Bernie: "Today the Walton family of Walmart own more wealth than the bottom 40 percent of America."

Im off for the night, but in 50 years, if nothing changes, if the current trend continues, I will laugh when conservatives are defending the now tinier minority who control virtually all wealth.
This thread is about a handful of people having more wealth than 40 million people, and, as usual, conservatives rush to defend them. It's all well and proper you lazy liberals. The Walton bunch just work harder and smarter than the rest of you freeloaders And those billions the Waltons have has nothing to do with buying political influence either. If billionaires were buying influence, this would be mentioned on fox, hannity, rush, etc.
The Waltons are very lucky people and entitled to that money. You are a poor shmuck who is entitled to a kick in the balls.

Like an obedient lackey, rushing to the defense of your corporate masters to the point of wishing harm on me.
Why wouldnt it be? What's the alternative?
No one is saying we should take their wealth, but don't you think it's a bit unhealthy for one family to own more then the bottom 40% of Americans?
Who should have that money?

Should they have just stopped after, say, three locations? Or 3?
No one is saying Walmart should have stopped, what we really need to recognize is how unhealthy it is for one family to own so much wealth.
Please explain what is unhealthy about it. Libs never can quite articulate the issue here, especially if told they cannot say "South America" because the dynamics are completely different.
Almost all income goes to the top 1%, wages are stagnant for the middle class and the poor, plutocracy develops, like it is now, see citizens United.. Historically, societies so not succeed when a massive wealth gap exists, emperors, monarchs, feudalism.. People will eventually get fed up, no one is saying the waltons need to have their wealth stolen, the point is, can we really continue along this trend? And don't give me the bullshit about democrats, this shit has been happening for decades. Remember Reagan?
Citizens United? Dude, do you even understad what the case was about?
Wages have been stagnant because of Dem policies. What about this have you missed?
Obama's economy has grown about 2% a year. Reagan's was growing at twice that rate. The middle class under Reagan migrated into the upper class. Under Obama they are falling into the dependent class.
This thread is about a handful of people having more wealth than 40 million people, and, as usual, conservatives rush to defend them. It's all well and proper you lazy liberals. The Walton bunch just work harder and smarter than the rest of you freeloaders And those billions the Waltons have has nothing to do with buying political influence either. If billionaires were buying influence, this would be mentioned on fox, hannity, rush, etc.
The Waltons are very lucky people and entitled to that money. You are a poor shmuck who is entitled to a kick in the balls.

Like an obedient lackey, rushing to the defense of your corporate masters to the point of wishing harm on me.
Shut the fuck up, Che-boy. You are a sucker for your socialist masters telling you your problems are someone else's fault.
No one is saying we should take their wealth, but don't you think it's a bit unhealthy for one family to own more then the bottom 40% of Americans?
Who should have that money?

Should they have just stopped after, say, three locations? Or 3?
No one is saying Walmart should have stopped, what we really need to recognize is how unhealthy it is for one family to own so much wealth.
Please explain what is unhealthy about it. Libs never can quite articulate the issue here, especially if told they cannot say "South America" because the dynamics are completely different.
Almost all income goes to the top 1%, wages are stagnant for the middle class and the poor, plutocracy develops, like it is now, see citizens United.. Historically, societies so not succeed when a massive wealth gap exists, emperors, monarchs, feudalism.. People will eventually get fed up, no one is saying the waltons need to have their wealth stolen, the point is, can we really continue along this trend? And don't give me the bullshit about democrats, this shit has been happening for decades. Remember Reagan?
Citizens United? Dude, do you even understad what the case was about?
Wages have been stagnant because of Dem policies. What about this have you missed?
Obama's economy has grown about 2% a year. Reagan's was growing at twice that rate. The middle class under Reagan migrated into the upper class. Under Obama they are falling into the dependent class.

You must have been in kindergarten when reagan was prez
Wahhhh wahhh wahhh keep listening to Progressives and they'll have everyone in poverty

Is that all you got? Oh well, you have a posting quota to meet so, ok.
No one is saying we should take their wealth, but don't you think it's a bit unhealthy for one family to own more then the bottom 40% of Americans?

So if you don't want to confiscate it ... you want to prevent them (anyone) from attaining it in the first place? So when obama said "I do think at a certain point you've made enough money", you agree and want to implement some way to cap it?
This thread is about a handful of people having more wealth than 40 million people, and, as usual, conservatives rush to defend them. It's all well and proper you lazy liberals. The Walton bunch just work harder and smarter than the rest of you freeloaders And those billions the Waltons have has nothing to do with buying political influence either. If billionaires were buying influence, this would be mentioned on fox, hannity, rush, etc.
The Waltons are very lucky people and entitled to that money. You are a poor shmuck who is entitled to a kick in the balls.

Like an obedient lackey, rushing to the defense of your corporate masters to the point of wishing harm on me.
Shut the fuck up, Che-boy. You are a sucker for your socialist masters telling you your problems are someone else's fault.

My, my, the rabbi she gets upset and vulgar when someone puts down the richest people on earth.
Im off for the night, but in 50 years, if nothing changes, if the current trend continues, I will laugh when conservatives are defending the now tinier minority who control virtually all wealth.

In 50 years I"ll be dead and my family will inherit whatever fortune I may have attained. They won't be laughing at you, though. They were raised better.
So these folks build a business....
Hire people.....
People shop there and don't seem to have a problem with it.
No one is putting a gun to their heads....

Walmart is a huge success story.....

And Libs have a problem with it.


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As always, you couldn't be more wrong. Liberals don't envy the Waltons. They're disgusted by them. Because of their low wages, and the company policy of having the HR department help employees obtain as much government assistance possible, every US taxpayer contributes $2500 in wage subsidies to Walmart staff. Walmart is one of the most profitable companies in the US, and could easily pay the employees enough money that they wouldn't need public assistance, and still be highly profitable, but they chose to pay slave wages and use government assistance to help their employees get by.

Additionally, Walmart has encouraged suppliers to move manufacturing offshore to obtain lower prices, thus causing American workers to lose jobs.

Their business practices, while legal, make Walmart the antithesis of a good corporate citizen.
This is a prime example of the difference between Democrats and conservatives, at on economic issues. The Dem hears this and believes that the Walton family is usurping wealth and exploiting the poor. This is wrong. A conservative looks at the Walton family and thinks, "I want to be just like them!"
Bernie: "Today the Walton family of Walmart own more wealth than the bottom 40 percent of America."

Strange part is, he says that like it's a bad thing.

But then, Bernie is strange, at best. Most socialists are.

If those Waltons hadn't done what they did, would the people presently in the Wal-Mart company have more money? Or less?

And would the people buying from Wal-Mart for the last 30 years have more? Or less?

I don't see how anyone can justify this.
I have identified the source of your problems (see bolded part above).
Some of the nasty little consevatives on this thread are probably brown noses at work too. Brown the big boss. That is, if they have jobs at all. My guess is that frank and the rabbi are collecting socialist security and have time to listen to rush all day about how the poor billionaires have it so tough having to pay taxes.
This is a prime example of the difference between Democrats and conservatives, at on economic issues. The Dem hears this and believes that the Walton family is usurping wealth and exploiting the poor. This is wrong. A conservative looks at the Walton family and thinks, "I want to be just like them!"

I looked up what the Waltons are worth. About a hundred and fifty billion. Think that maybe they're overcharging just maybe? It's know that their workers go on government subsidies due to the poor pay they receive.
Socialists are truly fucking evil and won't stop redistribution until there's only the political ruling class and their slaves
Some of the nasty little consevatives on this thread are probably brown noses at work too. Brown the big boss. That is, if they have jobs at all. My guess is that frank and the rabbi are collecting socialist security and have time to listen to rush all day about how the poor billionaires have it so tough having to pay taxes.
When liberals lose enough arguments with conservatives, they usually start calling them names, insulting them, and lying like this.

It's been happening a lot recently, as the Democrat party goes down the tubes (lost Congressional majorities, lost governorships, unable to find any viable candidates for President).
Couldn't read the ENTIRE thread -- I'm too far behind. But as usual, PolitFart mangles this analysis the way they always do -- in favor of their interests..

That $86Bill is an OWNERSHIP stake in Walmart (largely) reoresented on paper.. That means the "wealth" is in a stock market "bet" of what WalMart MIGHT BE WORTH over the next 10 to 12 years. IT's NOT cash in hand, it's not even REAL. It could evaporate tomorrow..

There is a RISK to being a Walton family member. A risk that the LOWER 40% of American families cant' and probably would never take. What the Walton's own is a lot of COMMERCIAL real estate (bad investment), a lot of site IMPROVEMENTS like buildings and parking lots and lighting. A shitload of manikins, POSale equipment, Trucking companies (another bad investment) bakeries and the like. Just keep riffin on that...For about a week. THAT's "their wealth"..

I know for a FACT -- that a progressive or leftist DEM has NO CLUE how deceptive that PolitiFart excuse is. Because I've discovered they are criticizing a system that they REALLY never studied or understood..Nor do they understand the concept of risk taking. Their entire focus is on making society risk-free..

Bernie could FORCE the Waltons to CASH out and sell all of that risky business, redistribute the wealth, make some OTHER buyer richer than shit -- and in 10 years -- there would be no trace of the redistributed money to account for the violence..
This is a prime example of the difference between Democrats and conservatives, at on economic issues. The Dem hears this and believes that the Walton family is usurping wealth and exploiting the poor. This is wrong. A conservative looks at the Walton family and thinks, "I want to be just like them!"

I looked up what the Waltons are worth. About a hundred and fifty billion. Think that maybe they're overcharging just maybe? It's know that their workers go on government subsidies due to the poor pay they receive.

Their workers are on gov subsides because the federal government has tremendously increased its handouts and because the work force is ill-equipped to earn a decent wage. The fault lies with the individual workers and their decision to not learn a lucrative skill or trade that will allow them to earn a decent income.

Let 'em fucking starve. Then they will have an incentive to acquire the skills necessary to increase the value of their services.

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