Bernie: "Today the Walton family of Walmart own more wealth than the bottom 40 percent of America."

Rather than continue to whine about "the rich," you too can supplement your income with dividends and capital gains.

And how is someone in the bottom 40 percent who is living paycheck to paycheck supposed to do that?

"Let them eat cake!"

Ah, there's the leftwing "can't do" spirit!!!!
And there's the retard non-answer to the question.

So says the man who's response was "let them eat cake".
Rather than continue to whine about "the rich," you too can supplement your income with dividends and capital gains.

And how is someone in the bottom 40 percent who is living paycheck to paycheck supposed to do that?

"Let them eat cake!"

Ah, there's the leftwing "can't do" spirit!!!!
And there's the retard non-answer to the question.

So says the man who's response was "let them eat cake".
I see the joke went a mile over your head.

"Let them eat cake" was a historical reference satirizing the condescending idiocy that the poor should supplement their incomes with capital gains.

It sucks when you have to asplain a joke to a tard.

So go ahead and answer the question. How are they supposed to do this?
Ever notice it's always the angry greedy white Republican dudes pushing the 'Automation' thing? Gee, how surprising. One more way to fuck American Workers. They have no shame.

making a fool of yourself; it's what you do

ever notice it's the ignorant loser left-wing morons that are angrier than any right-winger?

ever notice they are too stupid to admit their role in the loss of jobs?

Most i see pushing the Automation thing, are angry greedy white Republican dudes.
Ever notice it's always the angry greedy white Republican dudes pushing the 'Automation' thing? Gee, how surprising. One more way to fuck American Workers. They have no shame.
Automation has been replacing workers for a very long time now. If a machine is cheaper than a laborer, then it makes total sense to use the machine. If you were the Libertarian you pretend to be, you would get this.

This is why I keep saying the days of growing up to work in the same factory as your daddy are long gone, and why I keep saying we need to educate our children for the jobs of tomorrow not the jobs of yesterday.

And yet the retards shoot their kids in the feet by opposing Common Core.

And it's one more way for angry greedy white Republican dude to fuck American Workers. ;)

are you an ignorant black prog loser? or just a self-hating ignorant white prog loser???

Ha come on, admit it. You greedy white Republican dudes desperately want Automation so you can fuck American Workers some more. We know y'all are hateful and greedy, but are you dishonest too?
Ever notice it's always the angry greedy white Republican dudes pushing the 'Automation' thing? Gee, how surprising. One more way to fuck American Workers. They have no shame.
Automation has been replacing workers for a very long time now. If a machine is cheaper than a laborer, then it makes total sense to use the machine. If you were the Libertarian you pretend to be, you would get this.

This is why I keep saying the days of growing up to work in the same factory as your daddy are long gone, and why I keep saying we need to educate our children for the jobs of tomorrow not the jobs of yesterday.

And yet the retards shoot their kids in the feet by opposing Common Core.

And it's one more way for angry greedy white Republican dude to fuck American Workers. ;)
Innovate or perish. Educate or die.

If we don't automate, someone else will and we will STILL lose jobs.

Figure it out, retard!

Yes, Automation is being implemented for the 'good of America.' That's why they're doing it. Seriously, think about why they're doing it. It's to fuck American Workers.
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It's so funny watching greedy white Republican dudes celebrating companies like Mickey D's announcing more Automation. What are they celebrating? Less Americans working isn't a good thing.

Why root for Evil Corporations like McDonalds and Walmart screwing American Workers more? Do they believe they'll be getting that car and burger cheaper or something? I don't get it.
most of the left-wing idiots here spend their day wallowing in hypocrisy, projection and denial
Us left wingers want Walmart to pay employees a decent wage so they don't have to rely on the government, us left wingers support tax cuts for small businesses..

Walmart subsidizes the government you idiot LEFT-WINGERS; not the other way around

if and when they get laid off and walmart gets more automated the government will have to meet ALL THEIR NEEDS


EXACTLY how does WalMart "subsidize the government"?



i explained this "exactly" already. the Walmart employees now partially subsidized by the government in the form of food stamps and such would be supported COMPLETELY by the government if, no not if but WHEN Walmart funds a way to automate their stores more and those low-skill employees are LET GO.

Don't bother, too dumb to understand...

You can't see it mainly because to biased guy on this board... You can see nothing wrong with the rich and everything wrong with the poor...
Let me break the news Obama is going to go down as a successful president, Hillary is going to win and America is going to be a stronger economy by becoming more a better shared economy (socialist) like all major successful cities...
Rather than continue to whine about "the rich," you too can supplement your income with dividends and capital gains.

And how is someone in the bottom 40 percent who is living paycheck to paycheck supposed to do that?

"Let them eat cake!"

Ah, there's the leftwing "can't do" spirit!!!!
And there's the retard non-answer to the question.

So says the man who's response was "let them eat cake".
I see the joke went a mile over your head.

"Let them eat cake" was a historical reference satirizing the condescending idiocy that the poor should supplement their incomes with capital gains.

It sucks when you have to asplain a joke to a tard.

So go ahead and answer the question. How are they supposed to do this?

Well, there's this new fangled thing called "Google" and with this tool you can research endless stories of people who started with nothing and ended up fabulously wealthy. It can be done... and without tearing down others as you leftwing loons always espouse. Walmart is immenslelsy successful... whether you like it or not, it isn't going anywhere. And for the most part, I seldom shop there... mainly because they have 28 checkout aisles and maybe 3 of them manned.... that sucks ass. My local store has 10 aisles and probably all 10 are manned.

Have it it friend.
Rather than continue to whine about "the rich," you too can supplement your income with dividends and capital gains.

And how is someone in the bottom 40 percent who is living paycheck to paycheck supposed to do that?

"Let them eat cake!"

Ah, there's the leftwing "can't do" spirit!!!!
And there's the retard non-answer to the question.

So says the man who's response was "let them eat cake".
I see the joke went a mile over your head.

"Let them eat cake" was a historical reference satirizing the condescending idiocy that the poor should supplement their incomes with capital gains.

It sucks when you have to asplain a joke to a tard.

So go ahead and answer the question. How are they supposed to do this?

Oh, and btw.... Marie Antoinette never actually said that... so once again, a lefty firmly ensconced in a fairy tale.
And how is someone in the bottom 40 percent who is living paycheck to paycheck supposed to do that?

"Let them eat cake!"

Ah, there's the leftwing "can't do" spirit!!!!
And there's the retard non-answer to the question.

So says the man who's response was "let them eat cake".
I see the joke went a mile over your head.

"Let them eat cake" was a historical reference satirizing the condescending idiocy that the poor should supplement their incomes with capital gains.

It sucks when you have to asplain a joke to a tard.

So go ahead and answer the question. How are they supposed to do this?

Oh, and btw.... Marie Antoinette never actually said that... so once again, a lefty firmly ensconced in a fairy tale.

She may not have said it, but that's how the Walton Family feels. It's certainly not the only Evil Corporation out there though. But it's one of the worst.
Ah, there's the leftwing "can't do" spirit!!!!
And there's the retard non-answer to the question.

So says the man who's response was "let them eat cake".
I see the joke went a mile over your head.

"Let them eat cake" was a historical reference satirizing the condescending idiocy that the poor should supplement their incomes with capital gains.

It sucks when you have to asplain a joke to a tard.

So go ahead and answer the question. How are they supposed to do this?

Oh, and btw.... Marie Antoinette never actually said that... so once again, a lefty firmly ensconced in a fairy tale.

She may not have said it, but that's how the Walton Family feels. It's certainly not the only Evil Corporation out there though. But it's one of the worst.

Really? And you know this because you and the Waltons are so close? A corporation is inanimate.. it cannot be good or evil.

Geeze Louise you libertarians are all completely nutz.....
And there's the retard non-answer to the question.

So says the man who's response was "let them eat cake".
I see the joke went a mile over your head.

"Let them eat cake" was a historical reference satirizing the condescending idiocy that the poor should supplement their incomes with capital gains.

It sucks when you have to asplain a joke to a tard.

So go ahead and answer the question. How are they supposed to do this?

Oh, and btw.... Marie Antoinette never actually said that... so once again, a lefty firmly ensconced in a fairy tale.

She may not have said it, but that's how the Walton Family feels. It's certainly not the only Evil Corporation out there though. But it's one of the worst.

Really? And you know this because you and the Waltons are so close? A corporation is inanimate.. it cannot be good or evil.

Geeze Louise you libertarians are all completely nutz.....

Their behavior says it all.
Ah, there's the leftwing "can't do" spirit!!!!
And there's the retard non-answer to the question.

So says the man who's response was "let them eat cake".
I see the joke went a mile over your head.

"Let them eat cake" was a historical reference satirizing the condescending idiocy that the poor should supplement their incomes with capital gains.

It sucks when you have to asplain a joke to a tard.

So go ahead and answer the question. How are they supposed to do this?

Oh, and btw.... Marie Antoinette never actually said that... so once again, a lefty firmly ensconced in a fairy tale.

She may not have said it, but that's how the Walton Family feels. It's certainly not the only Evil Corporation out there though. But it's one of the worst.
Providing millions with affordable products they need and paychecks to hundreds of thousands that need them is evil? How is that evil?
And there's the retard non-answer to the question.

So says the man who's response was "let them eat cake".
I see the joke went a mile over your head.

"Let them eat cake" was a historical reference satirizing the condescending idiocy that the poor should supplement their incomes with capital gains.

It sucks when you have to asplain a joke to a tard.

So go ahead and answer the question. How are they supposed to do this?

Oh, and btw.... Marie Antoinette never actually said that... so once again, a lefty firmly ensconced in a fairy tale.

She may not have said it, but that's how the Walton Family feels. It's certainly not the only Evil Corporation out there though. But it's one of the worst.
Providing millions with affordable products they need and paychecks to hundreds of thousands that need them is evil? How is that evil?
LOL. Affordable products built in other countries, workers who rely on government assistance because the wages are so pitiful..
Seems to have started with the decline of unions. Who started that war on unions?

That's a good point. Americans are doing the same jobs today that paid much more 30yrs ago. This is especially true of car manufacturing plants. But somehow angry greedy white Republican dude calls that progress.

They went all in on the Corporate propaganda on Unions. Fact is, Unions are responsible for just about all Workers' Rights Americans have today. Their decline has coincided with an overall decline in how we treat American Workers.

They created the middle class. No country without them has a strong middle class.

Yeah, car manufacturing plants are a prime example of the decline. Americans are doing the same jobs today for far less money than they did 30yrs ago. That's not progress. Well, for American Workers anyway. It is progress to evil Corporate Fatcats.

Unions need to make a comeback. It's the only way to balance the field of play. Someone has to stand up for American Workers. And it's not gonna be angry greedy white Republican guy.

In today's era of rapid tech advances, robots will displace an ever-increasing number of workers when their gov't mandated wages exceed their value to employers.

The half of American households who are invested in our companies insist that management maximize the firm's means of production.

Rather than continue to whine about "the rich," you too can supplement your income with dividends and capital gains.

Automotive Robotics:

Ha, predictable greedy white Republican guy 'The Robots Are Gonna Save Us' response.

Typical whiny loony leftist clearly believes the iceman should still have that job.
Progress comes - often in response to misguided gov't interference - with or without your approval.
And there's the retard non-answer to the question.

So says the man who's response was "let them eat cake".
I see the joke went a mile over your head.

"Let them eat cake" was a historical reference satirizing the condescending idiocy that the poor should supplement their incomes with capital gains.

It sucks when you have to asplain a joke to a tard.

So go ahead and answer the question. How are they supposed to do this?

Oh, and btw.... Marie Antoinette never actually said that... so once again, a lefty firmly ensconced in a fairy tale.

She may not have said it, but that's how the Walton Family feels. It's certainly not the only Evil Corporation out there though. But it's one of the worst.
Providing millions with affordable products they need and paychecks to hundreds of thousands that need them is evil? How is that evil?

So says the man who's response was "let them eat cake".
I see the joke went a mile over your head.

"Let them eat cake" was a historical reference satirizing the condescending idiocy that the poor should supplement their incomes with capital gains.

It sucks when you have to asplain a joke to a tard.

So go ahead and answer the question. How are they supposed to do this?

Oh, and btw.... Marie Antoinette never actually said that... so once again, a lefty firmly ensconced in a fairy tale.

She may not have said it, but that's how the Walton Family feels. It's certainly not the only Evil Corporation out there though. But it's one of the worst.

Really? And you know this because you and the Waltons are so close? A corporation is inanimate.. it cannot be good or evil.

Geeze Louise you libertarians are all completely nutz.....

Their behavior says it all.

Ok, got examples?
LOL. Affordable products built in other countries, workers who rely on government assistance because the wages are so pitiful..
You mean... socialist countries?
Where government assistance is a way of life?
What is a "socialist country?" All countries, mostly, are a mix of socialism and capitalism. Walmart pays workers so pitifully that they need government assistance to survive, there are 2 ways to address this: Raise wages so the workers don't need assistance, or keep giving out assistance while wages stay pitiful.
And how is someone in the bottom 40 percent who is living paycheck to paycheck supposed to do that?

"Let them eat cake!"

Ah, there's the leftwing "can't do" spirit!!!!
And there's the retard non-answer to the question.

So says the man who's response was "let them eat cake".
I see the joke went a mile over your head.

"Let them eat cake" was a historical reference satirizing the condescending idiocy that the poor should supplement their incomes with capital gains.

It sucks when you have to asplain a joke to a tard.

So go ahead and answer the question. How are they supposed to do this?

Oh, and btw.... Marie Antoinette never actually said that... so once again, a lefty firmly ensconced in a fairy tale.
Still avoiding answering the question, I see.

"Let them eat cake!"

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