Besides being opposed to abortion, why would republicans call themselves Christian?

I'm convinced this is just the warm up.The hatred of Christians is so vicious that pretty soon, if we don't follow NON-CHRISTIANS version of the Jesus you hate anyway, we'll be all ready for your "reeducation camps" Happy?
I'm surrounded by Christians, NONE of then feel as persecuted, abused or victimized because of their faith, as you tend to see things. War on Christianity? For starters, there is none, none that can be proven at least.


It's the only religion that is acceptable to openly hate and mock.



They hate the truth .

Penny I'm quite convinced you misunderstand Christianity every bit as bad as you misunderstand, willfully, the Holocaust. Besides, I can't trust anyone who hates Christianity but cozies up to radical Islam and Palestine, for some ungodly reason.

It's crazy. Penny.

I know what Christianity is and you are not a Christian. Yes I willfully deny the holocaust but I will never deny WWII where over 85 million people died, and many countries were involved.

There it is, mark the day, folks. Penelope is a Holocaust Denier.

I am absolutely a Christian, Penny. Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior. I don't care what you think of my Christianity. You are such an irrational thinker you deny the Holocaust. That's all there is.

I honestly feel sorry for you. I really do.

And I'm not one bit ashamed of it. I doubt you really are a Christian, but in your mind if you worship the jews, love the 2nd amendment and believe abortion should be illegal (except for the weathy) then you are, because that is all they stand for, and against immigration, forgot that part.

Remember all the poor jews who came here. Seems you forgot about them, when you talk about the immigration of today, but all the poor downtrodden jews seeking asylum was ok.

The fact that you think being Christian is all about political positions is so sad I can't even tell you Penelope. It's why you can get duped on the Holocaust.

You're so lost you're actually off the map. I can't correct someone as lost as you; I don't mean that as an insult, it's just the way it is.

I can only pray for you. And I will, and I do.

You started it with:
Did you get this way Penny just because you swallowed all the liberal swill wholesale?

Exactly. Because the "liberal swill" is that Christianity is a political position. Which, look, Penny--you have swallowed that wholesale. And it seems you have never questioned it.

CLearly you have read not even one Book of the Bible, let alone the NT, let alone the Gospels.

Funny though

Right, that's still on my to do list

But I think I get the general idea, a dangerous commie preaching true hope & change, giving free healthcare to the poor, saying the rich have it coming.... and his biggest mistake, thinking he could go up against the too big to fail banks moneychangers in the temple and threaten their 'free' market schemes.... that's what got him crucified....

Talk about some serious cherry-picking of the Bible. Those two issues are just based on “no” rather anything pro-active.

I suppose it’s Republican Jesus that they worship!


Making Jesus great again....



You get this shit?

Billy is a crissis counsel?

For what retards anonymous?


You should take your meds now. You're working yourself up again.

Let me guess Billy is your "crissis counselor"


CLearly you have read not even one Book of the Bible, let alone the NT, let alone the Gospels.

Funny though

Right, that's still on my to do list

But I think I get the general idea, a dangerous commie preaching true hope & change, giving free healthcare to the poor, saying the rich have it coming.... and his biggest mistake, thinking he could go up against the too big to fail banks in the temple and threaten their 'free' market schemes.... that's what got him crucified....


So you have not read one Book of the Bible entire but this is what you believe it to say.

Jobs ..

Give a man a fish he will eat for the day, teach him how to fish he will eat for life

Democrats don't offer jobs ..

How could that be if Obama presided over the longest stretch of job growth in history?

Why didn't he provide jobs in Detroit?

Why did he oppose Boeing In south Carolina?

Why did he oppose coal miner jobs and fracking in the Dakota's?

Here is one reason:

The International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers complained. The NLRB’s general counsel tried to bring the parties together, but failed. In April 2011, the general counsel’s office formally started a hearing process against Boeing on the grounds that the company built its factory in South Carolina in order to punish the union. Retaliation of that sort, if proven, violates federal labor law.

In December 2011, the union and Boeing struck a four-year deal that that provided raises, job protections and a commitment to make more planes in the Puget Sound area. With the South Carolina plant no longer seen as a threat to jobs in Washington state, the union dropped its complaint and the NLRB general counsel ended the hearing process.--

CLearly you have read not even one Book of the Bible, let alone the NT, let alone the Gospels.

Funny though

Right, that's still on my to do list

But I think I get the general idea, a dangerous commie preaching true hope & change, giving free healthcare to the poor, saying the rich have it coming.... and his biggest mistake, thinking he could go up against the too big to fail banks in the temple and threaten their 'free' market schemes.... that's what got him crucified....


So you have not read one Book of the Bible entire but this is what you believe it to say.


To be fair I read the Christian Bible and the lost books so many times ( of the Catholic Bible) In so many versions..

I know alot. .but don't know much..

NO, I really do think Republicans give Christianity a bad name. You guys love Paul, not Jesus.

Penny I'm quite convinced you misunderstand Christianity every bit as bad as you misunderstand, willfully, the Holocaust. Besides, I can't trust anyone who hates Christianity but cozies up to radical Islam and Palestine, for some ungodly reason.

It's crazy. Penny.

I know what Christianity is and you are not a Christian. Yes I willfully deny the holocaust but I will never deny WWII where over 85 million people died, and many countries were involved.

There it is, mark the day, folks. Penelope is a Holocaust Denier.

I am absolutely a Christian, Penny. Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior. I don't care what you think of my Christianity. You are such an irrational thinker you deny the Holocaust. That's all there is.

I honestly feel sorry for you. I really do.

And I'm not one bit ashamed of it. I doubt you really are a Christian, but in your mind if you worship the jews, love the 2nd amendment and believe abortion should be illegal (except for the weathy) then you are, because that is all they stand for, and against immigration, forgot that part.

Remember all the poor jews who came here. Seems you forgot about them, when you talk about the immigration of today, but all the poor downtrodden jews seeking asylum was ok.

Jerry that doesn't even make sense..

We are stewards of the world, we found a new land built the greatest military in the world..what we have been trying to do is police everything and keep the people home at their own countries .


Who is Jerry?

Is that why we destroyed Iraq and Syria, so people can stay home. Is that why Reagan did the Iran Contra Affair. And why we invaded Vietnam and Afghanistan.
Talk about some serious cherry-picking of the Bible. Those two issues are just based on “no” rather anything pro-active.

I suppose it’s Republican Jesus that they worship!


Where does Christ command the State to rob from a working man and give his wages to his neighbor who refuses to work?

Don't be a moron. You can't compete on these topic. Quit trying.
Helping the Poor is a Christian concept. Only the right wing, never gets it.
Talk about some serious cherry-picking of the Bible. Those two issues are just based on “no” rather anything pro-active.

I suppose it’s Republican Jesus that they worship!


Where does Christ command the State to rob from a working man and give his wages to his neighbor who refuses to work?

Don't be a moron. You can't compete on these topic. Quit trying.
Helping the Poor is a Christian concept. Only the right wing, never gets it.

We help the poor. OURSELVES

We don't expect the inept gov't bureaucrats to do it for us.
It's the only religion that is acceptable to openly hate and mock.
Online perhaps. Take away the anonymity of the internet and suddenly in real time, everyone gets along together, more or less. Try proving a war on religion.
It's the only religion that is acceptable to openly hate and mock.
Online perhaps. Take away the anonymity of the internet and suddenly in real time, everyone gets along together, more or less. Try proving a war on religion.

I never said there's a "war on religion". But online there's vicious seething hatred against Christianity, and if you don't think that's how it starts, you're fooling yourself.

It bleeds over to real life, too.
They hate the truth .
Truth is a subjective concept, something that can be accepted or rejected according to a persons prejudices. A couple hundred different religions (many christian) each claiming to represent the ultimate truth of God. That's a lot of different truths people cling to. They've been clashing for centuries, many times resorting to war and death.

You can keep your so-called truth. I want to see deeds, not words.


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