Bernie Sanders would likely raise taxes to pay for universal health care


Lately I get my avatar from you. Thats a good firm maybe.

Keep watching, they will get better! :2up:
Of course he would raise taxes. Thats their solution to everything. It's time that our government does without.

My wife and I are both retired. On the third day of January each year we write checks for a little over $20,000. That's what it takes for auto insurance for two cars, supplemental insurance to be used with our Medicare, vision, dental and our property taxes. We make it OK because of our savings but I truly feel sorry for ordinary folks who can't just up and write that kind of checks.

About the far I've not seen any poor people being taxed too much. Maybe you know something that I don't.

Keep in mind that if you're lucky you'll be old someday.

I don't agree with you much, Campbell but here's hoping that you and your wife live way past old age.
Please tell me one thing govt got into and made it cheaper and better
Student loans.........tuition through the roof
Health care..............rising much faster than inflation
Military........400 dollar hammers
Welfare..... Exploding.
Mortgages.........caused the 2008 recession
Infrastructure....... Ridonkulus
Space.....priced us right out of it
Federal jobs.......way higher than civilian
I am running out of ink
Sander's hope for America's future:

Japan, Seeking Trim Waists, Measures Millions

AMAGASAKI, Japan — Japan, a country not known for its overweight people, has undertaken one of the most ambitious campaigns ever by a nation to slim down its citizenry.

Summoned by the city of Amagasaki one recent morning, Minoru Nogiri, 45, a flower shop owner, found himself lining up to have his waistline measured. With no visible paunch, he seemed to run little risk of being classified as overweight, or metabo, the preferred word in Japan these days.

But because the new state-prescribed limit for male waistlines is a strict 33.5 inches, he had anxiously measured himself at home a couple of days earlier. “I’m on the border,” he said.

Under a national law that came into effect two months ago, companies and local governments must now measure the waistlines of Japanese people between the ages of 40 and 74 as part of their annual checkups. That represents more than 56 million waistlines, or about 44 percent of the entire population.

The ministry also says that curbing widening waistlines will rein in a rapidly aging society’s ballooning health care costs, one of the most serious and politically delicate problems facing Japan today. Most Japanese are covered under public health care or through their work. Anger over a plan that would make those 75 and older pay more for health care brought a parliamentary censure motion Wednesday against Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda, the first against a prime minister in the country’s postwar history.
CNN ^ | January 16, 2016 | Tami Luhby
Bernie Sanders likely wants to raise everyone's taxes to pay for universal health care, but promises it will be worth it. The Democratic presidential contender has long promoted a single payer health care system, which would eliminate the private insurance market in favor of a government-run program. He calls it 'Medicare for All. Sanders' plan for health insurance is now in the spotlight, with rival Hillary Clinton demanding that he reveal how he'd pay for it. Her campaign contends it would require raising taxes on the middle class by 9%. Sanders has waffled on whether he'd unveil details before the...

Hundreds of thousands of people work either directly for or because of the insurance industry. I guess Bernie thinks those people don't count.
Typical liberal. Demonize a business or industry and suddenly the issue of "jobs" no longer matters.
Sanders is living in a parallel universe.
There is no way on planet Earth our federal government will be able to administer a health insurance program for 320 million people.
The size of the bureaucracy would be enormous. The costs to taxpayers would be unimaginable. New taxes and fees would have to be implemented. All medical professionals would become defacto federal employees.
Single payer isn't going to happen. People should just stop wishing for it or talking about it.
CNN ^ | January 16, 2016 | Tami Luhby
Bernie Sanders likely wants to raise everyone's taxes to pay for universal health care, but promises it will be worth it. The Democratic presidential contender has long promoted a single payer health care system, which would eliminate the private insurance market in favor of a government-run program. He calls it 'Medicare for All. Sanders' plan for health insurance is now in the spotlight, with rival Hillary Clinton demanding that he reveal how he'd pay for it. Her campaign contends it would require raising taxes on the middle class by 9%. Sanders has waffled on whether he'd unveil details before the...


Your taxes would replace your insurance premiums.
What taxes?.....How much of the economy will the government be in control of?...Half? 75%?....
CNN ^ | January 16, 2016 | Tami Luhby
Bernie Sanders likely wants to raise everyone's taxes to pay for universal health care, but promises it will be worth it. The Democratic presidential contender has long promoted a single payer health care system, which would eliminate the private insurance market in favor of a government-run program. He calls it 'Medicare for All. Sanders' plan for health insurance is now in the spotlight, with rival Hillary Clinton demanding that he reveal how he'd pay for it. Her campaign contends it would require raising taxes on the middle class by 9%. Sanders has waffled on whether he'd unveil details before the...


Your taxes would replace your insurance premiums.

No, they wouldn't!
These single payer people are not thinking clearly at all.
CNN ^ | January 16, 2016 | Tami Luhby
Bernie Sanders likely wants to raise everyone's taxes to pay for universal health care, but promises it will be worth it. The Democratic presidential contender has long promoted a single payer health care system, which would eliminate the private insurance market in favor of a government-run program. He calls it 'Medicare for All. Sanders' plan for health insurance is now in the spotlight, with rival Hillary Clinton demanding that he reveal how he'd pay for it. Her campaign contends it would require raising taxes on the middle class by 9%. Sanders has waffled on whether he'd unveil details before the...


Your taxes would replace your insurance premiums.

No, they wouldn't!
These single payer people are not thinking clearly at all.

Trump supported single payer.

But he's a "conservative."

can democrats ever explain how stealing money from the middle class will boom the economy and have free health care for everyone?
Wait for it....My 30 year old niece, a daughter of a dyed in the wool liberal came up with this..."The one percent would pay for it"....Then she said some other nonsense about......Wall Street...
Same old same old.
He should lower the corporate to 25% and remove all loop holes
He should raise the income and other taxes 5% on the damn 5% highest portion of our population.

It would be a great idea. Most countries of the first world has single payer and universal healthcare!!! Why not us.
Because the sheer size of our population would make such a system impractical and unaffordable.
Of course Nutty Old Uncle Bernie would also endorse "industrial action" by doctors seeking better pay under a National Health scheme.....or would he just frog-march them to re-education camps if they tried it.
CNN ^ | January 16, 2016 | Tami Luhby
Bernie Sanders likely wants to raise everyone's taxes to pay for universal health care, but promises it will be worth it. The Democratic presidential contender has long promoted a single payer health care system, which would eliminate the private insurance market in favor of a government-run program. He calls it 'Medicare for All. Sanders' plan for health insurance is now in the spotlight, with rival Hillary Clinton demanding that he reveal how he'd pay for it. Her campaign contends it would require raising taxes on the middle class by 9%. Sanders has waffled on whether he'd unveil details before the...


Your taxes would replace your insurance premiums.

No, they wouldn't!
How would they not? You're just making shit up as you go along.
Do you have a clue as to the amount of money it would take to operate an insurance plan for 320 million people?....And how do you propose we deal with the hundreds of thousands ( each year)of illegal immigrants who would upon hearing about our "free" health care, would stream across our borders?
If you love freedom, fearing Bernie is not being paranoid. It is your sphincter simply getting ready for Bernie's deepening the anal probe the plantation owners already have inside you.

This isn't to suggest that any of the establishment useful idiots will pound your anus any less
CNN ^ | January 16, 2016 | Tami Luhby
Bernie Sanders likely wants to raise everyone's taxes to pay for universal health care, but promises it will be worth it. The Democratic presidential contender has long promoted a single payer health care system, which would eliminate the private insurance market in favor of a government-run program. He calls it 'Medicare for All. Sanders' plan for health insurance is now in the spotlight, with rival Hillary Clinton demanding that he reveal how he'd pay for it. Her campaign contends it would require raising taxes on the middle class by 9%. Sanders has waffled on whether he'd unveil details before the...


Your taxes would replace your insurance premiums.

And if you like your health care, and doctor, you will be able to keep them.

Do you have a clue as to the amount of money it would take to operate an insurance plan for 320 million people?....And how do you propose we deal with the hundreds of thousands ( each year)of illegal immigrants who would upon hearing about our "free" health care, would stream across our borders?

I was thinking same thing. They would have to "enlist" all the DR Nurse Paperworkers with fix pay and profit motive out. they would pay X for each procedure. And have to approve what you need.
Just have your paycheck wired to Bernie everyone.

He will take good care of you, I promise.

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