Bernie Sanders would likely raise taxes to pay for universal health care

TheOTE="thereisnospoon, post: 13279195, member: 23165"]
CNN ^ | January 16, 2016 | Tami Luhby
Bernie Sanders likely wants to raise everyone's taxes to pay for universal health care, but promises it will be worth it. The Democratic presidential contender has long promoted a single payer health care system, which would eliminate the private insurance market in favor of a government-run program. He calls it 'Medicare for All. Sanders' plan for health insurance is now in the spotlight, with rival Hillary Clinton demanding that he reveal how he'd pay for it. Her campaign contends it would require raising taxes on the middle class by 9%. Sanders has waffled on whether he'd unveil details before the...


Your taxes would replace your insurance premiums.

No, they wouldn't!
These single payer people are not thinking clearly at all.

Trump supported single payer.

But he's a "conservative."


He still does. But in any manner close to what your side wants.
You people want government to waive a magic wand. huge increases in taxes. That's the wand.
That will never be sustainable....
look, no one likes paying health insurance premiums. Few people like how their insurance works. They hate the gate keepers, the ambiguous legalese in their policies, etc.
The solution of single payer is NOLT the answer. our federal government has a long track record of doing very little correctly. There is NO appreciable evidence in the track record of Washington that remotely suggests it can b e trusted with the well being of the population. No way. [/QUOTE]

The corporate insurance companies who are nothing but profiteers can't be trusted either... We don't need the government dictating what or how the medical industry should be run, but it can protect the citizens from fraud, abuse and flat out highway robbery by the insurance companies, doctors and hospitals.. All the government has to do, is use existing laws to do it.1st it has to kick the lobbyist to the curb. Yep yep.
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CNN ^ | January 16, 2016 | Tami Luhby
Bernie Sanders likely wants to raise everyone's taxes to pay for universal health care, but promises it will be worth it. The Democratic presidential contender has long promoted a single payer health care system, which would eliminate the private insurance market in favor of a government-run program. He calls it 'Medicare for All. Sanders' plan for health insurance is now in the spotlight, with rival Hillary Clinton demanding that he reveal how he'd pay for it. Her campaign contends it would require raising taxes on the middle class by 9%. Sanders has waffled on whether he'd unveil details before the...


Your taxes would replace your insurance premiums.

Okay....what would we use to fund this monster government then?
CNN ^ | January 16, 2016 | Tami Luhby
Bernie Sanders likely wants to raise everyone's taxes to pay for universal health care, but promises it will be worth it. The Democratic presidential contender has long promoted a single payer health care system, which would eliminate the private insurance market in favor of a government-run program. He calls it 'Medicare for All. Sanders' plan for health insurance is now in the spotlight, with rival Hillary Clinton demanding that he reveal how he'd pay for it. Her campaign contends it would require raising taxes on the middle class by 9%. Sanders has waffled on whether he'd unveil details before the...


Your taxes would replace your insurance premiums.

Okay....what would we use to fund this monster government then?
Nice to see you back Randall, all OK?
TheOTE="thereisnospoon, post: 13279195, member: 23165"]
CNN ^ | January 16, 2016 | Tami Luhby
Bernie Sanders likely wants to raise everyone's taxes to pay for universal health care, but promises it will be worth it. The Democratic presidential contender has long promoted a single payer health care system, which would eliminate the private insurance market in favor of a government-run program. He calls it 'Medicare for All. Sanders' plan for health insurance is now in the spotlight, with rival Hillary Clinton demanding that he reveal how he'd pay for it. Her campaign contends it would require raising taxes on the middle class by 9%. Sanders has waffled on whether he'd unveil details before the...


Your taxes would replace your insurance premiums.

No, they wouldn't!
These single payer people are not thinking clearly at all.

Trump supported single payer.

But he's a "conservative."

He still does. But in any manner close to what your side wants.
You people want government to waive a magic wand. huge increases in taxes. That's the wand.
That will never be sustainable....
look, no one likes paying health insurance premiums. Few people like how their insurance works. They hate the gate keepers, the ambiguous legalese in their policies, etc.
The solution of single payer is NOLT the answer. our federal government has a long track record of doing very little correctly. There is NO appreciable evidence in the track record of Washington that remotely suggests it can b e trusted with the well being of the population. No way.

The corporate insurance companies who are nothing but profiteers can't be trusted either... We don't need the government dictating what or how the medical industry should be run, but it can protect the citizens from fraud, abuse and flat out highway robbery by the insurance companies, doctors and hospitals.. All the government has to do, is use existing laws to do it.1st it has to kick the lobbyist to the curb. Yep yep.[/QUOTE]
The corporate insurance companies who are nothing but profiteers can't be trusted either"....No shit. I've covered that already.
And just how would the federal government which in and of itself is one gigantic dysfunctional bureaucracy get things done any more efficiently and less expensively?....
Here's a newsflash...Once the federal government decided to involve itself in the health insurance business, costs and prices( yes there is a difference)skyrocketed.
Do a little homework. Look up the federal mandates that exist on ALL health insurance policies.
CNN ^ | January 16, 2016 | Tami Luhby
Bernie Sanders likely wants to raise everyone's taxes to pay for universal health care, but promises it will be worth it. The Democratic presidential contender has long promoted a single payer health care system, which would eliminate the private insurance market in favor of a government-run program. He calls it 'Medicare for All. Sanders' plan for health insurance is now in the spotlight, with rival Hillary Clinton demanding that he reveal how he'd pay for it. Her campaign contends it would require raising taxes on the middle class by 9%. Sanders has waffled on whether he'd unveil details before the...


Your taxes would replace your insurance premiums.

No, they wouldn't!

Any why not? You would no longer be paying thousands of dollars annually for private insurance. Paying for profit margins would be history. True, you'd be paying for government bureaucracy, but right now you are paying for the health care insurance bureaucracy which is well known to be huge and overlapping.
You're an old fucker Vag, So I would guess you're on Medicare and maybe you added a private insurance supplemental plan and what you are paying for that is probably around a third of what you'd end up paying if there was no Medicare and you had to deal with private insurance.
Government bureaucracy in charge of your medical care does not concern you?.....
Nope, they can find out anything about anyone anyway.
Umm? HUH? Did you not read the question I asked?
CNN ^ | January 16, 2016 | Tami Luhby
Bernie Sanders likely wants to raise everyone's taxes to pay for universal health care, but promises it will be worth it. The Democratic presidential contender has long promoted a single payer health care system, which would eliminate the private insurance market in favor of a government-run program. He calls it 'Medicare for All. Sanders' plan for health insurance is now in the spotlight, with rival Hillary Clinton demanding that he reveal how he'd pay for it. Her campaign contends it would require raising taxes on the middle class by 9%. Sanders has waffled on whether he'd unveil details before the...


Your taxes would replace your insurance premiums.

Okay....what would we use to fund this monster government then?
Nice to see you back Randall, all OK?

Thank you and yes, all has been well. Just took a break from this (and other places) for a while. The sheer madness of this place occasionally made me want to scream - but other than that, all is well. I don't know how long I will be here - so far the "discussion" seems to be nothing but boring, boorish nonsense from the communist left. We shall see, I suppose. But what the hell....between that evil murdering bitch Hillary and her joke of a competitor Bernie "Fidel" Sanders, there should be some humor in the coming days!
CNN ^ | January 16, 2016 | Tami Luhby
Bernie Sanders likely wants to raise everyone's taxes to pay for universal health care, but promises it will be worth it. The Democratic presidential contender has long promoted a single payer health care system, which would eliminate the private insurance market in favor of a government-run program. He calls it 'Medicare for All. Sanders' plan for health insurance is now in the spotlight, with rival Hillary Clinton demanding that he reveal how he'd pay for it. Her campaign contends it would require raising taxes on the middle class by 9%. Sanders has waffled on whether he'd unveil details before the...


Your taxes would replace your insurance premiums.

No, they wouldn't!

Any why not? You would no longer be paying thousands of dollars annually for private insurance. Paying for profit margins would be history. True, you'd be paying for government bureaucracy, but right now you are paying for the health care insurance bureaucracy which is well known to be huge and overlapping.
You're an old fucker Vag, So I would guess you're on Medicare and maybe you added a private insurance supplemental plan and what you are paying for that is probably around a third of what you'd end up paying if there was no Medicare and you had to deal with private insurance.

Well, I'm like Hillary on this one. Why won't Bernie explain exactly how he's going to pay for it? The reason is, and Hillary knows it, is that the computations have already been don on Bernie's plan and it will raise taxes on everyone that currently pay taxes.

Will the increase in your taxes be more than your insurance premiums?
Yes....Number one issue. The money we pay for insurance premiums is deducted before taxes. In other words, employer provided insurance coverage is essentially income that is not taxed.
It is highly unlikely employers will at the onset of a single payer system begin paying their employees the equivalent of the expense absorbed by the company's share of the premium. Therefore every worker would lose that pay. In effect, that is a tax. Second, every person would see their taxes increased. And the source of single payer funding will have to be more regressive than progressive in nature. for example, it is not likely the lowest earners will see much of an increase in their income or payroll taxes. However, there will be new taxes and fees unrelated to income such as fuel taxes, a national sales tax, taxes on alcohol, firearms, pharma companies( passed along to consumers) health and exercise equipment, obesity and behavior.
Our freedoms will be greatly eroded as government seeks to control costs be regulating behavior in a manner that would cause the Framers to roll over in their graves.
CNN ^ | January 16, 2016 | Tami Luhby
Bernie Sanders likely wants to raise everyone's taxes to pay for universal health care, but promises it will be worth it. The Democratic presidential contender has long promoted a single payer health care system, which would eliminate the private insurance market in favor of a government-run program. He calls it 'Medicare for All. Sanders' plan for health insurance is now in the spotlight, with rival Hillary Clinton demanding that he reveal how he'd pay for it. Her campaign contends it would require raising taxes on the middle class by 9%. Sanders has waffled on whether he'd unveil details before the...


Your taxes would replace your insurance premiums.
And you would trust the government to do that? Sorry I lost all trust in this government a long time ago.

I trust the government that is accountable to the voters over an insurance company that wants to screw me out of every nickel they can.

Health insurance is one of the best purchases available today. The cost of medical services is so expensive that just one trip to a hospital can repay you for one or more years of insurance premiums.

Medicare covers 80% of your insurance needs. You have to buy the other 20% in the insurance market.

That 20% will likely cost you 3 or 4 hundred dollars a month.

Imagine if you had to buy 100%, or 5 times that, from the insurance companies...
Nonsense. Medicare is not free. There is a tax for that. And in order for there to be first dollar coverage for roughly half the population, that $300 to $400 per month would be 5 times that in taxes and fees.
Countries that use single payer spend much less than we do.

Health Costs: How the U.S. Compares With Other Countries | PBS NewsHour

How much is good health care worth to you? $8,233 per year? That’s how much the U.S. spends per person.
Worth it?
That figure is more than two-and-a-half times more than most developed nations in the world, including relatively rich European countries like France, Sweden and the United Kingdom. On a more global scale, it means U.S. health care costs now eat up 17.6 percent of GDP.
A sizable slice of Americans — including some top-ranking politicians — say the cost may be unfortunate but the U.S. has “the best health care in the world.”

But let’s consider what 17 cents of every U.S. dollar is purchasing. According to the most recent report from the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) — an international economic group comprised of 34 member nations — it’s not as much as many Americans expect.
In the United States:

  • There are fewer physicians per person than in most other OECD countries. In 2010, for instance, the U.S. had 2.4 practicing physicians per 1,000 people — well below below the OECD average of 3.1.
  • The number of hospital beds in the U.S. was 2.6 per 1,000 population in 2009, lower than the OECD average of 3.4 beds.
  • Life expectancy at birth increased by almost nine years between 1960 and 2010, but that’s less than the increase of over 15 years in Japan and over 11 years on average in OECD countries. The average American now lives 78.7 years in 2010, more than one year below the average of 79.8 years.
  • <more>
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Your taxes would replace your insurance premiums.

No, they wouldn't!

Any why not? You would no longer be paying thousands of dollars annually for private insurance. Paying for profit margins would be history. True, you'd be paying for government bureaucracy, but right now you are paying for the health care insurance bureaucracy which is well known to be huge and overlapping.
You're an old fucker Vag, So I would guess you're on Medicare and maybe you added a private insurance supplemental plan and what you are paying for that is probably around a third of what you'd end up paying if there was no Medicare and you had to deal with private insurance.

Well, I'm like Hillary on this one. Why won't Bernie explain exactly how he's going to pay for it? The reason is, and Hillary knows it, is that the computations have already been don on Bernie's plan and it will raise taxes on everyone that currently pay taxes.

Will the increase in your taxes be more than your insurance premiums?
Yes....Number one issue. The money we pay for insurance premiums is deducted before taxes. In other words, employer provided insurance coverage is essentially income that is not taxed.
It is highly unlikely employers will at the onset of a single payer system begin paying their employees the equivalent of the expense absorbed by the company's share of the premium. Therefore every worker would lose that pay. In effect, that is a tax. Second, every person would see their taxes increased. And the source of single payer funding will have to be more regressive than progressive in nature. for example, it is not likely the lowest earners will see much of an increase in their income or payroll taxes. However, there will be new taxes and fees unrelated to income such as fuel taxes, a national sales tax, taxes on alcohol, firearms, pharma companies( passed along to consumers) health and exercise equipment, obesity and behavior.
Our freedoms will be greatly eroded as government seeks to control costs be regulating behavior in a manner that would cause the Framers to roll over in their graves.

As a victim of Commie Care, let me explain how it works when you lose your employers plan:

First of all there is no way for an employer to transfer funds to an employee for an individual plan. The only way to do that is with a pay increase. Along with a pay increase comes all the other increases that most don't realize. The employer has to match the larger medicare contribution by the employee, the larger SS contribution by the employee, workman's compensation insurance increases along with unemployment insurance. In my case, my employer contributes a generous amount to our retirement plan which of course increases.

My employer was paying $425.00 a month for my coverage. After he deducted all the additional expenses it took to give me that pay increase, I ended up with about $200.00. Then (as you stated) that additional $200.00 is taxed as payroll.

In short, that money my employer used to use to provide us coverage was eaten up in taxation because Commie Care didn't provide for a dollar to dollar transfer of that money to an individual plan.

To add insult to injury, when I went to my tax preparer, I found out that Commie Care got rid of my medical expense deduction. You now need a minimum of $10,000 of medical expenses before you can deduct anything.
CNN ^ | January 16, 2016 | Tami Luhby
Bernie Sanders likely wants to raise everyone's taxes to pay for universal health care, but promises it will be worth it. The Democratic presidential contender has long promoted a single payer health care system, which would eliminate the private insurance market in favor of a government-run program. He calls it 'Medicare for All. Sanders' plan for health insurance is now in the spotlight, with rival Hillary Clinton demanding that he reveal how he'd pay for it. Her campaign contends it would require raising taxes on the middle class by 9%. Sanders has waffled on whether he'd unveil details before the...


Your taxes would replace your insurance premiums.

No, they wouldn't!
These single payer people are not thinking clearly at all.

Trump supported single payer.

But he's a "conservative."


Who said Trump is a conservative???
CNN ^ | January 16, 2016 | Tami Luhby
Bernie Sanders likely wants to raise everyone's taxes to pay for universal health care, but promises it will be worth it. The Democratic presidential contender has long promoted a single payer health care system, which would eliminate the private insurance market in favor of a government-run program. He calls it 'Medicare for All. Sanders' plan for health insurance is now in the spotlight, with rival Hillary Clinton demanding that he reveal how he'd pay for it. Her campaign contends it would require raising taxes on the middle class by 9%. Sanders has waffled on whether he'd unveil details before the...

Hundreds of thousands of people work either directly for or because of the insurance industry. I guess Bernie thinks those people don't count.
Typical liberal. Demonize a business or industry and suddenly the issue of "jobs" no longer matters.
Sanders is living in a parallel universe.
There is no way on planet Earth our federal government will be able to administer a health insurance program for 320 million people.
The size of the bureaucracy would be enormous. The costs to taxpayers would be unimaginable. New taxes and fees would have to be implemented. All medical professionals would become defacto federal employees.
Single payer isn't going to happen. People should just stop wishing for it or talking about it.

You touched on something very relevant here: medical personnel would become government employees.

Do you think the trial lawyers (who contribute so much to the Democrat party) would allow this? Of course not, because it's very difficult to sue the federal government for malpractice.
CNN ^ | January 16, 2016 | Tami Luhby
Bernie Sanders likely wants to raise everyone's taxes to pay for universal health care, but promises it will be worth it. The Democratic presidential contender has long promoted a single payer health care system, which would eliminate the private insurance market in favor of a government-run program. He calls it 'Medicare for All. Sanders' plan for health insurance is now in the spotlight, with rival Hillary Clinton demanding that he reveal how he'd pay for it. Her campaign contends it would require raising taxes on the middle class by 9%. Sanders has waffled on whether he'd unveil details before the...


Your taxes would replace your insurance premiums.

No, they wouldn't!
How would they not? You're just making shit up as you go along.
Do you have a clue as to the amount of money it would take to operate an insurance plan for 320 million people?....And how do you propose we deal with the hundreds of thousands ( each year)of illegal immigrants who would upon hearing about our "free" health care, would stream across our borders?
It would cost a lot but would save 5 trillion from our current system.
CNN ^ | January 16, 2016 | Tami Luhby
Bernie Sanders likely wants to raise everyone's taxes to pay for universal health care, but promises it will be worth it. The Democratic presidential contender has long promoted a single payer health care system, which would eliminate the private insurance market in favor of a government-run program. He calls it 'Medicare for All. Sanders' plan for health insurance is now in the spotlight, with rival Hillary Clinton demanding that he reveal how he'd pay for it. Her campaign contends it would require raising taxes on the middle class by 9%. Sanders has waffled on whether he'd unveil details before the...


Your taxes would replace your insurance premiums.

No, they wouldn't!
How would they not? You're just making shit up as you go along.
Do you have a clue as to the amount of money it would take to operate an insurance plan for 320 million people?....And how do you propose we deal with the hundreds of thousands ( each year)of illegal immigrants who would upon hearing about our "free" health care, would stream across our borders?
It would cost a lot but would save 5 trillion from our current system.
Apparently, most posters on this board have unlimited funds.
CNN ^ | January 16, 2016 | Tami Luhby
Bernie Sanders likely wants to raise everyone's taxes to pay for universal health care, but promises it will be worth it. The Democratic presidential contender has long promoted a single payer health care system, which would eliminate the private insurance market in favor of a government-run program. He calls it 'Medicare for All. Sanders' plan for health insurance is now in the spotlight, with rival Hillary Clinton demanding that he reveal how he'd pay for it. Her campaign contends it would require raising taxes on the middle class by 9%. Sanders has waffled on whether he'd unveil details before the...

Odd, this is exactly how I pictured you.
Back to 90% on the rich. Just like it was under the REPUBLICAN Eisenhower.

Except for one, nobody ever paid that 90% and two, there were few places to move your business.

Today, travel is much safer and a person can run their business from their cell phone sitting on the toilet. Tax them too much or too many union demands, they leave the state or country.

If our federal tax rate were 0%, the federal government would collect 0 dollars. If our federal tax rate were 100%, our federal government would still collect 0 dollars because who would be stupid enough to create wealth?
Back to 90% on the rich. Just like it was under the REPUBLICAN Eisenhower.

Except for one, nobody ever paid that 90% and two, there were few places to move your business.

Today, travel is much safer and a person can run their business from their cell phone sitting on the toilet. Tax them too much or too many union demands, they leave the state or country.

If our federal tax rate were 0%, the federal government would collect 0 dollars. If our federal tax rate were 100%, our federal government would still collect 0 dollars because who would be stupid enough to create wealth?
Folks reinvested into their businesses rather than sending money offshore like they're doing now.

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