Bernie: "Today the Walton family of Walmart own more wealth than the bottom 40 percent of America."

Nah, we're gonna be all up in your business. Y'all greedy white Republican dudes will be held in check. You're no longer gonna have your slaves. Don't like that? Leave the country. Go somewhere else and have your slaves. Time to start taking care of our workers again.

Yes, we know. Leftists live to be up other people's asses, trying to run their lives. And conservatives live to tell you to get your own fucking lives, your opinions are not wanted, needed, or respected.

Thank you for being honest about your nosiness.

Oh yeah, greedy white Republican dudes better get used to it. They're not gonna be allowed to have their slaves. They simply can't be trusted to do the right thing. They have to be monitored. And if they don't like that, they could always leave.

Have I mentioned how much I've missed seeing your meaningless drivel littering the board? There's a reason I haven't.

Ha, i love messin with y'all angry greedy white Republican dudes. You get so damn pissed off when you're told you can't have your slaves. It really burns y'all's asses. :)

"Messing with y'all" = "being the posting equivalent of a noisy toddler". Hey, if your idea of a meaningful hobby is the verbal version of reaching into your diaper and smearing the contents on the wall, have at. I'll spend a second or two pitying you before I ignore your existence.

Hey. i enjoy pissing y'all angry white Republican dudes off. I admit it. It's fun. :)
The commie seems to be you. You support the corporate welfare which grows government dependence.

So you lied about providing good wages, when in fact you provide no wages to anyone, and this equates to me supporting corporate welfare?

And what do you mean "corporate welfare?" Is that like Obamacare, where the IRS forces people to buy products of certain corporations, like George Soros' Blue Cross? That kind of corporate welfare, Comrade?
because a store's target buyer is at the low end that means only those people can shop there? that's what you imply idiot. i love seeing self-impressed morons make fools of themselves.

Just reiterating what others in this thread have stated. Minus the "only." Why is it so many of you think in binary?
Yes, we know. Leftists live to be up other people's asses, trying to run their lives. And conservatives live to tell you to get your own fucking lives, your opinions are not wanted, needed, or respected.

Thank you for being honest about your nosiness.

Oh yeah, greedy white Republican dudes better get used to it. They're not gonna be allowed to have their slaves. They simply can't be trusted to do the right thing. They have to be monitored. And if they don't like that, they could always leave.

Have I mentioned how much I've missed seeing your meaningless drivel littering the board? There's a reason I haven't.

Ha, i love messin with y'all angry greedy white Republican dudes. You get so damn pissed off when you're told you can't have your slaves. It really burns y'all's asses. :)
It's greedy to demand more money for minimum wage jobs just because the company makes good money. I know someone making six figures with wally's. They don't do work that anyone off the street can do.

That's the thing. The lowest-level jobs at WalMart ARE minimum-wage jobs, but WalMart generally DOESN'T pay minimum wage. They are usually the employer unskilled workers move up to after having spent some time getting actual minimum wage.

And you've got the stats to prove it.
Oh yeah, greedy white Republican dudes better get used to it. They're not gonna be allowed to have their slaves. They simply can't be trusted to do the right thing. They have to be monitored. And if they don't like that, they could always leave.

Have I mentioned how much I've missed seeing your meaningless drivel littering the board? There's a reason I haven't.

Ha, i love messin with y'all angry greedy white Republican dudes. You get so damn pissed off when you're told you can't have your slaves. It really burns y'all's asses. :)
It's greedy to demand more money for minimum wage jobs just because the company makes good money. I know someone making six figures with wally's. They don't do work that anyone off the street can do.

That's the thing. The lowest-level jobs at WalMart ARE minimum-wage jobs, but WalMart generally DOESN'T pay minimum wage. They are usually the employer unskilled workers move up to after having spent some time getting actual minimum wage.

And you've got the stats to prove it.


WalMart Pays High Wages, Not Low Wages
You are a retard if you think the largest employer in the country can pay so little employees are on welfare and that doesn't increase government dependence. Your support for that shows you are big government.

So Comrade shitferbrains, these people are on welfare because they work for Walmart, right?

So if Walmart fires them, they will no longer be on Welfare, right?

Standard Disclaimer: There is a reason you're a Communist - it's because you're fucking stupid as a door post.
Have I mentioned how much I've missed seeing your meaningless drivel littering the board? There's a reason I haven't.

Ha, i love messin with y'all angry greedy white Republican dudes. You get so damn pissed off when you're told you can't have your slaves. It really burns y'all's asses. :)
It's greedy to demand more money for minimum wage jobs just because the company makes good money. I know someone making six figures with wally's. They don't do work that anyone off the street can do.

That's the thing. The lowest-level jobs at WalMart ARE minimum-wage jobs, but WalMart generally DOESN'T pay minimum wage. They are usually the employer unskilled workers move up to after having spent some time getting actual minimum wage.

And you've got the stats to prove it.


WalMart Pays High Wages, Not Low Wages

Yeah sure, we'll all just trust you angry greedy white Republican dudes to do the right thing. Sure we will.

You're gonna be monitored. You can't have your slaves. Deal with it.
Business Week reported in June that Costco pays its hourly workers an average of $20.89 an hour, not including overtime, while Wal-Mart/Sam's Club's average wage for full-time employees in the U.S. is $12.67 an hour. Eighty-eight percent of Costco employees have company-sponsored health insurance while Wal-Mart said that "more than half" of its do.

Sam's Club vs Costco: Do Lower Prices Trump Employee Happiness? -- The Motley Fool

Let's look:

{while Wal-Mart/Sam's Club's average wage for full-time employees in the U.S. is $12.67 an hour. }

Now see what your lying fuck of a source did there? Yep, they used WALMART (which hasn't had a hyphen in the name since the 1980's) wages instead of Sam's Club, knowing the Sam's pays far better than does the lower end Walmart.

This is the shit demagogues pull, every time.
Have I mentioned how much I've missed seeing your meaningless drivel littering the board? There's a reason I haven't.

Ha, i love messin with y'all angry greedy white Republican dudes. You get so damn pissed off when you're told you can't have your slaves. It really burns y'all's asses. :)
It's greedy to demand more money for minimum wage jobs just because the company makes good money. I know someone making six figures with wally's. They don't do work that anyone off the street can do.

That's the thing. The lowest-level jobs at WalMart ARE minimum-wage jobs, but WalMart generally DOESN'T pay minimum wage. They are usually the employer unskilled workers move up to after having spent some time getting actual minimum wage.

And you've got the stats to prove it.


WalMart Pays High Wages, Not Low Wages

That was helpful - thank you!
because a store's target buyer is at the low end that means only those people can shop there? that's what you imply idiot. i love seeing self-impressed morons make fools of themselves.

Just reiterating what others in this thread have stated. Minus the "only." Why is it so many of you think in binary?

why is it you say stupid shat that doesnt hold up to scrutiny???
Ha, i love messin with y'all angry greedy white Republican dudes. You get so damn pissed off when you're told you can't have your slaves. It really burns y'all's asses. :)
It's greedy to demand more money for minimum wage jobs just because the company makes good money. I know someone making six figures with wally's. They don't do work that anyone off the street can do.

That's the thing. The lowest-level jobs at WalMart ARE minimum-wage jobs, but WalMart generally DOESN'T pay minimum wage. They are usually the employer unskilled workers move up to after having spent some time getting actual minimum wage.

And you've got the stats to prove it.


WalMart Pays High Wages, Not Low Wages

Yeah sure, we'll all just trust you angry greedy white Republican dudes to do the right thing. Sure we will.

You're gonna be monitored. You can't have your slaves. Deal with it.

you poor racist idiot left-winger. under the Black Progressive the very richest got richer and the very poorest got poorer; but hey ACTUAL facts dont seem to matter to moronic left-wing losers wollowing in denial. too bad you're too busy soiling your panties over white people that havent done anything to you. the things you sissified Progs are terrified of i swear!!
ANYWAY moron you trusted the Progressive Black man and you got what? screwed over and over; like you're on the down low or something. that's cool it's ok these days!
That was helpful - thank you!

You dodged earlier when you posted the Soroslie that other big box retailers pay more than Walmart.

Which one?


Of course not, because you are lying - such is the nature of demagoguery - you are here to slander and libel the enemy of your owner, not to discuss facts.
because a store's target buyer is at the low end that means only those people can shop there? that's what you imply idiot. i love seeing self-impressed morons make fools of themselves.

Just reiterating what others in this thread have stated. Minus the "only." Why is it so many of you think in binary?

why is it you say stupid shat that doesnt hold up to scrutiny???

Just reiterating what others in this thread have stated.

And while "shat" may arguably be considered the past tense of "shit," you're using it inappropriately here. Or were you referring to William Shatner?
The commie seems to be you. You support the corporate welfare which grows government dependence.

So you lied about providing good wages, when in fact you provide no wages to anyone, and this equates to me supporting corporate welfare?

And what do you mean "corporate welfare?" Is that like Obamacare, where the IRS forces people to buy products of certain corporations, like George Soros' Blue Cross? That kind of corporate welfare, Comrade?

Where we subsidize walmarts employees. They get paid so little that they collect welfare while the Waltons make billions. The Waltons are creating government dependence.
You are a retard if you think the largest employer in the country can pay so little employees are on welfare and that doesn't increase government dependence. Your support for that shows you are big government.

So Comrade shitferbrains, these people are on welfare because they work for Walmart, right?

So if Walmart fires them, they will no longer be on Welfare, right?

Standard Disclaimer: There is a reason you're a Communist - it's because you're fucking stupid as a door post.

You show your commie nature comrade. So in your eyes government dependence is the only option. I see.
libs are morons. watch them cry about Walmart then vote for a hag that was on Walmart's Board of Directors for six years

idiots and hypocrites

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