Bernie wants a $7.20 minimum wage

Here's Bernie's calculator. Bernie's tax plan

In my case the cost goes up $1500 annually. That's just the beginning, they'd soon find they're operating in the red.

The cost is progressive, so the more you make the more the effect. I guy earning a million goes upside down over 90K.

Bernie's plan would bury us, it's a pipe-dream.

On the bright-side, Crazy-Bernie's website shows Bezos paying 15.5 Billion annually. Fuck that PROG anyway. Downside Bezos will want to increase prices, cut wages, cur corners & service. That and he'll give less to charity.

Silly PROGS.

Bezo's is getting billions annually from the Fed policies. Why shouldn't that get spread around?

See three posts up.

IMO the feds need to crash Bezos' party, ASAP. He has far too much power and it's led to exploitation "12" different ways.

If I remember right Bezos has all the data too. I mean ALL the data, or sure enough of it. Think I heard he stores what the govt. takes interest.
You know, it had to be at least a little easier for Obama since he left our arm forces bare

Trump comes in, has to rebuild at the very least part of our military

False campaign narrative.

How am I being deceptive?

Is it not true under that congress, that any cut to social spending had to be matched by the same amount of defense spending?

And WHO signed it? Was it GW, or Obama?

Sequestration refers to the framework for automatic, across-the-board cuts to both military and non-military spending that were originally designed to force bipartisan negotiators in Congress to strike a deal in 2011.

The bipartisan nature of the sequestration provision means that both parties merit a share of the blame.
But who signed it and took all negotiations away from congress?

sure the clowns in congress agreed, but who signed it!

and that is why our military had to be rebuilt. Yep, congress took the easy way out, but the Commander and Chief should know better.

It passed with a veto proof majority.
So easily duped you are.

Did Sanders Propose Raising Taxes to 52% on Incomes Over $29,000?

The thing is, you knew this had been debunked but still felt like you have to post it.

But lets argue it was true. It's a heck of a deal. Minimum wage now is $7.25. So in this scenario people would get $7.20 but also get health care. That's a really good deal.

According to your article, assuming it is true because Snopes is a far left source:

BUTTIGIEG: [Sanders] was a congressman at the time. And the qualities I admired then are qualities I still respect a great deal. I never said that I agree with every part of his policy views, then or now. But I appreciate that at least he’s straightforward and honest about them. He’s honest about the fact that taxes will go up on anybody making more than $29,000 to fund his health care plan, although, again, a little bit vague about how the rest of that gets …

SANDERS: You’re not being honest. Premiums would be eliminated.

BUTTIGIEG: But you’re still raising those taxes. And when you do it…

SANDERS: But we’re saving people money because they don’t pay any premiums, out-of-pocket expenses, co-payments, or deductibles. They’re going to be much better off. [applause]

BUTTIGIEG: But where is — where is the other $25 trillion supposed to come from? At a certain point, you’ve got to do the math.

SANDERS: Well, we got it all up there on the internet. It’s a payroll tax — a payroll tax…


BUTTIGIEG: Well, no, but even after the payroll tax, you still have a hole.


SANDERS: Because we have a wealth tax. Elizabeth [Warren] has a good one. Ours is a little bit tougher on Mr. Bloomberg than hers. We’re going to raise it in a progressive way, which deals with income and wealth inequality, and makes certain, finally, that health care in this country is a human right, not a privilege.

So Sanders is going to pay for all this from the "rich"? The combined wealth of Billionaires is only $2.4 trillion and could only fund the US federal government about half a year.
Sanders and The Democrats are out to Bankrupt America.

You cannot extract $200 Trillion of Government Spending out of just a $20 Trillion Economy.

Sanders explains how he will pay for things. How is Trump's growing debt sitting with you?
Actually he doesn’t. Never specified. Just speaks in generalities

He most certainly gives specifics. Trump gave none to pay for his bail outs and increased military spending.
No he doesn’t. He says it will cost $30trn for Medicare for all but doesn’t say how much he will tax everyone to garner that. He doesn’t say how he will pay for debt forgiveness for all college debt and how he will pay for all daycare — $1.5trn. You’re voting for him? Wow! Interesting.
According to your article, assuming it is true because Snopes is a far left source:

BUTTIGIEG: [Sanders] was a congressman at the time. And the qualities I admired then are qualities I still respect a great deal. I never said that I agree with every part of his policy views, then or now. But I appreciate that at least he’s straightforward and honest about them. He’s honest about the fact that taxes will go up on anybody making more than $29,000 to fund his health care plan, although, again, a little bit vague about how the rest of that gets …

SANDERS: You’re not being honest. Premiums would be eliminated.

BUTTIGIEG: But you’re still raising those taxes. And when you do it…

SANDERS: But we’re saving people money because they don’t pay any premiums, out-of-pocket expenses, co-payments, or deductibles. They’re going to be much better off. [applause]

BUTTIGIEG: But where is — where is the other $25 trillion supposed to come from? At a certain point, you’ve got to do the math.

SANDERS: Well, we got it all up there on the internet. It’s a payroll tax — a payroll tax…


BUTTIGIEG: Well, no, but even after the payroll tax, you still have a hole.


SANDERS: Because we have a wealth tax. Elizabeth [Warren] has a good one. Ours is a little bit tougher on Mr. Bloomberg than hers. We’re going to raise it in a progressive way, which deals with income and wealth inequality, and makes certain, finally, that health care in this country is a human right, not a privilege.

So Sanders is going to pay for all this from the "rich"? The combined wealth of Billionaires is only $2.4 trillion and could only fund the US federal government about half a year.
Sanders and The Democrats are out to Bankrupt America.

You cannot extract $200 Trillion of Government Spending out of just a $20 Trillion Economy.

Sanders explains how he will pay for things. How is Trump's growing debt sitting with you?
Actually he doesn’t. Never specified. Just speaks in generalities

He most certainly gives specifics. Trump gave none to pay for his bail outs and increased military spending.
No he doesn’t. He says it will cost $30trn for Medicare for all but doesn’t say how much he will tax everyone to garner that. He doesn’t say how he will pay for debt forgiveness for all college debt and how he will pay for all daycare — $1.5trn. You’re voting for him? Wow! Interesting.

College will be paid for with a tax on trades. Wall Street has got billions. Seems a fair way to spread it around.

How is Trump paying for his increased military spending?
Sanders and The Democrats are out to Bankrupt America.

You cannot extract $200 Trillion of Government Spending out of just a $20 Trillion Economy.

Sanders explains how he will pay for things. How is Trump's growing debt sitting with you?
Actually he doesn’t. Never specified. Just speaks in generalities

He most certainly gives specifics. Trump gave none to pay for his bail outs and increased military spending.
No he doesn’t. He says it will cost $30trn for Medicare for all but doesn’t say how much he will tax everyone to garner that. He doesn’t say how he will pay for debt forgiveness for all college debt and how he will pay for all daycare — $1.5trn. You’re voting for him? Wow! Interesting.

College will be paid for with a tax on trades. Wall Street has got billions. Seems a fair way to spread it around.

How is Trump paying for his increased military spending?
Cost is over $1.3trn. Tax on what trades? How many trades are there? What’s the tax? He will pay for it by attacking entitlements hopefully
Sanders explains how he will pay for things. How is Trump's growing debt sitting with you?
Actually he doesn’t. Never specified. Just speaks in generalities

He most certainly gives specifics. Trump gave none to pay for his bail outs and increased military spending.
No he doesn’t. He says it will cost $30trn for Medicare for all but doesn’t say how much he will tax everyone to garner that. He doesn’t say how he will pay for debt forgiveness for all college debt and how he will pay for all daycare — $1.5trn. You’re voting for him? Wow! Interesting.

College will be paid for with a tax on trades. Wall Street has got billions. Seems a fair way to spread it around.

How is Trump paying for his increased military spending?
Cost is over $1.3trn. Tax on what trades? How many trades are there? What’s the tax? He will pay for it by attacking entitlements hopefully

Read it. I can't explain it all to you here. Not that it would make a difference. didn't answer my question. Seems to be a habit around here.

How Bernie Sanders would cancel all student loan debt

Don't expect me to care about your issues with this when you don't hold your politicians to the same standard.
Sanders and The Democrats are out to Bankrupt America.

You cannot extract $200 Trillion of Government Spending out of just a $20 Trillion Economy.

Sanders explains how he will pay for things. How is Trump's growing debt sitting with you?
Actually he doesn’t. Never specified. Just speaks in generalities

He most certainly gives specifics. Trump gave none to pay for his bail outs and increased military spending.
No he doesn’t. He says it will cost $30trn for Medicare for all but doesn’t say how much he will tax everyone to garner that. He doesn’t say how he will pay for debt forgiveness for all college debt and how he will pay for all daycare — $1.5trn. You’re voting for him? Wow! Interesting.

College will be paid for with a tax on trades. Wall Street has got billions. Seems a fair way to spread it around.

How is Trump paying for his increased military spending?
The money will be rolling in for his second term. Trump will also cut a lot of Democrats stupid spending at the same time. Face it, Qdog. Trump is the only candidate with the balls and smarts to fix our economy. Even you'll be begging to give him a third term in 2024.
$200 Trillion is the cost of The Democrat Commie Revolution and in a $20 Trillion Economy it’s The Death of America.

According to your article, assuming it is true because Snopes is a far left source:

BUTTIGIEG: [Sanders] was a congressman at the time. And the qualities I admired then are qualities I still respect a great deal. I never said that I agree with every part of his policy views, then or now. But I appreciate that at least he’s straightforward and honest about them. He’s honest about the fact that taxes will go up on anybody making more than $29,000 to fund his health care plan, although, again, a little bit vague about how the rest of that gets …

SANDERS: You’re not being honest. Premiums would be eliminated.

BUTTIGIEG: But you’re still raising those taxes. And when you do it…

SANDERS: But we’re saving people money because they don’t pay any premiums, out-of-pocket expenses, co-payments, or deductibles. They’re going to be much better off. [applause]

BUTTIGIEG: But where is — where is the other $25 trillion supposed to come from? At a certain point, you’ve got to do the math.

SANDERS: Well, we got it all up there on the internet. It’s a payroll tax — a payroll tax…


BUTTIGIEG: Well, no, but even after the payroll tax, you still have a hole.


SANDERS: Because we have a wealth tax. Elizabeth [Warren] has a good one. Ours is a little bit tougher on Mr. Bloomberg than hers. We’re going to raise it in a progressive way, which deals with income and wealth inequality, and makes certain, finally, that health care in this country is a human right, not a privilege.

So Sanders is going to pay for all this from the "rich"? The combined wealth of Billionaires is only $2.4 trillion and could only fund the US federal government about half a year.
Sanders and The Democrats are out to Bankrupt America.

You cannot extract $200 Trillion of Government Spending out of just a $20 Trillion Economy.

Sanders explains how he will pay for things. How is Trump's growing debt sitting with you?
Actually he doesn’t. Never specified. Just speaks in generalities

He most certainly gives specifics. Trump gave none to pay for his bail outs and increased military spending.
No he doesn’t. He says it will cost $30trn for Medicare for all but doesn’t say how much he will tax everyone to garner that. He doesn’t say how he will pay for debt forgiveness for all college debt and how he will pay for all daycare — $1.5trn. You’re voting for him? Wow! Interesting.
Actually he doesn’t. Never specified. Just speaks in generalities

He most certainly gives specifics. Trump gave none to pay for his bail outs and increased military spending.
No he doesn’t. He says it will cost $30trn for Medicare for all but doesn’t say how much he will tax everyone to garner that. He doesn’t say how he will pay for debt forgiveness for all college debt and how he will pay for all daycare — $1.5trn. You’re voting for him? Wow! Interesting.

College will be paid for with a tax on trades. Wall Street has got billions. Seems a fair way to spread it around.

How is Trump paying for his increased military spending?
Cost is over $1.3trn. Tax on what trades? How many trades are there? What’s the tax? He will pay for it by attacking entitlements hopefully

Read it. I can't explain it all to you here. Not that it would make a difference. didn't answer my question. Seems to be a habit around here.

How Bernie Sanders would cancel all student loan debt

Don't expect me to care about your issues with this when you don't hold your politicians to the same standard.
My politicians? I have Vilified DJT here nonstop for the deficit spend.
Actually he doesn’t. Never specified. Just speaks in generalities

He most certainly gives specifics. Trump gave none to pay for his bail outs and increased military spending.
No he doesn’t. He says it will cost $30trn for Medicare for all but doesn’t say how much he will tax everyone to garner that. He doesn’t say how he will pay for debt forgiveness for all college debt and how he will pay for all daycare — $1.5trn. You’re voting for him? Wow! Interesting.

College will be paid for with a tax on trades. Wall Street has got billions. Seems a fair way to spread it around.

How is Trump paying for his increased military spending?
Cost is over $1.3trn. Tax on what trades? How many trades are there? What’s the tax? He will pay for it by attacking entitlements hopefully

Read it. I can't explain it all to you here. Not that it would make a difference. didn't answer my question. Seems to be a habit around here.

How Bernie Sanders would cancel all student loan debt

Don't expect me to care about your issues with this when you don't hold your politicians to the same standard.
Plan is vague. How many trades? What’s the $$ value? What’s the tax %? He is vague on purpose as he doesn’t know the math.
He most certainly gives specifics. Trump gave none to pay for his bail outs and increased military spending.
No he doesn’t. He says it will cost $30trn for Medicare for all but doesn’t say how much he will tax everyone to garner that. He doesn’t say how he will pay for debt forgiveness for all college debt and how he will pay for all daycare — $1.5trn. You’re voting for him? Wow! Interesting.

College will be paid for with a tax on trades. Wall Street has got billions. Seems a fair way to spread it around.

How is Trump paying for his increased military spending?
Cost is over $1.3trn. Tax on what trades? How many trades are there? What’s the tax? He will pay for it by attacking entitlements hopefully

Read it. I can't explain it all to you here. Not that it would make a difference. didn't answer my question. Seems to be a habit around here.

How Bernie Sanders would cancel all student loan debt

Don't expect me to care about your issues with this when you don't hold your politicians to the same standard.
Plan is vague. How many trades? What’s the $$ value? What’s the tax %? He is vague on purpose as he doesn’t know the math.
If the Federal government could do math there would not be a $30 trillion dollar debt.

Let's just say they are "special" and would be better served if they wore crash helmets in the chambers of Congress and leave it at that.
No he doesn’t. He says it will cost $30trn for Medicare for all but doesn’t say how much he will tax everyone to garner that. He doesn’t say how he will pay for debt forgiveness for all college debt and how he will pay for all daycare — $1.5trn. You’re voting for him? Wow! Interesting.

College will be paid for with a tax on trades. Wall Street has got billions. Seems a fair way to spread it around.

How is Trump paying for his increased military spending?
Cost is over $1.3trn. Tax on what trades? How many trades are there? What’s the tax? He will pay for it by attacking entitlements hopefully

Read it. I can't explain it all to you here. Not that it would make a difference. didn't answer my question. Seems to be a habit around here.

How Bernie Sanders would cancel all student loan debt

Don't expect me to care about your issues with this when you don't hold your politicians to the same standard.
Plan is vague. How many trades? What’s the $$ value? What’s the tax %? He is vague on purpose as he doesn’t know the math.
If the Federal government could do math there would not be a $30 trillion dollar debt.

Let's just say they are "special" and would be better served if they wore crash helmets in the chambers of Congress.
If Bush didn’t go into Iraq and Obama didn’t spend like a drunken sailor our debt would be around $10trn
College will be paid for with a tax on trades. Wall Street has got billions. Seems a fair way to spread it around.

How is Trump paying for his increased military spending?
Cost is over $1.3trn. Tax on what trades? How many trades are there? What’s the tax? He will pay for it by attacking entitlements hopefully

Read it. I can't explain it all to you here. Not that it would make a difference. didn't answer my question. Seems to be a habit around here.

How Bernie Sanders would cancel all student loan debt

Don't expect me to care about your issues with this when you don't hold your politicians to the same standard.
Plan is vague. How many trades? What’s the $$ value? What’s the tax %? He is vague on purpose as he doesn’t know the math.
If the Federal government could do math there would not be a $30 trillion dollar debt.

Let's just say they are "special" and would be better served if they wore crash helmets in the chambers of Congress.
If Bush didn’t go into Iraq and Obama didn’t spend like a drunken sailor our debt would be around $10trn
Wait till they spend $100 to combat the naturally occurring gas carbon dioxide with their green new deal, along with free college and medical.

Should be a good time.

The DNC is what you call EXTRA special.
American workers, who have been getting screwed by Republicans since Reagan, have voted for "change" for a generation, and all Republicans keep giving them is tax cuts for the wealthy, which they're told will "trickle down" to them. The American workers are finally saying to the Republican Party "Stopping pissing on us and telling us it's raining".

American workers aren't being screwed over by immigrants, by China or other third world countries. American workers are being screwed over by the Republican Party and their Billionaire donors, who have now set up the economy to take ALL of money workers earn for them, and leave you with no health care, inadequate income to provide food and housing, and a lifetime of debt in exchange for a college degree, so you have no hope of living as well as your parents.

The Billionaire Media owners of FOX News, keep distracting you with lies about the source of your problems, and tell you Republicans are your saviours. They want you to vote against social programs, health care, infrastructure or education - all things that will help YOU. They want you to vote for tax cuts for THEM.

The Billionaires of Bloomberg news ...

well, you should know where I'm going with this.

I love #Haters , you are one of them! ;)
If Bush didn’t go into Iraq and Obama didn’t spend like a drunken sailor our debt would be around $10trn

If Congress didn't approve the war in Iraq...

If my cousin didn't beat up my brother who turned into the school bully by stealing everyone's lunch money ...
But won't tell his brain dead supporters how.

So let me help.

Bernie wants a mandatory minimum wage of $15/hour

Ok, sounds great right?!

$15 x 40 hours/week = $600

$600 x 52 weeks per year = $31,200

Bernie wants free health care for all and was asked how he would pay for it, to which he said he would raise taxes 52% on everyone making over $29,000/year.

52% of 31,200 = $16,224 in tax

$31,200 - $16224 = $14,976 in pay per year

$14,976 divided by 52 weeks = $288 per week

$288 divided by 40 hours = $7.20 per hour

So there you have it. Bernie wants to reduce the minimum wage down to $7.20 per hour.

Unfortunately, most Americans can't do math. All they do know is, Orange Man is bad.

Can you do math? (raise taxes 52% on everyone making over $29,000/year) Think about it...
Sanders is a Liar and Scumbag Communist and so are his followers.

The cost is $200 Trillion for all of his Pinko Commie Con Jobs.

How are we going to pay for it? There is no way to pay for it.

You bankrupt America
He most certainly gives specifics. Trump gave none to pay for his bail outs and increased military spending.
No he doesn’t. He says it will cost $30trn for Medicare for all but doesn’t say how much he will tax everyone to garner that. He doesn’t say how he will pay for debt forgiveness for all college debt and how he will pay for all daycare — $1.5trn. You’re voting for him? Wow! Interesting.

College will be paid for with a tax on trades. Wall Street has got billions. Seems a fair way to spread it around.

How is Trump paying for his increased military spending?
Cost is over $1.3trn. Tax on what trades? How many trades are there? What’s the tax? He will pay for it by attacking entitlements hopefully

Read it. I can't explain it all to you here. Not that it would make a difference. didn't answer my question. Seems to be a habit around here.

How Bernie Sanders would cancel all student loan debt

Don't expect me to care about your issues with this when you don't hold your politicians to the same standard.
Plan is vague. How many trades? What’s the $$ value? What’s the tax %? He is vague on purpose as he doesn’t know the math.
American’s total tax burden is already 54%, so what you are proposing is confiscating 70% to 80% of American’s income and it still won’t be enough to pay for this insanity.

But won't tell his brain dead supporters how.

So let me help.

Bernie wants a mandatory minimum wage of $15/hour

Ok, sounds great right?!

$15 x 40 hours/week = $600

$600 x 52 weeks per year = $31,200

Bernie wants free health care for all and was asked how he would pay for it, to which he said he would raise taxes 52% on everyone making over $29,000/year.

52% of 31,200 = $16,224 in tax

$31,200 - $16224 = $14,976 in pay per year

$14,976 divided by 52 weeks = $288 per week

$288 divided by 40 hours = $7.20 per hour

So there you have it. Bernie wants to reduce the minimum wage down to $7.20 per hour.

Unfortunately, most Americans can't do math. All they do know is, Orange Man is bad.

Can you do math? (raise taxes 52% on everyone making over $29,000/year) Think about it...
But won't tell his brain dead supporters how.

So let me help.

Bernie wants a mandatory minimum wage of $15/hour

Ok, sounds great right?!

$15 x 40 hours/week = $600

$600 x 52 weeks per year = $31,200

Bernie wants free health care for all and was asked how he would pay for it, to which he said he would raise taxes 52% on everyone making over $29,000/year.

52% of 31,200 = $16,224 in tax

$31,200 - $16224 = $14,976 in pay per year

$14,976 divided by 52 weeks = $288 per week

$288 divided by 40 hours = $7.20 per hour

So there you have it. Bernie wants to reduce the minimum wage down to $7.20 per hour.

Unfortunately, most Americans can't do math. All they do know is, Orange Man is bad.

Silly claim since Bernie has always supported a progressive tax system.
Snopes says the claim is totally false, and explains why.

Does Sanders’ Medicare for All plan raise taxes to 52% on incomes over $29,000?
In short, no. One proposal offered by Sanders would raise the tax rate to 52% on earnings over $10 million. Sanders also proposed that the first $29,000 of a person’s income would be exempt from taxes, and a 4% income-based premium would be applied to earnings over $29,000.
Did Sanders Propose Raising Taxes to 52% on Incomes Over $29,000?

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