besides adding massively to the national debt, what else did bush's tax cuts do?

People keeping more of what's yours to begin with isn't positive?

BTW, only spending money you don't have adds debt.
So, now people have to prove that keeping what's theirs in the first place benefits you.

Is there no end to the entitlement mentality?
I look at it like this. You'll know DC is serious about the deficit and debt when you see Republicans talking about tax raises and Democrats talking about hurtful cuts to social programs.

It's going to be interesting to see how Obama plays-off to his base why he extended the Bush rates. That's in the same column as Gitmo.
I really don't see anything positive that came from it

I have a great idea! How about you name this thread "Bush was the only, only President of the United States, and he's responsible for every single itsy-bitsy financial ill that we ever have been or will be faced with!!! And, and and I really really hate Bush!"

Pretty accurate?

1. But funny, as this current President is far more financially irresponsible....don't you agree?

2. But if you really want to pin the tail on the donkey...try this guy: paragon of the Dependency Party....(drum roll) LBJ!

a. LBJ fit the progressive mold perfectly, and he wanted to continue FDR’s advances toward a cradle-to-grave European style government. The theater of endeavor was not as much economic equality, but racial, but still aimed at undoing the attempts of Truman and Eisenhower to return America to its tradition of fiscal responsibility (between 1946 and 1960, the national debt had fallen from 122% of GDP to less than 56% of GDP; over that period, America’s total deficit was some $740 million versus FDR’s deficit of $15.6 billion in 1946 alone. Historical Tables | The White House

b. A cautionary tale from LBJ’s ‘Great Society’ discredits the progressive principle of more services via ever-expanding government. And, in fact, unemployment and inflation did occur simultaneously. “Carter cannot be blamed for the double-digit inflation that peaked on his watch, because inflation started growing in 1965 and snowballed for the next 15 years.” Carter ruined the economy; Reagan saved it

c. LBJ accomplished the expansion of the Aid to Families with Dependent Children program (AFDC). Under FDR, AFDC had been limited to widows, those who had lost their husbands and needed help to support the children. To progressives, loosening and expanding the eligibility to any woman living alone with children, benefitted huge groups of voters. No matter that it incentivized out-of-wedlock births, and single motherhood, reinforcing the same negative behaviors that caused poverty in the first place. (in 1960, only 5.3% of children were born out of wedlock…today? Around 40 %). Millions of women could be better off financially by not marrying. See Charles A. Murray, “Losing Ground: American Social Policy, 1950-1980.”

So, my biased friend, if you would like to go after Bush for spending, do so by all means....but remember Democrat LBJ was worse by several measures, including the fiscal timebombs of Medicare and Medicaid...

President Bush was the biggest spender since LBJ. From 2001 to 2006, Republicans controlled the presidency and House, and, with the exceptions of ’01 and ’02, the Senate. This was the 'conservative' Progressive Era. . Average Annual Spending Increases (excluding interest):
a. JFK 4.6%
b. LBJ 5.7%c. Nixon 2.9%
d. Ford 2.7%
e. Carter 3.2%
f. Reagan 1.9%
g. BushI 2.0%
h. Clinton 1.9%
i. BushII 5.6%
Historical Tables | The White House

I know you're and honest man, so I breathlessly await your thread on Obama and LBJ.
I look at it like this. You'll know DC is serious about the deficit and debt when you see Republicans talking about tax raises and Democrats talking about hurtful cuts to social programs.

It's going to be interesting to see how Obama plays-off to his base why he extended the Bush rates. That's in the same column as Gitmo.

They were only extended for two years. It's called wiggle room.
I really don't see anything positive that came from it

Uh,you mean BOOOOOSH/Obomba Cuts. Your Hopey Changey passed the same cuts. So why aren't you asking him this question? Why is it only BOOOOOOOOSH? Bush isn't the President,your Hopey Changey is. Why don't you write him an angry letter or see if he'll schedule a meeting with you. Hey,good luck with that. ;)
I really don't see anything positive that came from it

I have a great idea! How about you name this thread "Bush was the only, only President of the United States, and he's responsible for every single itsy-bitsy financial ill that we ever have been or will be faced with!!! And, and and I really really hate Bush!"

Pretty accurate?

Since I don't read your history lessons anymore, I'll only say that there is no denying that Obama didn't create an economic mess all by himself, ergo the reason the policies of the Bush Administration are so frequently made a part of the discussion. Obama inherited much of it from Bush, then had to deal with his own set of economic nightmares. Let's just stick with those two, shall we?
The gimmie gimmie crowd is growing more loud and raucus by the moment. they are starting to scare me.
I really don't see anything positive that came from it

Uh,you mean BOOOOOSH/Obomba Cuts. Your Hopey Changey passed the same cuts. So why aren't you asking him this question? Why is it only BOOOOOOOOSH? Bush isn't the President,your Hopey Changey is. Why don't you write him an angry letter or see if he'll schedule a meeting with you. Hey,good luck with that. ;)

In order to keep the tax cuts for the non-millionaires, he had to keep the entire package. A no-brainer, or didn't you bother actually reading up on that deal when it happened last December.
Bush was the "only" President in US history that pushed tax cuts, mostly for the wealthy, during a time of war. Gee, I wonder why. He padded the pockets of the wealthy at the same time that friends like Haliburton were getting huge government contracts.
DA BOOOOSH aint da Prez no mo. Your Hopey Changey One passed the same cuts. So you should take your whining up with him. See if he cares what you little people think. Better catch him fast though because he's heading out for yet another Vacation. Good luck and have a nice day. :)
Ask Obama and the Dem Senate what was so good about the Bush tax cuts, they passed it again...
I really don't see anything positive that came from it

I have a great idea! How about you name this thread "Bush was the only, only President of the United States, and he's responsible for every single itsy-bitsy financial ill that we ever have been or will be faced with!!! And, and and I really really hate Bush!"

Pretty accurate?

Since I don't read your history lessons anymore, I'll only say that there is no denying that Obama didn't create an economic mess all by himself, ergo the reason the policies of the Bush Administration are so frequently made a part of the discussion. Obama inherited much of it from Bush, then had to deal with his own set of economic nightmares. Let's just stick with those two, shall we?

This is a joke, right?

You actually used to be sensible, perhaps you should go back to my 'history lessons...'

You certainly need something to ground you in reality.

"Obama has repeatedly claimed that his budget would cut the deficit by half by the end of his term. But as Heritage analyst Brian Riedl has pointed out, given that Obama has already helped quadruple the deficit with his stimulus package, pledging to halve it by 2013 is hardly ambitious. The Washington Post has a great graphic which helps put President Obama’s budget deficits in context of President Bush’s."
Bush Deficit vs. Obama Deficit in Pictures | The Foundry: Conservative Policy News.

OK...not history about an English lesson:

quadruple: Four times as much in size, strength, number, or amount.
A fourfold amount or number.
To multiply or be multiplied by four: quadrupled the order; quadrupled in size.
quadruple - definition of quadruple by the Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus and Encyclopedia.
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DA BOOOOSH aint da Prez no mo. Your Hopey Changey One passed the same cuts. So you should take your whining up with him. See if he cares what you little people think. Better catch him fast though because he's heading out for yet another Vacation. Good luck and have a nice day. :)

You were all about the cuts, so you can also stfu. Search function works great.
If they were so awful,why did the Hopey Changey One & Democrats pass the same cuts? This whining should be taken up with them. DA BOOOOOOSH Boogeyman be gone. Just give your Hopey Changey One a call and see if he'll meet with you. Lets see if he gives a shit about what you think. Let us all know when you get that meeting with him. We look forward to hearing what he had to say to you.

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