Bernie Sanders would likely raise taxes to pay for universal health care

Of course he will raise taxes. He talks about the top earners in the country paying more taxes now to lure the suckers into voting for him . If buy some miracle he wins his parties nomination and then lightning strikes twice, he wins the WH he will have to raise taxes on everyone else. Free stuff doesn't come cheap.

"free stuff" doesn't exist....someone pays the bill. eventually
Ray, are you a closet Democrat?
You seem to have your hand out looking for someone to put something in it all the time.

Man up dude. You are where you are based on YOUR decisions.

^^^ Dumbest post of the morning

People like you and Ray that failed yourselves in life (which I am reasonably sure you have) are always looking for two things.

Someone to blame for your failure.

And somone to GIVE you something BECAUSE you are a failure.


Dude, I could buy your broke joke ass but I have no use for a loudmouth leftist loon. GFY

That's what it's all about....folks who inherited their wealth or had a relative to set them up. Were you another Donald Trump.......brought into Daddy's company and left $150 million?
Ray, are you a closet Democrat?
You seem to have your hand out looking for someone to put something in it all the time.

Man up dude. You are where you are based on YOUR decisions.

^^^ Dumbest post of the morning

People like you and Ray that failed yourselves in life (which I am reasonably sure you have) are always looking for two things.

Someone to blame for your failure.

And somone to GIVE you something BECAUSE you are a failure.


Dude, I could buy your broke joke ass but I have no use for a loudmouth leftist loon. GFY

That's what it's all about....folks who inherited their wealth or had a relative to set them up. Were you another Donald Trump.......brought into Daddy's company and left $150 million?

Nope, I got an education, married a man who got an education, made a life plan and worked hard. Try it and maybe you'll succeed....oh wait, you're old and it's too late. So sorry
Ray, are you a closet Democrat?
You seem to have your hand out looking for someone to put something in it all the time.

Man up dude. You are where you are based on YOUR decisions.

^^^ Dumbest post of the morning

People like you and Ray that failed yourselves in life (which I am reasonably sure you have) are always looking for two things.

Someone to blame for your failure.

And somone to GIVE you something BECAUSE you are a failure.


Dude, I could buy your broke joke ass but I have no use for a loudmouth leftist loon. GFY

That's what it's all about....folks who inherited their wealth or had a relative to set them up. Were you another Donald Trump.......brought into Daddy's company and left $150 million?

Nope, I got an education, married a man who got an education, made a life plan and worked hard. Try it and maybe you'll succeed....oh wait, you're old and it's too late. So sorry
Much less chance of that today, see sig, dupe, and change the channel. That was before the Reagan Revolution and the ruin of the middle class.
Of course he will raise taxes. He talks about the top earners in the country paying more taxes now to lure the suckers into voting for him . If buy some miracle he wins his parties nomination and then lightning strikes twice, he wins the WH he will have to raise taxes on everyone else. Free stuff doesn't come cheap.

This country was built from money chipped in by the richest citizens. Now rich bastards who used the system just want to sit back on easy street:
Ray, are you a closet Democrat?
You seem to have your hand out looking for someone to put something in it all the time.

Man up dude. You are where you are based on YOUR decisions.

^^^ Dumbest post of the morning

People like you and Ray that failed yourselves in life (which I am reasonably sure you have) are always looking for two things.

Someone to blame for your failure.

And somone to GIVE you something BECAUSE you are a failure.


Dude, I could buy your broke joke ass but I have no use for a loudmouth leftist loon. GFY

That's what it's all about....folks who inherited their wealth or had a relative to set them up. Were you another Donald Trump.......brought into Daddy's company and left $150 million?

Nope, I got an education, married a man who got an education, made a life plan and worked hard. Try it and maybe you'll succeed....oh wait, you're old and it's too late. So sorry

I succeeded but I started out working 40 hours a week in a service station while I was still in high school. The last 25 of the 41 years I worked at the Oak Ridge Gaseous Diffusion Plant(ORGDP) I was operations supervisor in one of the largest mainframe computer centers in the country. I had up to 41 technical employees reporting to me through three exempt shift supervisors. We had state-of-the-art mainframe computers from 1962 till the mid 1990's. IBM, DEC, Cray, Hewlett Packard, RCA(Spectra 70), General Dynamics, etc. All the big ones......even some also rans.
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Of course he will raise taxes. He talks about the top earners in the country paying more taxes now to lure the suckers into voting for him . If buy some miracle he wins his parties nomination and then lightning strikes twice, he wins the WH he will have to raise taxes on everyone else. Free stuff doesn't come cheap.

This country was built from money chipped in by the richest citizens. Now rich bastards who used the system just want to sit back on easy street:
^^^ Dumbest post of the morning

People like you and Ray that failed yourselves in life (which I am reasonably sure you have) are always looking for two things.

Someone to blame for your failure.

And somone to GIVE you something BECAUSE you are a failure.


Dude, I could buy your broke joke ass but I have no use for a loudmouth leftist loon. GFY

That's what it's all about....folks who inherited their wealth or had a relative to set them up. Were you another Donald Trump.......brought into Daddy's company and left $150 million?

Nope, I got an education, married a man who got an education, made a life plan and worked hard. Try it and maybe you'll succeed....oh wait, you're old and it's too late. So sorry

I succeeded but I started out working 40 hours a week in a service station while I was still in high school. The last 25 of the 41 years I worked at the Oak Ridge Gaseous Diffusion Plant(ORGDP) I was operations supervisor in one of the largest mainframe computer centers in the country. I had up to 41 technical employees reporting to me through three exempt shift supervisors. We had state-of-the-art mainframe computers from 1962 till the mid 1990's. IBM, DEC, Hewlett Packard, RCA, General Dynamics, etc. All the big ones.

Well done and don't be so quick to assume everyone that has succeeded did so on inheritance. You look foolish
"would LIKELY" raise taxes???

Oh, that's rich.

He'd take it all and give us a stipend to live on. If we're lucky.

He's been there for seven years and I'll goddamned guarantee you people are better off than they were at the end of Bush's two terms.....double dog guarantee:


Labor rate participation is at a 38 year low and a majority of those new jobs are burger flipping jobs. obama is trying to prop up those who got the burger flipping jobs with yet another money-wasting job insurance plan.

Dems held the majority during the last two years of Bush's presidency. It's cute how you continue to just blame Bush though.
well, Obama did. what the hell does the people think is going to pay for it? 65 BILLION on the UNINSURED. GUESS who that is? YOUR CHILDREN just getting started in life

suck you in until you're nothing more than a slave for the state

sat goodbye to Freedom

Just curious.....have you ever discussed your views with the millions of people who can't afford health care? I'll bet you ten to one they voted for Obama.......every phuckin chance they got.

Now the greedy bastards who are raking in billions from people's illness would like to leave things the way they are.

The United States of America is the only industrialized nation in the world that does not provide total health care for all it's citizens. The Big Boys have to keep the business assholes who speculate on the welfare of American citizens at the top of their agenda. What a goddam country this has turned into. I think every able bodied youngster should try to find something to do besides fight and die in unnecessary Republican wars. That would be Step One!!

Richard Nixon knew exactly what he was doing when he ended the draft. Rich folks start wars but their kids don't fight in them.....they go to fancy ivy league schools.

"Just curious.....have you ever discussed your views with the millions of people who can't afford health care?"

Why wouldn't they vote for Obama.

"The United States of America is the only industrialized nation in the world that does not provide total health care for all it's citizens."

Hate to break it to you but the U.S. still wouldn't be funding it if it were in place. The TAXPAYERS would. The government has nothing in the way of money unless they first take it from someone else.
You want them to keep their government hands off your Medicare, huh?

No. I don't want Medicare, Medicaid, or any other form of Government healthcare. I won't survive into my 70s becayse at 65 I lose my medical coverage since I won't accept Government healthcare.

What do you mean you "won't survive"? Is it your impression that the Black Helicopters take out anyone who refuses Medicare? BTW, you can't "refuse" Medicare Part A; it's automatic on your 65th birthday. Better start packing.

That's a lie, a person can refuse Medicare, they simply don't sign up

Not only impolite, but wrong: Medicare Interactive - Getting Medicare when you turn 65

Once enrolled, I suppose you can go through the process of saying "No, I don't wanna," but I'm betting when the time comes you won't.
You want them to keep their government hands off your Medicare, huh?

No. I don't want Medicare, Medicaid, or any other form of Government healthcare. I won't survive into my 70s becayse at 65 I lose my medical coverage since I won't accept Government healthcare.

What do you mean you "won't survive"? Is it your impression that the Black Helicopters take out anyone who refuses Medicare? BTW, you can't "refuse" Medicare Part A; it's automatic on your 65th birthday. Better start packing.

That's a lie, a person can refuse Medicare, they simply don't sign up

Not only impolite, but wrong: Medicare Interactive - Getting Medicare when you turn 65

Once enrolled, I suppose you can go through the process of saying "No, I don't wanna," but I'm betting when the time comes you won't.

Why would someone refuse Medicare ... a program that they've been paying into their whole working life?

That's like saying "no thanks, I don't want any of my SS ... that I've been paying into my whole working life".

Those two programs ARE entitlements .... we actually ARE entitled to what we've paid into.
You want them to keep their government hands off your Medicare, huh?

No. I don't want Medicare, Medicaid, or any other form of Government healthcare. I won't survive into my 70s becayse at 65 I lose my medical coverage since I won't accept Government healthcare.

What do you mean you "won't survive"? Is it your impression that the Black Helicopters take out anyone who refuses Medicare? BTW, you can't "refuse" Medicare Part A; it's automatic on your 65th birthday. Better start packing.

That's a lie, a person can refuse Medicare, they simply don't sign up

Not only impolite, but wrong: Medicare Interactive - Getting Medicare when you turn 65

Once enrolled, I suppose you can go through the process of saying "No, I don't wanna," but I'm betting when the time comes you won't.

The point is one can refuse it, hence you lied
^^^^ proving, once again, that the BULLSHITTER is a fucking Trotskyite!
You want them to keep their government hands off your Medicare, huh?

No. I don't want Medicare, Medicaid, or any other form of Government healthcare. I won't survive into my 70s becayse at 65 I lose my medical coverage since I won't accept Government healthcare.

What do you mean you "won't survive"? Is it your impression that the Black Helicopters take out anyone who refuses Medicare? BTW, you can't "refuse" Medicare Part A; it's automatic on your 65th birthday. Better start packing.

That's a lie, a person can refuse Medicare, they simply don't sign up

Not only impolite, but wrong: Medicare Interactive - Getting Medicare when you turn 65

Once enrolled, I suppose you can go through the process of saying "No, I don't wanna," but I'm betting when the time comes you won't.

The point is one can refuse it, hence you lied

The point is, just because you say something, it doesn't magically come true. Present some statistics on people who've "refused" it, or just be your usual specious self.
You want them to keep their government hands off your Medicare, huh?

No. I don't want Medicare, Medicaid, or any other form of Government healthcare. I won't survive into my 70s becayse at 65 I lose my medical coverage since I won't accept Government healthcare.

What do you mean you "won't survive"? Is it your impression that the Black Helicopters take out anyone who refuses Medicare? BTW, you can't "refuse" Medicare Part A; it's automatic on your 65th birthday. Better start packing.

That's a lie, a person can refuse Medicare, they simply don't sign up

Not only impolite, but wrong: Medicare Interactive - Getting Medicare when you turn 65

Once enrolled, I suppose you can go through the process of saying "No, I don't wanna," but I'm betting when the time comes you won't.

Why would someone refuse Medicare ... a program that they've been paying into their whole working life?

That's like saying "no thanks, I don't want any of my SS ... that I've been paying into my whole working life".

Those two programs ARE entitlements .... we actually ARE entitled to what we've paid into.

It makes no sense to me, and Odium's the first person I've encountered who's made that statement. Only on USMB, I guess. :dunno:
I have tremendous confidence in the 1%, 2%, 5% or whatever the flavor of the day might end up being that Bernie plans upon saddling with the brunt of the taxes and expenses for his Socialist agenda. These people are not stupid and will do another work around just as they dis for Obamacare in order to maintain their own standard of living. Suppose Bernie's Socialist agenda adds $15,000 to their tax burden. They may simply terminate the least necessary employee within their business to make up for their added tax burden. It usually works out that that one employee is the least skilled but the one most likely to need his job. Were it me, I would make certain that one employee had a Bernie Sanders bumper sticker on his car.
I have tremendous confidence in the 1%, 2%, 5% or whatever the flavor of the day might end up being that Bernie plans upon saddling with the brunt of the taxes and expenses for his Socialist agenda. These people are not stupid and will do another work around just as they dis for Obamacare in order to maintain their own standard of living. Suppose Bernie's Socialist agenda adds $15,000 to their tax burden. They may simply terminate the least necessary employee within their business to make up for their added tax burden. It usually works out that that one employee is the least skilled but the one most likely to need his job. Were it me, I would make certain that one employee had a Bernie Sanders bumper sticker on his car.

You do understand that under a single-payer system employers would no longer be providing health insurance for their employees, right?
I have tremendous confidence in the 1%, 2%, 5% or whatever the flavor of the day might end up being that Bernie plans upon saddling with the brunt of the taxes and expenses for his Socialist agenda. These people are not stupid and will do another work around just as they dis for Obamacare in order to maintain their own standard of living. Suppose Bernie's Socialist agenda adds $15,000 to their tax burden. They may simply terminate the least necessary employee within their business to make up for their added tax burden. It usually works out that that one employee is the least skilled but the one most likely to need his job. Were it me, I would make certain that one employee had a Bernie Sanders bumper sticker on his car.

You do understand that under a single-payer system employers would no longer be providing health insurance for their employees, right?

You do know that many would still be getting something for nothing under single payer. While taxes would go up as an offset to no premiums, unless you actually pay the taxes that fund it, you still get it for nothing. No different than now other than you bleeding hearts can take credit for something you demand the rest of us be forced to fund.

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