Bernie: "Today the Walton family of Walmart own more wealth than the bottom 40 percent of America."

So every "conservative" on here thinks Walmart creating more government dependence is a good thing. Shocking the gov continues to grow.

Typically twisted leftist POV.

No one is forced to work at Walmart (or Target, or any of the dozens of major corps who employ lots of low skill/low wage earners) but millions choose to.

No one is forced to shop at or invest in Walmart (or Target) but millions choose to.

Walmart (nor Target nor any of the dozens of major corps who employ lots of low skill/low wage earners) does not force any of their employees to seek public assistance but some employees, rather than improve their marketable skills and seek higher wages, choose to live off the low wages their skills command.

Do you recognize the common theme?

Americans are free to choose how & where they will live & work (or not work) without interference from bleeding heart libs and are solely responsible for the result of their choices be they good or bad.

Despite your entrenched sense of entitlement you have neither the legal nor the moral authority to direct their lives for them nor do you have the right to confiscate and redistribute the wealth of others in order to satisfy your self-serving sense of "moral superiority" or to achieve your "Worker's Paradise" dream, Comrade.

When Walmart is the countries largest employer and wages are stagnant there really arent many options. As long as Walmart and other corps continue to create more government dependence the gov will continue to grow. That is obviously what you want comrade.

That is the kind silliness that illustrates just how stupid loony leftists truly are.

99% of American workers do not work for Walmart, rendering your lack-of-options claim groundless. Thankfully, there are enough low skill/low wage jobs in our economy to satisfy the demand for them by the people who have such skills. Without those low skill/low wage jobs those people would be in a world of hurt (not that you seem to care).

Yes but add up all the similar paying jobs and it is a high percent.

Silliness of you pretend conservatives is that you promote government dependence and then claim to be small government. What a joke.

Yes, there are a lot more unskilled and low-skilled jobs in the nation than there are highly-skilled jobs. This would correspond to the fact that there are a lot more unskilled PEOPLE.

Also, unskilled labor tends to be more physically-oriented, thus requiring more warm bodies to be thrown at accomplishing it.

Oh, and who am I voting for then? We have only two options and neither are fiscally responsible.

You flatter yourself that I give a furry rat's ass which of your crap-ass candidates you vote for.

The operative point is that you invariably support social spending and increases in the welfare state. The only time you complain about them is to attack designated targets like WalMart, and even then, your solution is NEVER to decrease welfare spending. It's to take more control over other people's lives and punish them for not knuckling under to your program.

No, I support good wages for people so they can get off welfare. You support corporate welfare which increases government dependence.

No, you support wages set by the government irrespective of the value of the labor performed, and you project what you WISH I believed onto me because it's easier for you to argue against your own delusional straw men than it is to argue against my actual words.

Go ahead, link to any post I've ever put up supporting "corporate welfare". Or develop some integrity and admit that you're attributing a position to me that I've never espoused. I dare you.

You are here now supporting walmarts corporate welfare.

REPEATING the mindless and dishonest line "Walmart's corporate welfare" doesn't serve to make your asshole claim any less of an asshole claim, you asshole.

Supporting corporate welfare and increased government will never decrease government comrade. Your commie plan is working perfectly.
So every "conservative" on here thinks Walmart creating more government dependence is a good thing. Shocking the gov continues to grow.

Typically twisted leftist POV.

No one is forced to work at Walmart (or Target, or any of the dozens of major corps who employ lots of low skill/low wage earners) but millions choose to.

No one is forced to shop at or invest in Walmart (or Target) but millions choose to.

Walmart (nor Target nor any of the dozens of major corps who employ lots of low skill/low wage earners) does not force any of their employees to seek public assistance but some employees, rather than improve their marketable skills and seek higher wages, choose to live off the low wages their skills command.

Do you recognize the common theme?

Americans are free to choose how & where they will live & work (or not work) without interference from bleeding heart libs and are solely responsible for the result of their choices be they good or bad.

Despite your entrenched sense of entitlement you have neither the legal nor the moral authority to direct their lives for them nor do you have the right to confiscate and redistribute the wealth of others in order to satisfy your self-serving sense of "moral superiority" or to achieve your "Worker's Paradise" dream, Comrade.

When Walmart is the countries largest employer and wages are stagnant there really arent many options. As long as Walmart and other corps continue to create more government dependence the gov will continue to grow. That is obviously what you want comrade.

That is the kind silliness that illustrates just how stupid loony leftists truly are.

99% of American workers do not work for Walmart, rendering your lack-of-options claim groundless. Thankfully, there are enough low skill/low wage jobs in our economy to satisfy the demand for them by the people who have such skills. Without those low skill/low wage jobs those people would be in a world of hurt (not that you seem to care).

Yes but add up all the similar paying jobs and it is a high percent.

Silliness of you pretend conservatives is that you promote government dependence and then claim to be small government. What a joke.

Yes, there are a lot more unskilled and low-skilled jobs in the nation than there are highly-skilled jobs. This would correspond to the fact that there are a lot more unskilled PEOPLE.

Also, unskilled labor tends to be more physically-oriented, thus requiring more warm bodies to be thrown at accomplishing it.


So if we have a large percent of people who are dependent on welfare we will never have smaller government. Decreasing government is dependent on people not needing government. What you support only growns government comrade.
So these folks build a business....
Hire people.....
People shop there and don't seem to have a problem with it.
No one is putting a gun to their heads....

Walmart is a huge success story.....

And Libs have a problem with it.


View attachment 50627
Seriously? When one family owns more wealth then the bottom 40% of america, there is a problem. This isn't envy.
Yes. The problem is that they got hyper-rich, providing The People things they want, at a cheap price...
So these folks build a business....
Hire people.....
People shop there and don't seem to have a problem with it.
No one is putting a gun to their heads....

Walmart is a huge success story.....

And Libs have a problem with it.


View attachment 50627
Seriously? When one family owns more wealth then the bottom 40% of america, there is a problem. This isn't envy.
Yes. The problem is that they got hyper-rich, providing The People things they want, at a cheap price...

Sam Walton did that, not his grandkids. Every conservative's dream, living off the family billions.
The problem is that they sell goods that used to be manufactured in the US. Walmart actively encouraged suppliers to manufacture offshore so they could cut prices.

They also encourage employees to work shorter hours and apply for government assistance rather than pay decent wages.

Walmart is so large that this one company pushed down average wages for retail sector workers.

If Walmart paid their workers $100.00 a week more, those workers wouldn't qualify for government assistance, would be paying taxes, and Walmart would still be a very profitable company. Probably not the second most profitable company in the US but very profitable.
The problem is that they sell goods that used to be manufactured in the US. Walmart actively encouraged suppliers to manufacture offshore so they could cut prices.

They also encourage employees to work shorter hours and apply for government assistance rather than pay decent wages.

Walmart is so large that this one company pushed down average wages for retail sector workers.

If Walmart paid their workers $100.00 a week more, those workers wouldn't qualify for government assistance, would be paying taxes, and Walmart would still be a very profitable company. Probably not the second most profitable company in the US but very profitable.

Walmart has a terrific marketing plan as well. Walmart actually purchases very little by way of stock. Manufacturers provide Walmart with their bicycles, chainsaws, garden hoses, etc. and Walmart enters them into inventory. Wherever a customer buys a particular bicycle, chainsaw, garden hose, etc., it is charged at the Walmart register, one item is removed from inventory and a money transfer is made transferring funds from Walmart's account to the manufacturer's account while at the same time depositing the funds you paid back into Walmart's account. Walmart pays for no inventory, it operates as a middleman between manufacturer and consumer. Brilliant.
So these folks build a business....
Hire people.....
People shop there and don't seem to have a problem with it.
No one is putting a gun to their heads....

Walmart is a huge success story.....

And Libs have a problem with it.


View attachment 50627
Seriously? When one family owns more wealth then the bottom 40% of america, there is a problem. This isn't envy.
Yes. The problem is that they got hyper-rich, providing The People things they want, at a cheap price...

Sam Walton did that, not his grandkids. Every conservative's dream, living off the family billions.
Yep. Nolo contendere. Sam set it up. The kids and grandkids kept it going and expanded (and continue to expand) it, yes?
So these folks build a business....
Hire people.....
People shop there and don't seem to have a problem with it.
No one is putting a gun to their heads....

Walmart is a huge success story.....

And Libs have a problem with it.


View attachment 50627
Seriously? When one family owns more wealth then the bottom 40% of america, there is a problem. This isn't envy.
Yes. The problem is that they got hyper-rich, providing The People things they want, at a cheap price...

Sam Walton did that, not his grandkids. Every conservative's dream, living off the family billions.
Yep. Nolo contendere. Sam set it up. The kids and grandkids kept it going and expanded (and continue to expand) it, yes?

Yep. Although current trends suggest they may have expanded too far.

Yeah sure, we'll all just trust you angry greedy white Republican dudes to do the right thing. Sure we will.

You're gonna be monitored. You can't have your slaves. Deal with it.

you poor racist idiot left-winger. under the Black Progressive the very richest got richer and the very poorest got poorer; but hey ACTUAL facts dont seem to matter to moronic left-wing losers wollowing in denial. too bad you're too busy soiling your panties over white people that havent done anything to you. the things you sissified Progs are terrified of i swear!!
ANYWAY moron you trusted the Progressive Black man and you got what? screwed over and over; like you're on the down low or something. that's cool it's ok these days!

If we leave it all up to you angry greedy white Republican dudes, American Workers will be treated like slave workers in Asia, South America etc etc...

You guys have to be kept in check. You just can't be trusted to do what's right.

If that's the case wouldn't that be the case in South Carolina?

My operators starting wage is $13 bucks an hour

And here is my last pay roll stub , minus taxes, insurance, 401k etc...

No offense, but even $13 an hr. is almost laughable in today's America. And that same job paid much more 25-30yrs ago. But hey, i'm glad you're happy. Good on ya.
Last edited:
Typically twisted leftist POV.

No one is forced to work at Walmart (or Target, or any of the dozens of major corps who employ lots of low skill/low wage earners) but millions choose to.

No one is forced to shop at or invest in Walmart (or Target) but millions choose to.

Walmart (nor Target nor any of the dozens of major corps who employ lots of low skill/low wage earners) does not force any of their employees to seek public assistance but some employees, rather than improve their marketable skills and seek higher wages, choose to live off the low wages their skills command.

Do you recognize the common theme?

Americans are free to choose how & where they will live & work (or not work) without interference from bleeding heart libs and are solely responsible for the result of their choices be they good or bad.

Despite your entrenched sense of entitlement you have neither the legal nor the moral authority to direct their lives for them nor do you have the right to confiscate and redistribute the wealth of others in order to satisfy your self-serving sense of "moral superiority" or to achieve your "Worker's Paradise" dream, Comrade.

When Walmart is the countries largest employer and wages are stagnant there really arent many options. As long as Walmart and other corps continue to create more government dependence the gov will continue to grow. That is obviously what you want comrade.

That is the kind silliness that illustrates just how stupid loony leftists truly are.

99% of American workers do not work for Walmart, rendering your lack-of-options claim groundless. Thankfully, there are enough low skill/low wage jobs in our economy to satisfy the demand for them by the people who have such skills. Without those low skill/low wage jobs those people would be in a world of hurt (not that you seem to care).

Yes but add up all the similar paying jobs and it is a high percent.

Silliness of you pretend conservatives is that you promote government dependence and then claim to be small government. What a joke.

Yes, there are a lot more unskilled and low-skilled jobs in the nation than there are highly-skilled jobs. This would correspond to the fact that there are a lot more unskilled PEOPLE.

Also, unskilled labor tends to be more physically-oriented, thus requiring more warm bodies to be thrown at accomplishing it.


So if we have a large percent of people who are dependent on welfare we will never have smaller government. Decreasing government is dependent on people not needing government. What you support only growns government comrade.

No, what YOU support only grows government. What else could it do when you want government price controls meddling in the private sector, setting the price of labor arbitrarily above its value?

And this whole "We created welfare, and now it's YOUR FAULT that people use it!" song-and-dance is obscene.
So these folks build a business....
Hire people.....
People shop there and don't seem to have a problem with it.
No one is putting a gun to their heads....

Walmart is a huge success story.....

And Libs have a problem with it.


View attachment 50627
Seriously? When one family owns more wealth then the bottom 40% of america, there is a problem. This isn't envy.
Yes. The problem is that they got hyper-rich, providing The People things they want, at a cheap price...

Sam Walton did that, not his grandkids. Every conservative's dream, living off the family billions.

Every leftist's dream, living off the billions of someone else's family.
The problem is that they sell goods that used to be manufactured in the US. Walmart actively encouraged suppliers to manufacture offshore so they could cut prices.

They also encourage employees to work shorter hours and apply for government assistance rather than pay decent wages.

Walmart is so large that this one company pushed down average wages for retail sector workers.

If Walmart paid their workers $100.00 a week more, those workers wouldn't qualify for government assistance, would be paying taxes, and Walmart would still be a very profitable company. Probably not the second most profitable company in the US but very profitable.

Walmart has a terrific marketing plan as well. Walmart actually purchases very little by way of stock. Manufacturers provide Walmart with their bicycles, chainsaws, garden hoses, etc. and Walmart enters them into inventory. Wherever a customer buys a particular bicycle, chainsaw, garden hose, etc., it is charged at the Walmart register, one item is removed from inventory and a money transfer is made transferring funds from Walmart's account to the manufacturer's account while at the same time depositing the funds you paid back into Walmart's account. Walmart pays for no inventory, it operates as a middleman between manufacturer and consumer. Brilliant.

Consignment is a very handy system for a lot of people.
So these folks build a business....
Hire people.....
People shop there and don't seem to have a problem with it.
No one is putting a gun to their heads....

Walmart is a huge success story.....

And Libs have a problem with it.


View attachment 50627
Seriously? When one family owns more wealth then the bottom 40% of america, there is a problem. This isn't envy.
Yes. The problem is that they got hyper-rich, providing The People things they want, at a cheap price...

Sam Walton did that, not his grandkids. Every conservative's dream, living off the family billions.

Every leftist's dream, living off the billions of someone else's family.

You just post every little thought that flits through your head, don't you, truth be damned?

What you should be doing is feeling sorry for this poor creature:

A Wal-Mart Heir Is $27 Billion Poorer Than Everyone Thought
When Walmart is the countries largest employer and wages are stagnant there really arent many options. As long as Walmart and other corps continue to create more government dependence the gov will continue to grow. That is obviously what you want comrade.

That is the kind silliness that illustrates just how stupid loony leftists truly are.

99% of American workers do not work for Walmart, rendering your lack-of-options claim groundless. Thankfully, there are enough low skill/low wage jobs in our economy to satisfy the demand for them by the people who have such skills. Without those low skill/low wage jobs those people would be in a world of hurt (not that you seem to care).

Yes but add up all the similar paying jobs and it is a high percent.

Silliness of you pretend conservatives is that you promote government dependence and then claim to be small government. What a joke.

Yes, there are a lot more unskilled and low-skilled jobs in the nation than there are highly-skilled jobs. This would correspond to the fact that there are a lot more unskilled PEOPLE.

Also, unskilled labor tends to be more physically-oriented, thus requiring more warm bodies to be thrown at accomplishing it.


So if we have a large percent of people who are dependent on welfare we will never have smaller government. Decreasing government is dependent on people not needing government. What you support only growns government comrade.

No, what YOU support only grows government. What else could it do when you want government price controls meddling in the private sector, setting the price of labor arbitrarily above its value?

And this whole "We created welfare, and now it's YOUR FAULT that people use it!" song-and-dance is obscene.

I'm not sure you could be more wrong. People supporting themselves without welfare does not grow government. Sorry.
Seriously? When one family owns more wealth then the bottom 40% of america, there is a problem. This isn't envy.
Yes. The problem is that they got hyper-rich, providing The People things they want, at a cheap price...

Sam Walton did that, not his grandkids. Every conservative's dream, living off the family billions.

Every leftist's dream, living off the billions of someone else's family.

You just post every little thought that flits through your head, don't you, truth be damned?

What you should be doing is feeling sorry for this poor creature:

A Wal-Mart Heir Is $27 Billion Poorer Than Everyone Thought

We need to be more like the Progressive success stories Cuba and Venezuela, they don't have ANY rich people there, well except for the Party Bosses
Seriously? When one family owns more wealth then the bottom 40% of america, there is a problem. This isn't envy.
Yes. The problem is that they got hyper-rich, providing The People things they want, at a cheap price...

Sam Walton did that, not his grandkids. Every conservative's dream, living off the family billions.

Every leftist's dream, living off the billions of someone else's family.

You just post every little thought that flits through your head, don't you, truth be damned?

What you should be doing is feeling sorry for this poor creature:

A Wal-Mart Heir Is $27 Billion Poorer Than Everyone Thought

We need to be more like the Progressive success stories Cuba and Venezuela, they don't have ANY rich people there, well except for the Party Bosses

Interesting premise, but it has nothing to do with the topic. Why don't you start a thread about it?
Sam Walton did that, not his grandkids. Every conservative's dream, living off the family billions.

Every leftist's dream, living off the billions of someone else's family.

You just post every little thought that flits through your head, don't you, truth be damned?

What you should be doing is feeling sorry for this poor creature:

A Wal-Mart Heir Is $27 Billion Poorer Than Everyone Thought


Why must you always make absurd assumptions about the intent of others?

I've read most of this thread and have seen not one post expressing sorrow or even pity for the Waltons.

I have seen dozens expressing richly deserved disdain and ridicule for the whiny, sniveling, eat-the-rich sentiments of loony leftists who clearly believe that the fruit of others' success must somehow be confiscated and redistributed to the people of their choosing.

My suggestion? Get out there and earn some wealth of your own.

The problem is that they sell goods that used to be manufactured in the US. Walmart actively encouraged suppliers to manufacture offshore so they could cut prices.

They also encourage employees to work shorter hours and apply for government assistance rather than pay decent wages.

Walmart is so large that this one company pushed down average wages for retail sector workers.

If Walmart paid their workers $100.00 a week more, those workers wouldn't qualify for government assistance, would be paying taxes, and Walmart would still be a very profitable company. Probably not the second most profitable company in the US but very profitable.

Walmart has a terrific marketing plan as well. Walmart actually purchases very little by way of stock. Manufacturers provide Walmart with their bicycles, chainsaws, garden hoses, etc. and Walmart enters them into inventory. Wherever a customer buys a particular bicycle, chainsaw, garden hose, etc., it is charged at the Walmart register, one item is removed from inventory and a money transfer is made transferring funds from Walmart's account to the manufacturer's account while at the same time depositing the funds you paid back into Walmart's account. Walmart pays for no inventory, it operates as a middleman between manufacturer and consumer. Brilliant.

Consignment is a very handy system for a lot of people.

Armed with this knowledge our loony leftists will now complain about the market advantages Walmart has carved for itself.

If they are breathing, they are whining.

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