Besides being opposed to abortion, why would republicans call themselves Christian?

It's the only religion that is acceptable to openly hate and mock.
Online perhaps. Take away the anonymity of the internet and suddenly in real time, everyone gets along together, more or less. Try proving a war on religion.

I never said there's a "war on religion". But online there's vicious seething hatred against Christianity, and if you don't think that's how it starts, you're fooling yourself.

It bleeds over to real life, too.

This is what I don't get no one is really offended by kids trick or treating, heck everyone knows in America that's what children do and we open our doors

And give out candy...I remember as a kid it didn't matter what door you knocked on they would be nice to you .

I don't get why non Christians want to ruin the spirit of Christmas ...


CLearly you have read not even one Book of the Bible, let alone the NT, let alone the Gospels.

Funny though

Right, that's still on my to do list

But I think I get the general idea, a dangerous commie preaching true hope & change, giving free healthcare to the poor, saying the rich have it coming.... and his biggest mistake, thinking he could go up against the too big to fail banks in the temple and threaten their 'free' market schemes.... that's what got him crucified....


So you have not read one Book of the Bible entire but this is what you believe it to say.


To be fair I read the Christian Bible and the lost books so many times ( of the Catholic Bible) In so many versions..

I know alot. .but don't know much..


I think she was talking to me.
Talk about some serious cherry-picking of the Bible. Those two issues are just based on “no” rather anything pro-active.

I suppose it’s Republican Jesus that they worship!


Where does Christ command the State to rob from a working man and give his wages to his neighbor who refuses to work?

Don't be a moron. You can't compete on these topic. Quit trying.
Helping the Poor is a Christian concept. Only the right wing, never gets it.

We help the poor. OURSELVES

We don't expect the inept gov't bureaucrats to do it for us.
lol. Nobody takes the right wing seriously about civics. Blue States are the donor States.
They hate the truth .
Truth is a subjective concept, something that can be accepted or rejected according to a persons prejudices. A couple hundred different religions (many christian) each claiming to represent the ultimate truth of God. That's a lot of different truths people cling to. They've been clashing for centuries, many times resorting to war and death.

You can keep your so-called truth. I want to see deeds, not words.


You keep pulling Christmas away you get uglyness .

We are not tramping on your rights, we want to hold you in our arms..and say no worries . We love you no matter who you are..


Cash for clunkers did that well?

Go comb your head .

It's getting a distraction.

.View attachment 230759
nothing like Your red herrings. learning how to fish for red herrings is worthless under Any form of Capitalism.

  • The economy gained a net 11.6 million jobs. The unemployment rate dropped to below the historical norm.
Talk about some serious cherry-picking of the Bible. Those two issues are just based on “no” rather anything pro-active.

I suppose it’s Republican Jesus that they worship!


Where does Christ command the State to rob from a working man and give his wages to his neighbor who refuses to work?

Don't be a moron. You can't compete on these topic. Quit trying.
Helping the Poor is a Christian concept. Only the right wing, never gets it.

We help the poor. OURSELVES

We don't expect the inept gov't bureaucrats to do it for us.
lol. Nobody takes the right wing seriously about civics. Blue States are the donor States.

Comb your hair ..

Then we might take you serious..


CLearly you have read not even one Book of the Bible, let alone the NT, let alone the Gospels.

Funny though

Right, that's still on my to do list

But I think I get the general idea, a dangerous commie preaching true hope & change, giving free healthcare to the poor, saying the rich have it coming.... and his biggest mistake, thinking he could go up against the too big to fail banks in the temple and threaten their 'free' market schemes.... that's what got him crucified....


So you have not read one Book of the Bible entire but this is what you believe it to say.


To be fair I read the Christian Bible and the lost books so many times ( of the Catholic Bible) In so many versions..

I know alot. .but don't know much..


I think she was talking to me.

It's getting around Christmas..I have to be starting to be nice..:)

They hate the truth .
Truth is a subjective concept, something that can be accepted or rejected according to a persons prejudices. A couple hundred different religions (many christian) each claiming to represent the ultimate truth of God. That's a lot of different truths people cling to. They've been clashing for centuries, many times resorting to war and death.

You can keep your so-called truth. I want to see deeds, not words.


You keep pulling Christmas away you get uglyness .

We are not tramping on your rights, we want to hold you in our arms..and say no worries . We love you no matter who you are..


I've read the bullshit you post. Quit lying.
They hate the truth .
Truth is a subjective concept, something that can be accepted or rejected according to a persons prejudices. A couple hundred different religions (many christian) each claiming to represent the ultimate truth of God. That's a lot of different truths people cling to. They've been clashing for centuries, many times resorting to war and death.

You can keep your so-called truth. I want to see deeds, not words.


You keep pulling Christmas away you get uglyness .

We are not tramping on your rights, we want to hold you in our arms..and say no worries . We love you no matter who you are..


I've read the bullshit you post. Quit lying.

Translation ~ you have not seen anything really want to fuck with me?

Come on bro let's see how smart you are..

They hate the truth .
Truth is a subjective concept, something that can be accepted or rejected according to a persons prejudices. A couple hundred different religions (many christian) each claiming to represent the ultimate truth of God. That's a lot of different truths people cling to. They've been clashing for centuries, many times resorting to war and death.

You can keep your so-called truth. I want to see deeds, not words.


1. Truth is not subjective. People can come at it with different prejudices but Truth itself, by definition, is not subjection.

2. That many different religions claim to be the Truth doesn't negate that one could be. That people fight among themselves about it, again, does not negate that one could be. It's like you're just throwing stuff around that's immaterial to the claims here.

3. What does that mean, deeds not words? That people live out their faith? Or are not hypocritical? Okay. Which person in the history of the world has been perfectly un-hypocritical?
You keep pulling Christmas away you get uglyness .We are not tramping on your rights, we want to hold you in our arms..and say no worries . We love you no matter who you are.
I don't see any war on christianity. It's nothing more than a conservative talking point. They can't prove it but have excelled in self-victimization to a point where they actually do believe it exists. While many of the evangelical cult espouse this phony war on religion, there are also patches of Catholics, Lutherans, etc (who listen to talk radio) and are caught up in this mindless, conspiratorial frenzy.

When men take over religion and meld it into politics, it becomes a deceptive, cancerous rot. It's a deception so well done, it misleads the faithful. That's where the problem is.
It's the only religion that is acceptable to openly hate and mock.
Online perhaps. Take away the anonymity of the internet and suddenly in real time, everyone gets along together, more or less. Try proving a war on religion.

I never said there's a "war on religion". But online there's vicious seething hatred against Christianity, and if you don't think that's how it starts, you're fooling yourself.

It bleeds over to real life, too.

This is what I don't get no one is really offended by kids trick or treating, heck everyone knows in America that's what children do and we open our doors

And give out candy...I remember as a kid it didn't matter what door you knocked on they would be nice to you .

I don't get why non Christians want to ruin the spirit of Christmas ...


They're selfish. They preen about their status as unbelievers all the year long, they mock and degrade Christianity, but come December by golly if they don't want to partake. By golly if they don't want their Christmas.

It's not enough for them to just say, "I want my Christmas", which most of us would just shrug and say "you do you".

They feel like creeps for it, deep down. They feel like creeps when they realize the holiday really is a Christian holiday. So they have to make it UN-Christian, to satisfy their selfishness. They have to look at the rest of us and preach to us about the pagan tree, the pagan evergreen and all this hogwash so THEY can have THEIR Christmas guilt-free.

In short that's how childish and selfish they are. It's all about them, about their celebration and beyond that, their own COMFORT with their celebration.

Now for some real fun, imagine them attempting this with any other major world religion. Imagine them telling Muslims that Ramadan isn't REALLY about Allah.

Sure. Sure they would, the utter cowards.
So you have not read one Book of the Bible entire but this is what you believe it to say.


Nah, I believe that's what really happened to Jesus, politics in those days weren't really that different from those of today. Preaching socialism, wanting 'free' stuff and threatening the profits of rich got you into trouble with the (Roman) deep state....

You keep pulling Christmas away you get uglyness .We are not tramping on your rights, we want to hold you in our arms..and say no worries . We love you no matter who you are.
I don't see any war on christianity. It's nothing more than a conservative talking point. They can't prove it but have excelled in self-victimization to a point where they actually do believe it exists. While many of the evangelical cult espouse this phony war on religion, there are also patches of Catholics, Lutherans, etc (who listen to talk radio) and are caught up in this mindless, conspiratorial frenzy.

When men take over religion and meld it into politics, it becomes a deceptive, cancerous rot. It's a deception so well done, it misleads the faithful. That's where the problem is.

If you don't see it why can't we have it?

Their is so many denomination's

Why can't we have mangers in city parks, Christmas trees , Santa's..

Why does that offend a non Christian?

Jobs ..

Give a man a fish he will eat for the day, teach him how to fish he will eat for life

Democrats don't offer jobs ..

Democrats off death to born and unborn children, Democrats offer theft of another man's property. Democrats offer mem with boobs the opportunity to harass little girls in bathrooms. On and on, the immorality of the left knows no bounds, and with Rules for Radicals, they try to demonize US with those rules...I use their own rules back at them, because they know they cant live inside their own rules. Go ahead abort every future democrat baby, I dont care because when there are no more Democrats the world will be a better place.

Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals
4. "Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules. You can kill them with this, for they can no more obey their own rules than the Christian church can live up to Christianity."
Last edited:
They hate the truth .
Truth is a subjective concept, something that can be accepted or rejected according to a persons prejudices. A couple hundred different religions (many christian) each claiming to represent the ultimate truth of God. That's a lot of different truths people cling to. They've been clashing for centuries, many times resorting to war and death.

You can keep your so-called truth. I want to see deeds, not words.


1. Truth is not subjective. People can come at it with different prejudices but Truth itself, by definition, is not subjection.

2. That many different religions claim to be the Truth doesn't negate that one could be. That people fight among themselves about it, again, does not negate that one could be. It's like you're just throwing stuff around that's immaterial to the claims here.

3. What does that mean, deeds not words? That people live out their faith? Or are not hypocritical? Okay. Which person in the history of the world has been perfectly un-hypocritical?

It's truth who you are..

I mean look at this thread I had to slam trolls .

I believe in God and Jesus, but I won't let anyone make fun of me, I will turn it around .
Jobs ..

Give a man a fish he will eat for the day, teach him how to fish he will eat for life

Democrats don't offer jobs ..

Democrats off death to born and unborn children, Democrats offer theft of another man's property. Democrats offer mem with boobs the opportunity to harass little girls in bathrooms. On and on, the immorality of the left knows no bounds, and with Rules for Radicals, they try to demonize US with those rules...I use their own rules back at them, because they know they cant live inside their own rules. Go ahead abort every future democrat baby, I dont care because when there are no more Democrats the world will be a better place.

Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals
4. "Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules. You can kill them with this, for they can no more obey their own rules than the Christian church can live up to Christianity."


It's the only religion that is acceptable to openly hate and mock.
Online perhaps. Take away the anonymity of the internet and suddenly in real time, everyone gets along together, more or less. Try proving a war on religion.

I never said there's a "war on religion". But online there's vicious seething hatred against Christianity, and if you don't think that's how it starts, you're fooling yourself.

It bleeds over to real life, too.

This is what I don't get no one is really offended by kids trick or treating, heck everyone knows in America that's what children do and we open our doors

And give out candy...I remember as a kid it didn't matter what door you knocked on they would be nice to you .

I don't get why non Christians want to ruin the spirit of Christmas ...


i'm curious if you open your door when a jehovah's witness comes knocking?

CLearly you have read not even one Book of the Bible, let alone the NT, let alone the Gospels.

Funny though

Right, that's still on my to do list

But I think I get the general idea, a dangerous commie preaching true hope & change, giving free healthcare to the poor, saying the rich have it coming.... and his biggest mistake, thinking he could go up against the too big to fail banks in the temple and threaten their 'free' market schemes.... that's what got him crucified....


So you have not read one Book of the Bible entire but this is what you believe it to say.


To be fair I read the Christian Bible and the lost books so many times ( of the Catholic Bible) In so many versions..

I know alot. .but don't know much..


I think she was talking to me.

It's getting around Christmas..I have to be starting to be nice..:)


'...hate your next door neighbors.... but don't forget to say grace....'
They hate the truth .
Truth is a subjective concept, something that can be accepted or rejected according to a persons prejudices. A couple hundred different religions (many christian) each claiming to represent the ultimate truth of God. That's a lot of different truths people cling to. They've been clashing for centuries, many times resorting to war and death.

You can keep your so-called truth. I want to see deeds, not words.


You keep pulling Christmas away you get uglyness .

We are not tramping on your rights, we want to hold you in our arms..and say no worries . We love you no matter who you are..


I've read the bullshit you post. Quit lying.

Translation ~ you have not seen anything really want to fuck with me?

Come on bro let's see how smart you are..


so does that mean you would not die so bulldog can live? :auiqs.jpg:

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