Bernie Sanders would likely raise taxes to pay for universal health care

You want them to keep their government hands off your Medicare, huh?

No. I don't want Medicare, Medicaid, or any other form of Government healthcare. I won't survive into my 70s becayse at 65 I lose my medical coverage since I won't accept Government healthcare.
CNN ^ | January 16, 2016 | Tami Luhby
Bernie Sanders likely wants to raise everyone's taxes to pay for universal health care, but promises it will be worth it. The Democratic presidential contender has long promoted a single payer health care system, which would eliminate the private insurance market in favor of a government-run program. He calls it 'Medicare for All. Sanders' plan for health insurance is now in the spotlight, with rival Hillary Clinton demanding that he reveal how he'd pay for it. Her campaign contends it would require raising taxes on the middle class by 9%. Sanders has waffled on whether he'd unveil details before the...


Your taxes would replace your insurance premiums.

Yeah, and Obamacare will save us $2500/yr on our premiums!
They already give Catastophic to anyone w/o anything. who pays? They just go to ER. I don't know. what a mess.

Unfortunately, due to the Leftist President, Ronald Reagan, we pay for people to be helped rather than dying, and thereby decreasing the excess population.
Are the same people bitching about rising premiums and high deductibles now bitching about the possibility of eliminating them? :wtf:


Under their pure capitalist money or die system the monopoly would mean far higher premiums and deductibles...But, hey, they're all hypocrites.

A monopoly wouldn't be a "capitalist" system. That's how government works, not capitalism.
CNN ^ | January 16, 2016 | Tami Luhby
Bernie Sanders likely wants to raise everyone's taxes to pay for universal health care, but promises it will be worth it. The Democratic presidential contender has long promoted a single payer health care system, which would eliminate the private insurance market in favor of a government-run program. He calls it 'Medicare for All. Sanders' plan for health insurance is now in the spotlight, with rival Hillary Clinton demanding that he reveal how he'd pay for it. Her campaign contends it would require raising taxes on the middle class by 9%. Sanders has waffled on whether he'd unveil details before the...


Your taxes would replace your insurance premiums.

No, they wouldn't!

Any why not? You would no longer be paying thousands of dollars annually for private insurance. Paying for profit margins would be history. True, you'd be paying for government bureaucracy, but right now you are paying for the health care insurance bureaucracy which is well known to be huge and overlapping.
You're an old fucker Vag, So I would guess you're on Medicare and maybe you added a private insurance supplemental plan and what you are paying for that is probably around a third of what you'd end up paying if there was no Medicare and you had to deal with private insurance.

Well, I'm like Hillary on this one. Why won't Bernie explain exactly how he's going to pay for it? The reason is, and Hillary knows it, is that the computations have already been don on Bernie's plan and it will raise taxes on everyone that currently pay taxes.

Will the increase in your taxes be more than your insurance premiums?
i want to know how Bernie will pay back the 10 trillion dollars the democrats stole from our children before he tries to figure out how to pay for everyones college and heart related operations,,,oh,,,and annual proc exams.
You want them to keep their government hands off your Medicare, huh?

No. I don't want Medicare, Medicaid, or any other form of Government healthcare. I won't survive into my 70s becayse at 65 I lose my medical coverage since I won't accept Government healthcare.

What do you mean you "won't survive"? Is it your impression that the Black Helicopters take out anyone who refuses Medicare? BTW, you can't "refuse" Medicare Part A; it's automatic on your 65th birthday. Better start packing.
You want them to keep their government hands off your Medicare, huh?

No. I don't want Medicare, Medicaid, or any other form of Government healthcare. I won't survive into my 70s becayse at 65 I lose my medical coverage since I won't accept Government healthcare.

What do you mean you "won't survive"? Is it your impression that the Black Helicopters take out anyone who refuses Medicare? BTW, you can't "refuse" Medicare Part A; it's automatic on your 65th birthday. Better start packing.

That's a lie, a person can refuse Medicare, they simply don't sign up
What do you mean you "won't survive"? Is it your impression that the Black Helicopters take out anyone who refuses Medicare? BTW, you can't "refuse" Medicare Part A; it's automatic on your 65th birthday. Better start packing.

I have significant medical issues that will not allow me to survive withoit medical care. When I refuse to utilize my medical benefits to see doctors, I give it 3-5 years before I'm dead.
CNN ^ | January 16, 2016 | Tami Luhby
Bernie Sanders likely wants to raise everyone's taxes to pay for universal health care, but promises it will be worth it. The Democratic presidential contender has long promoted a single payer health care system, which would eliminate the private insurance market in favor of a government-run program. He calls it 'Medicare for All. Sanders' plan for health insurance is now in the spotlight, with rival Hillary Clinton demanding that he reveal how he'd pay for it. Her campaign contends it would require raising taxes on the middle class by 9%. Sanders has waffled on whether he'd unveil details before the...


Your taxes would replace your insurance premiums.
And you would trust the government to do that? Sorry I lost all trust in this government a long time ago.

I trust the government that is accountable to the voters over an insurance company that wants to screw me out of every nickel they can.

You're a fool if you think the government doesn't want to screw you every nickel it can and even more of a fool if you think government is more accountable than a private company that has to sell its products and services in the market.
Your taxes would replace your insurance premiums.
And you would trust the government to do that? Sorry I lost all trust in this government a long time ago.

I trust the government that is accountable to the voters over an insurance company that wants to screw me out of every nickel they can.

Health insurance is one of the best purchases available today. The cost of medical services is so expensive that just one trip to a hospital can repay you for one or more years of insurance premiums.

Medicare covers 80% of your insurance needs. You have to buy the other 20% in the insurance market.

That 20% will likely cost you 3 or 4 hundred dollars a month.

Imagine if you had to buy 100%, or 5 times that, from the insurance companies...

I did buy major medical insurance for myself and my family since I was eighteen years of age. I only got Medicare after I turned 65. I have never been without medical insurance. In my mind that requires a special kind of stupid. Actually, I have received more in insurance benefits than I have ever paid out in insurance premiums.

Well, you're a sick fuck, so I'm not surprised.
CNN ^ | January 16, 2016 | Tami Luhby
Bernie Sanders likely wants to raise everyone's taxes to pay for universal health care, but promises it will be worth it. The Democratic presidential contender has long promoted a single payer health care system, which would eliminate the private insurance market in favor of a government-run program. He calls it 'Medicare for All. Sanders' plan for health insurance is now in the spotlight, with rival Hillary Clinton demanding that he reveal how he'd pay for it. Her campaign contends it would require raising taxes on the middle class by 9%. Sanders has waffled on whether he'd unveil details before the...


Your taxes would replace your insurance premiums.
And you would trust the government to do that? Sorry I lost all trust in this government a long time ago.

I trust the government that is accountable to the voters over an insurance company that wants to screw me out of every nickel they can.

You're a fool if you think the government doesn't want to screw you every nickel it can and even more of a fool if you think government is more accountable than a private company that has to sell its products and services in the market.

They do, really? The people who depend on the People to keep them in their jobs devote their jobs to screwing the People?

CNN ^ | January 16, 2016 | Tami Luhby
Bernie Sanders likely wants to raise everyone's taxes to pay for universal health care, but promises it will be worth it. The Democratic presidential contender has long promoted a single payer health care system, which would eliminate the private insurance market in favor of a government-run program. He calls it 'Medicare for All. Sanders' plan for health insurance is now in the spotlight, with rival Hillary Clinton demanding that he reveal how he'd pay for it. Her campaign contends it would require raising taxes on the middle class by 9%. Sanders has waffled on whether he'd unveil details before the...


Your taxes would replace your insurance premiums.
And you would trust the government to do that? Sorry I lost all trust in this government a long time ago.

I trust the government that is accountable to the voters over an insurance company that wants to screw me out of every nickel they can.

You're a fool if you think the government doesn't want to screw you every nickel it can and even more of a fool if you think government is more accountable than a private company that has to sell its products and services in the market.

They do, really? The people who depend on the People to keep them in their jobs devote their jobs to screwing the People?

Excellent description of the Federal Government, The best money can buy and I mean that literally.
And you would trust the government to do that? Sorry I lost all trust in this government a long time ago.

I trust the government that is accountable to the voters over an insurance company that wants to screw me out of every nickel they can.

Health insurance is one of the best purchases available today. The cost of medical services is so expensive that just one trip to a hospital can repay you for one or more years of insurance premiums.

Medicare covers 80% of your insurance needs. You have to buy the other 20% in the insurance market.

That 20% will likely cost you 3 or 4 hundred dollars a month.

Imagine if you had to buy 100%, or 5 times that, from the insurance companies...

I did buy major medical insurance for myself and my family since I was eighteen years of age. I only got Medicare after I turned 65. I have never been without medical insurance. In my mind that requires a special kind of stupid. Actually, I have received more in insurance benefits than I have ever paid out in insurance premiums.

Well, you're a sick fuck, so I'm not surprised.

And that proves exactly what? You bitch about insurance premiums and say absolutely nothing about the cost of medical procedures.
If you suffer a medical condition whereby the costs of the medical services you received total $50K, which any number of medical procedures and hospital stays easily can, how many month of Insurance premiums will you have to pay before the insurance company gets its money back?
CNN ^ | January 16, 2016 | Tami Luhby
Bernie Sanders likely wants to raise everyone's taxes to pay for universal health care, but promises it will be worth it. The Democratic presidential contender has long promoted a single payer health care system, which would eliminate the private insurance market in favor of a government-run program. He calls it 'Medicare for All. Sanders' plan for health insurance is now in the spotlight, with rival Hillary Clinton demanding that he reveal how he'd pay for it. Her campaign contends it would require raising taxes on the middle class by 9%. Sanders has waffled on whether he'd unveil details before the...


Your taxes would replace your insurance premiums.
Na, progressives are in bed with insurance companies...
Anyway, living in a single payer country would = living in a world of shit and piss.
CNN ^ | January 16, 2016 | Tami Luhby
Bernie Sanders likely wants to raise everyone's taxes to pay for universal health care, but promises it will be worth it. The Democratic presidential contender has long promoted a single payer health care system, which would eliminate the private insurance market in favor of a government-run program. He calls it 'Medicare for All. Sanders' plan for health insurance is now in the spotlight, with rival Hillary Clinton demanding that he reveal how he'd pay for it. Her campaign contends it would require raising taxes on the middle class by 9%. Sanders has waffled on whether he'd unveil details before the...


Your taxes would replace your insurance premiums.
And you would trust the government to do that? Sorry I lost all trust in this government a long time ago.

I trust the government that is accountable to the voters over an insurance company that wants to screw me out of every nickel they can.

You're a fool if you think the government doesn't want to screw you every nickel it can and even more of a fool if you think government is more accountable than a private company that has to sell its products and services in the market.

They do, really? The people who depend on the People to keep them in their jobs devote their jobs to screwing the People?


They only depend on some of the people to keep them in their jobs. They screw the rest of us.
CNN ^ | January 16, 2016 | Tami Luhby
Bernie Sanders likely wants to raise everyone's taxes to pay for universal health care, but promises it will be worth it. The Democratic presidential contender has long promoted a single payer health care system, which would eliminate the private insurance market in favor of a government-run program. He calls it 'Medicare for All. Sanders' plan for health insurance is now in the spotlight, with rival Hillary Clinton demanding that he reveal how he'd pay for it. Her campaign contends it would require raising taxes on the middle class by 9%. Sanders has waffled on whether he'd unveil details before the...


Like you are any different from this dead beat and paying any taxes......

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