Bernie threatens "war" against Trump supporters

According to the left, President Trump is a "white nationalist" and a "racist". This has been declared more than once, and by more then several of those on the left. So by their logic, Trump's supporters would also be "white nationalists" and "racists." How many times have we heard that here?

Bernie Sanders told a group of people Saturday that if elected president in 2020, he will "go to war" with white nationalism and racism.

Bernie Sanders Says 'We Will Go to War Against White Nationalism and Racism' - news -

Sp tell us what you really mean, Bernie. Is threatening a war against a very large and powerful segment of American society a very good idea?
Sounds like a perfect way to inspire some leftist nut to shoot up a Republican baseball game. Or inspire some leftist nut to beat his Republican senator neighbor.
According to the left, President Trump is a "white nationalist" and a "racist". This has been declared more than once, and by more then several of those on the left. So by their logic, Trump's supporters would also be "white nationalists" and "racists." How many times have we heard that here?

Bernie Sanders told a group of people Saturday that if elected president in 2020, he will "go to war" with white nationalism and racism.

Bernie Sanders Says 'We Will Go to War Against White Nationalism and Racism' - news -

Sp tell us what you really mean, Bernie. Is threatening a war against a very large and powerful segment of American society a very good idea?
I thought the official position of the right was that white supremacists and racists were a very small minority in the party?

Actually, the official position of the left is that all Trump supporters are "white supremacists" and "racists", especially among Sanders and his followers. Need some proof? How about a few Bernie quotes?

“It gives me no pleasure to say this, but we do have a president who is an overt racist, who is a sexist, who is a xenophobe..."

“There is no question in my mind that [Trump’s] anti-immigrant sentiment and his racism create a climate where unstable people are capable of doing horrific deeds, as we saw in El Paso...”

“If you look at Trump, if you look at Trump’s life, history ... yes, sad to say we have a bigot in the White House and that’s exactly what I would say to him..."

"Here's what's really going on: @RepCummings has been busy revealing the failures of the Trump administration and exposing the greed of Trump's friends in the pharmaceutical industry, and our racist president doesn't like it,.."

'We are working to make certain that the agenda of the most racist, sexist, homophobic, bigoted president in history will go nowhere because Democrats will control the House and the Senate.."

We've already seen one of his supporters attempt a political assassination on a baseball field. We've seen one of his supporters attempt to firebomb an ICE office. We' ave already seen one of his supporters carry out a mass shooting.

So tell me again what is the definition of terrorism?
Lol, so you are admitting then.


Admitting you have a problem is the first step.
if half of this country were white supremacist like idiots like you claim you would not be able to step out of your home or drive down the street without being assaulted .........
Half? No. A substantial fraction yes.

I'm white BTW.
According to the left, President Trump is a "white nationalist" and a "racist". This has been declared more than once, and by more then several of those on the left. So by their logic, Trump's supporters would also be "white nationalists" and "racists." How many times have we heard that here?

Bernie Sanders told a group of people Saturday that if elected president in 2020, he will "go to war" with white nationalism and racism.

Bernie Sanders Says 'We Will Go to War Against White Nationalism and Racism' - news -

Sp tell us what you really mean, Bernie. Is threatening a war against a very large and powerful segment of American society a very good idea?

Gee I wonder who'd win that war? ,Fully armed, crack shot, gun toting, mad as hell conservatives most with a military background or a bunch of limp wristed, sissyfied faggots armed with handbags?
Lol at most conservatives having military backgrounds.

Here something to think about:

Which party gets up and does things, and which one sits at home and bitches about stuff? You kids are always hollering about Democrats demonstrating and such but you never leave your moms basement. If this thing ever really happens (it won't) you guys aren't even showing up. You'll all be sitting at home, stroking your guns and peeking out between the blinds while muttering about "situational awareness".
if you call ganging up 10 to one on unarmed citizens some of the victims senior citizens in liberal strong holds where the police are ordered to stand down doing something let me tell you this and listen very carefully !! that is not the majority of America !! bring that shit to a blue collar red state and it would not go well at all for violent leftwing extremest !
Empty threats.
According to the left, President Trump is a "white nationalist" and a "racist". This has been declared more than once, and by more then several of those on the left. So by their logic, Trump's supporters would also be "white nationalists" and "racists." How many times have we heard that here?

Bernie Sanders told a group of people Saturday that if elected president in 2020, he will "go to war" with white nationalism and racism.

Bernie Sanders Says 'We Will Go to War Against White Nationalism and Racism' - news -

Sp tell us what you really mean, Bernie. Is threatening a war against a very large and powerful segment of American society a very good idea?

Gee I wonder who'd win that war? ,Fully armed, crack shot, gun toting, mad as hell conservatives most with a military background or a bunch of limp wristed, sissyfied faggots armed with handbags?
Lol at most conservatives having military backgrounds.

Here something to think about:

Which party gets up and does things, and which one sits at home and bitches about stuff? You kids are always hollering about Democrats demonstrating and such but you never leave your moms basement. If this thing ever really happens (it won't) you guys aren't even showing up. You'll all be sitting at home, stroking your guns and peeking out between the blinds while muttering about "situational awareness".

Bernie the Jew is a traitor to his own people.

According to the left, President Trump is a "white nationalist" and a "racist". This has been declared more than once, and by more then several of those on the left. So by their logic, Trump's supporters would also be "white nationalists" and "racists." How many times have we heard that here?

Bernie Sanders told a group of people Saturday that if elected president in 2020, he will "go to war" with white nationalism and racism.

Bernie Sanders Says 'We Will Go to War Against White Nationalism and Racism' - news -

Sp tell us what you really mean, Bernie. Is threatening a war against a very large and powerful segment of American society a very good idea?
I thought the official position of the right was that white supremacists and racists were a very small minority in the party?

Actually, the official position of the left is that all Trump supporters are "white supremacists" and "racists", especially among Sanders and his followers. Need some proof? How about a few Bernie quotes?

“It gives me no pleasure to say this, but we do have a president who is an overt racist, who is a sexist, who is a xenophobe..."

“There is no question in my mind that [Trump’s] anti-immigrant sentiment and his racism create a climate where unstable people are capable of doing horrific deeds, as we saw in El Paso...”

“If you look at Trump, if you look at Trump’s life, history ... yes, sad to say we have a bigot in the White House and that’s exactly what I would say to him..."

"Here's what's really going on: @RepCummings has been busy revealing the failures of the Trump administration and exposing the greed of Trump's friends in the pharmaceutical industry, and our racist president doesn't like it,.."

'We are working to make certain that the agenda of the most racist, sexist, homophobic, bigoted president in history will go nowhere because Democrats will control the House and the Senate.."

We've already seen one of his supporters attempt a political assassination on a baseball field. We've seen one of his supporters attempt to firebomb an ICE office. We' ave already seen one of his supporters carry out a mass shooting.

So tell me again what is the definition of terrorism?
Lol, so you are admitting then.


Admitting you have a problem is the first step.
if half of this country were white supremacist like idiots like you claim you would not be able to step out of your home or drive down the street without being assaulted .........
Half? No. A substantial fraction yes.

I'm white BTW.

No, you're colored.

White is the mixture of all colors combined. Whereas black is the absence of color.
Bernie needs to worry about the Dems, more than the GOP.

He buried himself a few months ago when he went on the tear that all people in prison should be
allowed to vote. He lost 8 points on his democratic approvl rating and has never recovered.

Warren has taken the majority of his supporters and his ideas.

The next few months are going to be interesting. Let's don't forget, to run in the primaries Bernie
has to join the democratic party. (He's always been an Independent) If he still feels the press is
treating him unfairly, he could opt out of the Primaries (especially if he's 3rd or 4th going into
Iowa and launch a 3rd party run, if for nothing else, but spite.
According to the left, President Trump is a "white nationalist" and a "racist". This has been declared more than once, and by more then several of those on the left. So by their logic, Trump's supporters would also be "white nationalists" and "racists." How many times have we heard that here?

Bernie Sanders told a group of people Saturday that if elected president in 2020, he will "go to war" with white nationalism and racism.

Bernie Sanders Says 'We Will Go to War Against White Nationalism and Racism' - news -

Sp tell us what you really mean, Bernie. Is threatening a war against a very large and powerful segment of American society a very good idea?

Gee I wonder who'd win that war? ,Fully armed, crack shot, gun toting, mad as hell conservatives most with a military background or a bunch of limp wristed, sissyfied faggots armed with handbags?
Lol at most conservatives having military backgrounds.

Here something to think about:

Which party gets up and does things, and which one sits at home and bitches about stuff? You kids are always hollering about Democrats demonstrating and such but you never leave your moms basement. If this thing ever really happens (it won't) you guys aren't even showing up. You'll all be sitting at home, stroking your guns and peeking out between the blinds while muttering about "situational awareness".
if you call ganging up 10 to one on unarmed citizens some of the victims senior citizens in liberal strong holds where the police are ordered to stand down doing something let me tell you this and listen very carefully !! that is not the majority of America !! bring that shit to a blue collar red state and it would not go well at all for violent leftwing extremest !
Empty threats.
Then man it up. Get those WMD's. Detonate them in places you deem needed. You are small potatoes. You are a small store brand potato chip of World Domination selling a stale and worn product. You could be Pringles! Made from big bulging potatoes as far as one can see. Get the materials you need and use them for your revolution. Make us proud. The Lake of Fire would approve.
I thought the official position of the right was that white supremacists and racists were a very small minority in the party?

Actually, the official position of the left is that all Trump supporters are "white supremacists" and "racists", especially among Sanders and his followers. Need some proof? How about a few Bernie quotes?

“It gives me no pleasure to say this, but we do have a president who is an overt racist, who is a sexist, who is a xenophobe..."

“There is no question in my mind that [Trump’s] anti-immigrant sentiment and his racism create a climate where unstable people are capable of doing horrific deeds, as we saw in El Paso...”

“If you look at Trump, if you look at Trump’s life, history ... yes, sad to say we have a bigot in the White House and that’s exactly what I would say to him..."

"Here's what's really going on: @RepCummings has been busy revealing the failures of the Trump administration and exposing the greed of Trump's friends in the pharmaceutical industry, and our racist president doesn't like it,.."

'We are working to make certain that the agenda of the most racist, sexist, homophobic, bigoted president in history will go nowhere because Democrats will control the House and the Senate.."

We've already seen one of his supporters attempt a political assassination on a baseball field. We've seen one of his supporters attempt to firebomb an ICE office. We' ave already seen one of his supporters carry out a mass shooting.

So tell me again what is the definition of terrorism?
Lol, so you are admitting then.


Admitting you have a problem is the first step.
if half of this country were white supremacist like idiots like you claim you would not be able to step out of your home or drive down the street without being assaulted .........
Half? No. A substantial fraction yes.

I'm white BTW.

No, you're colored.

White is the mixture of all colors combined. Whereas black is the absence of color.

Me thinks you got that one backasswards.

Actually, the official position of the left is that all Trump supporters are "white supremacists" and "racists", especially among Sanders and his followers. Need some proof? How about a few Bernie quotes?

“It gives me no pleasure to say this, but we do have a president who is an overt racist, who is a sexist, who is a xenophobe..."

“There is no question in my mind that [Trump’s] anti-immigrant sentiment and his racism create a climate where unstable people are capable of doing horrific deeds, as we saw in El Paso...”

“If you look at Trump, if you look at Trump’s life, history ... yes, sad to say we have a bigot in the White House and that’s exactly what I would say to him..."

"Here's what's really going on: @RepCummings has been busy revealing the failures of the Trump administration and exposing the greed of Trump's friends in the pharmaceutical industry, and our racist president doesn't like it,.."

'We are working to make certain that the agenda of the most racist, sexist, homophobic, bigoted president in history will go nowhere because Democrats will control the House and the Senate.."

We've already seen one of his supporters attempt a political assassination on a baseball field. We've seen one of his supporters attempt to firebomb an ICE office. We' ave already seen one of his supporters carry out a mass shooting.

So tell me again what is the definition of terrorism?
Lol, so you are admitting then.


Admitting you have a problem is the first step.
if half of this country were white supremacist like idiots like you claim you would not be able to step out of your home or drive down the street without being assaulted .........
Half? No. A substantial fraction yes.

I'm white BTW.

No, you're colored.

White is the mixture of all colors combined. Whereas black is the absence of color.

Me thinks you got that one backasswards.


I be colored. :biggrin:

Lol, so you are admitting then.


Admitting you have a problem is the first step.
if half of this country were white supremacist like idiots like you claim you would not be able to step out of your home or drive down the street without being assaulted .........
Half? No. A substantial fraction yes.

I'm white BTW.

No, you're colored.

White is the mixture of all colors combined. Whereas black is the absence of color.

Me thinks you got that one backasswards.


I be colored. :biggrin:


I guess it's a matter of perspective. Are you pigmented or just light energy?

In art, white is the absence of all color and black is the presence of all color. To artists, black is considered a color, white is generally not. In light, the opposite holds true. Black is the absence of color, and white is the presence of all color. To scientists, white is a bunch of colors, and black is not.

Is white or black really a color?

In art, white is the absence of all color and black is the presence of all color. To artists, black is considered a color, white is generally not. In light, the opposite holds true. Black is the absence of color, and white is the presence of all color. To scientists, white is a bunch of colors, and black is not.

I thought the official position of the right was that white supremacists and racists were a very small minority in the party?

Actually, the official position of the left is that all Trump supporters are "white supremacists" and "racists", especially among Sanders and his followers. Need some proof? How about a few Bernie quotes?

“It gives me no pleasure to say this, but we do have a president who is an overt racist, who is a sexist, who is a xenophobe..."

“There is no question in my mind that [Trump’s] anti-immigrant sentiment and his racism create a climate where unstable people are capable of doing horrific deeds, as we saw in El Paso...”

“If you look at Trump, if you look at Trump’s life, history ... yes, sad to say we have a bigot in the White House and that’s exactly what I would say to him..."

"Here's what's really going on: @RepCummings has been busy revealing the failures of the Trump administration and exposing the greed of Trump's friends in the pharmaceutical industry, and our racist president doesn't like it,.."

'We are working to make certain that the agenda of the most racist, sexist, homophobic, bigoted president in history will go nowhere because Democrats will control the House and the Senate.."

We've already seen one of his supporters attempt a political assassination on a baseball field. We've seen one of his supporters attempt to firebomb an ICE office. We' ave already seen one of his supporters carry out a mass shooting.

So tell me again what is the definition of terrorism?
Lol, so you are admitting then.


Admitting you have a problem is the first step.
if half of this country were white supremacist like idiots like you claim you would not be able to step out of your home or drive down the street without being assaulted .........
Half? No. A substantial fraction yes.

I'm white BTW.

No, you're colored.

White is the mixture of all colors combined. Whereas black is the absence of color.
You have that backwards.

Try mixing colors. A cheapo watercolor set would work. Mix the colors. You end up with black.

Artists seldom use black paint. We mix our own colors for black. White is the absence of any color. Which is how it is possible to bleach color out of something and it ends up white.

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