Bernie: "Today the Walton family of Walmart own more wealth than the bottom 40 percent of America."

That is the kind silliness that illustrates just how stupid loony leftists truly are.

99% of American workers do not work for Walmart, rendering your lack-of-options claim groundless. Thankfully, there are enough low skill/low wage jobs in our economy to satisfy the demand for them by the people who have such skills. Without those low skill/low wage jobs those people would be in a world of hurt (not that you seem to care).

Yes but add up all the similar paying jobs and it is a high percent.

Silliness of you pretend conservatives is that you promote government dependence and then claim to be small government. What a joke.

once again you idiot. if the minimum wage gets high enough Walmart will speed up automating it's stores; IT'S ALREADY HAPPENING, and the people being partially subsidized by the government will HAVE TO HAVE THE GOVERNEMNT MEET ALL THEIR NEEDS.

Ah more commie, big government is only option talk. Way to go comrade.


USDA Food Stamp Outrage Exposed | American Free Press
Feb 23, 2014 - The flier not only promoted food stamp usage to those unlawfully ... no misunderstandings as to where the Obama administration stands on this ...

That would be you. Several times you have said big government is only option. We can't have good jobs where people can support themselves right comrade? They need the gov.

several times you have failed to admt that option is the LESS GOVERNMENT OPTION

that's because you're an intellectual coward
you premise that republicans are the ones for big government in an era when PROGRESSIVE RULE has seen RECORD WELFARE AND FOOD STAMPS is absurd on its' face

but it's never surprising when left-wing losers lie to themselves; intellectual cowardice is their hallmark
Yes but add up all the similar paying jobs and it is a high percent.

Silliness of you pretend conservatives is that you promote government dependence and then claim to be small government. What a joke.

once again you idiot. if the minimum wage gets high enough Walmart will speed up automating it's stores; IT'S ALREADY HAPPENING, and the people being partially subsidized by the government will HAVE TO HAVE THE GOVERNEMNT MEET ALL THEIR NEEDS.

Ah more commie, big government is only option talk. Way to go comrade.


USDA Food Stamp Outrage Exposed | American Free Press
Feb 23, 2014 - The flier not only promoted food stamp usage to those unlawfully ... no misunderstandings as to where the Obama administration stands on this ...

That would be you. Several times you have said big government is only option. We can't have good jobs where people can support themselves right comrade? They need the gov.

several times you have failed to admt that option is the LESS GOVERNMENT OPTION

that's because you're an intellectual coward

I'm looking for less government. You are the one saying people need big gov comrade.
you premise that republicans are the ones for big government in an era when PROGRESSIVE RULE has seen RECORD WELFARE AND FOOD STAMPS is absurd on its' face

but it's never surprising when left-wing losers lie to themselves; intellectual cowardice is their hallmark

My premise is that both parties want big gov. And you obviously.
once again you idiot. if the minimum wage gets high enough Walmart will speed up automating it's stores; IT'S ALREADY HAPPENING, and the people being partially subsidized by the government will HAVE TO HAVE THE GOVERNEMNT MEET ALL THEIR NEEDS.

Ah more commie, big government is only option talk. Way to go comrade.


USDA Food Stamp Outrage Exposed | American Free Press
Feb 23, 2014 - The flier not only promoted food stamp usage to those unlawfully ... no misunderstandings as to where the Obama administration stands on this ...

That would be you. Several times you have said big government is only option. We can't have good jobs where people can support themselves right comrade? They need the gov.

several times you have failed to admt that option is the LESS GOVERNMENT OPTION

that's because you're an intellectual coward

I'm looking for less government. You are the one saying people need big gov comrade.

then you're against raising the minimum wage right? that is the less government route
you premise that republicans are the ones for big government in an era when PROGRESSIVE RULE has seen RECORD WELFARE AND FOOD STAMPS is absurd on its' face

but it's never surprising when left-wing losers lie to themselves; intellectual cowardice is their hallmark

Didn't that repub controlled congress just increase debt limit? Yeah they are small gov.
Ah more commie, big government is only option talk. Way to go comrade.


USDA Food Stamp Outrage Exposed | American Free Press
Feb 23, 2014 - The flier not only promoted food stamp usage to those unlawfully ... no misunderstandings as to where the Obama administration stands on this ...

That would be you. Several times you have said big government is only option. We can't have good jobs where people can support themselves right comrade? They need the gov.

several times you have failed to admt that option is the LESS GOVERNMENT OPTION

that's because you're an intellectual coward

I'm looking for less government. You are the one saying people need big gov comrade.

then you're against raising the minimum wage right? that is the less government route

Really? So having employers pay enough that employees aren't on welfare is big government? Decreasing welfare is big gov? People being able to support themselves and cut out gov aid is big gov? It's not comrade. That is how gov shrinks.
You're irritated that your taxes go to their workers? Then why do you keep voting for more and more taxes to be redistributed to people?

You blame everyone except yourself and your leftist butt-buddies.

Oh, and who am I voting for then? We have only two options and neither are fiscally responsible.

You flatter yourself that I give a furry rat's ass which of your crap-ass candidates you vote for.

The operative point is that you invariably support social spending and increases in the welfare state. The only time you complain about them is to attack designated targets like WalMart, and even then, your solution is NEVER to decrease welfare spending. It's to take more control over other people's lives and punish them for not knuckling under to your program.

No, I support good wages for people so they can get off welfare. You support corporate welfare which increases government dependence.

Government taking money and giving it to people who didn't earn it is no different than forcing companies to pay people money they didn't earn. Either way, it's still welfare, Holmes

The reality though is we don't pay money they didn't earn, we fire them. So in the end all you did was hurt the people you set out to help.

Nice job...

Clearly none of our loony leftists give a flying fuck about those who would pay the price - either in artificially inflated costs or in lost jobs - as long as it isn't them.

The real purpose of the MWM (Min Wage Movement) is to raise the wages of union workers whose contracts are tied directly to the national min wage.

These "min wage plus" workers would be the real beneficiaries.

Of course, all other workers would demand increases and prices would have to rise to accommodate the new wage scale, eroding or eliminating the newfound "spending power."

It's not just a misguided exercise in futility, it's truly an exercise in stupidity but as we all know you can't fix stupid.

Yes, that is the bottom line, this is driven by the unions, not many people are aware of that. Certainly the leftists drones don't. But their candidates are doing it for union $$$, who are doing it #1 for that reason
you premise that republicans are the ones for big government in an era when PROGRESSIVE RULE has seen RECORD WELFARE AND FOOD STAMPS is absurd on its' face

but it's never surprising when left-wing losers lie to themselves; intellectual cowardice is their hallmark

Didn't that repub controlled congress just increase debt limit? Yeah they are small gov.

True, the Republicans are little to no better than the Democrats
Really? So having employers pay enough that employees aren't on welfare is big government? Decreasing welfare is big gov? People being able to support themselves and cut out gov aid is big gov? It's not comrade. That is how gov shrinks.

Washington DC dictating the national price of labor is "big gov't."

Most of America's largest employers have raised their starting wage well beyond the legal minimum without "big gov't" intervention and 21 states have mandated higher than the national minimum.

The people who do earn min wage are mostly very young (18-24) or very old ... basically without marketable skills.

This whole min wage issue is merely a ruse to increase the wages of those already making well above it ... union workers with a "min wage plus" contract.

The fact that the low skilled workers will lose their jobs (thus requiring "big gov't" support) seems to concern no one on the left (but you will be whining when those jobs are gone).
Really? So having employers pay enough that employees aren't on welfare is big government? Decreasing welfare is big gov? People being able to support themselves and cut out gov aid is big gov? It's not comrade. That is how gov shrinks.

Washington DC dictating the national price of labor is "big gov't."

Most of America's largest employers have raised their starting wage well beyond the legal minimum without "big gov't" intervention and 21 states have mandated higher than the national minimum.

The people who do earn min wage are mostly very young (18-24) or very old ... basically without marketable skills.

This whole min wage issue is merely a ruse to increase the wages of those already making well above it ... union workers with a "min wage plus" contract.

The fact that the low skilled workers will lose their jobs (thus requiring "big gov't" support) seems to concern no one on the left (but you will be whining when those jobs are gone).

But having lots of people working full time jobs and still on welfare increases government dependence and hence the size of government. We need lots of jobs that provide enough for the employee that they are not on welfare. We need them to realize they don't need government. Sadly right now with too many poor paying jobs many people feel rightfully so that they need government.

While I would rather see something else done, min wage is one of the least bad options. Right now we collect taxes and let the gov dish out welfare. A higher min wage is much better where the money goes direct from employer to employee and the gov is cut out.

I think decreasing immigration would help also, but I don't think that is going to happen. Dems obviously don't want it, and I don't believe repubs want it either. Repubs talk about it but their corporate gods want the cheap labor.

Without some incentive all the jobs shipped away aren't going to come back and I don't hear either party with real incentive to do that. Repubs talk about things but most of those have no strings attached and we have seen they just funnel the money to the richest.
Really? So having employers pay enough that employees aren't on welfare is big government? Decreasing welfare is big gov? People being able to support themselves and cut out gov aid is big gov? It's not comrade. That is how gov shrinks.

Washington DC dictating the national price of labor is "big gov't."

Most of America's largest employers have raised their starting wage well beyond the legal minimum without "big gov't" intervention and 21 states have mandated higher than the national minimum.

The people who do earn min wage are mostly very young (18-24) or very old ... basically without marketable skills.

This whole min wage issue is merely a ruse to increase the wages of those already making well above it ... union workers with a "min wage plus" contract.

The fact that the low skilled workers will lose their jobs (thus requiring "big gov't" support) seems to concern no one on the left (but you will be whining when those jobs are gone).

But having lots of people working full time jobs and still on welfare increases government dependence and hence the size of government. We need lots of jobs that provide enough for the employee that they are not on welfare...

No, we don't have "lots of people working full time jobs and still on welfare" (most min wage earners are part time) and paying welfare doesn't grow gov't but rather the cost of it.

We need people who - if they want better pay - are motivated to acquire marketable skills rather than suck from the public treasury.

The choice to remain unskilled and poor is theirs to make and not your biz to interfere.

It doesn't seem to matter how often your beliefs are proven to be baseless ... you continue to spew them anyway.

'It isn't so much that liberals are ignorant. It's just that they know so many things that aren't so.' - Ronald Reagan
Democrats leave our public education system with no usable skills, so of course they support Sanders who tells them, "We'll reward you for being lazy underachievers"
Really? So having employers pay enough that employees aren't on welfare is big government? Decreasing welfare is big gov? People being able to support themselves and cut out gov aid is big gov? It's not comrade. That is how gov shrinks.

Washington DC dictating the national price of labor is "big gov't."

Most of America's largest employers have raised their starting wage well beyond the legal minimum without "big gov't" intervention and 21 states have mandated higher than the national minimum.

The people who do earn min wage are mostly very young (18-24) or very old ... basically without marketable skills.

This whole min wage issue is merely a ruse to increase the wages of those already making well above it ... union workers with a "min wage plus" contract.

The fact that the low skilled workers will lose their jobs (thus requiring "big gov't" support) seems to concern no one on the left (but you will be whining when those jobs are gone).

But having lots of people working full time jobs and still on welfare increases government dependence and hence the size of government. We need lots of jobs that provide enough for the employee that they are not on welfare. We need them to realize they don't need government. Sadly right now with too many poor paying jobs many people feel rightfully so that they need government.

While I would rather see something else done, min wage is one of the least bad options. Right now we collect taxes and let the gov dish out welfare. A higher min wage is much better where the money goes direct from employer to employee and the gov is cut out.

I think decreasing immigration would help also, but I don't think that is going to happen. Dems obviously don't want it, and I don't believe repubs want it either. Repubs talk about it but their corporate gods want the cheap labor.

Without some incentive all the jobs shipped away aren't going to come back and I don't hear either party with real incentive to do that. Repubs talk about things but most of those have no strings attached and we have seen they just funnel the money to the richest.

People working and earning a portion of their income is bigger government than them not working and living entirely on government checks. I can't get my head wrapped around that, bro
It's greedy to demand more money for minimum wage jobs just because the company makes good money. I know someone making six figures with wally's. They don't do work that anyone off the street can do.

That's the thing. The lowest-level jobs at WalMart ARE minimum-wage jobs, but WalMart generally DOESN'T pay minimum wage. They are usually the employer unskilled workers move up to after having spent some time getting actual minimum wage.

And you've got the stats to prove it.


WalMart Pays High Wages, Not Low Wages

Yeah sure, we'll all just trust you angry greedy white Republican dudes to do the right thing. Sure we will.

You're gonna be monitored. You can't have your slaves. Deal with it.

you poor racist idiot left-winger. under the Black Progressive the very richest got richer and the very poorest got poorer; but hey ACTUAL facts dont seem to matter to moronic left-wing losers wollowing in denial. too bad you're too busy soiling your panties over white people that havent done anything to you. the things you sissified Progs are terrified of i swear!!
ANYWAY moron you trusted the Progressive Black man and you got what? screwed over and over; like you're on the down low or something. that's cool it's ok these days!

If we leave it all up to you angry greedy white Republican dudes, American Workers will be treated like slave workers in Asia, South America etc etc...

You guys have to be kept in check. You just can't be trusted to do what's right.
I did plenty of the work and those who worked for me (I'm retired) were not forced to do so. We had an agreed upon wage/work arrangement and when either party was dissatisfied with it we simply parted ways. I had no obligation to them beyond our arrangement and they had none to me.

Whiny, sniveling, idiots had no say in how I ran my businesses and none in any employee's decision to work for me.

Ah, you just want your slaves. But you can't have em. Too bad for you. You don't wanna pay fellow Americans a decent wage, just shut up and do the work yourself. Problem solved.

Better idea: YOU mind your own fucking business, and don't try to tell other people how much of THEIR money they "have" to pay, or how much or little they can sell their labor for. Problem solved.

At no point in the "employment contract" process has anyone asked you, or given you a say in the matter.

Nah, we're gonna be all up in your business. Y'all greedy white Republican dudes will be held in check. You're no longer gonna have your slaves. Don't like that? Leave the country. Go somewhere else and have your slaves. Time to start taking care of our workers again.

Yes, we know. Leftists live to be up other people's asses, trying to run their lives. And conservatives live to tell you to get your own fucking lives, your opinions are not wanted, needed, or respected.

Thank you for being honest about your nosiness.

The common theme among all loony leftist posts is the unabashed belief in their right to confiscate and spend other peeps wealth and their unshakeable belief that they somehow have that right.

And y'all angry greedy white Republicans want your slaves. But oh well, it ain't gonna happen. Sorry bout that.
Ah, you just want your slaves. But you can't have em. Too bad for you. You don't wanna pay fellow Americans a decent wage, just shut up and do the work yourself. Problem solved.

Better idea: YOU mind your own fucking business, and don't try to tell other people how much of THEIR money they "have" to pay, or how much or little they can sell their labor for. Problem solved.

At no point in the "employment contract" process has anyone asked you, or given you a say in the matter.

Nah, we're gonna be all up in your business. Y'all greedy white Republican dudes will be held in check. You're no longer gonna have your slaves. Don't like that? Leave the country. Go somewhere else and have your slaves. Time to start taking care of our workers again.

Yes, we know. Leftists live to be up other people's asses, trying to run their lives. And conservatives live to tell you to get your own fucking lives, your opinions are not wanted, needed, or respected.

Thank you for being honest about your nosiness.

The common theme among all loony leftist posts is the unabashed belief in their right to confiscate and spend other peeps wealth and their unshakeable belief that they somehow have that right.

And y'all angry greedy white Republicans want your slaves. But oh well, it ain't gonna happen. Sorry bout that.
Yeah, can't wait. Sanders is going to be elected jesus and close WalMart because they're one of the world's top entry level employers. No more entry level work. No more raises with your promotion.

15 dolla-zanawa fa everyone, fa evah!
Better idea: YOU mind your own fucking business, and don't try to tell other people how much of THEIR money they "have" to pay, or how much or little they can sell their labor for. Problem solved.

At no point in the "employment contract" process has anyone asked you, or given you a say in the matter.

Nah, we're gonna be all up in your business. Y'all greedy white Republican dudes will be held in check. You're no longer gonna have your slaves. Don't like that? Leave the country. Go somewhere else and have your slaves. Time to start taking care of our workers again.

Yes, we know. Leftists live to be up other people's asses, trying to run their lives. And conservatives live to tell you to get your own fucking lives, your opinions are not wanted, needed, or respected.

Thank you for being honest about your nosiness.

The common theme among all loony leftist posts is the unabashed belief in their right to confiscate and spend other peeps wealth and their unshakeable belief that they somehow have that right.

And y'all angry greedy white Republicans want your slaves. But oh well, it ain't gonna happen. Sorry bout that.
Yeah, can't wait. Sanders is going to be elected jesus and close WalMart because they're one of the world's top entry level employers. No more entry level work. No more raises with your promotion.

15 dolla-zanawa fa everyone, fa evah!

The richest nation on earth can surely afford to pay its Citizens $15 an hr. Don't you think so? Canada for instance, currently has an $11-12 Minimum Wage. And it hasn't collapsed.
Really? So having employers pay enough that employees aren't on welfare is big government? Decreasing welfare is big gov? People being able to support themselves and cut out gov aid is big gov? It's not comrade. That is how gov shrinks.

Washington DC dictating the national price of labor is "big gov't."

Most of America's largest employers have raised their starting wage well beyond the legal minimum without "big gov't" intervention and 21 states have mandated higher than the national minimum.

The people who do earn min wage are mostly very young (18-24) or very old ... basically without marketable skills.

This whole min wage issue is merely a ruse to increase the wages of those already making well above it ... union workers with a "min wage plus" contract.

The fact that the low skilled workers will lose their jobs (thus requiring "big gov't" support) seems to concern no one on the left (but you will be whining when those jobs are gone).

But having lots of people working full time jobs and still on welfare increases government dependence and hence the size of government. We need lots of jobs that provide enough for the employee that they are not on welfare...

No, we don't have "lots of people working full time jobs and still on welfare" (most min wage earners are part time) and paying welfare doesn't grow gov't but rather the cost of it.

We need people who - if they want better pay - are motivated to acquire marketable skills rather than suck from the public treasury.

The choice to remain unskilled and poor is theirs to make and not your biz to interfere.

It doesn't seem to matter how often your beliefs are proven to be baseless ... you continue to spew them anyway.

'It isn't so much that liberals are ignorant. It's just that they know so many things that aren't so.' - Ronald Reagan

So far you have only proven you are an idiot. Wages are stagnant, there aren't lots of great jobs waiting to be filled.

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