Bernie: "Today the Walton family of Walmart own more wealth than the bottom 40 percent of America."

Business Week reported in June that Costco pays its hourly workers an average of $20.89 an hour, not including overtime, while Wal-Mart/Sam's Club's average wage for full-time employees in the U.S. is $12.67 an hour. Eighty-eight percent of Costco employees have company-sponsored health insurance while Wal-Mart said that "more than half" of its do.

Sam's Club vs Costco: Do Lower Prices Trump Employee Happiness? -- The Motley Fool

Let's look:

{while Wal-Mart/Sam's Club's average wage for full-time employees in the U.S. is $12.67 an hour. }

Now see what your lying fuck of a source did there? Yep, they used WALMART (which hasn't had a hyphen in the name since the 1980's) wages instead of Sam's Club, knowing the Sam's pays far better than does the lower end Walmart.

This is the shit demagogues pull, every time.

Then show that sams club pays as well as Costco. Every source I've seen Costco pays more.
we dont subsidize Walmart employees; they subsidize our welfare recipients.

YES LOON the food stamp program is run by the Agriculture Department because it involves commodities, but the Departhment of Human Services decides what is a welfare program. Food stamps are a MEANS-TESTED assistance program and thus WELFARE.

PEOPLE with no little to no prior work expierence and/or education work at Walmart. If they were laid off GOVERNMENT WOULD HAVE TO MEET ALL THEIR NEEDS. Walmart subsidizes the government, not the other way around
we dont subsidize Walmart employees; they subsidize our welfare recipients.

YES LOON the food stamp program is run by the Agriculture Department because it involves commodities, but the Departhment of Human Services decides what is a welfare program. Food stamps are a MEANS-TESTED assistance program and thus WELFARE.

PEOPLE with no little to no prior work expierence and/or education work at Walmart. If they were laid off GOVERNMENT WOULD HAVE TO MEET ALL THEIR NEEDS. Walmart subsidizes the government, not the other way around

That's funny. The Waltons make billons each year off that labor. Without it they make nothing.
The commie seems to be you. You support the corporate welfare which grows government dependence.

So you lied about providing good wages, when in fact you provide no wages to anyone, and this equates to me supporting corporate welfare?

And what do you mean "corporate welfare?" Is that like Obamacare, where the IRS forces people to buy products of certain corporations, like George Soros' Blue Cross? That kind of corporate welfare, Comrade?

Where we subsidize walmarts employees. They get paid so little that they collect welfare while the Waltons make billions. The Waltons are creating government dependence.

Gawd Damn it fool, Again they pay what market value is. Don't work there or shop there. What do you suggest force them to pay higher wages then what they already do now?

I bet in your tiny little brain you think Wal-Mart prices will remain the same?
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we dont subsidize Walmart employees; they subsidize our welfare recipients.

YES LOON the food stamp program is run by the Agriculture Department because it involves commodities, but the Departhment of Human Services decides what is a welfare program. Food stamps are a MEANS-TESTED assistance program and thus WELFARE.

PEOPLE with no little to no prior work expierence and/or education work at Walmart. If they were laid off GOVERNMENT WOULD HAVE TO MEET ALL THEIR NEEDS. Walmart subsidizes the government, not the other way around

That's funny. The Waltons make billons each year off that labor. Without it they make nothing.

because all of Walmart's customers are in America right nutjob??
Business Week reported in June that Costco pays its hourly workers an average of $20.89 an hour, not including overtime, while Wal-Mart/Sam's Club's average wage for full-time employees in the U.S. is $12.67 an hour. Eighty-eight percent of Costco employees have company-sponsored health insurance while Wal-Mart said that "more than half" of its do.

Sam's Club vs Costco: Do Lower Prices Trump Employee Happiness? -- The Motley Fool

Let's look:

{while Wal-Mart/Sam's Club's average wage for full-time employees in the U.S. is $12.67 an hour. }

Now see what your lying fuck of a source did there? Yep, they used WALMART (which hasn't had a hyphen in the name since the 1980's) wages instead of Sam's Club, knowing the Sam's pays far better than does the lower end Walmart.

This is the shit demagogues pull, every time.

Then show that sams club pays as well as Costco. Every source I've seen Costco pays more.

another apples and oranges talking point spoon-fed to left-wing lemmings straight from george soros
The commie seems to be you. You support the corporate welfare which grows government dependence.

So you lied about providing good wages, when in fact you provide no wages to anyone, and this equates to me supporting corporate welfare?

And what do you mean "corporate welfare?" Is that like Obamacare, where the IRS forces people to buy products of certain corporations, like George Soros' Blue Cross? That kind of corporate welfare, Comrade?

Where we subsidize walmarts employees. They get paid so little that they collect welfare while the Waltons make billions. The Waltons are creating government dependence.

so you admit food stamps are welfare nutcase? that puts you one rung up from other LWNJs
dont like what Walmart pays? dont work there. dont like Walmart? dont shop there.

mind your own business leftard!
The commie seems to be you. You support the corporate welfare which grows government dependence.

So you lied about providing good wages, when in fact you provide no wages to anyone, and this equates to me supporting corporate welfare?

And what do you mean "corporate welfare?" Is that like Obamacare, where the IRS forces people to buy products of certain corporations, like George Soros' Blue Cross? That kind of corporate welfare, Comrade?

Where we subsidize walmarts employees. They get paid so little that they collect welfare while the Waltons make billions. The Waltons are creating government dependence.

Gawd Damon it fool, Again they pay what market value is. Don't work there or shop there. What do you suggest force them to pay higher wages then what they already do now?

I bet in your tiny little brain you think Wal-Mart prices will remain the same?

More commie talk. Gov dependence is only option in your mind. Sad.
Business Week reported in June that Costco pays its hourly workers an average of $20.89 an hour, not including overtime, while Wal-Mart/Sam's Club's average wage for full-time employees in the U.S. is $12.67 an hour. Eighty-eight percent of Costco employees have company-sponsored health insurance while Wal-Mart said that "more than half" of its do.

Sam's Club vs Costco: Do Lower Prices Trump Employee Happiness? -- The Motley Fool

Let's look:

{while Wal-Mart/Sam's Club's average wage for full-time employees in the U.S. is $12.67 an hour. }

Now see what your lying fuck of a source did there? Yep, they used WALMART (which hasn't had a hyphen in the name since the 1980's) wages instead of Sam's Club, knowing the Sam's pays far better than does the lower end Walmart.

This is the shit demagogues pull, every time.

Then show that sams club pays as well as Costco. Every source I've seen Costco pays more.

another apples and oranges talking point spoon-fed to left-wing lemmings straight from george soros

Still waitng for your proof.
dont like what Walmart pays? dont work there. dont like Walmart? dont shop there.

mind your own business leftard!

As long as they are collecting corporate welfare it is my business. I pay a lot in taxes and the Waltons don't need it.
The commie seems to be you. You support the corporate welfare which grows government dependence.

So you lied about providing good wages, when in fact you provide no wages to anyone, and this equates to me supporting corporate welfare?

And what do you mean "corporate welfare?" Is that like Obamacare, where the IRS forces people to buy products of certain corporations, like George Soros' Blue Cross? That kind of corporate welfare, Comrade?

Where we subsidize walmarts employees. They get paid so little that they collect welfare while the Waltons make billions. The Waltons are creating government dependence.

so you admit food stamps are welfare nutcase? that puts you one rung up from other LWNJs
Obviously it is.
dont like what Walmart pays? dont work there. dont like Walmart? dont shop there.

mind your own business leftard!

As long as they are collecting corporate welfare it is my business. I pay a lot in taxes and the Waltons don't need it.

"There's no such thing as individuals! Only collectives! WALMART gets food stamps, not individual people!"

So every "conservative" on here thinks Walmart creating more government dependence is a good thing. Shocking the gov continues to grow.
Then do the work yourself. Otherwise, STFU and pay up. You can't have your slaves. Deal with it.

I did plenty of the work and those who worked for me (I'm retired) were not forced to do so. We had an agreed upon wage/work arrangement and when either party was dissatisfied with it we simply parted ways. I had no obligation to them beyond our arrangement and they had none to me.

Whiny, sniveling, idiots had no say in how I ran my businesses and none in any employee's decision to work for me.

Ah, you just want your slaves. But you can't have em. Too bad for you. You don't wanna pay fellow Americans a decent wage, just shut up and do the work yourself. Problem solved.

Better idea: YOU mind your own fucking business, and don't try to tell other people how much of THEIR money they "have" to pay, or how much or little they can sell their labor for. Problem solved.

At no point in the "employment contract" process has anyone asked you, or given you a say in the matter.

Nah, we're gonna be all up in your business. Y'all greedy white Republican dudes will be held in check. You're no longer gonna have your slaves. Don't like that? Leave the country. Go somewhere else and have your slaves. Time to start taking care of our workers again.

Yes, we know. Leftists live to be up other people's asses, trying to run their lives. And conservatives live to tell you to get your own fucking lives, your opinions are not wanted, needed, or respected.

Thank you for being honest about your nosiness.

The common theme among all loony leftist posts is the unabashed belief in their right to confiscate and spend other peeps wealth and their unshakeable belief that they somehow have that right.
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So every "conservative" on here thinks Walmart creating more government dependence is a good thing. Shocking the gov continues to grow.

Typically twisted leftist POV.

No one is forced to work at Walmart (or Target, or any of the dozens of major corps who employ lots of low skill/low wage earners) but millions choose to.

No one is forced to shop at or invest in Walmart (or Target) but millions choose to.

Walmart (nor Target nor any of the dozens of major corps who employ lots of low skill/low wage earners) does not force any of their employees to seek public assistance but some employees, rather than improve their marketable skills and seek higher wages, choose to live off the low wages their skills command.

Do you recognize the common theme?

Americans are free to choose how & where they will live & work (or not work) without interference from bleeding heart libs and are solely responsible for the result of their choices be they good or bad.

Despite your entrenched sense of entitlement you have neither the legal nor the moral authority to direct their lives for them nor do you have the right to confiscate and redistribute the wealth of others in order to satisfy your self-serving sense of "moral superiority" or to achieve your "Worker's Paradise" dream, Comrade.
So every "conservative" on here thinks Walmart creating more government dependence is a good thing. Shocking the gov continues to grow.

Typically twisted leftist POV.

No one is forced to work at Walmart (or Target, or any of the dozens of major corps who employ lots of low skill/low wage earners) but millions choose to.

No one is forced to shop at or invest in Walmart (or Target) but millions choose to.

Walmart (nor Target nor any of the dozens of major corps who employ lots of low skill/low wage earners) does not force any of their employees to seek public assistance but some employees, rather than improve their marketable skills and seek higher wages, choose to live off the low wages their skills command.

Do you recognize the common theme?

Americans are free to choose how & where they will live & work (or not work) without interference from bleeding heart libs and are solely responsible for the result of their choices be they good or bad.

Despite your entrenched sense of entitlement you have neither the legal nor the moral authority to direct their lives for them nor do you have the right to confiscate and redistribute the wealth of others in order to satisfy your self-serving sense of "moral superiority" or to achieve your "Worker's Paradise" dream, Comrade.

When Walmart is the countries largest employer and wages are stagnant there really arent many options. As long as Walmart and other corps continue to create more government dependence the gov will continue to grow. That is obviously what you want comrade.
I'm not jealous. I'm irritated my taxes go to their workers. Those workers make the Waltons billions, while not making me anything. The Waltons should be providing for them. All they are doing is increasing the size of government. Why do you worship that?

You're irritated that your taxes go to their workers? Then why do you keep voting for more and more taxes to be redistributed to people?

You blame everyone except yourself and your leftist butt-buddies.

Oh, and who am I voting for then? We have only two options and neither are fiscally responsible.

You flatter yourself that I give a furry rat's ass which of your crap-ass candidates you vote for.

The operative point is that you invariably support social spending and increases in the welfare state. The only time you complain about them is to attack designated targets like WalMart, and even then, your solution is NEVER to decrease welfare spending. It's to take more control over other people's lives and punish them for not knuckling under to your program.

No, I support good wages for people so they can get off welfare. You support corporate welfare which increases government dependence.

Government taking money and giving it to people who didn't earn it is no different than forcing companies to pay people money they didn't earn. Either way, it's still welfare, Holmes

The reality though is we don't pay money they didn't earn, we fire them. So in the end all you did was hurt the people you set out to help.

Nice job...

Clearly none of our loony leftists give a flying fuck about those who would pay the price - either in artificially inflated costs or in lost jobs - as long as it isn't them.

The real purpose of the MWM (Min Wage Movement) is to raise the wages of union workers whose contracts are tied directly to the national min wage.

These "min wage plus" workers would be the real beneficiaries.

Of course, all other workers would demand increases and prices would have to rise to accommodate the new wage scale, eroding or eliminating the newfound "spending power."

It's not just a misguided exercise in futility, it's truly an exercise in stupidity but as we all know you can't fix stupid.

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