Bernie Sanders would likely raise taxes to pay for universal health care

^As the last industrialized nation to adapt UHC, the U.S. would be in a position to study the flaws in other systems and do its best to improve upon them.

Our biggest flaw is government. Government often underpays providers for their patients on Medicare and Medicaid. It got so bad that some are refusing new government patients because they can no longer take the loss.

Those losses got passed down to private pay patients and insurance companies. Insurance companies in return kept raising their premiums.

Liberals place their faith for anything in government. The problem is government is no inefficient at what they do, they couldn't find a hooker in a whore house.
Don't worry about Sanders ever being president.

The nomination belongs to Joe Biden.

But only because he's the only viable candidate The Democrat Party has and, besides, George Soros seems amused by him.
He's been there for seven years and I'll goddamned guarantee you people are better off than they were at the end of Bush's two terms.....double dog guarantee:

sigh. "they" collapsed housing thru the mortgage crisis. Many years in making, CRA Glass-Stegal etc.
To say things "are better" now........duh. Like after house burn down, but you got out alive. Thanks I guess?

The Greedy Assed Banks on Wall St. Jacked home prices to a point of no return. That's what caused the collapse. I thought everyone new that. My mistake!!

You are talking about the end game and not the beginning. This all started with this concept of giving people home loans that could not afford them. Banks were pressured by government to make these loans, and F&F set out the guidelines for banks to do so.

Housing went up in price because of all the housing activity.

More Republican Horse Shit!! Why didn't Bush straighten out all that shit you say was wrong. Hell....he had five years. Oh...I forgot, he was busy getting us into oil wars 10,000 miles from home.
^As the last industrialized nation to adapt UHC, the U.S. would be in a position to study the flaws in other systems and do its best to improve upon them.

Our biggest flaw is government. Government often underpays providers for their patients on Medicare and Medicaid. It got so bad that some are refusing new government patients because they can no longer take the loss.

Those losses got passed down to private pay patients and insurance companies. Insurance companies in return kept raising their premiums.

Liberals place their faith for anything in government. The problem is government is no inefficient at what they do, they couldn't find a hooker in a whore house.

If they did they wouldn't be able to afford a piece. The Republicans are the only ones who can afford to buy sex. Granted most of what Republican men buy is unusual know, like Larry Craig in the airport rest room......surely you haven't forgotten that.
He's been there for seven years and I'll goddamned guarantee you people are better off than they were at the end of Bush's two terms.....double dog guarantee:

sigh. "they" collapsed housing thru the mortgage crisis. Many years in making, CRA Glass-Stegal etc.
To say things "are better" now........duh. Like after house burn down, but you got out alive. Thanks I guess?

The Greedy Assed Banks on Wall St. Jacked home prices to a point of no return. That's what caused the collapse. I thought everyone new that. My mistake!!

You are talking about the end game and not the beginning. This all started with this concept of giving people home loans that could not afford them. Banks were pressured by government to make these loans, and F&F set out the guidelines for banks to do so.

Housing went up in price because of all the housing activity.

More Republican Horse Shit!! Why didn't Bush straighten out all that shit you say was wrong. Hell....he had five years. Oh...I forgot, he was busy getting us into oil wars 10,000 miles from home.

I never said Bush had impunity, but he certainly wasn't responsible by his lonesome. In fact, when trouble started brewing, it was Republicans that wanted to start an oversight committee of F&F. Democrats pushed it back so it never could happen. They fought tooth and nail to make sure those loans were made to minority and low income people. They said Republicans were making it all up. There was nothing wrong with F&F or their lending practices.
^As the last industrialized nation to adapt UHC, the U.S. would be in a position to study the flaws in other systems and do its best to improve upon them.

Our biggest flaw is government. Government often underpays providers for their patients on Medicare and Medicaid. It got so bad that some are refusing new government patients because they can no longer take the loss.

Those losses got passed down to private pay patients and insurance companies. Insurance companies in return kept raising their premiums.

Liberals place their faith for anything in government. The problem is government is no inefficient at what they do, they couldn't find a hooker in a whore house.

Oh they know exactly what they are doing. If they tried to keep up with the cost of medical care by increasing employee contributions to Medicare, the public may eventually turn against the program, and that's why they never did it. Instead, keep telling everybody everything is just fine. Look how good the Seniors have it with Medicare. Nothing is wrong here, no siree.
Generally, in Canada, you are better off if you are lower middle class or worse. You are better off in America if you are upper middle class or better.

Qhich of those scenarios makes more sense to you?

I'm upper middle class, so I like the American system better.

But if I were lower middle class or unemployed, I'd rather be in Canada.

One of my friends with health issues moved back to Canada because she was better served by the health system in Canada than the US.
maybe bernie forgot that we no longer have 100 million millionaires in the USA like we did during the Bush years...he is off by a few decimal points.
I'm upper middle class, so I like the American system better.

But if I were lower middle class or unemployed, I'd rather be in Canada.

One of my friends with health issues moved back to Canada because she was better served by the health system in Canada than the US.

If I were lower class or unemployed, I'd rather be dead. Though deporting that portion of the American public to Canada sounds like an idea.
"would LIKELY" raise taxes???

Oh, that's rich.

He'd take it all and give us a stipend to live on. If we're lucky.

He's been there for seven years and I'll goddamned guarantee you people are better off than they were at the end of Bush's two terms.....double dog guarantee:


Labor rate participation is at a 38 year low and a majority of those new jobs are burger flipping jobs. obama is trying to prop up those who got the burger flipping jobs with yet another money-wasting job insurance plan.

Dems held the majority during the last two years of Bush's presidency. It's cute how you continue to just blame Bush though.
Yeah, and Bush vetoed everything the Senate didn't filibuster 2007-9...duh
Ray, are you a closet Democrat?
You seem to have your hand out looking for someone to put something in it all the time.

Man up dude. You are where you are based on YOUR decisions.

^^^ Dumbest post of the morning

People like you and Ray that failed yourselves in life (which I am reasonably sure you have) are always looking for two things.

Someone to blame for your failure.

And somone to GIVE you something BECAUSE you are a failure.


Dude, I could buy your broke joke ass but I have no use for a loudmouth leftist loon. GFY

That's what it's all about....folks who inherited their wealth or had a relative to set them up. Were you another Donald Trump.......brought into Daddy's company and left $150 million?

Nope, I got an education, married a man who got an education, made a life plan and worked hard. Try it and maybe you'll succeed....oh wait, you're old and it's too late. So sorry
LOL So wrong...
He's been there for seven years and I'll goddamned guarantee you people are better off than they were at the end of Bush's two terms.....double dog guarantee:

sigh. "they" collapsed housing thru the mortgage crisis. Many years in making, CRA Glass-Stegal etc.
To say things "are better" now........duh. Like after house burn down, but you got out alive. Thanks I guess?

The Greedy Assed Banks on Wall St. Jacked home prices to a point of no return. That's what caused the collapse. I thought everyone new that. My mistake!!

You are talking about the end game and not the beginning. This all started with this concept of giving people home loans that could not afford them. Banks were pressured by government to make these loans, and F&F set out the guidelines for banks to do so.

Housing went up in price because of all the housing activity.

Video Surfaces of Hillary Clinton Blaming Homeowners for Financial Crisis
He's been there for seven years and I'll goddamned guarantee you people are better off than they were at the end of Bush's two terms.....double dog guarantee:

sigh. "they" collapsed housing thru the mortgage crisis. Many years in making, CRA Glass-Stegal etc.
To say things "are better" now........duh. Like after house burn down, but you got out alive. Thanks I guess?

The Greedy Assed Banks on Wall St. Jacked home prices to a point of no return. That's what caused the collapse. I thought everyone new that. My mistake!!

You are talking about the end game and not the beginning. This all started with this concept of giving people home loans that could not afford them. Banks were pressured by government to make these loans, and F&F set out the guidelines for banks to do so.

Housing went up in price because of all the housing activity.

More Republican Horse Shit!! Why didn't Bush straighten out all that shit you say was wrong. Hell....he had five years. Oh...I forgot, he was busy getting us into oil wars 10,000 miles from home.

I never said Bush had impunity, but he certainly wasn't responsible by his lonesome. In fact, when trouble started brewing, it was Republicans that wanted to start an oversight committee of F&F. Democrats pushed it back so it never could happen. They fought tooth and nail to make sure those loans were made to minority and low income people. They said Republicans were making it all up. There was nothing wrong with F&F or their lending practices.
F+F had nothing to do with it until LATE. Private lending Institutions and their friendly Booooshie regulators, dupe. Ay caramba. Read something.
^As the last industrialized nation to adapt UHC, the U.S. would be in a position to study the flaws in other systems and do its best to improve upon them.

Our biggest flaw is government. Government often underpays providers for their patients on Medicare and Medicaid. It got so bad that some are refusing new government patients because they can no longer take the loss.

Those losses got passed down to private pay patients and insurance companies. Insurance companies in return kept raising their premiums.

Liberals place their faith for anything in government. The problem is government is no inefficient at what they do, they couldn't find a hooker in a whore house.

If they did they wouldn't be able to afford a piece. The Republicans are the only ones who can afford to buy sex. Granted most of what Republican men buy is unusual know, like Larry Craig in the airport rest room......surely you haven't forgotten that.

Or an overweight, low self esteem intern in the Oval Office? Surely you haven't forgotten that.
can democrats ever explain how stealing money from the middle class will boom the economy and have free health care for everyone?

You should ask that of the people running the oil companies and GE and Apple and Walmart who are letting you pay their taxes for them.

Then you can get back to discussing the topic of this thread...assuming you even understand it.
That means absolutely hogwash....You lefties just love to roll out the corporation card.
How much are you realistically willing to confiscate to fulfill your dream of a socialist utopia?
Have you stopped to consider the consequences?
. The nightmare that is socialism.... Here is what a socialist mindset is, and why it doesn't work... Back in the day if a citizen worked hard, created things, built up an honest reputation, went through life's trials and tribulations, built up a good credit report, passed many job training situations, became a key employee in any job situation entered into, worked to keep his or her family safe, budgeted and invested wisely, and many other things that mold and shape a great citizen of the united States, they are somehow punished for this??? A socialist tries to bring the person down to a supposed or fantasized equal level by use of a government jack boot upon the citizens throat ((in which makes the liberal socialist then feel all empowered, dominant and warm and cozy inside)). This is when this nation falls and falls hard.... The socialist fear people who have been successful in life, and they are extremely jealous of them. They seek to destroy a person in which they are extremely jealous over.

I'll give you a simple example of this.. - - If a motorist gets stopped for something simple by a socialist cop. The cop will then throw the book at the motorist, and do it especially if he or she is jealous of the motorist or just a bully maybe or operating under a quota system, and all because he or she has socialist thinking and issues in life as pertaining to their character. The officer, who has the power of the government behind him or her, and if are a socialist in life, will then take their power to try and hurt an individual as much as possible in a situation. This is the same that goes on in all socialist thinking in life. It is a huge problem in this nation, and it's getting worse and worse. When peoples record in life is ignored by socialist, this nation loses big time.... Another simple example... If your record is impeccable, and your record is not considered as a gauge or reference to anyone who is contending with you in life, then you are dealing with a socialist or even a communist maybe... Remember this people, because socialist are no good.

Socialism is a huge failure, and we are fools to have ever engauged in it or have had it forced upon us. It's time to get back to a nation of merit and good character to be lifted up again... The gig is up...

The only area that I think equality should be the order of the day, is in ones access to healthcare, and access to healthy food to sustain life in the human being who isn't so lazy as to go hungry because someone won't bring the food to them, and even spoon feed them if someone is fool enough to do so. Healthcare and food is a must to sustain life, but all else should be based upon the merit system unless someone is mentally ill, and can't do for themselves for that very reason.
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Hillary and all the other race hustlers are pure evil is what I say... The blacks should be steaming hot mad at the democrats who have screwed them over all these years. They have voted against their interest and well being for years because they were fooled by it all. Now they are still hugely dependent, and are echoing that fact every election cycle when their desperation leads them to support candidates like they feel like they have to support, even though they are being used or are using the candidates in which they feel they have too support.

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