Bernie: "Today the Walton family of Walmart own more wealth than the bottom 40 percent of America."

  • $1.88 Trillion
  • Report: Cost of Federal Regulation Reached $1.88 Trillion in 2014. U.S. debt exceeds the size of China's economy.
    May 12, 2015 6:00 am.
    The cost of federal regulation neared $2 trillion in 2014, according to a new report by the Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI).May 12, 2015

And we can see the sky and China cant.
they also employ hundreds of thousands.....

What good is a job that pays so little that you qualify for social assistance while working full time?
And the alternative is? Right, no job at all. WalMart subsidizes the government by hiring people who otherwise would not work.
Did you miss the part where they increased their starting wage to 9/hr recently? Yeah, profits tanked and they are cutting back hours. The employees thank you for your "concern"

So they make billions a year while paying so little workers collect welfare. Is that increasing or decreasing government dependence? Your precious rich are increasing the size of government. They cut health insurance and now we have obamacare. Are conservatives stupid or do they not care about small government?

Wait ... so you believe Walmart cut it's health care and the result was ObamaCare? And you have the audacity to refer to anyone as "stupid?"
So these folks build a business....
Hire people.....
People shop there and don't seem to have a problem with it.
No one is putting a gun to their heads....

Walmart is a huge success story.....

And Libs have a problem with it.


Wal-Mart is using tax dollars to provide its workers with health care because it won't.

four of the Walton kids are in the top 10 richest people in the world.

Wal-Mart forces wages down by forcing manufacturers to low-ball the cost of goods, causing us to compete with mexico for jobs.

nothing wrong with profit. but the second largest employer in the country needs to make sure we don't become a third world nation.

even rightwingnut loons voting against their own interest should understand that.

another loser who projects her ignorance

once more for this idiot
the richest got richer and the poorest got poorer under obama
that is voting against your own interests

a "loser" who isn't competing for low wage jobs with people who don't speak English like a loony toon wackjob like you.



stop embarrassing yourself
It's happened at a faster pace just like it has every other year regardless of the president, you can't blame Obama when he was blocked from passing his plans to alleviate the problem. Remember the bush tax cuts though and republicans passing the estate tax cuts for a tiny tiny tiny few.

i have provided the link


typing furious replies wont save you clowns from FACTS

the richest got richer and the poorest got poorer under obama AT A FASTER PACE THEN WAS HAPPENING UNDER BUSH
And the same thing happened under bush when compared to Clinton, it's been a trend that's been occurring for decades, Obama tried many times to raise taxes, and alleviate the problem, pubbies will not let him. I'm sure you'll also ignore the bush tax cuts for the rich and the 2008 crisis which Obama inherited that left the rich well off.

Seems to have started with the decline of unions. Who started that war on unions?

That's a good point. Americans are doing the same jobs today that paid much more 30yrs ago. This is especially true of car manufacturing plants. But somehow angry greedy white Republican dude calls that progress.

They went all in on the Corporate propaganda on Unions. Fact is, Unions are responsible for just about all Workers' Rights Americans have today. Their decline has coincided with an overall decline in how we treat American Workers.

They created the middle class. No country without them has a strong middle class.
It's happened at a faster pace just like it has every other year regardless of the president, you can't blame Obama when he was blocked from passing his plans to alleviate the problem. Remember the bush tax cuts though and republicans passing the estate tax cuts for a tiny tiny tiny few.

i have provided the link


typing furious replies wont save you clowns from FACTS

the richest got richer and the poorest got poorer under obama AT A FASTER PACE THEN WAS HAPPENING UNDER BUSH
And the same thing happened under bush when compared to Clinton, it's been a trend that's been occurring for decades, Obama tried many times to raise taxes, and alleviate the problem, pubbies will not let him. I'm sure you'll also ignore the bush tax cuts for the rich and the 2008 crisis which Obama inherited that left the rich well off.

Seems to have started with the decline of unions. Who started that war on unions?

That's a good point. Americans are doing the same jobs today that paid much more 30yrs ago. This is especially true of car manufacturing plants. But somehow angry greedy white Republican dude calls that progress.

They went all in on the Corporate propaganda on Unions. Fact is, Unions are responsible for just about all Workers' Rights Americans have today. Their decline has coincided with an overall decline in how we treat American Workers.

They created the middle class. No country without them has a strong middle class.
That's literally the truth, countries with stronger unions always have a stronger working class.
who votes agaisnt their own interests??

NAACP president: Black people worse off under Obama ...
The Washington Times
Jan 28, 2013 - NAACP President and CEO Benjamin Jealous said Sunday that black Americans “are doing a full point worse” than when President Obama ...
Now you're simply spewing irrelevant bullshit to the thread at hand.

how is it irrelevant crybaby?
it was your fellow nutjob Jillian that accused people of voting against their own interests

go cry
i have provided the link


typing furious replies wont save you clowns from FACTS

the richest got richer and the poorest got poorer under obama AT A FASTER PACE THEN WAS HAPPENING UNDER BUSH
And the same thing happened under bush when compared to Clinton, it's been a trend that's been occurring for decades, Obama tried many times to raise taxes, and alleviate the problem, pubbies will not let him. I'm sure you'll also ignore the bush tax cuts for the rich and the 2008 crisis which Obama inherited that left the rich well off.

Seems to have started with the decline of unions. Who started that war on unions?

That's a good point. Americans are doing the same jobs today that paid much more 30yrs ago. This is especially true of car manufacturing plants. But somehow angry greedy white Republican dude calls that progress.

They went all in on the Corporate propaganda on Unions. Fact is, Unions are responsible for just about all Workers' Rights Americans have today. Their decline has coincided with an overall decline in how we treat American Workers.

They created the middle class. No country without them has a strong middle class.
That's literally the truth, countries with stronger unions always have a stronger working class.

that is funny idiot; because your own Messiah is saying we are better off than the european economies

so who are you referring to idiot??
  • $1.88 Trillion
  • Report: Cost of Federal Regulation Reached $1.88 Trillion in 2014. U.S. debt exceeds the size of China's economy.
    May 12, 2015 6:00 am.
    The cost of federal regulation neared $2 trillion in 2014, according to a new report by the Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI).May 12, 2015

Lowering regulation will have the same effect as lowering taxes has, just fill the pockets of the rich!
  • $1.88 Trillion
  • Report: Cost of Federal Regulation Reached $1.88 Trillion in 2014. U.S. debt exceeds the size of China's economy.
    May 12, 2015 6:00 am.
    The cost of federal regulation neared $2 trillion in 2014, according to a new report by the Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI).May 12, 2015

Lowering regulation will have the same effect as lowering taxes has, just fill the pockets of the rich!

you idiot. you are actually saying the poor pay no costs of over-regulation?
Funny how I never whined, only pointed out a fact. :alirulz:
Yes, dumbass, it is WHINING when you ask for "justification" of earned wealth
The Walton family is among the richest families in the world. Their wealth inherited from Bud and Sam Walton, founders of the world's largest retailer, Walmart.[1] The three most prominent living members (Jim, Roband Alice) have consistently been in the top ten of the Forbes 400 since 2001, as were John (d. 2005) and Helen (d. 2007) prior to their deaths. Christy Walton took her husband John's place after his death.

Collectively, the Waltons own over 50% of the company, and are worth a combined total of $147 billion (as of January 2015).[2] In 2010, six members of the Walton family had the same net worth as either 28% or 41% of American families combined (depending on whether household net indebtedness is counted).[3]

So? How is their wealth taking anything away from you?

I object to being forced to pay a portion their workers' salaries.

Yeah ... so let's all stop shopping at Walmart and put 'em out of business so their workers can all be fully gov't dependent! Great idea!
More Dems!
they also employ hundreds of thousands.....

What good is a job that pays so little that you qualify for social assistance while working full time?
And the alternative is? Right, no job at all. WalMart subsidizes the government by hiring people who otherwise would not work.
Did you miss the part where they increased their starting wage to 9/hr recently? Yeah, profits tanked and they are cutting back hours. The employees thank you for your "concern"

So they make billions a year while paying so little workers collect welfare. Is that increasing or decreasing government dependence? Your precious rich are increasing the size of government. They cut health insurance and now we have obamacare. Are conservatives stupid or do they not care about small government?

Wait ... so you believe Walmart cut it's health care and the result was ObamaCare? And you have the audacity to refer to anyone as "stupid?"

Companies in general have been cutting benefits. There would be no obamacare if employers offered good healthcare. We have obamacare because government filled the need. Without the need it wouldnt exist.
It's happened at a faster pace just like it has every other year regardless of the president, you can't blame Obama when he was blocked from passing his plans to alleviate the problem. Remember the bush tax cuts though and republicans passing the estate tax cuts for a tiny tiny tiny few.

i have provided the link


typing furious replies wont save you clowns from FACTS

the richest got richer and the poorest got poorer under obama AT A FASTER PACE THEN WAS HAPPENING UNDER BUSH
And the same thing happened under bush when compared to Clinton, it's been a trend that's been occurring for decades, Obama tried many times to raise taxes, and alleviate the problem, pubbies will not let him. I'm sure you'll also ignore the bush tax cuts for the rich and the 2008 crisis which Obama inherited that left the rich well off.

Seems to have started with the decline of unions. Who started that war on unions?

That's a good point. Americans are doing the same jobs today that paid much more 30yrs ago. This is especially true of car manufacturing plants. But somehow angry greedy white Republican dude calls that progress.

They went all in on the Corporate propaganda on Unions. Fact is, Unions are responsible for just about all Workers' Rights Americans have today. Their decline has coincided with an overall decline in how we treat American Workers.

They created the middle class. No country without them has a strong middle class.

Yeah, car manufacturing plants are a prime example of the decline. Americans are doing the same jobs today for far less money than they did 30yrs ago. That's not progress. Well, for American Workers anyway. It is progress to evil Corporate Fatcats.

Unions need to make a comeback. It's the only way to balance the field of play. Someone has to stand up for American Workers. And it's not gonna be angry greedy white Republican guy.

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