Bernie’s Teachers


Sep 23, 2010
First let me say that the sideshow featuring Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton offer little more than a bit of fluff to presidential politics. Most of what I know about their act comes from surfing through headlines on the Internet.

The key word is imposed:

The only avowed socialist in the race for president told Anna Marie Cox that it's time for socialism to be imposed on America.

August 18, 2015
Why Bernie Sanders thinks America is ready for socialism
By Rick Moran

Blog Why Bernie Sanders thinks America is ready for socialism

Presidents are usually compared to previous presidents. Should Bernie Sanders overturn the history of Socialism he can only be compared to Taqiyya the Liar. Right now candidate Sanders has to be compared to 2 dead Socialists.

1. Norman Thomas (1884 - 1968) who ran for president six times on the Socialist ticket. His final run was in 1948.

Incidentally, Norman Thomas founded the National Civil Liberties Bureau during WW I which morphed into the infamous ACLU in 1920. All of those legal fees Americans taxpayers now pay for defending illegal aliens originated with ACLU ideology and influence among legislators.

2. Eugene V. Debs (1855 - 1926) who ran on the Socialist party ticket five times; once when he was in prison. The Socialist party never pulled more than a million votes in Socialism’s best years. Debs gave the brand name its best election results; just over 900,000 votes in 1912, and in 1920.

Senator Sanders also contains elements of Senator Robert M. Follette, Sr. (1855- 1925) in that Sanders rails against corporate welfare —— a close relation to Follette’s fight against railroad trusts and bossism.

NOTE: “Fighting Bob” opposed the League of Nations before the US Senate became a full-fledged nest of traitors. I have not read that Senator Sanders opposes the United Nations.

The Affordable Care Act coupled with the enormous growth of the parasite class since Norman Thomas’ final presidential bid has to be the reason Bernie Sanders assumes he is just the guy the country needs to administer Socialism’s coup de grâce on every American.

What’s in a name?

It’s been said that FDR lifted many of his New Deal policies from Norman Thomas. That appears to be right in line with Thomas’ advice —— call Socialism something else. Democrats have been doing just that since 1932.

"The American people will never knowingly adopt Socialism. But under the name of ‘liberalism' they will adopt every fragment of the Socialist program, until one day America will be a Socialist nation, without knowing how it happened." Norman Thomas

America’s ruling class formed an alliance with American Socialists not long after Communists toppled the czar. That’s when the parasite class began their long march to where they are at today. The alliance gave control to Socialists while it allowed the rich to keep their fortunes.

Finally, the old Commie would be Sanders’ loudest cheerleader:

"We can't expect the American people to jump from capitalism to communism, but we can assist their elected leaders in giving them small doses of socialism, until they awaken one day to find that they have communism." Nikita Khrushchev

If it comes to pass, y'all have no one but yourselves to blame. When you tell people that every beneficial thing that government does = socialism, then people are going to like the idea of socialism better. It's not rocket science.
Every day I pray to J. Edgar Hoover asking him to stall the FBI investigation into Hillary’s e-mails until after she and Bernie debate, or should I call it an award ceremony?

Thom Hartmann, a paid agent of the Russian government’s main propaganda channel, Russia Today (RT) television, is strongly supporting career politician and socialist Bernie Sanders for U.S. president. “Bernie Sanders could be the next FDR,” he says. But it might be more accurate to say that Sanders could be another Alger Hiss, the Russian agent who served FDR as his top aide and helped create the United Nations.

Before examining the curious history of “Bolshevik Bernie,” as analyst Trevor Loudon calls him, Hartmann’s service to the Kremlin is worth a look. Hartmann praises Sanders for trying “to get money out of the political process,” while Hartmann is paid by Moscow and uses a Kremlin TV channel to influence Americans on behalf of the socialist senator from Vermont.


As we noted in our column, “New Agers Back Socialist Sanders as Messiah,” the Vermont senator is backed by a rich and influential New Age “spiritual teacher,” Marianne Williamson. She thinks the violent Muslim prophet Mohammad had a positive impact on human history, and believes that a federal Department of Peacebuilding can disarm our enemies.


Accuracy in Media has reported that Russia is giving an untold amount of Russian rubles to Hartmann to spout his Marxist rhetoric on RT, which is carried across the U.S. on several major cable and satellite systems. When I asked Hartmann about his backing from Moscow, during an appearance he made at a liberal conference, he tried to doubletalk his way out of it, grabbed my Flip camera and stomped away. He is embarrassed by his Russian connection, but not embarrassed enough to refuse the Russian cash.

The entire exchange, including when Hartmann went ballistic, was captured in a video titled “Progressive Star Thom Hartmann gets rubles from Russia.”​

Kremlin TV Backing “Bolshevik Bernie” for President
By Cliff Kincaid
August 19, 2015

Kremlin TV Backing Bolshevik Bernie for President
Bernie Sanders is one clever Communist. He is tapping into a dead private sector labor movement, but you never hear him admit that he is a champion for government unions that even Democrat icon FDR opposed:

The founders of the labor movement viewed unions as a vehicle to get workers more of the profits they help create. Government workers, however, don’t generate profits. They merely negotiate for more tax money. When government unions strike, they strike against taxpayers. F.D.R. considered this “unthinkable and intolerable.”

F.D.R. Warned Us About Public Sector Unions
James Sherk
Updated July 23, 2014, 4:19 PM

F.D.R. Warned Us About Public Sector Unions -

2. Eugene V. Debs (1855 - 1926) who ran on the Socialist party ticket five times; once when he was in prison. The Socialist party never pulled more than a million votes in Socialism’s best years. Debs gave the brand name its best election results; just over 900,000 votes in 1912, and in 1920.
In short: No private sector American should ever vote for a Democrat. When they rail against the wealthy they are cleverly promoting government unions that every working American is forced to support.

In the end, hovering over everything is Mr. Sanders's hero – Eugene V. Debs – the founder of the Socialist Party of America and its five-time candidate for president (once from jail). When Sanders was mayor of Burlington, Vermont, a picture of Debs hung in city hall, and now there is a plaque honoring Debs in Sanders's Senate office. One can envision Bernie there alone, smiling at the plaque of his champion – two old leftist dreamers in search of a revolution.​

March 9, 2016
Waiting for Lefty
By Russell Paul La Valle

Articles: Waiting for Lefty

Rank & file union members are still waiting for Lefty. Christians are waiting for the Second Coming. Everybody is waiting for the Four Horsemen to come galloping in when America crumbles under the weight illegal aliens feeding on the welfare state, but in the meantime Socialists/Communists are waiting for their Hitler.

Hitler built his totalitarian machinery after he came to power. American Socialists/Communists are doing it in reverse; they have the machinery in place, but they lack a human god to run it. Mainstream media pinned their hopes on Clinton. Yesterday’s results in Michigan tells us that she ain’t working out real well. That leaves Democrats with a tired old Socialist joke to run with the ball.

Clinton still inspires unbelievable loyalty among the fanatical faithful, but considering the awesome propaganda apparatus Clinton has in her corner Sanders is scrapping the bottom of the Socialist barrel. It’s no great accomplishment for an opportunist to manipulate bright-eyed missionaries —— it takes a charismatic political genius to bring skeptics, spoilsports, and assorted troublemakers around to blind obedience. So far, American Communists have failed to manufacture such a leader. Be forewarned, they will not stop trying.

Incidentally, if you like the crap Sanders lays down you might enjoy reading about Follette, Sr. since Democrats are determined to go backwards. However you compare Follette, Sr. to Sanders know this: In the unlikely event he makes it to the White House he will have his nose further up Ban Ki-moon’s rear end than any wannabe in either party:

NOTE: “Fighting Bob” opposed the League of Nations before the US Senate became a full-fledged nest of traitors. I have not read that Senator Sanders opposes the United Nations.

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