Bernie: "Today the Walton family of Walmart own more wealth than the bottom 40 percent of America."

NAACP president: Black people worse off under Obama ... › Economics
Jan 30, 2013 - NAACP Chief Ben Jealous said, "Right now when you look at joblessness in this country — the country is pretty much back to where it was

maybe rightwingnuts should get the hell out of the way and stop obstructing, idiot.

and do you use for the proposition that white americans are the biggest terror threat in the U.S., as well. because they said that, too.

White Americans Are the Biggest Terror Threat in the U.S.: Study

or does that not suit the view from rightwingnuthackworld?
  • $1.88 Trillion
  • Report: Cost of Federal Regulation Reached $1.88 Trillion in 2014. U.S. debt exceeds the size of China's economy.
    May 12, 2015 6:00 am.
    The cost of federal regulation neared $2 trillion in 2014, according to a new report by the Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI).May 12, 2015

Lowering regulation will have the same effect as lowering taxes has, just fill the pockets of the rich!

you idiot. you are actually saying the poor pay no costs of over-regulation?

I was clear in what I said.

NAACP president: Black people worse off under Obama ... › Economics
Jan 30, 2013 - NAACP Chief Ben Jealous said, "Right now when you look at joblessness in this country — the country is pretty much back to where it was

maybe rightwingnuts should get the hell out of the way and stop obstructing, idiot.

and do you use for the proposition that white americans are the biggest terror threat in the U.S., as well. because they said that, too.

White Americans Are the Biggest Terror Threat in the U.S.: Study

or does that not suit the view from rightwingnuthackworld?

i love the way crybaby douchebags cry that people they consider stupid keep "obstructing" them!!

lol go cry
But look what they are giving to charity:
IRS Complaint Alleges Walmart Misused Foundation Cash In Push For Urban Stores

Report: Walmart's Billionaire Waltons Give Almost None Of Own Cash To Foundation

Actually they are not. They took money from a foundation they barely gave too and invested in areas they were opening stores to drum up business... A special type of scum..

Well at least the Waltons are paying their Fair Share:
Walmart: Report On $76 Billion Hidden In Tax Havens 'Flawed'
Actually they are not....

Sorry but the Walton Family are a piece of shit...
loser crybaby

it isnt irrelevant to point out that you are crying tears on behalf of the poor when you are guilty on a massive scale of heaping costs on their already tight budgets
Walmart is the perfect representation of the 'Evil Corporation.' It represents everything wrong. It's a reflection of what's happened to our country. Americans have become angry, greedy, and fat.

They can't get enough of that cheap slave labor Chinese shite. There's a big cost for hate & greed. And it's American Workers who are paying the biggest price.
Carbon regulation burden heaviest on poor, Stanford ...
Feb 28, 2014 - Stanford research reveals that it is ultimately people – not corporations – who would bear the costs of climate change regulation. Under a ...
Carbon regulation burden heaviest on poor, Stanford ...
Feb 28, 2014 - Stanford research reveals that it is ultimately people – not corporations – who would bear the costs of climate change regulation. Under a ...
Air pollution kills an average of 4000 people every day in China, 17% of all China’s deaths
Walmart is the perfect representation of the 'Evil Corporation.' It represents everything wrong. It's a reflection of what's happened to our country. Americans have become angry, greedy, and fat.

They can't get enough of that cheap slave labor Chinese shite. There's big cost for hate & greed. And it's American Workers who are paying the biggest price.



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