Bernie supporters, you aren't even in a fair fight! What are you going to do?


Platinum Member
Apr 25, 2015
Bernard supporters, I feel for you, although I do not agree with Bernies positions. You got hosed!

But remember this--------->the evil GOP did NOT do this, the charming and delightful DNC did!

So now what? Are you going to demand that a person you despise (Barr/Durham) release asap the info on the Obama/Biden Administrations culpability in spygate?

You going to ask the same people to release the info they have on Burisma early? And if you do, what does that tell you about the integrity of the DNC? Hell, even YOU people don't believe they are honest brokers.

This is the 2nd time that you funded, and supported Bernie, and they took a stinky dump all over you. Want to know why they are afraid of Trump? Look in the mirror, then you can answer your own question!

I know, I know, you dislike Trump, and that is fine. But isn't Trump the person saying they are screwing Bernie, while the benign DNC is saying---------->oh no, it wasn't us, we would NEVER screw Bernie. All this just happened hapinstance.

I guess they think you are all dumb! I know what they did, you know what they did, and my 13 year old grand daughter is aware enough to know what they did!

I know, and YOU know, that Warren is being propped up in this race, to take a slice of the Bernie pie; kinda like Kasich tried to do to Trump in 16. It is obvious they do not just want to defeat Bernie and his supporters, they want to BURY THEM!

So what are you going to do? You going to vote Biden? You going to break off into a 3rd party? Or are you going to petition Barr and Durham?

If it were me, I would petition Barr and Durham!


Because while I do not like Bernie policies, at least he is real. Biden is a phony-e-baloney, and if Barr and Durham have something, it will bring Biden down faster than the Titanic.

Yeah, I know switching sides on this issue is a hard pill to swallow, but the choices are stark----------->the enemy of my enemy is my friend, comes to mind! You either get them...…….with our help...….to release BEFORE the DNC primaries are over, or accept the DNC shaft; then find another avenue politically, to vent your anger.

I do NOT like to put it this way, but------------>pick your poison, because as of now, you still have a chance, but we temporarily have to work together to make it happen.

Contact Barr's office, and demand a fast release. That is all I can offer you, but wish all of you the best!
Bernard supporters, I feel for you, although I do not agree with Bernies positions. You got hosed!

But remember this--------->the evil GOP did NOT do this, the charming and delightful DNC did!

So now what? Are you going to demand that a person you despise (Barr/Durham) release asap the info on the Obama/Biden Administrations culpability in spygate?

You going to ask the same people to release the info they have on Burisma early? And if you do, what does that tell you about the integrity of the DNC? Hell, even YOU people don't believe they are honest brokers.

This is the 2nd time that you funded, and supported Bernie, and they took a stinky dump all over you. Want to know why they are afraid of Trump? Look in the mirror, then you can answer your own question!

I know, I know, you dislike Trump, and that is fine. But isn't Trump the person saying they are screwing Bernie, while the benign DNC is saying---------->oh no, it wasn't us, we would NEVER screw Bernie. All this just happened hapinstance.

I guess they think you are all dumb! I know what they did, you know what they did, and my 13 year old grand daughter is aware enough to know what they did!

I know, and YOU know, that Warren is being propped up in this race, to take a slice of the Bernie pie; kinda like Kasich tried to do to Trump in 16. It is obvious they do not just want to defeat Bernie and his supporters, they want to BURY THEM!

So what are you going to do? You going to vote Biden? You going to break off into a 3rd party? Or are you going to petition Barr and Durham?

If it were me, I would petition Barr and Durham!


Because while I do not like Bernie policies, at least he is real. Biden is a phony-e-baloney, and if Barr and Durham have something, it will bring Biden down faster than the Titanic.

Yeah, I know switching sides on this issue is a hard pill to swallow, but the choices are stark----------->the enemy of my enemy is my friend, comes to mind! You either get them...…….with our help...….to release BEFORE the DNC primaries are over, or accept the DNC shaft; then find another avenue politically, to vent your anger.

I do NOT like to put it this way, but------------>pick your poison, because as of now, you still have a chance, but we temporarily have to work together to make it happen.

Contact Barr's office, and demand a fast release. That is all I can offer you, but wish all of you the best!

Of course, Biden supporters don't want you to do this, and neither does the DNC!

But then again, they didn't want you in their race at all, and when they discovered they had a problem, they felt no compunction in hosing you at all!

So, how much do the Bro's want to repay their DNC antagonists who screwed them?

We shall see!
Bernard supporters, I feel for you, although I do not agree with Bernies positions. You got hosed!

But remember this--------->the evil GOP did NOT do this, the charming and delightful DNC did!

So now what? Are you going to demand that a person you despise (Barr/Durham) release asap the info on the Obama/Biden Administrations culpability in spygate?

You going to ask the same people to release the info they have on Burisma early? And if you do, what does that tell you about the integrity of the DNC? Hell, even YOU people don't believe they are honest brokers.

This is the 2nd time that you funded, and supported Bernie, and they took a stinky dump all over you. Want to know why they are afraid of Trump? Look in the mirror, then you can answer your own question!

I know, I know, you dislike Trump, and that is fine. But isn't Trump the person saying they are screwing Bernie, while the benign DNC is saying---------->oh no, it wasn't us, we would NEVER screw Bernie. All this just happened hapinstance.

I guess they think you are all dumb! I know what they did, you know what they did, and my 13 year old grand daughter is aware enough to know what they did!

I know, and YOU know, that Warren is being propped up in this race, to take a slice of the Bernie pie; kinda like Kasich tried to do to Trump in 16. It is obvious they do not just want to defeat Bernie and his supporters, they want to BURY THEM!

So what are you going to do? You going to vote Biden? You going to break off into a 3rd party? Or are you going to petition Barr and Durham?

If it were me, I would petition Barr and Durham!


Because while I do not like Bernie policies, at least he is real. Biden is a phony-e-baloney, and if Barr and Durham have something, it will bring Biden down faster than the Titanic.

Yeah, I know switching sides on this issue is a hard pill to swallow, but the choices are stark----------->the enemy of my enemy is my friend, comes to mind! You either get them...…….with our help...….to release BEFORE the DNC primaries are over, or accept the DNC shaft; then find another avenue politically, to vent your anger.

I do NOT like to put it this way, but------------>pick your poison, because as of now, you still have a chance, but we temporarily have to work together to make it happen.

Contact Barr's office, and demand a fast release. That is all I can offer you, but wish all of you the best!
Very Balanced.
Bernard supporters, I feel for you, although I do not agree with Bernies positions. You got hosed!

But remember this--------->the evil GOP did NOT do this, the charming and delightful DNC did!

So now what? Are you going to demand that a person you despise (Barr/Durham) release asap the info on the Obama/Biden Administrations culpability in spygate?

You going to ask the same people to release the info they have on Burisma early? And if you do, what does that tell you about the integrity of the DNC? Hell, even YOU people don't believe they are honest brokers.

This is the 2nd time that you funded, and supported Bernie, and they took a stinky dump all over you. Want to know why they are afraid of Trump? Look in the mirror, then you can answer your own question!

I know, I know, you dislike Trump, and that is fine. But isn't Trump the person saying they are screwing Bernie, while the benign DNC is saying---------->oh no, it wasn't us, we would NEVER screw Bernie. All this just happened hapinstance.

I guess they think you are all dumb! I know what they did, you know what they did, and my 13 year old grand daughter is aware enough to know what they did!

I know, and YOU know, that Warren is being propped up in this race, to take a slice of the Bernie pie; kinda like Kasich tried to do to Trump in 16. It is obvious they do not just want to defeat Bernie and his supporters, they want to BURY THEM!

So what are you going to do? You going to vote Biden? You going to break off into a 3rd party? Or are you going to petition Barr and Durham?

If it were me, I would petition Barr and Durham!


Because while I do not like Bernie policies, at least he is real. Biden is a phony-e-baloney, and if Barr and Durham have something, it will bring Biden down faster than the Titanic.

Yeah, I know switching sides on this issue is a hard pill to swallow, but the choices are stark----------->the enemy of my enemy is my friend, comes to mind! You either get them...…….with our help...….to release BEFORE the DNC primaries are over, or accept the DNC shaft; then find another avenue politically, to vent your anger.

I do NOT like to put it this way, but------------>pick your poison, because as of now, you still have a chance, but we temporarily have to work together to make it happen.

Contact Barr's office, and demand a fast release. That is all I can offer you, but wish all of you the best!

:desk: Move to Venezuela?
Bernard supporters, I feel for you, although I do not agree with Bernies positions. You got hosed!

But remember this--------->the evil GOP did NOT do this, the charming and delightful DNC did!

So now what? Are you going to demand that a person you despise (Barr/Durham) release asap the info on the Obama/Biden Administrations culpability in spygate?

You going to ask the same people to release the info they have on Burisma early? And if you do, what does that tell you about the integrity of the DNC? Hell, even YOU people don't believe they are honest brokers.

This is the 2nd time that you funded, and supported Bernie, and they took a stinky dump all over you. Want to know why they are afraid of Trump? Look in the mirror, then you can answer your own question!

I know, I know, you dislike Trump, and that is fine. But isn't Trump the person saying they are screwing Bernie, while the benign DNC is saying---------->oh no, it wasn't us, we would NEVER screw Bernie. All this just happened hapinstance.

I guess they think you are all dumb! I know what they did, you know what they did, and my 13 year old grand daughter is aware enough to know what they did!

I know, and YOU know, that Warren is being propped up in this race, to take a slice of the Bernie pie; kinda like Kasich tried to do to Trump in 16. It is obvious they do not just want to defeat Bernie and his supporters, they want to BURY THEM!

So what are you going to do? You going to vote Biden? You going to break off into a 3rd party? Or are you going to petition Barr and Durham?

If it were me, I would petition Barr and Durham!


Because while I do not like Bernie policies, at least he is real. Biden is a phony-e-baloney, and if Barr and Durham have something, it will bring Biden down faster than the Titanic.

Yeah, I know switching sides on this issue is a hard pill to swallow, but the choices are stark----------->the enemy of my enemy is my friend, comes to mind! You either get them...…….with our help...….to release BEFORE the DNC primaries are over, or accept the DNC shaft; then find another avenue politically, to vent your anger.

I do NOT like to put it this way, but------------>pick your poison, because as of now, you still have a chance, but we temporarily have to work together to make it happen.

Contact Barr's office, and demand a fast release. That is all I can offer you, but wish all of you the best!

:desk: Move to Venezuela?

Now that is kinda not good!

I do not think BERNARDS ideas are kosher, but I do think he and his supporters do NOT deserve to have the deck stacked against him by the people in the primary he is running for!

Imagine if it were a bunch of us for liberty, and the GOP or DNC silenced us by manipulation!

Like I said------->I am NOT for BERNARD policies, but I AM for his fair right to espouse his views, AND to NOT have the deck stacked against him in any vote, by any entity, including the DNC!
What is this about... The Democratic Party is in the middle of voting and you want to say voting shouldn't count...

Bernie is a good candidate but the party as a whole prefers Biden.

I know really pisses you off as you had the order in for 'Burn the Socialist' lawn signs.

To Bernie Supporters it is as simple as this, Biden isn't a socialist but he believe in Social Democracy and Social Programs.

US has some great Social Programs like Military and Law Enforcement, but while great can be improved.

We also can expand other programs like Medicare and Education. Maybe not 'for all' but considerably more with your help. The more on our side the more we can expand it. We both want to go in the same direction we just differ on the speed and how far right now.

On the other hand the OP supports a guy who wants to gut these Social Programs, we should work together to make sure our joint vision stays intact.

Thanks for helping us get on the same page as Sanders...
What is this about... The Democratic Party is in the middle of voting and you want to say voting shouldn't count...

Bernie is a good candidate but the party as a whole prefers Biden.

I know really pisses you off as you had the order in for 'Burn the Socialist' lawn signs.

To Bernie Supporters it is as simple as this, Biden isn't a socialist but he believe in Social Democracy and Social Programs.

US has some great Social Programs like Military and Law Enforcement, but while great can be improved.

We also can expand other programs like Medicare and Education. Maybe not 'for all' but considerably more with your help. The more on our side the more we can expand it. We both want to go in the same direction we just differ on the speed and how far right now.

On the other hand the OP supports a guy who wants to gut these Social Programs, we should work together to make sure our joint vision stays intact.

Thanks for helping us get on the same page as Sanders...

LOL, so you insist that BERNARD wasn't conspired against by the DNC? Is that how you cast your vote in this debacle!
What is this about... The Democratic Party is in the middle of voting and you want to say voting shouldn't count...

Bernie is a good candidate but the party as a whole prefers Biden.

I know really pisses you off as you had the order in for 'Burn the Socialist' lawn signs.

To Bernie Supporters it is as simple as this, Biden isn't a socialist but he believe in Social Democracy and Social Programs.

US has some great Social Programs like Military and Law Enforcement, but while great can be improved.

We also can expand other programs like Medicare and Education. Maybe not 'for all' but considerably more with your help. The more on our side the more we can expand it. We both want to go in the same direction we just differ on the speed and how far right now.

On the other hand the OP supports a guy who wants to gut these Social Programs, we should work together to make sure our joint vision stays intact.

Thanks for helping us get on the same page as Sanders...

LOL, so you insist that BERNARD wasn't conspired against by the DNC? Is that how you cast your vote in this debacle!

I have a sneaking suspicion there are not a lot of Bernie Bro's on this board.

But still, to the conservatives---------------> BERNARD was treated like Trump has been. In fact, if it was this easy to throw Trump under the bus, they would have negated your vote 1 or 2 days after Trump took office.

We no lika dat Bernie crap, correct?

Yeah, but that doesn't mean he deserves to get screwed by the DNC. If we turn our backs on this BECAUSE it is Bernie, we lose a lot of credibility. We can NOT scream that the DNC is evil because of what they did to Trump, while they basically did the same thing to BERNARD.

Cmon Bernard supporters, you can dislike us in the GOP, but explain to the DNC how you are going to "fix their clocks!" If you Bernie supporters let them get away with this, you will NEVER have a chance in your lifetime!
What is this about... The Democratic Party is in the middle of voting and you want to say voting shouldn't count...

Bernie is a good candidate but the party as a whole prefers Biden.

I know really pisses you off as you had the order in for 'Burn the Socialist' lawn signs.

To Bernie Supporters it is as simple as this, Biden isn't a socialist but he believe in Social Democracy and Social Programs.

US has some great Social Programs like Military and Law Enforcement, but while great can be improved.

We also can expand other programs like Medicare and Education. Maybe not 'for all' but considerably more with your help. The more on our side the more we can expand it. We both want to go in the same direction we just differ on the speed and how far right now.

On the other hand the OP supports a guy who wants to gut these Social Programs, we should work together to make sure our joint vision stays intact.

Thanks for helping us get on the same page as Sanders...

LOL, so you insist that BERNARD wasn't conspired against by the DNC? Is that how you cast your vote in this debacle!

I have a sneaking suspicion there are not a lot of Bernie Bro's on this board.

But still, to the conservatives---------------> BERNARD was treated like Trump has been. In fact, if it was this easy to throw Trump under the bus, they would have negated your vote 1 or 2 days after Trump took office.

We no lika dat Bernie crap, correct?

Yeah, but that doesn't mean he deserves to get screwed by the DNC. If we turn our backs on this BECAUSE it is Bernie, we lose a lot of credibility. We can NOT scream that the DNC is evil because of what they did to Trump, while they basically did the same thing to BERNARD.

Cmon Bernard supporters, you can dislike us in the GOP, but explain to the DNC how you are going to "fix their clocks!" If you Bernie supporters let them get away with this, you will NEVER have a chance in your lifetime!

OK, nobody is willing to comment on how BERNARD got the shaft, or the fact that them petitioning their supposed enemies to release data is pertinent?

Is it because I am not a paid poster, lol!
What is this about... The Democratic Party is in the middle of voting and you want to say voting shouldn't count...

Bernie is a good candidate but the party as a whole prefers Biden.

I know really pisses you off as you had the order in for 'Burn the Socialist' lawn signs.

To Bernie Supporters it is as simple as this, Biden isn't a socialist but he believe in Social Democracy and Social Programs.

US has some great Social Programs like Military and Law Enforcement, but while great can be improved.

We also can expand other programs like Medicare and Education. Maybe not 'for all' but considerably more with your help. The more on our side the more we can expand it. We both want to go in the same direction we just differ on the speed and how far right now.

On the other hand the OP supports a guy who wants to gut these Social Programs, we should work together to make sure our joint vision stays intact.

Thanks for helping us get on the same page as Sanders...

LOL, so you insist that BERNARD wasn't conspired against by the DNC? Is that how you cast your vote in this debacle!

I have a sneaking suspicion there are not a lot of Bernie Bro's on this board.

But still, to the conservatives---------------> BERNARD was treated like Trump has been. In fact, if it was this easy to throw Trump under the bus, they would have negated your vote 1 or 2 days after Trump took office.

We no lika dat Bernie crap, correct?

Yeah, but that doesn't mean he deserves to get screwed by the DNC. If we turn our backs on this BECAUSE it is Bernie, we lose a lot of credibility. We can NOT scream that the DNC is evil because of what they did to Trump, while they basically did the same thing to BERNARD.

Cmon Bernard supporters, you can dislike us in the GOP, but explain to the DNC how you are going to "fix their clocks!" If you Bernie supporters let them get away with this, you will NEVER have a chance in your lifetime!

Now you are ranting....

This is simple... Everyone votes and we count the votes....

Are you so far up Trump's arse that every slight that doesn't go your way is a conspiracy theory?

Hey welcome to the Democrats, Crazies can wait outside...
What is this about... The Democratic Party is in the middle of voting and you want to say voting shouldn't count...

Bernie is a good candidate but the party as a whole prefers Biden.

I know really pisses you off as you had the order in for 'Burn the Socialist' lawn signs.

To Bernie Supporters it is as simple as this, Biden isn't a socialist but he believe in Social Democracy and Social Programs.

US has some great Social Programs like Military and Law Enforcement, but while great can be improved.

We also can expand other programs like Medicare and Education. Maybe not 'for all' but considerably more with your help. The more on our side the more we can expand it. We both want to go in the same direction we just differ on the speed and how far right now.

On the other hand the OP supports a guy who wants to gut these Social Programs, we should work together to make sure our joint vision stays intact.

Thanks for helping us get on the same page as Sanders...

LOL, so you insist that BERNARD wasn't conspired against by the DNC? Is that how you cast your vote in this debacle!

I have a sneaking suspicion there are not a lot of Bernie Bro's on this board.

But still, to the conservatives---------------> BERNARD was treated like Trump has been. In fact, if it was this easy to throw Trump under the bus, they would have negated your vote 1 or 2 days after Trump took office.

We no lika dat Bernie crap, correct?

Yeah, but that doesn't mean he deserves to get screwed by the DNC. If we turn our backs on this BECAUSE it is Bernie, we lose a lot of credibility. We can NOT scream that the DNC is evil because of what they did to Trump, while they basically did the same thing to BERNARD.

Cmon Bernard supporters, you can dislike us in the GOP, but explain to the DNC how you are going to "fix their clocks!" If you Bernie supporters let them get away with this, you will NEVER have a chance in your lifetime!

OK, nobody is willing to comment on how BERNARD got the shaft, or the fact that them petitioning their supposed enemies to release data is pertinent?

Is it because I am not a paid poster, lol!


Sorry again Democrat Party, No Crazy conspiracy theories allowed....
What is this about... The Democratic Party is in the middle of voting and you want to say voting shouldn't count...

Bernie is a good candidate but the party as a whole prefers Biden.

I know really pisses you off as you had the order in for 'Burn the Socialist' lawn signs.

To Bernie Supporters it is as simple as this, Biden isn't a socialist but he believe in Social Democracy and Social Programs.

US has some great Social Programs like Military and Law Enforcement, but while great can be improved.

We also can expand other programs like Medicare and Education. Maybe not 'for all' but considerably more with your help. The more on our side the more we can expand it. We both want to go in the same direction we just differ on the speed and how far right now.

On the other hand the OP supports a guy who wants to gut these Social Programs, we should work together to make sure our joint vision stays intact.

Thanks for helping us get on the same page as Sanders...
The Democratic Party created Bernie Sanders. But they do not like he is in front with his policies. Biden will do many of the agendas Bernie proposes. We voters are rubes for all the lies. But most should know by now that the Democratic Party is closer to the Socialist Party and is moving towards some type of Communist one.
What is this about... The Democratic Party is in the middle of voting and you want to say voting shouldn't count...

Bernie is a good candidate but the party as a whole prefers Biden.

I know really pisses you off as you had the order in for 'Burn the Socialist' lawn signs.

To Bernie Supporters it is as simple as this, Biden isn't a socialist but he believe in Social Democracy and Social Programs.

US has some great Social Programs like Military and Law Enforcement, but while great can be improved.

We also can expand other programs like Medicare and Education. Maybe not 'for all' but considerably more with your help. The more on our side the more we can expand it. We both want to go in the same direction we just differ on the speed and how far right now.

On the other hand the OP supports a guy who wants to gut these Social Programs, we should work together to make sure our joint vision stays intact.

Thanks for helping us get on the same page as Sanders...

LOL, so you insist that BERNARD wasn't conspired against by the DNC? Is that how you cast your vote in this debacle!

I have a sneaking suspicion there are not a lot of Bernie Bro's on this board.

But still, to the conservatives---------------> BERNARD was treated like Trump has been. In fact, if it was this easy to throw Trump under the bus, they would have negated your vote 1 or 2 days after Trump took office.

We no lika dat Bernie crap, correct?

Yeah, but that doesn't mean he deserves to get screwed by the DNC. If we turn our backs on this BECAUSE it is Bernie, we lose a lot of credibility. We can NOT scream that the DNC is evil because of what they did to Trump, while they basically did the same thing to BERNARD.

Cmon Bernard supporters, you can dislike us in the GOP, but explain to the DNC how you are going to "fix their clocks!" If you Bernie supporters let them get away with this, you will NEVER have a chance in your lifetime!

OK, nobody is willing to comment on how BERNARD got the shaft, or the fact that them petitioning their supposed enemies to release data is pertinent?

Is it because I am not a paid poster, lol!


Sorry again Democrat Party, No Crazy conspiracy theories allowed....

LOL, but Trump/Russia collusion was-)

Of course it was! Just don't mention them screwing Bernie!

OK, we got it.
Bernard supporters, I feel for you, although I do not agree with Bernies positions. You got hosed!

But remember this--------->the evil GOP did NOT do this, the charming and delightful DNC did!

So now what? Are you going to demand that a person you despise (Barr/Durham) release asap the info on the Obama/Biden Administrations culpability in spygate?

You going to ask the same people to release the info they have on Burisma early? And if you do, what does that tell you about the integrity of the DNC? Hell, even YOU people don't believe they are honest brokers.

This is the 2nd time that you funded, and supported Bernie, and they took a stinky dump all over you. Want to know why they are afraid of Trump? Look in the mirror, then you can answer your own question!

I know, I know, you dislike Trump, and that is fine. But isn't Trump the person saying they are screwing Bernie, while the benign DNC is saying---------->oh no, it wasn't us, we would NEVER screw Bernie. All this just happened hapinstance.

I guess they think you are all dumb! I know what they did, you know what they did, and my 13 year old grand daughter is aware enough to know what they did!

I know, and YOU know, that Warren is being propped up in this race, to take a slice of the Bernie pie; kinda like Kasich tried to do to Trump in 16. It is obvious they do not just want to defeat Bernie and his supporters, they want to BURY THEM!

So what are you going to do? You going to vote Biden? You going to break off into a 3rd party? Or are you going to petition Barr and Durham?

If it were me, I would petition Barr and Durham!


Because while I do not like Bernie policies, at least he is real. Biden is a phony-e-baloney, and if Barr and Durham have something, it will bring Biden down faster than the Titanic.

Yeah, I know switching sides on this issue is a hard pill to swallow, but the choices are stark----------->the enemy of my enemy is my friend, comes to mind! You either get them...…….with our help...….to release BEFORE the DNC primaries are over, or accept the DNC shaft; then find another avenue politically, to vent your anger.

I do NOT like to put it this way, but------------>pick your poison, because as of now, you still have a chance, but we temporarily have to work together to make it happen.

Contact Barr's office, and demand a fast release. That is all I can offer you, but wish all of you the best!
Trying to do Putin’s work for him, pondscum?
Bernard supporters, I feel for you, although I do not agree with Bernies positions. You got hosed!

But remember this--------->the evil GOP did NOT do this, the charming and delightful DNC did!

So now what? Are you going to demand that a person you despise (Barr/Durham) release asap the info on the Obama/Biden Administrations culpability in spygate?

You going to ask the same people to release the info they have on Burisma early? And if you do, what does that tell you about the integrity of the DNC? Hell, even YOU people don't believe they are honest brokers.

This is the 2nd time that you funded, and supported Bernie, and they took a stinky dump all over you. Want to know why they are afraid of Trump? Look in the mirror, then you can answer your own question!

I know, I know, you dislike Trump, and that is fine. But isn't Trump the person saying they are screwing Bernie, while the benign DNC is saying---------->oh no, it wasn't us, we would NEVER screw Bernie. All this just happened hapinstance.

I guess they think you are all dumb! I know what they did, you know what they did, and my 13 year old grand daughter is aware enough to know what they did!

I know, and YOU know, that Warren is being propped up in this race, to take a slice of the Bernie pie; kinda like Kasich tried to do to Trump in 16. It is obvious they do not just want to defeat Bernie and his supporters, they want to BURY THEM!

So what are you going to do? You going to vote Biden? You going to break off into a 3rd party? Or are you going to petition Barr and Durham?

If it were me, I would petition Barr and Durham!


Because while I do not like Bernie policies, at least he is real. Biden is a phony-e-baloney, and if Barr and Durham have something, it will bring Biden down faster than the Titanic.

Yeah, I know switching sides on this issue is a hard pill to swallow, but the choices are stark----------->the enemy of my enemy is my friend, comes to mind! You either get them...…….with our help...….to release BEFORE the DNC primaries are over, or accept the DNC shaft; then find another avenue politically, to vent your anger.

I do NOT like to put it this way, but------------>pick your poison, because as of now, you still have a chance, but we temporarily have to work together to make it happen.

Contact Barr's office, and demand a fast release. That is all I can offer you, but wish all of you the best!
Trying to do Putin’s work for him, pondscum?

Putin? PUTIN?

Now that is hilarious!

I didn't use my overbearing power to help one candidate, or another.

Who did?

Oh yeah, the DNC-)
if Bernie were ever to fight it, he'd have done so last year. he will roll over again.
The Establishment STOLE from the victory his Movement was entitled to
Bernard supporters, I feel for you, although I do not agree with Bernies positions. You got hosed!

But remember this--------->the evil GOP did NOT do this, the charming and delightful DNC did!

So now what? Are you going to demand that a person you despise (Barr/Durham) release asap the info on the Obama/Biden Administrations culpability in spygate?

You going to ask the same people to release the info they have on Burisma early? And if you do, what does that tell you about the integrity of the DNC? Hell, even YOU people don't believe they are honest brokers.

This is the 2nd time that you funded, and supported Bernie, and they took a stinky dump all over you. Want to know why they are afraid of Trump? Look in the mirror, then you can answer your own question!

I know, I know, you dislike Trump, and that is fine. But isn't Trump the person saying they are screwing Bernie, while the benign DNC is saying---------->oh no, it wasn't us, we would NEVER screw Bernie. All this just happened hapinstance.

I guess they think you are all dumb! I know what they did, you know what they did, and my 13 year old grand daughter is aware enough to know what they did!

I know, and YOU know, that Warren is being propped up in this race, to take a slice of the Bernie pie; kinda like Kasich tried to do to Trump in 16. It is obvious they do not just want to defeat Bernie and his supporters, they want to BURY THEM!

So what are you going to do? You going to vote Biden? You going to break off into a 3rd party? Or are you going to petition Barr and Durham?

If it were me, I would petition Barr and Durham!


Because while I do not like Bernie policies, at least he is real. Biden is a phony-e-baloney, and if Barr and Durham have something, it will bring Biden down faster than the Titanic.

Yeah, I know switching sides on this issue is a hard pill to swallow, but the choices are stark----------->the enemy of my enemy is my friend, comes to mind! You either get them...…….with our help...….to release BEFORE the DNC primaries are over, or accept the DNC shaft; then find another avenue politically, to vent your anger.

I do NOT like to put it this way, but------------>pick your poison, because as of now, you still have a chance, but we temporarily have to work together to make it happen.

Contact Barr's office, and demand a fast release. That is all I can offer you, but wish all of you the best!

:desk: Move to Venezuela?

Now that is kinda not good!

I do not think BERNARDS ideas are kosher, but I do think he and his supporters do NOT deserve to have the deck stacked against him by the people in the primary he is running for!

Imagine if it were a bunch of us for liberty, and the GOP or DNC silenced us by manipulation!

Like I said------->I am NOT for BERNARD policies, but I AM for his fair right to espouse his views, AND to NOT have the deck stacked against him in any vote, by any entity, including the DNC!

I think that the democratic party should have the right to insist that their nominee be an actual Democrat.
You may notice that it is Trump supporters pushing the propaganda that Democrats are not giving Bernie a fair shake, just another underhanded trick. Hope Bernie supporters wont fall for it Again.

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