Bernie Sanders would likely raise taxes to pay for universal health care

Your taxes would replace your insurance premiums.
And you would trust the government to do that? Sorry I lost all trust in this government a long time ago.

I trust the government that is accountable to the voters over an insurance company that wants to screw me out of every nickel they can.

You're a fool if you think the government doesn't want to screw you every nickel it can and even more of a fool if you think government is more accountable than a private company that has to sell its products and services in the market.

They do, really? The people who depend on the People to keep them in their jobs devote their jobs to screwing the People?


They only depend on some of the people to keep them in their jobs. They screw the rest of us.

You deserve to be screwed. And deported. On a rail.
You want them to keep their government hands off your Medicare, huh?

No. I don't want Medicare, Medicaid, or any other form of Government healthcare. I won't survive into my 70s becayse at 65 I lose my medical coverage since I won't accept Government healthcare.

What do you mean you "won't survive"? Is it your impression that the Black Helicopters take out anyone who refuses Medicare? BTW, you can't "refuse" Medicare Part A; it's automatic on your 65th birthday. Better start packing.

That's a lie, a person can refuse Medicare, they simply don't sign up
i just got this vision of Bernie Debating Hillary next summer and at some point, bernie says,,,"Hillary, you ignorant Slut" !!!
CNN ^ | January 16, 2016 | Tami Luhby
Bernie Sanders likely wants to raise everyone's taxes to pay for universal health care, but promises it will be worth it. The Democratic presidential contender has long promoted a single payer health care system, which would eliminate the private insurance market in favor of a government-run program. He calls it 'Medicare for All. Sanders' plan for health insurance is now in the spotlight, with rival Hillary Clinton demanding that he reveal how he'd pay for it. Her campaign contends it would require raising taxes on the middle class by 9%. Sanders has waffled on whether he'd unveil details before the...


Your taxes would replace your insurance premiums.
Na, progressives are in bed with insurance companies...
Anyway, living in a single payer country would = living in a world of shit and piss.

You'd never miss a meal in that country.
CNN ^ | January 16, 2016 | Tami Luhby
Bernie Sanders likely wants to raise everyone's taxes to pay for universal health care, but promises it will be worth it. The Democratic presidential contender has long promoted a single payer health care system, which would eliminate the private insurance market in favor of a government-run program. He calls it 'Medicare for All. Sanders' plan for health insurance is now in the spotlight, with rival Hillary Clinton demanding that he reveal how he'd pay for it. Her campaign contends it would require raising taxes on the middle class by 9%. Sanders has waffled on whether he'd unveil details before the...


Like you are any different from this dead beat and paying any taxes......

How would you know, porch monkey?
CNN ^ | January 16, 2016 | Tami Luhby
Bernie Sanders likely wants to raise everyone's taxes to pay for universal health care, but promises it will be worth it. The Democratic presidential contender has long promoted a single payer health care system, which would eliminate the private insurance market in favor of a government-run program. He calls it 'Medicare for All. Sanders' plan for health insurance is now in the spotlight, with rival Hillary Clinton demanding that he reveal how he'd pay for it. Her campaign contends it would require raising taxes on the middle class by 9%. Sanders has waffled on whether he'd unveil details before the...


Like you are any different from this dead beat and paying any taxes......

How would you know, porch monkey?

Because you are here bullshitting 24/7, you are a dead beat.

Why do you care how much tax he will increase...
CNN ^ | January 16, 2016 | Tami Luhby
Bernie Sanders likely wants to raise everyone's taxes to pay for universal health care, but promises it will be worth it. The Democratic presidential contender has long promoted a single payer health care system, which would eliminate the private insurance market in favor of a government-run program. He calls it 'Medicare for All. Sanders' plan for health insurance is now in the spotlight, with rival Hillary Clinton demanding that he reveal how he'd pay for it. Her campaign contends it would require raising taxes on the middle class by 9%. Sanders has waffled on whether he'd unveil details before the...


Like you are any different from this dead beat and paying any taxes......

How would you know, porch monkey?

Because you are here bullshitting 24/7, you are a dead beat.

Why do you care how much tax he will increase...

So that means you are here 24/7 and are such a shithook that you fail to join into the debate!

And, you, being of the low 2 digit IQ crowd do not care about what tax increase you get! No one can fix stupid!
Na, progressives are in bed with insurance companies...
Anyway, living in a single payer country would = living in a world of shit and piss.

These Socialist want you to "just try it" like Obama Care. By the time all the smoke clears it 5 years in and everone is broke and miserable sitting a waiting room with some bull dyke yelling Johnson, Dick Johnson.........and you wonder what happened to you.
CNN ^ | January 16, 2016 | Tami Luhby
Bernie Sanders likely wants to raise everyone's taxes to pay for universal health care, but promises it will be worth it. The Democratic presidential contender has long promoted a single payer health care system, which would eliminate the private insurance market in favor of a government-run program. He calls it 'Medicare for All. Sanders' plan for health insurance is now in the spotlight, with rival Hillary Clinton demanding that he reveal how he'd pay for it. Her campaign contends it would require raising taxes on the middle class by 9%. Sanders has waffled on whether he'd unveil details before the...


Like you are any different from this dead beat and paying any taxes......

How would you know, porch monkey?

Because you are here bullshitting 24/7, you are a dead beat.

Why do you care how much tax he will increase...

So that means you are here 24/7 and are such a shithook that you fail to join into the debate!

And, you, being of the low 2 digit IQ crowd do not care about what tax increase you get! No one can fix stupid!

I am barely here. Whenever I come here and check active topics, you have bunch of bull shit going on. You are a jobless loser troll, thats all you are.

SO, let me do the math for you

You are paying 0$ tax (because you are a jobless loser dead beat)

if this dude did increase you tax 100%

You would be paying, errrrrr, still 0$ tax

So you dont have to worry about anything..... capis....
CNN ^ | January 16, 2016 | Tami Luhby
Bernie Sanders likely wants to raise everyone's taxes to pay for universal health care, but promises it will be worth it. The Democratic presidential contender has long promoted a single payer health care system, which would eliminate the private insurance market in favor of a government-run program. He calls it 'Medicare for All. Sanders' plan for health insurance is now in the spotlight, with rival Hillary Clinton demanding that he reveal how he'd pay for it. Her campaign contends it would require raising taxes on the middle class by 9%. Sanders has waffled on whether he'd unveil details before the...


Like you are any different from this dead beat and paying any taxes......

How would you know, porch monkey?

Because you are here bullshitting 24/7, you are a dead beat.

Why do you care how much tax he will increase...

So that means you are here 24/7 and are such a shithook that you fail to join into the debate!

And, you, being of the low 2 digit IQ crowd do not care about what tax increase you get! No one can fix stupid!

I am barely here. Whenever I come here and check active topics, you have bunch of bull shit going on. You are a jobless loser troll, thats all you are.

SO, let me do the math for you

You are paying 0$ tax (because you are a jobless loser dead beat)

if this dude did increase you tax 100%

You would be paying, errrrrr, still 0$ tax

So you dont have to worry about anything..... capis....

I'm retired, but don't let FACTS get in the way of your LOSERS rant!
Go look at the % of GDP the single payer countries pay for healthcare, and then compare it to us.

So does paying less for healthcare worth giving up your liberty?

And don't say liberty has nothing to do with it because it does. Once government controls your healthcare, they control everything about you because nearly everything we do is related to our health.

How much you eat, what you eat, how much you weigh, how much exercise you get, how much alcohol you drink, how many cigarettes you smoke, how much pot you smoke (in some states), how risky are your athletic activities, how much television do you watch, how much time on the internet do you spend, how much sleep do you get, and the list goes on and on.

Those who think government healthcare is a great idea are those who are frogs being put in a pot of cold water on the stove. Seems like a good idea at first...............
Like you are any different from this dead beat and paying any taxes......

How would you know, porch monkey?

Because you are here bullshitting 24/7, you are a dead beat.

Why do you care how much tax he will increase...

So that means you are here 24/7 and are such a shithook that you fail to join into the debate!

And, you, being of the low 2 digit IQ crowd do not care about what tax increase you get! No one can fix stupid!

I am barely here. Whenever I come here and check active topics, you have bunch of bull shit going on. You are a jobless loser troll, thats all you are.

SO, let me do the math for you

You are paying 0$ tax (because you are a jobless loser dead beat)

if this dude did increase you tax 100%

You would be paying, errrrrr, still 0$ tax

So you dont have to worry about anything..... capis....

I'm retired, but don't let FACTS get in the way of your LOSERS rant!

This is the fact; you dont pay jack shit, and you complain like you are a billionaire.

Thats the best you could make out of your life...

This is the fact; you dont pay jack shit, and you complain like you are a billionaire.

Thats the best you could make out of your life...


Property tax can be 1%. could be 5K on 1/2mil home. Sales tax. Gas Tax. Registration. and more.
Of course he would raise taxes. Thats their solution to everything. It's time that our government does without.

My wife and I are both retired. On the third day of January each year we write checks for a little over $20,000. That's what it takes for auto insurance for two cars, supplemental insurance to be used with our Medicare, vision, dental and our property taxes. We make it OK because of our savings but I truly feel sorry for ordinary folks who can't just up and write that kind of checks.

About the far I've not seen any poor people being taxed too much. Maybe you know something that I don't.

Keep in mind that if you're lucky you'll be old someday.
Are the same people bitching about rising premiums and high deductibles now bitching about the possibility of eliminating them? :wtf:


Under their pure capitalist money or die system the monopoly would mean far higher premiums and deductibles...But, hey, they're all hypocrites.
Actually he would have to raise taxes a hell of a lot higher then 5 percent to eliminate any paying by the people under medical insurance no matter who provides it. You dumb ass.
well, Obama did. what the hell does the people think is going to pay for it? 65 BILLION on the UNINSURED. GUESS who that is? YOUR CHILDREN just getting started in life

suck you in until you're nothing more than a slave for the state

sat goodbye to Freedom
How would you know, porch monkey?

Because you are here bullshitting 24/7, you are a dead beat.

Why do you care how much tax he will increase...

So that means you are here 24/7 and are such a shithook that you fail to join into the debate!

And, you, being of the low 2 digit IQ crowd do not care about what tax increase you get! No one can fix stupid!

I am barely here. Whenever I come here and check active topics, you have bunch of bull shit going on. You are a jobless loser troll, thats all you are.

SO, let me do the math for you

You are paying 0$ tax (because you are a jobless loser dead beat)

if this dude did increase you tax 100%

You would be paying, errrrrr, still 0$ tax

So you dont have to worry about anything..... capis....

I'm retired, but don't let FACTS get in the way of your LOSERS rant!

This is the fact; you dont pay jack shit, and you complain like you are a billionaire.

Thats the best you could make out of your life...


If you say so, Porch Monkey! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

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