Bernie: "Today the Walton family of Walmart own more wealth than the bottom 40 percent of America."

Easy. Stop shopping at wally world. We did that 20 years ago. Stop shopping there and their wealth drops.

He, like so many, find the low prices make his bucks go farther and besides, think of all the people who might lose their jobs if Walmart takes a hit.
Here's the rub..If Walmart permitted union organization of its workers, yet kept the identical wages that exist now, the libbies would be silent on Walmart.
So these folks build a business....
Hire people.....
People shop there and don't seem to have a problem with it.
No one is putting a gun to their heads....

Walmart is a huge success story.....

And Libs have a problem with it.


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Seriously? When one family owns more wealth then the bottom 40% of america, there is a problem. This isn't envy.

So Walmart should have stopped after 10 stores...20 stores....100 stores...
They should have stopped after making $100 million...$200 million...$500 million.....

Should a CEO only get paid what Libs feel is fair compensation....
Should an athlete make only $1 million a year?...$5 million...
Should an actor/actress only get $1 million per film because there are people in this country only making $ 25,000 a year.
No one is saying they should've stopped, except for you... I'm just pointing out that one family owns more wealth then the bottom 40% of america.. This is the beginning of a plutocracy.
You'd have a point if the Keynesian theory of the zero sum game were valid. It isn't.
Wealth does not exist in a finite vacuum. Wealth is created.
So these folks build a business....
Hire people.....
People shop there and don't seem to have a problem with it.
No one is putting a gun to their heads....

Walmart is a huge success story.....

And Libs have a problem with it.


View attachment 50627
Seriously? When one family owns more wealth then the bottom 40% of america, there is a problem. This isn't envy.

So Walmart should have stopped after 10 stores...20 stores....100 stores...
They should have stopped after making $100 million...$200 million...$500 million.....

Should a CEO only get paid what Libs feel is fair compensation....
Should an athlete make only $1 million a year?...$5 million...
Should an actor/actress only get $1 million per film because there are people in this country only making $ 25,000 a year.
No one is saying they should've stopped, except for you... I'm just pointing out that one family owns more wealth then the bottom 40% of america.. This is the beginning of a plutocracy.
You'd have a point if the Keynesian theory of the zero sum game were valid. It isn't.
Wealth does not exist in a finite vacuum. Wealth is created.
You'd also have to assume it would always be like that. But if that were so the rockefellers and Vanderbilts would be the wealthiest people in America. And they arent.
More partisan horsecrapp on both sides and the loss of an opportunity to discuss a very important issue.

Basic economics teaches you that in such situations, new entrants would enter the market.

But that assumes several things including no barriers to entry.

Barriers can take the form of high start up costs, issues with access to markets, regulations....etc.

Val-De-Mart holds all kinds of advantages.

How do you deal with that ?
More stupid bullshit from the right.
Stupid bullshit is you libs niot realizing that many union pension funds are invested in some of those EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEVIL corporations. Including Walmart AND those Mother fuckin BIG OIL companies.
The point of Warmart is you never have to shop anywhere else, because they have everything, even a beauty shop and an optometrist and a pharmanvy.

Plop a Walmart down in small town and every local business goes under because they can't offer the same low prices as Walmart.

But there's no point in complaining about it. In a free market, business people have to adapt to survive.
I don't see how anyone can justify this.
Bernie Sanders says Walmart heirs own more wealth than bottom 40 percent of Americans
Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, an independent who caucuses with Democrats, tweeted a startling statistic to his followers on July 22, 2012: "Today the Walton family of Walmart own more wealth than the bottom 40 percent of America."

Sanders speaks and writes frequently about wealth distribution in the U.S., a hot-button issue among liberals and a rallying cry of the Occupy Wall Street Movement.

The Waltons, of course, are members of the proverbial 1 percent. But are they really sitting on that much wealth? We decided to check it out.

First, what is wealth?

In economics, wealth is commonly measured in terms of net worth, and it’s defined as the value of assets minus liabilities. For someone in the middle class, that could encompass the value of their 401(k) or other retirement accounts, bank savings and personal assets such as jewelry or cars, minus what they owe on a home mortgage, credit cards and a car note.

It does not include income -- what people earn in wages. For that reason, someone who earns a good salary but has little savings and owes a lot of money on their house would have a negative net worth.

In fact, because so many Americans invest in real estate to buy a home, middle-class wealth has been one of the biggest casualties of the housing-driven recession.

From 2007 to 2010, typical families lost 39 percent of their wealth, according to the Federal Reserve’s Survey of Consumer Finances, done every three years. In 2007, the median family net worth was $126,400. In 2010, it was $77,300, according to the survey.

Where the Waltons fit in

Six members of the Walton family appear on the Forbes 400 list of the wealthiest Americans. Christy Walton, widow of the late John Walton, leads the clan at No. 6 with a net worth of $25.3 billion as of March 2012. She is also the richest woman in the world for the seventh year in a row, according to Forbes. Here are the other five:

No. 9: Jim Walton, $23.7 billion
No. 10: Alice Walton, $23.3 billion
No. 11: S. Robson Walton, oldest son of Sam Walton, $23.1 billion
No. 103: Ann Walton Kroenke, $3.9 billion
No. 139: Nancy Walton Laurie, $3.4 billion

Easy. Stop shopping at wally world. We did that 20 years ago. Stop shopping there and their wealth drops.
The problem is, the walton family has inherited so much of the above, and given the ability walmart has to virtually control prices, and the reliance on cheap goods, I don't see that happening.

Funny, there's a Target a few miles down the road with virtually the same prices.
More partisan horsecrapp on both sides and the loss of an opportunity to discuss a very important issue.

Basic economics teaches you that in such situations, new entrants would enter the market.

But that assumes several things including no barriers to entry.

Barriers can take the form of high start up costs, issues with access to markets, regulations....etc.

Val-De-Mart holds all kinds of advantages.

How do you deal with that ?
Lower prices.
WalMart is facing serious competition from dollar stores, which are eating into their profits. They are alos suffering from online competition, even though they do online sales as well.
No, big companies generally dont stay big for very long. Competition wears people and companies down, and time erodes fortunes.
I'll be no one could say who Daniel K Ludwig was without using Google. Notice his heirs are not the richest people in America.
No wonder our economy is so slow and wages stagnant.

Another believer in finite wealth

It is clear that too much inequality slows the economy. Why do you think our economy is so slow? The rich have had all kinds of tax breaks.
And you get more back, every year, than you pay in.

Fight to simplify the tax codes and don't whine because someone does better than you

Get more back than I pay? You must be crazy.

I have a problem with the slow economy caused by too much inequality. Bad economy is bad for everyone.

The economy is booming, your dear leader said so.

Ouch that's gonna leave a mark :laugh:
Another believer in finite wealth

It is clear that too much inequality slows the economy. Why do you think our economy is so slow? The rich have had all kinds of tax breaks.
And you get more back, every year, than you pay in.

Fight to simplify the tax codes and don't whine because someone does better than you

Get more back than I pay? You must be crazy.

I have a problem with the slow economy caused by too much inequality. Bad economy is bad for everyone.

The economy is booming, your dear leader said so.

Ouch that's gonna leave a mark :laugh:

Four of the Waltons are among the 20 most wealthiest individuals in the world.
Combined they amass over $160,000,000,000.
They could basically rename planet earth if they wanted to.
Four of the Waltons are among the 20 most wealthiest individuals in the world.
Combined they amass over $160,000,000,000.
They could basically rename planet earth if they wanted to.
And that's a good thing?
Hell yea

And I'm happy for them
See, libs think "wow we could redistribute all that wealth so everyone has some of it." What they dont understand is that if they tried that no one would get anything. They would simple destroy wealth, not redistribute it.
Four of the Waltons are among the 20 most wealthiest individuals in the world.
Combined they amass over $160,000,000,000.
They could basically rename planet earth if they wanted to.
And that's a good thing?
Why wouldnt it be? What's the alternative?
No one is saying we should take their wealth, but don't you think it's a bit unhealthy for one family to own more then the bottom 40% of Americans?
Four of the Waltons are among the 20 most wealthiest individuals in the world.
Combined they amass over $160,000,000,000.
They could basically rename planet earth if they wanted to.
And that's a good thing?

It is if your name is Walton :biggrin:
So, in other words, no.

Look at the bright side, they get to be billionaire's many many times over, and you get to shop at their stores !!
It's a win win ! :beer:

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