Bernie Sanders would likely raise taxes to pay for universal health care

do you know how sad it is when they throw up about the FREAKING roads we travel on? what the freak does that have to do with anything. we pay BOTH STATE taxes and a FEDERAL gas tax to pay for those things. are people really this dumb about how our country and governments work?
CNN ^ | January 16, 2016 | Tami Luhby
Bernie Sanders likely wants to raise everyone's taxes to pay for universal health care, but promises it will be worth it. The Democratic presidential contender has long promoted a single payer health care system, which would eliminate the private insurance market in favor of a government-run program. He calls it 'Medicare for All. Sanders' plan for health insurance is now in the spotlight, with rival Hillary Clinton demanding that he reveal how he'd pay for it. Her campaign contends it would require raising taxes on the middle class by 9%. Sanders has waffled on whether he'd unveil details before the...


Your taxes would replace your insurance premiums.

Do you mean income taxes?
Are the same people bitching about rising premiums and high deductibles now bitching about the possibility of eliminating them? :wtf:

For higher taxes? If, at best, it breaks even, the bottom linen is still the same. Somehow you idiots think that's different.

What about those who don't pay the type taxes yet would still receive coverage. Are they actually going to start contributing to society?

You idiots try to take chicken shit, spice it up, and call it chicken salad. You eat it if it's so good.
No, they wouldn't!

Any why not? You would no longer be paying thousands of dollars annually for private insurance. Paying for profit margins would be history. True, you'd be paying for government bureaucracy, but right now you are paying for the health care insurance bureaucracy which is well known to be huge and overlapping.
You're an old fucker Vag, So I would guess you're on Medicare and maybe you added a private insurance supplemental plan and what you are paying for that is probably around a third of what you'd end up paying if there was no Medicare and you had to deal with private insurance.

Well, I'm like Hillary on this one. Why won't Bernie explain exactly how he's going to pay for it? The reason is, and Hillary knows it, is that the computations have already been don on Bernie's plan and it will raise taxes on everyone that currently pay taxes.

Will the increase in your taxes be more than your insurance premiums?
Yes....Number one issue. The money we pay for insurance premiums is deducted before taxes. In other words, employer provided insurance coverage is essentially income that is not taxed.
It is highly unlikely employers will at the onset of a single payer system begin paying their employees the equivalent of the expense absorbed by the company's share of the premium. Therefore every worker would lose that pay. In effect, that is a tax. Second, every person would see their taxes increased. And the source of single payer funding will have to be more regressive than progressive in nature. for example, it is not likely the lowest earners will see much of an increase in their income or payroll taxes. However, there will be new taxes and fees unrelated to income such as fuel taxes, a national sales tax, taxes on alcohol, firearms, pharma companies( passed along to consumers) health and exercise equipment, obesity and behavior.
Our freedoms will be greatly eroded as government seeks to control costs be regulating behavior in a manner that would cause the Framers to roll over in their graves.

As a victim of Commie Care, let me explain how it works when you lose your employers plan:

First of all there is no way for an employer to transfer funds to an employee for an individual plan. The only way to do that is with a pay increase. Along with a pay increase comes all the other increases that most don't realize. The employer has to match the larger medicare contribution by the employee, the larger SS contribution by the employee, workman's compensation insurance increases along with unemployment insurance. In my case, my employer contributes a generous amount to our retirement plan which of course increases.

My employer was paying $425.00 a month for my coverage. After he deducted all the additional expenses it took to give me that pay increase, I ended up with about $200.00. Then (as you stated) that additional $200.00 is taxed as payroll.

In short, that money my employer used to use to provide us coverage was eaten up in taxation because Commie Care didn't provide for a dollar to dollar transfer of that money to an individual plan.

To add insult to injury, when I went to my tax preparer, I found out that Commie Care got rid of my medical expense deduction. You now need a minimum of $10,000 of medical expenses before you can deduct anything.

Do you EVER quit whining and take responsibility for yourself and your situation? If it aint the government its your employer if it aint your employer its the poor people.
Find a better job. thats the mantra of your kind. Your employer dont OWE you jack shit. Right? Including HC. You should be GLAD that you still have access to HC. Because your employer dont OWE you jack shit. Right.

Damn that ACA.

Both my under 25 student children having medical coverage.

My 30 year old has medical insurance and also has a medical condition that would have kept her from being insured
prior to the ACA.

My wifes company is our heath insurance provider and the rate of increase in premium costs has slowed.

Well care fully covered. etc etc.

Yea the ACA is the pits I tell you.
Any why not? You would no longer be paying thousands of dollars annually for private insurance. Paying for profit margins would be history. True, you'd be paying for government bureaucracy, but right now you are paying for the health care insurance bureaucracy which is well known to be huge and overlapping.
You're an old fucker Vag, So I would guess you're on Medicare and maybe you added a private insurance supplemental plan and what you are paying for that is probably around a third of what you'd end up paying if there was no Medicare and you had to deal with private insurance.

Well, I'm like Hillary on this one. Why won't Bernie explain exactly how he's going to pay for it? The reason is, and Hillary knows it, is that the computations have already been don on Bernie's plan and it will raise taxes on everyone that currently pay taxes.

Will the increase in your taxes be more than your insurance premiums?
Yes....Number one issue. The money we pay for insurance premiums is deducted before taxes. In other words, employer provided insurance coverage is essentially income that is not taxed.
It is highly unlikely employers will at the onset of a single payer system begin paying their employees the equivalent of the expense absorbed by the company's share of the premium. Therefore every worker would lose that pay. In effect, that is a tax. Second, every person would see their taxes increased. And the source of single payer funding will have to be more regressive than progressive in nature. for example, it is not likely the lowest earners will see much of an increase in their income or payroll taxes. However, there will be new taxes and fees unrelated to income such as fuel taxes, a national sales tax, taxes on alcohol, firearms, pharma companies( passed along to consumers) health and exercise equipment, obesity and behavior.
Our freedoms will be greatly eroded as government seeks to control costs be regulating behavior in a manner that would cause the Framers to roll over in their graves.

As a victim of Commie Care, let me explain how it works when you lose your employers plan:

First of all there is no way for an employer to transfer funds to an employee for an individual plan. The only way to do that is with a pay increase. Along with a pay increase comes all the other increases that most don't realize. The employer has to match the larger medicare contribution by the employee, the larger SS contribution by the employee, workman's compensation insurance increases along with unemployment insurance. In my case, my employer contributes a generous amount to our retirement plan which of course increases.

My employer was paying $425.00 a month for my coverage. After he deducted all the additional expenses it took to give me that pay increase, I ended up with about $200.00. Then (as you stated) that additional $200.00 is taxed as payroll.

In short, that money my employer used to use to provide us coverage was eaten up in taxation because Commie Care didn't provide for a dollar to dollar transfer of that money to an individual plan.

To add insult to injury, when I went to my tax preparer, I found out that Commie Care got rid of my medical expense deduction. You now need a minimum of $10,000 of medical expenses before you can deduct anything.

Do you EVER quit whining and take responsibility for yourself and your situation? If it aint the government its your employer if it aint your employer its the poor people.
Find a better job. thats the mantra of your kind. Your employer dont OWE you jack shit. Right? Including HC. You should be GLAD that you still have access to HC. Because your employer dont OWE you jack shit. Right.

Damn that ACA.

Both my under 25 student children having medical coverage.

My 30 year old has medical insurance and also has a medical condition that would have kept her from being insured
prior to the ACA.

My wifes company is our heath insurance provider and the rate of increase in premium costs has slowed.

Well care fully covered. etc etc.

Yea the ACA is the pits I tell you.

well well, bully for you. now say thank you
well, Obama did. what the hell does the people think is going to pay for it? 65 BILLION on the UNINSURED. GUESS who that is? YOUR CHILDREN just getting started in life

suck you in until you're nothing more than a slave for the state

sat goodbye to Freedom

Just curious.....have you ever discussed your views with the millions of people who can't afford health care? I'll bet you ten to one they voted for Obama.......every phuckin chance they got.

Now the greedy bastards who are raking in billions from people's illness would like to leave things the way they are.

The United States of America is the only industrialized nation in the world that does not provide total health care for all it's citizens. The Big Boys have to keep the business assholes who speculate on the welfare of American citizens at the top of their agenda. What a goddam country this has turned into. I think every able bodied youngster should try to find something to do besides fight and die in unnecessary Republican wars. That would be Step One!!

Richard Nixon knew exactly what he was doing when he ended the draft. Rich folks start wars but their kids don't fight in them.....they go to fancy ivy league schools.
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well, Obama did. what the hell does the people think is going to pay for it? 65 BILLION on the UNINSURED. GUESS who that is? YOUR CHILDREN just getting started in life

suck you in until you're nothing more than a slave for the state

sat goodbye to Freedom

Just curious.....have you ever discussed your views with the millions of people who can't afford health care? I'll bet you ten to one they voted for Obama.......every phuckin chance they got.

Now the greedy bastards who are raking in billions from people's illness would like to leave things the way they are.

The United States of America is the only industrialized nation in the world that does not provide total health care for all it's citizens. The Big Boys have to keep the business assholes who speculate on the welfare of American citizens at the top of their agenda. What a goddam country this has turned into. I think every able bodied youngster should try to find something to do besides fight and die in unnecessary Republican wars. That would be Step One!!

Richard Nixon knew exactly what he was doing when he ended the draft. Rich folks start wars but their kids don't fight in them.....they go to fancy ivy league schools.

Correct, they did vote for DumBama, but they (like most Americans) didn't realize they were being lied to. Had they known from the beginning what a scam Commie Care was and what lies Ears told about it, he would have easily lost his bid for second term. Don't believe me, just look at his approval numbers today.
well, Obama did. what the hell does the people think is going to pay for it? 65 BILLION on the UNINSURED. GUESS who that is? YOUR CHILDREN just getting started in life

suck you in until you're nothing more than a slave for the state

sat goodbye to Freedom

Just curious.....have you ever discussed your views with the millions of people who can't afford health care? I'll bet you ten to one they voted for Obama.......every phuckin chance they got.

Now the greedy bastards who are raking in billions from people's illness would like to leave things the way they are.

The United States of America is the only industrialized nation in the world that does not provide total health care for all it's citizens. The Big Boys have to keep the business assholes who speculate on the welfare of American citizens at the top of their agenda. What a goddam country this has turned into. I think every able bodied youngster should try to find something to do besides fight and die in unnecessary Republican wars. That would be Step One!!

Richard Nixon knew exactly what he was doing when he ended the draft. Rich folks start wars but their kids don't fight in them.....they go to fancy ivy league schools.

Correct, they did vote for DumBama, but they (like most Americans) didn't realize they were being lied to. Had they known from the beginning what a scam Commie Care was and what lies Ears told about it, he would have easily lost his bid for second term. Don't believe me, just look at his approval numbers today.

Frankly.....your right wing hanging has made you stupid. Why don't you look at the picture from ordinary American views instead of just from your totally right wing bias?

You people never have questioned the $600 billion a year spent on tanks and aircraft carriers and the last time anybody surrendered to us was August, 1945. Why the hell do you want to prevent every American from getting some modicum of attention and care when they're sick?
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Any why not? You would no longer be paying thousands of dollars annually for private insurance. Paying for profit margins would be history. True, you'd be paying for government bureaucracy, but right now you are paying for the health care insurance bureaucracy which is well known to be huge and overlapping.
You're an old fucker Vag, So I would guess you're on Medicare and maybe you added a private insurance supplemental plan and what you are paying for that is probably around a third of what you'd end up paying if there was no Medicare and you had to deal with private insurance.

Well, I'm like Hillary on this one. Why won't Bernie explain exactly how he's going to pay for it? The reason is, and Hillary knows it, is that the computations have already been don on Bernie's plan and it will raise taxes on everyone that currently pay taxes.

Will the increase in your taxes be more than your insurance premiums?
Yes....Number one issue. The money we pay for insurance premiums is deducted before taxes. In other words, employer provided insurance coverage is essentially income that is not taxed.
It is highly unlikely employers will at the onset of a single payer system begin paying their employees the equivalent of the expense absorbed by the company's share of the premium. Therefore every worker would lose that pay. In effect, that is a tax. Second, every person would see their taxes increased. And the source of single payer funding will have to be more regressive than progressive in nature. for example, it is not likely the lowest earners will see much of an increase in their income or payroll taxes. However, there will be new taxes and fees unrelated to income such as fuel taxes, a national sales tax, taxes on alcohol, firearms, pharma companies( passed along to consumers) health and exercise equipment, obesity and behavior.
Our freedoms will be greatly eroded as government seeks to control costs be regulating behavior in a manner that would cause the Framers to roll over in their graves.

As a victim of Commie Care, let me explain how it works when you lose your employers plan:

First of all there is no way for an employer to transfer funds to an employee for an individual plan. The only way to do that is with a pay increase. Along with a pay increase comes all the other increases that most don't realize. The employer has to match the larger medicare contribution by the employee, the larger SS contribution by the employee, workman's compensation insurance increases along with unemployment insurance. In my case, my employer contributes a generous amount to our retirement plan which of course increases.

My employer was paying $425.00 a month for my coverage. After he deducted all the additional expenses it took to give me that pay increase, I ended up with about $200.00. Then (as you stated) that additional $200.00 is taxed as payroll.

In short, that money my employer used to use to provide us coverage was eaten up in taxation because Commie Care didn't provide for a dollar to dollar transfer of that money to an individual plan.

To add insult to injury, when I went to my tax preparer, I found out that Commie Care got rid of my medical expense deduction. You now need a minimum of $10,000 of medical expenses before you can deduct anything.

Do you EVER quit whining and take responsibility for yourself and your situation? If it aint the government its your employer if it aint your employer its the poor people.
Find a better job. thats the mantra of your kind. Your employer dont OWE you jack shit. Right? Including HC. You should be GLAD that you still have access to HC. Because your employer dont OWE you jack shit. Right.

Damn that ACA.

Both my under 25 student children having medical coverage.

My 30 year old has medical insurance and also has a medical condition that would have kept her from being insured
prior to the ACA.

My wifes company is our heath insurance provider and the rate of increase in premium costs has slowed.

Well care fully covered. etc etc.

Yea the ACA is the pits I tell you.

If not for Commie Care I would have insurance today by my employer. But because of Commie Care, my employer dropped our coverage. That's not my fault, that's the fault of all the Commies that voted for this jerk.

What if we get a GOP President and he makes law that everybody has to buy a brand new SUV? Would you approve of that? Granted, a new SUV is cheaper than health insurance, but it's something that's not affordable for many people.

When you elect Commies and they inflict a huge expense on people, and then people can't afford that huge expense, you blame the people instead of your inability to choose a real American to lead the country. Yeah, I know, I know, it's never the Democrats fault.
well, Obama did. what the hell does the people think is going to pay for it? 65 BILLION on the UNINSURED. GUESS who that is? YOUR CHILDREN just getting started in life

suck you in until you're nothing more than a slave for the state

sat goodbye to Freedom

Just curious.....have you ever discussed your views with the millions of people who can't afford health care? I'll bet you ten to one they voted for Obama.......every phuckin chance they got.

Now the greedy bastards who are raking in billions from people's illness would like to leave things the way they are.

The United States of America is the only industrialized nation in the world that does not provide total health care for all it's citizens. The Big Boys have to keep the business assholes who speculate on the welfare of American citizens at the top of their agenda. What a goddam country this has turned into. I think every able bodied youngster should try to find something to do besides fight and die in unnecessary Republican wars. That would be Step One!!

Richard Nixon knew exactly what he was doing when he ended the draft. Rich folks start wars but their kids don't fight in them.....they go to fancy ivy league schools.

Correct, they did vote for DumBama, but they (like most Americans) didn't realize they were being lied to. Had they known from the beginning what a scam Commie Care was and what lies Ears told about it, he would have easily lost his bid for second term. Don't believe me, just look at his approval numbers today.

Frankly.....your right wing hanging has made you stupid. Why don't you look at the picture from ordinary American views instead of just from your totally right wing bias?

You people never have questioned the $600 billion a year spent on tanks and aircraft carriers and the last time anybody surrendered to us was August, 1945. Why the hell do you want to prevent every American from getting some modicum of attention and care when they're sick?

Look at it from any point of view, and Ears lied to the American people to sell his plan to make more Americans dependent on government. After all, that's what it's really all about, because the more government dependents in this country, the more likely Democrat voters in this country. Think your party doesn't know this? Think we have record amounts of people on social programs by accident?

Why don't you look at what's really going on instead of what they tell you is going on?

You cradle-to-gravers will be the end of this country yet.
"would LIKELY" raise taxes???

Oh, that's rich.

He'd take it all and give us a stipend to live on. If we're lucky.

He's been there for seven years and I'll goddamned guarantee you people are better off than they were at the end of Bush's two terms.....double dog guarantee:

Back to 90% on the rich. Just like it was under the REPUBLICAN Eisenhower.

Except for one, nobody ever paid that 90% and two, there were few places to move your business.

Today, travel is much safer and a person can run their business from their cell phone sitting on the toilet. Tax them too much or too many union demands, they leave the state or country.

If our federal tax rate were 0%, the federal government would collect 0 dollars. If our federal tax rate were 100%, our federal government would still collect 0 dollars because who would be stupid enough to create wealth?
Folks reinvested into their businesses rather than sending money offshore like they're doing now.

Yes they did, because it was too expensive to operate a business overseas and ship product back to the US.

Remember that at one time, US pay was much closer to those who are making our products today so it made sense to invest here. Not so today. Thanks to unions and government, we out-priced ourselves out of the world market and that's why it's cheaper to outsource work.
Bernie and the left...still clinging to government healthcare even after the disaster of Obamacare is revealed. You cannot fix stupid
Well, I'm like Hillary on this one. Why won't Bernie explain exactly how he's going to pay for it? The reason is, and Hillary knows it, is that the computations have already been don on Bernie's plan and it will raise taxes on everyone that currently pay taxes.

Will the increase in your taxes be more than your insurance premiums?
Yes....Number one issue. The money we pay for insurance premiums is deducted before taxes. In other words, employer provided insurance coverage is essentially income that is not taxed.
It is highly unlikely employers will at the onset of a single payer system begin paying their employees the equivalent of the expense absorbed by the company's share of the premium. Therefore every worker would lose that pay. In effect, that is a tax. Second, every person would see their taxes increased. And the source of single payer funding will have to be more regressive than progressive in nature. for example, it is not likely the lowest earners will see much of an increase in their income or payroll taxes. However, there will be new taxes and fees unrelated to income such as fuel taxes, a national sales tax, taxes on alcohol, firearms, pharma companies( passed along to consumers) health and exercise equipment, obesity and behavior.
Our freedoms will be greatly eroded as government seeks to control costs be regulating behavior in a manner that would cause the Framers to roll over in their graves.

As a victim of Commie Care, let me explain how it works when you lose your employers plan:

First of all there is no way for an employer to transfer funds to an employee for an individual plan. The only way to do that is with a pay increase. Along with a pay increase comes all the other increases that most don't realize. The employer has to match the larger medicare contribution by the employee, the larger SS contribution by the employee, workman's compensation insurance increases along with unemployment insurance. In my case, my employer contributes a generous amount to our retirement plan which of course increases.

My employer was paying $425.00 a month for my coverage. After he deducted all the additional expenses it took to give me that pay increase, I ended up with about $200.00. Then (as you stated) that additional $200.00 is taxed as payroll.

In short, that money my employer used to use to provide us coverage was eaten up in taxation because Commie Care didn't provide for a dollar to dollar transfer of that money to an individual plan.

To add insult to injury, when I went to my tax preparer, I found out that Commie Care got rid of my medical expense deduction. You now need a minimum of $10,000 of medical expenses before you can deduct anything.

Do you EVER quit whining and take responsibility for yourself and your situation? If it aint the government its your employer if it aint your employer its the poor people.
Find a better job. thats the mantra of your kind. Your employer dont OWE you jack shit. Right? Including HC. You should be GLAD that you still have access to HC. Because your employer dont OWE you jack shit. Right.

Damn that ACA.

Both my under 25 student children having medical coverage.

My 30 year old has medical insurance and also has a medical condition that would have kept her from being insured
prior to the ACA.

My wifes company is our heath insurance provider and the rate of increase in premium costs has slowed.

Well care fully covered. etc etc.

Yea the ACA is the pits I tell you.

If not for Commie Care I would have insurance today by my employer. But because of Commie Care, my employer dropped our coverage. That's not my fault, that's the fault of all the Commies that voted for this jerk.

What if we get a GOP President and he makes law that everybody has to buy a brand new SUV? Would you approve of that? Granted, a new SUV is cheaper than health insurance, but it's something that's not affordable for many people.

When you elect Commies and they inflict a huge expense on people, and then people can't afford that huge expense, you blame the people instead of your inability to choose a real American to lead the country. Yeah, I know, I know, it's never the Democrats fault.

You're full of shit and that's a goddam lie

18 million people who were in the shape you claim gained covereage under ObamaCare. How is it that you're so unlucky? Are You Stupid??
Bernie and the left...still clinging to government healthcare even after the disaster of Obamacare is revealed. You cannot fix stupid

they haven't had a new idea for over 30 years. and they get this more government called: ObamaNO care on our backs and look at it. BILLIONS down the drain
Well, I'm like Hillary on this one. Why won't Bernie explain exactly how he's going to pay for it? The reason is, and Hillary knows it, is that the computations have already been don on Bernie's plan and it will raise taxes on everyone that currently pay taxes.

Will the increase in your taxes be more than your insurance premiums?
Yes....Number one issue. The money we pay for insurance premiums is deducted before taxes. In other words, employer provided insurance coverage is essentially income that is not taxed.
It is highly unlikely employers will at the onset of a single payer system begin paying their employees the equivalent of the expense absorbed by the company's share of the premium. Therefore every worker would lose that pay. In effect, that is a tax. Second, every person would see their taxes increased. And the source of single payer funding will have to be more regressive than progressive in nature. for example, it is not likely the lowest earners will see much of an increase in their income or payroll taxes. However, there will be new taxes and fees unrelated to income such as fuel taxes, a national sales tax, taxes on alcohol, firearms, pharma companies( passed along to consumers) health and exercise equipment, obesity and behavior.
Our freedoms will be greatly eroded as government seeks to control costs be regulating behavior in a manner that would cause the Framers to roll over in their graves.

As a victim of Commie Care, let me explain how it works when you lose your employers plan:

First of all there is no way for an employer to transfer funds to an employee for an individual plan. The only way to do that is with a pay increase. Along with a pay increase comes all the other increases that most don't realize. The employer has to match the larger medicare contribution by the employee, the larger SS contribution by the employee, workman's compensation insurance increases along with unemployment insurance. In my case, my employer contributes a generous amount to our retirement plan which of course increases.

My employer was paying $425.00 a month for my coverage. After he deducted all the additional expenses it took to give me that pay increase, I ended up with about $200.00. Then (as you stated) that additional $200.00 is taxed as payroll.

In short, that money my employer used to use to provide us coverage was eaten up in taxation because Commie Care didn't provide for a dollar to dollar transfer of that money to an individual plan.

To add insult to injury, when I went to my tax preparer, I found out that Commie Care got rid of my medical expense deduction. You now need a minimum of $10,000 of medical expenses before you can deduct anything.

Do you EVER quit whining and take responsibility for yourself and your situation? If it aint the government its your employer if it aint your employer its the poor people.
Find a better job. thats the mantra of your kind. Your employer dont OWE you jack shit. Right? Including HC. You should be GLAD that you still have access to HC. Because your employer dont OWE you jack shit. Right.

Damn that ACA.

Both my under 25 student children having medical coverage.

My 30 year old has medical insurance and also has a medical condition that would have kept her from being insured
prior to the ACA.

My wifes company is our heath insurance provider and the rate of increase in premium costs has slowed.

Well care fully covered. etc etc.

Yea the ACA is the pits I tell you.

If not for Commie Care I would have insurance today by my employer. But because of Commie Care, my employer dropped our coverage. That's not my fault, that's the fault of all the Commies that voted for this jerk.

What if we get a GOP President and he makes law that everybody has to buy a brand new SUV? Would you approve of that? Granted, a new SUV is cheaper than health insurance, but it's something that's not affordable for many people.

When you elect Commies and they inflict a huge expense on people, and then people can't afford that huge expense, you blame the people instead of your inability to choose a real American to lead the country. Yeah, I know, I know, it's never the Democrats fault.

Your employer DOES NOT OWE you ANYTHING. And that includes HC. the employer does not owe you a living wage, Health care or anything else. Your employer exists to make themselves well off. Not you. I learned all that from the right wingers on here. So why you bitching that your employer dropped health care coverage?

Did your employers bottom line improve when he dumped his employees off the company health care plan? Good for him eh?

Where does your employer get his HC? the ACA?

I have three friends who didnt make the greatest choices in life concerning employment. Kinda like you I think.

they had no, none, health insurance for many many years. And their health suffered BECAUSE they couldnt afford care.

Now they can. NOw they do and now they are living in better health

Why the fuck would I complain about my friends and my family having health care?

I dont.

Is it perfect? Fuck no. Single payer was the way to go.

But its better than nothing.

Btw, where is that Repub alternative? Been years waiting for that bit of good news. LMAO.
do you know how sad it is when they throw up about the FREAKING roads we travel on? what the freak does that have to do with anything. we pay BOTH STATE taxes and a FEDERAL gas tax to pay for those things. are people really this dumb about how our country and governments work?

That is typical for liberal debate; go to the most extreme to try and make a point.

If you are against affirmative action, you are for bringing back slavery. If you are against unions, you are for 11 year olds working in hot factories 14 hours a day. If you are against gay marriage, you must also be against interracial marriage and so on.

There is little you can do about it. It's how the liberal mind is trained to work.
Ray, are you a closet Democrat?
You seem to have your hand out looking for someone to put something in it all the time.

Man up dude. You are where you are based on YOUR decisions.

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