Besides being opposed to abortion, why would republicans call themselves Christian?

Humans have always had a need for gods. Organized religion provides answers, comfort, guidance and strength. Those are good things.

The problem is that so many who subscribe to a religious ideology seem to use it in a selfish and peculiar way, cherry-picking those elements with which they are comfortable and essentially eschewing the rest.

So one wonders whether these people are using their religion sincerely or tactically.
Humans have always had a need for gods. Organized religion provides answers, comfort, guidance and strength. Those are good things.

The problem is that so many who subscribe to a religious ideology seem to use it in a selfish and peculiar way, cherry-picking those elements with which they are comfortable and essentially eschewing the rest.

So one wonders whether these people are using their religion sincerely or tactically.
Christians that live by the Word of God have always appeared to be weird to the unbelievers or those that may believe, but live on the outside. There are many that claim to believe in Jesus, but don't really know Him or the Word. There is the worldly church, and then there is the real Church. The real church are the ones that the unbelievers can't control and drive the worldly system crazy.
Christians judge people by their character and and actions not their race and gender they actually try and help the poor and needy instead of just demanding others do it.
I'm opposed to liberals NOT getting abortions.I think they should be sterilized after the first one.

Cash for clunkers did that well?

Go comb your head .

It's getting a distraction.

.View attachment 230759
nothing like Your red herrings. learning how to fish for red herrings is worthless under Any form of Capitalism.

  • The economy gained a net 11.6 million jobs. The unemployment rate dropped to below the historical norm.

You mother fucker your play time...

You were that pissed at me you showed your sock?

I am good that good..

Your play time how many more bitch..

Why you not posting bitch..?

I caught you..


i was busy being a third sock on another thread. tom steyer pays me for that one!!!!!!!!!!!

triple time on sundays!

I know you and Danny are the same.
Cash for clunkers did that well?

Go comb your head .

It's getting a distraction.

.View attachment 230759
nothing like Your red herrings. learning how to fish for red herrings is worthless under Any form of Capitalism.

  • The economy gained a net 11.6 million jobs. The unemployment rate dropped to below the historical norm.

You mother fucker your play time...

You were that pissed at me you showed your sock?

I am good that good..

Your play time how many more bitch..

Why you not posting bitch..?

I caught you..


i was busy being a third sock on another thread. tom steyer pays me for that one!!!!!!!!!!!

triple time on sundays!

I know you and Danny are the same.

i already told you we are. are you jonesing for a gold star or sumthin'?
Because we believe in Jesus Christ and strive to follow what He taught.
Talk about some serious cherry-picking of the Bible. Those two issues are just based on “no” rather anything pro-active.

I suppose it’s Republican Jesus that they worship!


Perhaps because they believe that Jesus was the Son of God and have publicly professed that faith.
Jealousy. Dude could convert water to the worlds finest wine..........without a gold card !
Just out of curiosity, why is religion considered political? Why does anyone consider themselves Christian? This is the same bizaar thing as race with the left. Conservatism and liberalism have nothing to do with race. They are ideas that people are loading with spin.
Talk about some serious cherry-picking of the Bible. Those two issues are just based on “no” rather anything pro-active.

I suppose it’s Republican Jesus that they worship!


Cherry picking? You people quote Jesus and shit yourselves when he is mentioned or referenced in the Courts or classroom.
Talk about some serious cherry-picking of the Bible. Those two issues are just based on “no” rather anything pro-active.

I suppose it’s Republican Jesus that they worship!


Personally I don't think anyone that cast a vote for a vile, vulgar man like Trump can call themselves a Christian. 86% of Evangelicals in this country cast a vote for Trump--and after listening to this.

Even after--we had white male pastors all over this country singing Trump's praises. And they still do today. Graham Jr. Mike Huckabee stand solidly with Donald Trump. They're nothing but a bunch of hypocrites.


Even after Stormy Daniels--they're still with him.


So they have burned down the "family values" platform of the Republican party, and obliterated the credibility of every Evangelical church in this country by their support for Trump. And it showed up in the recent midterm.

You're right the only time their bible thumper's is when they think they have an issue that can be solved by the Federal Government. (abortion or gay rights which is not a Federal Government issue but a Supreme court issue.) They'll probably crawl back under their rocks now, that they got their ass's kicked in the midterm, and hole up until another issue comes up that they don't like. And out will come the bibles again.


They're really nothing more than "red hat" Jesus followers.


So much for organized religion.
Last edited:
Talk about some serious cherry-picking of the Bible. Those two issues are just based on “no” rather anything pro-active.

I suppose it’s Republican Jesus that they worship!


I mean this is going to be an utter waste of time, but I'm sure you have been told a thousand times that JESUS NEVER INTENDED FOR US TO USE THE GOVERNMENT TO TEND THE POOR

Right, Billy?

Are you incapable of understanding this or is it easier for you to just hate Christians and mock our Savior on a Sunday as a matter of principle?
Jesus preached against greed and wealth. Did the Bible say the government should keep women from having abortions? Of course not. If Jesus had his way, plenty of revenue would go to the poor. Lol he sure as hell wouldn’t cut food stamp funding to kids of poor parents.

Please stop trying to assume you know what someone you don't know would do. The Lord has given us a way to take care of others. It's not with government handouts
Talk about some serious cherry-picking of the Bible. Those two issues are just based on “no” rather anything pro-active.

I suppose it’s Republican Jesus that they worship!


I'm convinced this is just the warm up.

The hatred of Christians is so vicious that pretty soon, if we don't follow NON-CHRISTIANS version of the Jesus you hate anyway, we'll be all ready for your "reeducation camps"


If only you Republicans would not give Christianity a bad name.

so concentration camps for Christians are good if we do my go along with Democrat programs and seek instead to follow the Lord. really?
Talk about some serious cherry-picking of the Bible. Those two issues are just based on “no” rather anything pro-active.

I suppose it’s Republican Jesus that they worship!


Where does Christ command the State to rob from a working man and give his wages to his neighbor who refuses to work?

Don't be a moron. You can't compete on these topic. Quit trying.
Helping the Poor is a Christian concept. Only the right wing, never gets it.

helping the poor is a Christian concept.

Having politicians & bureaucrats rob others to "help" the poor while keeping a majority of the proceeds for themselves and their friends is not.

Why is this so difficult for you guys?
Talk about some serious cherry-picking of the Bible. Those two issues are just based on “no” rather anything pro-active.

I suppose it’s Republican Jesus that they worship!


I mean this is going to be an utter waste of time, but I'm sure you have been told a thousand times that JESUS NEVER INTENDED FOR US TO USE THE GOVERNMENT TO TEND THE POOR

Right, Billy?

Are you incapable of understanding this or is it easier for you to just hate Christians and mock our Savior on a Sunday as a matter of principle?
Jesus preached against greed and wealth. Did the Bible say the government should keep women from having abortions? Of course not. If Jesus had his way, plenty of revenue would go to the poor. Lol he sure as hell wouldn’t cut food stamp funding to kids of poor parents.

Please stop trying to assume you know what someone you don't know would do. The Lord has given us a way to take care of others. It's not with government handouts
Okay think of it this way. Because his moral values matter to you, why wouldn’t you want the government to uphold those values?

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