Bernie: "Today the Walton family of Walmart own more wealth than the bottom 40 percent of America."

the Left does everything they can to create poor people and keep them poor; then they come on message boards and rant about Walmart

idiots and hypocrites

You do everything to increase government dependence then complain about the size of government.
Walmart is the perfect representation of the 'Evil Corporation.' It represents everything wrong. It's a reflection of what's happened to our country. Americans have become angry, greedy, and fat.

They can't get enough of that cheap slave labor Chinese shite. There's big cost for hate & greed. And it's American Workers who are paying the biggest price.



Yes, angry, greedy, fat Americans do think that's funny. And that's why they shop at Walmart. They're ignorant.

Oh goody.. another leftwing loon telling us how smart he is... how original.

Just call em like i see em. Last time i was in a Walmart, it was a miserable nightmare. So many greedy fat loons screeching away tearing shit up. Third World chaos. Not an enjoyable shopping experience.

Then don't go there. Problem solved. Stop whining.

i have provided the link


typing furious replies wont save you clowns from FACTS

the richest got richer and the poorest got poorer under obama AT A FASTER PACE THEN WAS HAPPENING UNDER BUSH
And the same thing happened under bush when compared to Clinton, it's been a trend that's been occurring for decades, Obama tried many times to raise taxes, and alleviate the problem, pubbies will not let him. I'm sure you'll also ignore the bush tax cuts for the rich and the 2008 crisis which Obama inherited that left the rich well off.

Seems to have started with the decline of unions. Who started that war on unions?

That's a good point. Americans are doing the same jobs today that paid much more 30yrs ago. This is especially true of car manufacturing plants. But somehow angry greedy white Republican dude calls that progress.

They went all in on the Corporate propaganda on Unions. Fact is, Unions are responsible for just about all Workers' Rights Americans have today. Their decline has coincided with an overall decline in how we treat American Workers.

They created the middle class. No country without them has a strong middle class.

Yeah, car manufacturing plants are a prime example of the decline. Americans are doing the same jobs today for far less money than they did 30yrs ago. That's not progress. Well, for American Workers anyway. It is progress to evil Corporate Fatcats.

Unions need to make a comeback. It's the only way to balance the field of play. Someone has to stand up for American Workers. And it's not gonna be angry greedy white Republican guy.

In today's era of rapid tech advances, robots will displace an ever-increasing number of workers when their gov't mandated wages exceed their value to employers.

The half of American households who are invested in our companies insist that management maximize the firm's means of production.

Rather than continue to whine about "the rich," you too can supplement your income with dividends and capital gains.

Automotive Robotics:
Walmart is the perfect representation of the 'Evil Corporation.' It represents everything wrong. It's a reflection of what's happened to our country. Americans have become angry, greedy, and fat.

They can't get enough of that cheap slave labor Chinese shite. There's big cost for hate & greed. And it's American Workers who are paying the biggest price.



Yes, angry, greedy, fat Americans do think that's funny. And that's why they shop at Walmart. They're ignorant.

Oh goody.. another leftwing loon telling us how smart he is... how original.

Just call em like i see em. Last time i was in a Walmart, it was a miserable nightmare. So many greedy fat loons screeching away tearing shit up. Third World chaos. Not an enjoyable shopping experience.

Then don't go there. Problem solved. Stop whining.


Haven't in years.


Yes, angry, greedy, fat Americans do think that's funny. And that's why they shop at Walmart. They're ignorant.

Oh goody.. another leftwing loon telling us how smart he is... how original.

Just call em like i see em. Last time i was in a Walmart, it was a miserable nightmare. So many greedy fat loons screeching away tearing shit up. Third World chaos. Not an enjoyable shopping experience.

Then don't go there. Problem solved. Stop whining.


Haven't in years.


i have provided the link


typing furious replies wont save you clowns from FACTS

the richest got richer and the poorest got poorer under obama AT A FASTER PACE THEN WAS HAPPENING UNDER BUSH
And the same thing happened under bush when compared to Clinton, it's been a trend that's been occurring for decades, Obama tried many times to raise taxes, and alleviate the problem, pubbies will not let him. I'm sure you'll also ignore the bush tax cuts for the rich and the 2008 crisis which Obama inherited that left the rich well off.

Seems to have started with the decline of unions. Who started that war on unions?

That's a good point. Americans are doing the same jobs today that paid much more 30yrs ago. This is especially true of car manufacturing plants. But somehow angry greedy white Republican dude calls that progress.

They went all in on the Corporate propaganda on Unions. Fact is, Unions are responsible for just about all Workers' Rights Americans have today. Their decline has coincided with an overall decline in how we treat American Workers.

They created the middle class. No country without them has a strong middle class.

Yeah, car manufacturing plants are a prime example of the decline. Americans are doing the same jobs today for far less money than they did 30yrs ago. That's not progress. Well, for American Workers anyway. It is progress to evil Corporate Fatcats.

Unions need to make a comeback. It's the only way to balance the field of play. Someone has to stand up for American Workers. And it's not gonna be angry greedy white Republican guy.

How will you unionize these car builders?
And the same thing happened under bush when compared to Clinton, it's been a trend that's been occurring for decades, Obama tried many times to raise taxes, and alleviate the problem, pubbies will not let him. I'm sure you'll also ignore the bush tax cuts for the rich and the 2008 crisis which Obama inherited that left the rich well off.

Seems to have started with the decline of unions. Who started that war on unions?

That's a good point. Americans are doing the same jobs today that paid much more 30yrs ago. This is especially true of car manufacturing plants. But somehow angry greedy white Republican dude calls that progress.

They went all in on the Corporate propaganda on Unions. Fact is, Unions are responsible for just about all Workers' Rights Americans have today. Their decline has coincided with an overall decline in how we treat American Workers.

They created the middle class. No country without them has a strong middle class.

Yeah, car manufacturing plants are a prime example of the decline. Americans are doing the same jobs today for far less money than they did 30yrs ago. That's not progress. Well, for American Workers anyway. It is progress to evil Corporate Fatcats.

Unions need to make a comeback. It's the only way to balance the field of play. Someone has to stand up for American Workers. And it's not gonna be angry greedy white Republican guy.

In today's era of rapid tech advances, robots will displace an ever-increasing number of workers when their gov't mandated wages exceed their value to employers.

The half of American households who are invested in our companies insist that management maximize the firm's means of production.

Rather than continue to whine about "the rich," you too can supplement your income with dividends and capital gains.

Automotive Robotics:

Ha, predictable greedy white Republican guy 'The Robots Are Gonna Save Us' response.
Stephen Moore and Richard Vedder: Liberal Blue States ...
The Wall Street Journal
Jun 4, 2014 - The Blue-State Path to Inequality. States ... The income gap between rich and poor tends to be wider in blue states than in red states. ... States with high income-tax rates aren't any more equal than states with no income tax.
New York is a blue state, but it is not at all surprising it has a huge income gap since that is where Wall Street is.

I bet the gap would shrink considerably if you subtracted out Wall Street.
And the same thing happened under bush when compared to Clinton, it's been a trend that's been occurring for decades, Obama tried many times to raise taxes, and alleviate the problem, pubbies will not let him. I'm sure you'll also ignore the bush tax cuts for the rich and the 2008 crisis which Obama inherited that left the rich well off.

Seems to have started with the decline of unions. Who started that war on unions?

That's a good point. Americans are doing the same jobs today that paid much more 30yrs ago. This is especially true of car manufacturing plants. But somehow angry greedy white Republican dude calls that progress.

They went all in on the Corporate propaganda on Unions. Fact is, Unions are responsible for just about all Workers' Rights Americans have today. Their decline has coincided with an overall decline in how we treat American Workers.

They created the middle class. No country without them has a strong middle class.

Yeah, car manufacturing plants are a prime example of the decline. Americans are doing the same jobs today for far less money than they did 30yrs ago. That's not progress. Well, for American Workers anyway. It is progress to evil Corporate Fatcats.

Unions need to make a comeback. It's the only way to balance the field of play. Someone has to stand up for American Workers. And it's not gonna be angry greedy white Republican guy.

How will you unionize these car builders?

And where will they sell the products...
And the same thing happened under bush when compared to Clinton, it's been a trend that's been occurring for decades, Obama tried many times to raise taxes, and alleviate the problem, pubbies will not let him. I'm sure you'll also ignore the bush tax cuts for the rich and the 2008 crisis which Obama inherited that left the rich well off.

Seems to have started with the decline of unions. Who started that war on unions?

That's a good point. Americans are doing the same jobs today that paid much more 30yrs ago. This is especially true of car manufacturing plants. But somehow angry greedy white Republican dude calls that progress.

They went all in on the Corporate propaganda on Unions. Fact is, Unions are responsible for just about all Workers' Rights Americans have today. Their decline has coincided with an overall decline in how we treat American Workers.

They created the middle class. No country without them has a strong middle class.

Yeah, car manufacturing plants are a prime example of the decline. Americans are doing the same jobs today for far less money than they did 30yrs ago. That's not progress. Well, for American Workers anyway. It is progress to evil Corporate Fatcats.

Unions need to make a comeback. It's the only way to balance the field of play. Someone has to stand up for American Workers. And it's not gonna be angry greedy white Republican guy.

How will you unionize these car builders?

Whatever human American Workers are left, better consider Unionizing. God knows, angry greedy white Republican dude doesn't give a shite about em.
Progressives through History

Stalin: Kill the Kulaks!
Mao: Kill our Enemies!
Hitler: Kill the Jews!
Sanders: Kill the Waltons!
fees for virtually everything poor and working-class Americans want and need to stay legal and compliant with the law are higher in Blue states

libs are losers who are guilty of exploiting the poor
Looks like Walmart has over-expanded. So unless it convinces Government to bail it out, a fall is likely coming.
most of the left-wing idiots here spend their day wallowing in hypocrisy, projection and denial
Us left wingers want Walmart to pay employees a decent wage so they don't have to rely on the government, us left wingers support tax cuts for small businesses..

Walmart subsidizes the government you idiot LEFT-WINGERS; not the other way around

if and when they get laid off and walmart gets more automated the government will have to meet ALL THEIR NEEDS


EXACTLY how does WalMart "subsidize the government"?



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