Here's how Medicare ACTUALLY works, in less than three minutes:


Don't most people get their insurance from employers now? Something like 80-85% get it from their employer, where the employee pays their share and the coverage may only be for 70% and the employee has to pay 30% or if they are lucky and pay an arm and a leg in premiums for the copay of 20%?

If the tax for this Medicare for All, comes to less than what the employer is funding now for his employees and less than what the employees pay now, it's a win win....even if we have to pay the 20% out of pocket....... we were already paying 20% to 30% to 40% if we had coverage from work equivalent of a Bronze plan..... and of course Medicare Advantage type plans would be created for those who use a lot of healthcare to cover those out of pocket amounts and for the very poor, like this old woman who used to live near Matt's mom that we knew, would get Medicaid on top of Medicare, to cover her out of pocket expenses....

Remember, the insurance companies are 25% to 30% of the cost that we pay for healthcare, and that is simply for pushing paper and not actual health care.....

there has got to be savings going to a Medicare for all, for both the Employer funding it now, and the employee funding their share now....

From what I have read...medicare's overhead costs are really really low too...

And can you imagine the savings in doctor's offices and Hospitals Billing departments....on NOT having to bill 100 different Insurance companies with 100 different negotiated prices?

Another perk for employees is that their Medicare for All coverage would be Nationwide...

vs. now, many insurance plans only cover in network which is commonly only within their State, and out of network costs the employee at least 50%...

There has got to be a way to do this, with SAVINGS for everyone, employer and employee and govt.

Well first of all, employers have no business, literally, providing health insurance to employees in the first place. Expanding the current Medicare / Medicare Supplement / Medicare Advantage system to all would mean we'd each have our own plan that we keep, regardless of employer or employment. Let's just take that massive monkey off the backs of American employers from the get-go.

And the current system still allows for plenty of free market competition and innovation while providing excellent preventive and diagnostic coverage.

And let's not forget, we have SEVEN (7) health care delivery/payment systems that don't communicate directly with each other. That is fucking MADNESS and terribly inefficient:
  1. Group Health
  2. Individual Health / ACA
  3. Medicare
  4. Medicaid
  5. VA
  6. Workers Comp
  7. Indigent

That's just STUPID.
Who is footing the bill for trillions spent on pharmaceutical ads? It`s not the govt. that`s running these mind numbing commercials.

Generics dont have that issue and are also expensive.

Besides that, other medical costs are going up as well, in part it is simply because more people can get care now and also because of regulatory burdens imposed by the government.

We need to simplify the record keeping digitally, have each person carry a copy of their medical records on a chip, like your credit cards have, and then you just scan it when you go to a doctor.

Then negotiate lower pharmaceutical p[rices between the government and pharmaceutical companies.
Generics or not, no one is paying more than we are for pills.
Which Countries Pay The Most For Medicines? [Infographic]
If Bernie were honest, it would be "Corporate Welfare for Big Insurance & Pharma and Early Deaths for Non-Productive Surplus Serfs".
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Are you in favor of locking up women who have just snuffed out the life of a new born?

Yes. although most women who do that are mentally ill, not evil.

But you avoided my point. An infant has a name and a birth certificate and is recognized as a person. A fetus the size of a grain of rice doesn't.

So yes or no, are you in favor of locking up women who have abortions?
Just read Bernie's "Medicare For All" plan that he'll be introducing this week.

I like Bernie in general, but I have to remember that he's a politician, so I'm not surprised that he's lying about the plan to make it more palatable for the masses. I guess he figures he can get away with being dishonest because most people don't actually know how Medicare works.

His plan is NOT just "Medicare for All". Medicare has deductibles and only covers 80% of expenses. That's where dynamic free market competition comes in, to fill those gaps (and more, in many cases) to different degrees depending on the consumer's choice. His plan appears to be 100% single payer, period. "Free" health care.

How would he pay for it? An across-the-board 6.2% tax on employers at a time when global business competition is becoming more intense by the hour. A new 2.2% tax on all Americans and higher taxes on the wealthy. Then we'd see, maybe a few additions here and there.

If you're a health care provider on any level, you will have one contract, with the government. It will tell you what you will be allowed to make. And, since no tort reform is in the plan, you'll need to keep that battery of unneeded defensive medicine measures in place so that you're not sued.

Expanding the current Medicare / Medicare Supplement / Medicare Advantage system to all would be much better, but that's not where Bernie's head is. He'd rather be dishonest with the name of this thing to make it more attractive. Standard politician behavior. Oh well. Even Bernie is susceptible to it.

Maybe the plan would look more like what I want than his plan by the time it made it through the process. Here's hoping.

Medicare for All: Leaving No One Behind

Here's how Medicare ACTUALLY works, in less than three minutes:


Don't most people get their insurance from employers now? Something like 80-85% get it from their employer, where the employee pays their share and the coverage may only be for 70% and the employee has to pay 30% or if they are lucky and pay an arm and a leg in premiums for the copay of 20%?

If the tax for this Medicare for All, comes to less than what the employer is funding now for his employees and less than what the employees pay now, it's a win win....even if we have to pay the 20% out of pocket....... we were already paying 20% to 30% to 40% if we had coverage from work equivalent of a Bronze plan..... and of course Medicare Advantage type plans would be created for those who use a lot of healthcare to cover those out of pocket amounts and for the very poor, like this old woman who used to live near Matt's mom that we knew, would get Medicaid on top of Medicare, to cover her out of pocket expenses....

Remember, the insurance companies are 25% to 30% of the cost that we pay for healthcare, and that is simply for pushing paper and not actual health care.....

there has got to be savings going to a Medicare for all, for both the Employer funding it now, and the employee funding their share now....

From what I have read...medicare's overhead costs are really really low too...

And can you imagine the savings in doctor's offices and Hospitals Billing departments....on NOT having to bill 100 different Insurance companies with 100 different negotiated prices?

Another perk for employees is that their Medicare for All coverage would be Nationwide...

vs. now, many insurance plans only cover in network which is commonly only within their State, and out of network costs the employee at least 50%...

There has got to be a way to do this, with SAVINGS for everyone, employer and employee and govt.

Well first of all, employers have no business, literally, providing health insurance to employees in the first place. Expanding the current Medicare / Medicare Supplement / Medicare Advantage system to all would mean we'd each have our own plan that we keep, regardless of employer or employment. Let's just take that massive monkey off the backs of American employers from the get-go.

And the current system still allows for plenty of free market competition and innovation while providing excellent preventive and diagnostic coverage.

And let's not forget, we have SEVEN (7) health care delivery/payment systems that don't communicate directly with each other. That is fucking MADNESS and terribly inefficient:
  1. Group Health
  2. Individual Health / ACA
  3. Medicare
  4. Medicaid
  5. VA
  6. Workers Comp
  7. Indigent

That's just STUPID.

the employers/businesses CHOSE to cover health insurance for their employees instead of raising their pay....they had congress write the tax code for it allowing them to use their health care coverage payments as a form of salary for their employees giving them the full write off...

I'm sure they never thought that health care coverage would rise MORE than the cost of living or pay hike's average!

Taking away what employers are funding for healthcare, WITHOUT giving the employee the hike in pay, while putting the entire burden of the health care costs of the employee on to the employee seems inherently unfair....and unfeasible?

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