Bernie: "Today the Walton family of Walmart own more wealth than the bottom 40 percent of America."

Bernie: "Today the Walton family of Walmart own more wealth than the bottom 40 percent of America."

Strange part is, he says that like it's a bad thing.

But then, Bernie is strange, at best. Most socialists are.

If those Waltons hadn't done what they did, would the people presently in the Wal-Mart company have more money? Or less?

And would the people buying from Wal-Mart for the last 30 years have more? Or less?

I don't see how anyone can justify this.
I have identified the source of your problems (see bolded part above).
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I'm not wealthy, but I want to be. I don't want the Democrats throwing up walls that will prevent me from meeting that goal.

That has been the deal for generations and I will fight today's whiny, sniveling loony leftists so that my kids and your kids and their kids all have the same opportunity to live the dream.
The Waltons aren't hurting anyone. Nobody is forced to work for them. Nobody is forced to shop in their stories.

I shop at Walnuts because they have the lowest prices. I'm not rich, so a few hundred dollars saved in groceries is big deal for me.
Why aren't the Libs going after the Facebook guy....
Isn't he worth like a few billion....
How is that "fair"....
Or Bill Gates.....

Don't they have too much wealth....

Or maybe because they are big supporters of the Democrat party.

Pretty sure they both pay better than Walmart.

And Bernie and the Dems want Government to pay the best....
Taking money from those evil successful corporations and handing it out to the people.
Oh return for votes.

We even have a shiny new name for that:

INEPTOCRACY: (Noun) a system of government where the least capable to lead are elected by the least capable of producing and where the members of society least likely to sustain themselves or even try are rewarded - in exchange for their votes - with goods and services paid for by the confiscated wealth of a diminishing number of producers.
The Waltons aren't hurting anyone. Nobody is forced to work for them. Nobody is forced to shop in their stories.

I shop at Walnuts because they have the lowest prices. I'm not rich, so a few hundred dollars saved in groceries is big deal for me.

I shop there 'cause I dig the chicks:


Why aren't the Libs going after the Facebook guy....
Isn't he worth like a few billion....
How is that "fair"....
Or Bill Gates.....

Don't they have too much wealth....

Or maybe because they are big supporters of the Democrat party.

Pretty sure they both pay better than Walmart.

And Bernie and the Dems want Government to pay the best....
Taking money from those evil successful corporations and handing it out to the people.
Oh return for votes.

We even have a shiny new name for that:

INEPTOCRACY: (Noun) a system of government where the least capable to lead are elected by the least capable of producing and where the members of society least likely to sustain themselves or even try are rewarded - in exchange for their votes - with goods and services paid for by the confiscated wealth of a diminishing number of producers.
I don't see how anyone can justify this.
Bernie Sanders says Walmart heirs own more wealth than bottom 40 percent of Americans
Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, an independent who caucuses with Democrats, tweeted a startling statistic to his followers on July 22, 2012: "Today the Walton family of Walmart own more wealth than the bottom 40 percent of America."

Sanders speaks and writes frequently about wealth distribution in the U.S., a hot-button issue among liberals and a rallying cry of the Occupy Wall Street Movement.

The Waltons, of course, are members of the proverbial 1 percent. But are they really sitting on that much wealth? We decided to check it out.

First, what is wealth?

In economics, wealth is commonly measured in terms of net worth, and it’s defined as the value of assets minus liabilities. For someone in the middle class, that could encompass the value of their 401(k) or other retirement accounts, bank savings and personal assets such as jewelry or cars, minus what they owe on a home mortgage, credit cards and a car note.

It does not include income -- what people earn in wages. For that reason, someone who earns a good salary but has little savings and owes a lot of money on their house would have a negative net worth.

In fact, because so many Americans invest in real estate to buy a home, middle-class wealth has been one of the biggest casualties of the housing-driven recession.

From 2007 to 2010, typical families lost 39 percent of their wealth, according to the Federal Reserve’s Survey of Consumer Finances, done every three years. In 2007, the median family net worth was $126,400. In 2010, it was $77,300, according to the survey.

Where the Waltons fit in

Six members of the Walton family appear on the Forbes 400 list of the wealthiest Americans. Christy Walton, widow of the late John Walton, leads the clan at No. 6 with a net worth of $25.3 billion as of March 2012. She is also the richest woman in the world for the seventh year in a row, according to Forbes. Here are the other five:

No. 9: Jim Walton, $23.7 billion
No. 10: Alice Walton, $23.3 billion
No. 11: S. Robson Walton, oldest son of Sam Walton, $23.1 billion
No. 103: Ann Walton Kroenke, $3.9 billion
No. 139: Nancy Walton Laurie, $3.4 billion

Easy. Stop shopping at wally world. We did that 20 years ago. Stop shopping there and their wealth drops.
The problem is, the walton family has inherited so much of the above, and given the ability walmart has to virtually control prices, and the reliance on cheap goods, I don't see that happening.

So, what's your solution? Shoot them? Steal their wealth?
No, not at all, Bernie has many ideas:
  1. Demanding that the wealthy and large corporations pay their fair share in taxes. As president, Sen. Sanders will stop corporations from shifting their profits and jobs overseas to avoid paying U.S. income taxes. He will create a progressive estate tax on the top 0.3 percent of Americans who inherit more than $3.5 million. He will also enact a tax on Wall Street speculators who caused millions of Americans to lose their jobs, homes, and life savings.
  2. Increasing the federal minimum wage from $7.25 to $15 an hour by 2020. In the year 2015, no one who works 40 hours a week should be living in poverty.
  3. Putting at least 13 million Americans to work by investing $1 trillion over five years rebuilding our crumbling roads, bridges, railways, airports, public transit systems, ports, dams, wastewater plants, and other infrastructure needs.
  4. Reversing trade policies like NAFTA, CAFTA, and PNTR with China that have driven down wages and caused the loss of millions of jobs. If corporate America wants us to buy their products they need to manufacture those products in this country, not in China or other low-wage countries.
  5. Creating 1 million jobs for disadvantaged young Americans by investing $5.5 billion in a youth jobs program. Today, the youth unemployment rate is off the charts. We have got to end this tragedy by making sure teenagers and young adults have the jobs they need to move up the economic ladder.
  6. Fighting for pay equity by signing the Paycheck Fairness Act into law. It is an outrage that women earn just 78 cents for every dollar a man earns.
  7. Making tuition free at public colleges and universities throughout America. Everyone in this country who studies hard should be able to go to college regardless of income.
  8. Expanding Social Security by lifting the cap on taxable income above $250,000. At a time when the senior poverty rate is going up, we have got to make sure that every American can retire with dignity and respect.
  9. Guaranteeing healthcare as a right of citizenship by enacting a Medicare for all single-payer healthcare system. It’s time for the U.S. to join every major industrialized country on earth and provide universal healthcare to all.
  10. Requiring employers to provide at least 12 weeks of paid family and medical leave; two weeks of paid vacation; and 7 days of paid sick days. Real family values are about making sure that parents have the time they need to bond with their babies and take care of their children and relatives when they get ill.
  11. Enacting a universal childcare and prekindergarten program. Every psychologist understands that the most formative years for a human being is from the ages 0-4. We have got to make sure every family in America has the opportunity to send their kids to a high quality childcare and pre-K program.
  12. Making it easier for workers to join unions by fighting for the Employee Free Choice Act. One of the most significant reasons for the 40-year decline in the middle class is that the rights of workers to collectively bargain for better wages and benefits have been severely undermined.
  13. Breaking up huge financial institutions so that they are no longer too big to fail. Seven years ago, the taxpayers of this country bailed out Wall Street because they were too big to fail. Yet, 3 out of the 4 largest financial institutions are 80 percent bigger today than before we bailed them out. Sen. Sanders has introduced legislation to break these banks up. As president, he will fight to sign this legislation into law.

Who determines what is fair? Who takes the money away from them and how? I agree with most of his 13 points that you listed, however THIS country was founded upon the understanding that the Mob does not rule, and that money honestly earned can not be stolen by the government. Some day you'll learn that socialism is a failed system. Eventually you run out of the other guys money and then you all get to start eating each other. Fun times!
The Waltons aren't hurting anyone. Nobody is forced to work for them. Nobody is forced to shop in their stories.

I shop at Walnuts because they have the lowest prices. I'm not rich, so a few hundred dollars saved in groceries is big deal for me.

I shop there 'cause I dig the chicks:

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OK, so you hate overweight people. I get it.

Nah, just thought it was funny. You see fat, I see buttcrack.
Sorry if you were offended.
I don't see how anyone can justify this.
Bernie Sanders says Walmart heirs own more wealth than bottom 40 percent of Americans
Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, an independent who caucuses with Democrats, tweeted a startling statistic to his followers on July 22, 2012: "Today the Walton family of Walmart own more wealth than the bottom 40 percent of America."

Sanders speaks and writes frequently about wealth distribution in the U.S., a hot-button issue among liberals and a rallying cry of the Occupy Wall Street Movement.

The Waltons, of course, are members of the proverbial 1 percent. But are they really sitting on that much wealth? We decided to check it out.

First, what is wealth?

In economics, wealth is commonly measured in terms of net worth, and it’s defined as the value of assets minus liabilities. For someone in the middle class, that could encompass the value of their 401(k) or other retirement accounts, bank savings and personal assets such as jewelry or cars, minus what they owe on a home mortgage, credit cards and a car note.

It does not include income -- what people earn in wages. For that reason, someone who earns a good salary but has little savings and owes a lot of money on their house would have a negative net worth.

In fact, because so many Americans invest in real estate to buy a home, middle-class wealth has been one of the biggest casualties of the housing-driven recession.

From 2007 to 2010, typical families lost 39 percent of their wealth, according to the Federal Reserve’s Survey of Consumer Finances, done every three years. In 2007, the median family net worth was $126,400. In 2010, it was $77,300, according to the survey.

Where the Waltons fit in

Six members of the Walton family appear on the Forbes 400 list of the wealthiest Americans. Christy Walton, widow of the late John Walton, leads the clan at No. 6 with a net worth of $25.3 billion as of March 2012. She is also the richest woman in the world for the seventh year in a row, according to Forbes. Here are the other five:

No. 9: Jim Walton, $23.7 billion
No. 10: Alice Walton, $23.3 billion
No. 11: S. Robson Walton, oldest son of Sam Walton, $23.1 billion
No. 103: Ann Walton Kroenke, $3.9 billion
No. 139: Nancy Walton Laurie, $3.4 billion
So?....Its their money. They invested it in themselves and their idea. And they did it wisely.
The Waltons created a new concept in retail distribution and sales. Their stores exist to make goods more affordable and more convenient to the US consumer. Their stores and distribution centers employ hundreds of thousands of people.
Your side pisses and moans about Walmart because the company is staunchly anti union. You conveniently ignore the fact that most retailers are non union. Even in states with the heaviest concentration of private sector unions.
They took what Sears Roebuck started and ran with it....
Their wealth is tied to the Walmart Stock. So what? What business is it of yours?...
This argument is DEAD.....Nobody cares to hear or read your incessant whining about the Walton family and their stores.
BTW, Walmart surpassed Exxon/Mobil as the worlds largest corporation. Walmart stock is now the number one blue chip stock on the NYSE. Buy some. THat's where you can enjoy some of the Walton family wealth.
So these folks build a business....
Hire people.....
People shop there and don't seem to have a problem with it.
No one is putting a gun to their heads....

Walmart is a huge success story.....

And Libs have a problem with it.

Same reason why the Clinton admin went after Bill Gates and Microsoft. That is until Mr Gates had a sit down with Der Schickmeister and showed him his Liberal "card"....

Dems for women....
So these folks build a business....
Hire people.....
People shop there and don't seem to have a problem with it.
No one is putting a gun to their heads....

Walmart is a huge success story.....

And Libs have a problem with it.

The walton family, who inherited, worked for it?
Oh please, walmart relies on low wage workers and third world shitholes to make a profit.
Third world shit holes? I challenge you to go to any dept store, I don't care if it's Nordstroms, and try not to find stuff made in the Pacific Rim or in Central America. Ironically. citing increasing costs of shipping and other factors, a textile firm based in china is building a plant in South Carolina. Its actually less expensive to pay US market labor rates to make textiles in the US than it is in China.....
Look, no one is forcing you to work or shop at Walmart. And you don't get to decide which retailer may do business and which may not. The marketplace decides that.
We need to do what we did to the robber baron's to all these fucking assholes.

So they start a family business and become successful and that makes them assholes? Liberals where does your seething hatred of success come from? Why the fuck do you think you are entitled to their wealth or anyone's wealth? What a bunch of losers I'm embarrassed you people are United States citizens.
So these folks build a business....
Hire people.....
People shop there and don't seem to have a problem with it.
No one is putting a gun to their heads....

Walmart is a huge success story.....

And Libs have a problem with it.


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Its WAY beyond envy, these weak minded losers really think they are entitled to other people's wealth that they were somehow cheated.
I don't see how anyone can justify this.
Bernie Sanders says Walmart heirs own more wealth than bottom 40 percent of Americans
Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, an independent who caucuses with Democrats, tweeted a startling statistic to his followers on July 22, 2012: "Today the Walton family of Walmart own more wealth than the bottom 40 percent of America."

Sanders speaks and writes frequently about wealth distribution in the U.S., a hot-button issue among liberals and a rallying cry of the Occupy Wall Street Movement.

The Waltons, of course, are members of the proverbial 1 percent. But are they really sitting on that much wealth? We decided to check it out.

First, what is wealth?

In economics, wealth is commonly measured in terms of net worth, and it’s defined as the value of assets minus liabilities. For someone in the middle class, that could encompass the value of their 401(k) or other retirement accounts, bank savings and personal assets such as jewelry or cars, minus what they owe on a home mortgage, credit cards and a car note.

It does not include income -- what people earn in wages. For that reason, someone who earns a good salary but has little savings and owes a lot of money on their house would have a negative net worth.

In fact, because so many Americans invest in real estate to buy a home, middle-class wealth has been one of the biggest casualties of the housing-driven recession.

From 2007 to 2010, typical families lost 39 percent of their wealth, according to the Federal Reserve’s Survey of Consumer Finances, done every three years. In 2007, the median family net worth was $126,400. In 2010, it was $77,300, according to the survey.

Where the Waltons fit in

Six members of the Walton family appear on the Forbes 400 list of the wealthiest Americans. Christy Walton, widow of the late John Walton, leads the clan at No. 6 with a net worth of $25.3 billion as of March 2012. She is also the richest woman in the world for the seventh year in a row, according to Forbes. Here are the other five:

No. 9: Jim Walton, $23.7 billion
No. 10: Alice Walton, $23.3 billion
No. 11: S. Robson Walton, oldest son of Sam Walton, $23.1 billion
No. 103: Ann Walton Kroenke, $3.9 billion
No. 139: Nancy Walton Laurie, $3.4 billion
It's called capitalism and private property.
What is your alternative? Oh yeah, everyone equally poor and miserable.
Why aren't the Libs going after the Facebook guy....
Isn't he worth like a few billion....
How is that "fair"....
Or Bill Gates.....

Don't they have too much wealth....

Or maybe because they are big supporters of the Democrat party.

And they stole it (dem terms) much faster than the Waltons.
I don't see how anyone can justify this.
Bernie Sanders says Walmart heirs own more wealth than bottom 40 percent of Americans
Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, an independent who caucuses with Democrats, tweeted a startling statistic to his followers on July 22, 2012: "Today the Walton family of Walmart own more wealth than the bottom 40 percent of America."

Sanders speaks and writes frequently about wealth distribution in the U.S., a hot-button issue among liberals and a rallying cry of the Occupy Wall Street Movement.

The Waltons, of course, are members of the proverbial 1 percent. But are they really sitting on that much wealth? We decided to check it out.

First, what is wealth?

In economics, wealth is commonly measured in terms of net worth, and it’s defined as the value of assets minus liabilities. For someone in the middle class, that could encompass the value of their 401(k) or other retirement accounts, bank savings and personal assets such as jewelry or cars, minus what they owe on a home mortgage, credit cards and a car note.

It does not include income -- what people earn in wages. For that reason, someone who earns a good salary but has little savings and owes a lot of money on their house would have a negative net worth.

In fact, because so many Americans invest in real estate to buy a home, middle-class wealth has been one of the biggest casualties of the housing-driven recession.

From 2007 to 2010, typical families lost 39 percent of their wealth, according to the Federal Reserve’s Survey of Consumer Finances, done every three years. In 2007, the median family net worth was $126,400. In 2010, it was $77,300, according to the survey.

Where the Waltons fit in

Six members of the Walton family appear on the Forbes 400 list of the wealthiest Americans. Christy Walton, widow of the late John Walton, leads the clan at No. 6 with a net worth of $25.3 billion as of March 2012. She is also the richest woman in the world for the seventh year in a row, according to Forbes. Here are the other five:

No. 9: Jim Walton, $23.7 billion
No. 10: Alice Walton, $23.3 billion
No. 11: S. Robson Walton, oldest son of Sam Walton, $23.1 billion
No. 103: Ann Walton Kroenke, $3.9 billion
No. 139: Nancy Walton Laurie, $3.4 billion

It used to be worse.

They used to be 5 through 10.

I don't like it one bit.

But I have no idea what you mean when you ask how this can be justified.

No wonder our economy is so slow and wages stagnant.

Another believer in finite wealth

It is clear that too much inequality slows the economy. Why do you think our economy is so slow? The rich have had all kinds of tax breaks.
And you get more back, every year, than you pay in.

Fight to simplify the tax codes and don't whine because someone does better than you

Get more back than I pay? You must be crazy.

I have a problem with the slow economy caused by too much inequality. Bad economy is bad for everyone.

The economy is booming, your dear leader said so.

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