Bernie soars in Prediction markets. Biden tanks. Trump panics

Bernie Sanders is seen as the big winner of the Iowa caucus as he's tied with Buttigieg, who can't win big, non-white states. Trump's team was caught off guard, not having devised a strategy to confront the most electable candidate because they thought Joe Biden would be it.

America is feeling the Bern. I hope Trump enjoyed Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania because they're going to #FeelTheBern.

I see where Quid Pro Joe tanked. I don't see the panic from Team Trump. Do you have something to back that up?
Bernie Sanders is seen as the big winner of the Iowa caucus as he's tied with Buttigieg, who can't win big, non-white states. Trump's team was caught off guard, not having devised a strategy to confront the most electable candidate because they thought Joe Biden would be it.

America is feeling the Bern. I hope Trump enjoyed Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania because they're going to #FeelTheBern.
Be careful. You may get Bern-ed like you did in 2016.
Bernie Sanders is seen as the big winner of the Iowa caucus as he's tied with Buttigieg, who can't win big, non-white states. Trump's team was caught off guard, not having devised a strategy to confront the most electable candidate because they thought Joe Biden would be it.

America is feeling the Bern. I hope Trump enjoyed Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania because they're going to #FeelTheBern.
Be careful. You may get Bern-ed like you did in 2016.
More like 1968
Bernie Sanders is seen as the big winner of the Iowa caucus as he's tied with Buttigieg, who can't win big, non-white states. Trump's team was caught off guard, not having devised a strategy to confront the most electable candidate because they thought Joe Biden would be it.

America is feeling the Bern. I hope Trump enjoyed Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania because they're going to #FeelTheBern.

Good lord.
Bernie Sanders is seen as the big winner of the Iowa caucus as he's tied with Buttigieg, who can't win big, non-white states. Trump's team was caught off guard, not having devised a strategy to confront the most electable candidate because they thought Joe Biden would be it.

America is feeling the Bern. I hope Trump enjoyed Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania because they're going to #FeelTheBern.

Any of these candidates will have a problem beating Trump. Unfortunately for Bernie, he has to deal with opposition research from Hillary as well as anything new the GOP dig up. He is viewed as an Independent. Just as Trump had the Never Trumpers there is an even bigger group of Never Bernies. Furthermore, it's a lose/lose situation with him, as if he wins, moderates will abandon him, if he loses, many of his supporters will abandon the DNC.

Moderates vote party. That's what happened with Trump also.

2020 Will be an election on Trump being the "I do as I say" anti-establishment and his 4 years of accomplishments vs others repeating the same 2016 "he will destroy America!"

Do as I say? Trump like Obama before him has lied about getting us out of the wars. Trump has done absolutely nothing about health care which is going to be a huge part of the election. Trump isn't going to be able to promise "this great plan that everyone is going to love" this time.

People just don't accept it anymore. He is not an unknown quantity in terms of his results. What I would love to see is Trump be just as bold in his 2020 campaign promises and work to make them a reality in his second term.

Knowing his life ambition to win as often as he can, the world shouldn't expect anything less.

Is 23 trillion and growing in debt, winning?

Moderates voted for TRUMP partly because of the vacancy on the SCOTUS. Do you think RBG will feel confident enough that TRUMP will loss in 2020 to retire?

No idea.
Bernie Sanders is seen as the big winner of the Iowa caucus as he's tied with Buttigieg, who can't win big, non-white states. Trump's team was caught off guard, not having devised a strategy to confront the most electable candidate because they thought Joe Biden would be it.

America is feeling the Bern. I hope Trump enjoyed Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania because they're going to #FeelTheBern.

Bernie never held a REAL job in his life and was kicked out of a commune because he was a lazy fuck. He will get bitchslapped into oblivion during the debates.
Bernie Sanders is seen as the big winner of the Iowa caucus as he's tied with Buttigieg, who can't win big, non-white states. Trump's team was caught off guard, not having devised a strategy to confront the most electable candidate because they thought Joe Biden would be it.

America is feeling the Bern. I hope Trump enjoyed Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania because they're going to #FeelTheBern.

Any of these candidates will have a problem beating Trump. Unfortunately for Bernie, he has to deal with opposition research from Hillary as well as anything new the GOP dig up. He is viewed as an Independent. Just as Trump had the Never Trumpers there is an even bigger group of Never Bernies. Furthermore, it's a lose/lose situation with him, as if he wins, moderates will abandon him, if he loses, many of his supporters will abandon the DNC.

Moderates vote party. That's what happened with Trump also.

2020 Will be an election on Trump being the "I do as I say" anti-establishment and his 4 years of accomplishments vs others repeating the same 2016 "he will destroy America!"

Do as I say? Trump like Obama before him has lied about getting us out of the wars. Trump has done absolutely nothing about health care which is going to be a huge part of the election. Trump isn't going to be able to promise "this great plan that everyone is going to love" this time.

People just don't accept it anymore. He is not an unknown quantity in terms of his results. What I would love to see is Trump be just as bold in his 2020 campaign promises and work to make them a reality in his second term.

Knowing his life ambition to win as often as he can, the world shouldn't expect anything less.

Is 23 trillion and growing in debt, winning?
Blue Dog democrats voted for Trump last time. The Prog party is further left now then in 2016. If the Blue Dogs vote for Bernie, they do so at their own peril.
Bernie Sanders is seen as the big winner of the Iowa caucus as he's tied with Buttigieg, who can't win big, non-white states. Trump's team was caught off guard, not having devised a strategy to confront the most electable candidate because they thought Joe Biden would be it.

America is feeling the Bern. I hope Trump enjoyed Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania because they're going to #FeelTheBern.

Why do you continue to have this delusion that the Trump campaign is afraid of Bernie? They are praying every day that they get to face him
Bernie Sanders is seen as the big winner of the Iowa caucus as he's tied with Buttigieg, who can't win big, non-white states. Trump's team was caught off guard, not having devised a strategy to confront the most electable candidate because they thought Joe Biden would be it.

America is feeling the Bern. I hope Trump enjoyed Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania because they're going to #FeelTheBern.
Trump isn't panicking. You idiots are the ones who are scared, of America.
Bernie Sanders is seen as the big winner of the Iowa caucus as he's tied with Buttigieg, who can't win big, non-white states. Trump's team was caught off guard, not having devised a strategy to confront the most electable candidate because they thought Joe Biden would be it.

America is feeling the Bern. I hope Trump enjoyed Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania because they're going to #FeelTheBern.

Any of these candidates will have a problem beating Trump. Unfortunately for Bernie, he has to deal with opposition research from Hillary as well as anything new the GOP dig up. He is viewed as an Independent. Just as Trump had the Never Trumpers there is an even bigger group of Never Bernies. Furthermore, it's a lose/lose situation with him, as if he wins, moderates will abandon him, if he loses, many of his supporters will abandon the DNC.

2020 Will be an election on Trump being the "I do as I say" anti-establishment and his 4 years of accomplishments vs others repeating the same 2016 "he will destroy America!"

People just don't accept it anymore. He is not an unknown quantity in terms of his results. What I would love to see is Trump be just as bold in his 2020 campaign promises and work to make them a reality in his second term.

Knowing his life ambition to win as often as he can, the world shouldn't expect anything less.
Moderate Democrats will coalesce around Bernie once he officially clinches the nomination.

They usually do coalesce around stupidity and incompetence.
Bernie Sanders is seen as the big winner of the Iowa caucus as he's tied with Buttigieg, who can't win big, non-white states. Trump's team was caught off guard, not having devised a strategy to confront the most electable candidate because they thought Joe Biden would be it.

America is feeling the Bern. I hope Trump enjoyed Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania because they're going to #FeelTheBern.

Any of these candidates will have a problem beating Trump. Unfortunately for Bernie, he has to deal with opposition research from Hillary as well as anything new the GOP dig up. He is viewed as an Independent. Just as Trump had the Never Trumpers there is an even bigger group of Never Bernies. Furthermore, it's a lose/lose situation with him, as if he wins, moderates will abandon him, if he loses, many of his supporters will abandon the DNC.

Moderates vote party. That's what happened with Trump also.

2020 Will be an election on Trump being the "I do as I say" anti-establishment and his 4 years of accomplishments vs others repeating the same 2016 "he will destroy America!"

Do as I say? Trump like Obama before him has lied about getting us out of the wars. Trump has done absolutely nothing about health care which is going to be a huge part of the election. Trump isn't going to be able to promise "this great plan that everyone is going to love" this time.

People just don't accept it anymore. He is not an unknown quantity in terms of his results. What I would love to see is Trump be just as bold in his 2020 campaign promises and work to make them a reality in his second term.

Knowing his life ambition to win as often as he can, the world shouldn't expect anything less.

Is 23 trillion and growing in debt, winning?

Economy cruising, lowest unemployment in decades, lowest minority unemployment in decades, no more wars. Trump re-elected.
Bernie Sanders is seen as the big winner of the Iowa caucus as he's tied with Buttigieg, who can't win big, non-white states. Trump's team was caught off guard, not having devised a strategy to confront the most electable candidate because they thought Joe Biden would be it.

America is feeling the Bern. I hope Trump enjoyed Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania because they're going to #FeelTheBern.
Damned funny stuff.

I can't stand Trump and want him sent packing back to New York Florida...

Unfortunately, if either Bernie or Lizzie get the nomination, it's more likely that Trump will defeat either of them easily...

There is no chance... zero... that a dyed-in-the-wool Socialist gets elected President anytime soon.
Is Bernie feeling ok? He hasn't been depressed lately, has he? I'm worried about his health, especially with Hillary's 2016 campaign leadership now in charge of the DNC and 'Shadow', the company she is connected to, in charge of recording and reporting Caucus results.

'Bernie Surges'


Bernie Sanders is seen as the big winner of the Iowa caucus as he's tied with Buttigieg, who can't win big, non-white states. Trump's team was caught off guard, not having devised a strategy to confront the most electable candidate because they thought Joe Biden would be it.

America is feeling the Bern. I hope Trump enjoyed Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania because they're going to #FeelTheBern.

That's funny, I don't see Trump panicking at all.

I see loons, like you, going off the deep end though.

Enjoy the fall..

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