Besides being opposed to abortion, why would republicans call themselves Christian?

It's the only religion that is acceptable to openly hate and mock.
Online perhaps. Take away the anonymity of the internet and suddenly in real time, everyone gets along together, more or less. Try proving a war on religion.

I never said there's a "war on religion". But online there's vicious seething hatred against Christianity, and if you don't think that's how it starts, you're fooling yourself.

It bleeds over to real life, too.

This is what I don't get no one is really offended by kids trick or treating, heck everyone knows in America that's what children do and we open our doors

And give out candy...I remember as a kid it didn't matter what door you knocked on they would be nice to you .

I don't get why non Christians want to ruin the spirit of Christmas ...


i'm curious if you open your door when a jehovah's witness comes knocking?

Of course. They usually leave when I give them a Book of Mormon
Talk about some serious cherry-picking of the Bible. Those two issues are just based on “no” rather anything pro-active.

I suppose it’s Republican Jesus that they worship!


I mean this is going to be an utter waste of time, but I'm sure you have been told a thousand times that JESUS NEVER INTENDED FOR US TO USE THE GOVERNMENT TO TEND THE POOR

Right, Billy?

Are you incapable of understanding this or is it easier for you to just hate Christians and mock our Savior on a Sunday as a matter of principle?
Jesus preached against greed and wealth. Did the Bible say the government should keep women from having abortions? Of course not. If Jesus had his way, plenty of revenue would go to the poor. Lol he sure as hell wouldn’t cut food stamp funding to kids of poor parents.

Please stop trying to assume you know what someone you don't know would do. The Lord has given us a way to take care of others. It's not with government handouts
Okay think of it this way. Because his moral values matter to you, why wouldn’t you want the government to uphold those values?

Because they can't. Governments inherently act through violent compulsion. Taxation is violence. Every government program is funded by violence and the threat of violence.

Christ preached against compulsion. He gave man free will and invited us with persuasion, long suffering, gentleness, needless etc. He taught us to give of our own time and resources. Not use violence to take the labor and resources of others.

he invites, exhorts, persuades. He doesn't force.
Talk about some serious cherry-picking of the Bible. Those two issues are just based on “no” rather anything pro-active.

I suppose it’s Republican Jesus that they worship!


I mean this is going to be an utter waste of time, but I'm sure you have been told a thousand times that JESUS NEVER INTENDED FOR US TO USE THE GOVERNMENT TO TEND THE POOR

Right, Billy?

Are you incapable of understanding this or is it easier for you to just hate Christians and mock our Savior on a Sunday as a matter of principle?
Jesus preached against greed and wealth. Did the Bible say the government should keep women from having abortions? Of course not. If Jesus had his way, plenty of revenue would go to the poor. Lol he sure as hell wouldn’t cut food stamp funding to kids of poor parents.

Please stop trying to assume you know what someone you don't know would do. The Lord has given us a way to take care of others. It's not with government handouts
Okay think of it this way. Because his moral values matter to you, why wouldn’t you want the government to uphold those values?

Because they can't. Governments inherently act through violent compulsion. Taxation is violence. Every government program is funded by violence and the threat of violence.

Christ preached against compulsion. He gave man free will and invited us with persuasion, long suffering, gentleness, needless etc. He taught us to give of our own time and resources. Not use violence to take the labor and resources of others.

he invites, exhorts, persuades. He doesn't force.
Welfare for those who truly need it is a value of the government.
Talk about some serious cherry-picking of the Bible. Those two issues are just based on “no” rather anything pro-active.

I suppose it’s Republican Jesus that they worship!


Republicans have never denied anybody healthcare, made anybody go hungry or deport anybody simply because they were a stranger, you ignorant jackass party of slavery supporter.
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Talk about some serious cherry-picking of the Bible. Those two issues are just based on “no” rather anything pro-active.

I suppose it’s Republican Jesus that they worship!


I'm convinced this is just the warm up.

The hatred of Christians is so vicious that pretty soon, if we don't follow NON-CHRISTIANS version of the Jesus you hate anyway, we'll be all ready for your "reeducation camps"


If only you Republicans would not give Christianity a bad name.

so concentration camps for Christians are good if we do my go along with Democrat programs and seek instead to follow the Lord. really?

No one said anything about concentration camps, but perhaps a lot of republicans can be re-educated concerning what Christianity really means.
I mean this is going to be an utter waste of time, but I'm sure you have been told a thousand times that JESUS NEVER INTENDED FOR US TO USE THE GOVERNMENT TO TEND THE POOR

Right, Billy?

Are you incapable of understanding this or is it easier for you to just hate Christians and mock our Savior on a Sunday as a matter of principle?
Jesus preached against greed and wealth. Did the Bible say the government should keep women from having abortions? Of course not. If Jesus had his way, plenty of revenue would go to the poor. Lol he sure as hell wouldn’t cut food stamp funding to kids of poor parents.

Please stop trying to assume you know what someone you don't know would do. The Lord has given us a way to take care of others. It's not with government handouts
Okay think of it this way. Because his moral values matter to you, why wouldn’t you want the government to uphold those values?

Because they can't. Governments inherently act through violent compulsion. Taxation is violence. Every government program is funded by violence and the threat of violence.

Christ preached against compulsion. He gave man free will and invited us with persuasion, long suffering, gentleness, needless etc. He taught us to give of our own time and resources. Not use violence to take the labor and resources of others.

he invites, exhorts, persuades. He doesn't force.
Welfare for those who truly need it is a value of the government.

There is no "value of the government"...the gov't is the people. So what people are you talking about? Bureaucrats? I don't think so.
Talk about some serious cherry-picking of the Bible. Those two issues are just based on “no” rather anything pro-active.

I suppose it’s Republican Jesus that they worship!


I'm convinced this is just the warm up.

The hatred of Christians is so vicious that pretty soon, if we don't follow NON-CHRISTIANS version of the Jesus you hate anyway, we'll be all ready for your "reeducation camps"


If only you Republicans would not give Christianity a bad name.

so concentration camps for Christians are good if we do my go along with Democrat programs and seek instead to follow the Lord. really?

No one said anything about concentration camps, but perhaps a lot of republicans can be re-educated concerning what Christianity really means.

Why don't you tell us what Christianity really means using Scriptures, Penny.


He wasn't too bright in the end, was he? Because in fact, that was the point. We can't be like Christ.

That's why He had to come.

That's why He had to die.

For us.

If we could be like Him, consistently, with any faithfulness, none of that would have had to happen.

People miss that point so badly they think Ghandi was a legend for saying it.
Interesting thing to note:

The natives get real restless about Christ and Christianity when December rolls around.




Just something I have observed over many many years.
He wasn't too bright in the end, was he? Because in fact, that was the point. We can't be like Christ.That's why He had to come. That's why He had to die. For us.If we could be like Him, consistently, with any faithfulness, none of that would have had to happen.People miss that point so badly they think Ghandi was a legend for saying it.
Christ talked in parables; an allegory, a metaphor. Not to be taken literally. Gandhi talked that way too. Unfortunately, the evangelical cult and other so-called christian groups take the bible literally. Small wonder they are so confused...unable to emulate the actions of Jesus Christ. I see Gandi's point. Especially now a days, too many christians act in ways antithetical to Christ.
He wasn't too bright in the end, was he? Because in fact, that was the point. We can't be like Christ.That's why He had to come. That's why He had to die. For us.If we could be like Him, consistently, with any faithfulness, none of that would have had to happen.People miss that point so badly they think Ghandi was a legend for saying it.
Christ talked in parables; an allegory, a metaphor. Not to be taken literally. Gandhi talked that way too. Unfortunately, the evangelical cult and other so-called christian groups take the bible literally. Small wonder they are so confused...unable to emulate the actions of Jesus Christ. I see Gandi's point. Especially now a days, too many christians act in ways antithetical to Christ.

Be honest: you haven't studied the Bible enough to know which parts to take literally and which to not, which parts of Jesus words are literal and which are not. Have you?

Second part: is it really fair of you to say that all evangelicals and "so-called Christians take the Bible literally"? Do you know this? Is this maybe part of what was done to you in your growing up years, that you are now doing to other groups?
Talk about some serious cherry-picking of the Bible. Those two issues are just based on “no” rather anything pro-active.

I suppose it’s Republican Jesus that they worship!


I'm convinced this is just the warm up.

The hatred of Christians is so vicious that pretty soon, if we don't follow NON-CHRISTIANS version of the Jesus you hate anyway, we'll be all ready for your "reeducation camps"


If only you Republicans would not give Christianity a bad name.

so concentration camps for Christians are good if we do my go along with Democrat programs and seek instead to follow the Lord. really?

No one said anything about concentration camps, but perhaps a lot of republicans can be re-educated concerning what Christianity really means.

Why don't you tell us what Christianity really means using Scriptures, Penny.


That is the Republican view.

I believe just the opposite.
I'm convinced this is just the warm up.

The hatred of Christians is so vicious that pretty soon, if we don't follow NON-CHRISTIANS version of the Jesus you hate anyway, we'll be all ready for your "reeducation camps"


If only you Republicans would not give Christianity a bad name.

so concentration camps for Christians are good if we do my go along with Democrat programs and seek instead to follow the Lord. really?

No one said anything about concentration camps, but perhaps a lot of republicans can be re-educated concerning what Christianity really means.

Why don't you tell us what Christianity really means using Scriptures, Penny.


That is the Republican view.

I believe just the opposite.

No Penny. Scriptures. Not made up Scriptures your overlords fed you.

Actual Scriptures. What does it mean to be a Christian from Scripture?
If only you Republicans would not give Christianity a bad name.

so concentration camps for Christians are good if we do my go along with Democrat programs and seek instead to follow the Lord. really?

No one said anything about concentration camps, but perhaps a lot of republicans can be re-educated concerning what Christianity really means.

Why don't you tell us what Christianity really means using Scriptures, Penny.


That is the Republican view.

I believe just the opposite.

No Penny. Scriptures. Not made up Scriptures your overlords fed you.

Actual Scriptures. What does it mean to be a Christian from Scripture?

Where does it say in the gospels, if they are sick deny them healthcare and do not give food to the needy?? I want to know, since you know the gospels so well.
so concentration camps for Christians are good if we do my go along with Democrat programs and seek instead to follow the Lord. really?

No one said anything about concentration camps, but perhaps a lot of republicans can be re-educated concerning what Christianity really means.

Why don't you tell us what Christianity really means using Scriptures, Penny.


That is the Republican view.

I believe just the opposite.

No Penny. Scriptures. Not made up Scriptures your overlords fed you.

Actual Scriptures. What does it mean to be a Christian from Scripture?

Where does it say in the gospels, if they are sick deny them healthcare and do not give food to the needy?? I want to know, since you know the gospels so well.

So because we don't want the GOVERNMENT to dole out the healthcare, we deny them healthcare?

But wait, why would I try to argue facts to you? You're immune to facts. Obviously
Be honest: you haven't studied the Bible enough to know which parts to take literally and which to not, which parts of Jesus words are literal and which are not. Have you?Second part: is it really fair of you to say that all evangelicals and "so-called Christians take the Bible literally"? Do you know this? Is this maybe part of what was done to you in your growing up years, that you are now doing to other groups?

It has taken me years to unlearn the hypocritical garbage I was taught in my baptist grade school. However, I do remember enough to know Jesus Christ was a good, holy man and the evangelical cult, et al, have bastardized the Christian bible to fit their bizzare calvinistic creed.
No one said anything about concentration camps, but perhaps a lot of republicans can be re-educated concerning what Christianity really means.

Why don't you tell us what Christianity really means using Scriptures, Penny.


That is the Republican view.

I believe just the opposite.

No Penny. Scriptures. Not made up Scriptures your overlords fed you.

Actual Scriptures. What does it mean to be a Christian from Scripture?

Where does it say in the gospels, if they are sick deny them healthcare and do not give food to the needy?? I want to know, since you know the gospels so well.

So because we don't want the GOVERNMENT to dole out the healthcare, we deny them healthcare?

But wait, why would I try to argue facts to you? You're immune to facts. Obviously

You want scripture here it is. You have not learned a thing being a Christian and you need re education.

Matt 25

38 When did we see you a stranger and welcome you, or naked and clothe you? 39 When did we see you ill or in prison, and visit you?’ And the king will say to them in reply, ‘Amen, I say to you, whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me.’ '>Then he will say to those on his left, ‘Depart from me, you accursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels. 42 K)'>For I was hungry and you gave me no food, I was thirsty and you gave me no drink, 43 a stranger and you gave me no welcome, naked and you gave me no clothing, ill and in prison, and you did not care for me.’ 44Then they will answer and say, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or naked or ill or in prison, and not minister to your needs?’ 45 He will answer them, ‘Amen, I say to you, what you did not do for one of these least ones, you did not do for me.’ '>And these will go off to eternal punishment, but the righteous to eternal life.”

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