Besides being opposed to abortion, why would republicans call themselves Christian?

It's the only religion that is acceptable to openly hate and mock.
Online perhaps. Take away the anonymity of the internet and suddenly in real time, everyone gets along together, more or less. Try proving a war on religion.

I never said there's a "war on religion". But online there's vicious seething hatred against Christianity, and if you don't think that's how it starts, you're fooling yourself.

It bleeds over to real life, too.

This is what I don't get no one is really offended by kids trick or treating, heck everyone knows in America that's what children do and we open our doors

And give out candy...I remember as a kid it didn't matter what door you knocked on they would be nice to you .

I don't get why non Christians want to ruin the spirit of Christmas ...


i'm curious if you open your door when a jehovah's witness comes knocking?

Yes ma'am .

It happened 3 years ago I posted a thread about it on another forum

She was very cute and I was very polite, we talked for about 30 minutes..I took her pamphlet..and I went to the church service two weeks later..

I didn't feel welcome, ( plus I wanted a smoke)

So I left

One thing you have to know about me I am not afraid to walk into a unknown church service by myself..

It's just me god , mother Mary and Jesus talking..

They hate the truth .
Truth is a subjective concept, something that can be accepted or rejected according to a persons prejudices. A couple hundred different religions (many christian) each claiming to represent the ultimate truth of God. That's a lot of different truths people cling to. They've been clashing for centuries, many times resorting to war and death.

You can keep your so-called truth. I want to see deeds, not words.


You keep pulling Christmas away you get uglyness .

We are not tramping on your rights, we want to hold you in our arms..and say no worries . We love you no matter who you are..


I've read the bullshit you post. Quit lying.

Translation ~ you have not seen anything really want to fuck with me?

Come on bro let's see how smart you are..


so does that mean you would not die so bulldog can live? :auiqs.jpg:

I would sniff your tampon and throw it to bulldog for seconds..

Talk about some serious cherry-picking of the Bible. Those two issues are just based on “no” rather anything pro-active.

I suppose it’s Republican Jesus that they worship!

Billy, Jesus is God. In America, 75% of people who are religiously unaffiliated are Democrats, and of Democrats, 97% of those who are religiously unaffiliated believe in abortion, because they do not believe in the scripture that says "before my mother knew I was there, God knew." A similar number of the unaffiliated religiously believe in same-sex marriages, because they also do not believe in the scriptures that call homosexuality a sin worthy of stoning to death or excommunication. Jesus was not concerned with political issues that these anti-religion practices are. He believed in and dedicated his life to reconciliation of man to his God and reconciliation between human beings and their neighbors, who included even people they considered as their worst enemies, and certainly all sinners, everyone being a sinner, saved only by belief in mercy and redemption by God in matters of the soul's salvation.

Because we have turned our childrens' beliefs over to public school teachers, researchers tell us that 88% of children who are now in grade school will be unaffiliated and completely unconcerned about becoming religiously-affiliated.

The picture you described above is 100% against Christian scriptures as I understand them. Our scriptures say we must not use images of God, consistent with the ten commandments according to Mosaic Laws. Isaiah prophesied that one of Jesus' titles would be "the Mighty God," (His name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The Mighty God, the Everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace." So your picture above therefore uses an image of God and is not Christian. Also, there is no such scripture affiliated with any political party, so your "Republiconians" used as a scriptural reference is false witness of the Lord, who does not consult with Political Parties of any kind. Furthermore, Republicans believe in charity, but do not believe in converting governmental money to doing work that belongs to private citizens who give to healing, care for the elderly, and care for the sick. And for good reason! Free government healthcare for the young is largely going to support abortion, nowadays. The Bible even discourages avoidance of pregnancy from its earliest times, railing against men who withdraw and spill their seed on the ground rather than impregnating their partner. And the Bible calls for marriages being the correct institution for starting a family and nurturing the children born of the union between man and woman in that marriage.

With your use of sacrilegious images, you're hardly the one to incriminate those who are against using the world government to resolve religious concerns, and I hope that you do not do that ever again, because you imperil only yourself by doing so. IOW, it's a big footshoot, and you have taken aim, fired, and shot yourself and shattered your own tarsal bones with no help from anybody else.


You keep pulling Christmas away you get uglyness .We are not tramping on your rights, we want to hold you in our arms..and say no worries . We love you no matter who you are.
I don't see any war on christianity. It's nothing more than a conservative talking point. They can't prove it but have excelled in self-victimization to a point where they actually do believe it exists. While many of the evangelical cult espouse this phony war on religion, there are also patches of Catholics, Lutherans, etc (who listen to talk radio) and are caught up in this mindless, conspiratorial frenzy.

When men take over religion and meld it into politics, it becomes a deceptive, cancerous rot. It's a deception so well done, it misleads the faithful. That's where the problem is.

but of COURSE there is a war on christianity when all those shoppers trample over themselves to get the latest, shiniest new object on black friday ( that starts out on thanksgiving, taking worker bees away from their families ) & being told 'happy holidays' instead of being wished a 'merry christmas'

after all it's because jesus is the reason for the season!
They hate the truth .
Truth is a subjective concept, something that can be accepted or rejected according to a persons prejudices. A couple hundred different religions (many christian) each claiming to represent the ultimate truth of God. That's a lot of different truths people cling to. They've been clashing for centuries, many times resorting to war and death.

You can keep your so-called truth. I want to see deeds, not words.


1. Truth is not subjective. People can come at it with different prejudices but Truth itself, by definition, is not subjection.

2. That many different religions claim to be the Truth doesn't negate that one could be. That people fight among themselves about it, again, does not negate that one could be. It's like you're just throwing stuff around that's immaterial to the claims here.

3. What does that mean, deeds not words? That people live out their faith? Or are not hypocritical? Okay. Which person in the history of the world has been perfectly un-hypocritical?

It's truth who you are..

I mean look at this thread I had to slam trolls .

I believe in God and Jesus, but I won't let anyone make fun of me, I will turn it around .

lol... you are entertaining, that much is true.
You keep pulling Christmas away you get uglyness .We are not tramping on your rights, we want to hold you in our arms..and say no worries . We love you no matter who you are.
I don't see any war on christianity. It's nothing more than a conservative talking point. They can't prove it but have excelled in self-victimization to a point where they actually do believe it exists. While many of the evangelical cult espouse this phony war on religion, there are also patches of Catholics, Lutherans, etc (who listen to talk radio) and are caught up in this mindless, conspiratorial frenzy.

When men take over religion and meld it into politics, it becomes a deceptive, cancerous rot. It's a deception so well done, it misleads the faithful. That's where the problem is.

but of COURSE there is a war on christianity when all those shoppers trample over themselves to get the latest, shiniest new object on black friday ( that starts out on thanksgiving, taking worker bees away from their families ) & being told 'happy holidays' instead of being wished a 'merry christmas'

after all it's because jesus is the reason for the season!

The Irish don't even see it

Truth is a subjective concept, something that can be accepted or rejected according to a persons prejudices. A couple hundred different religions (many christian) each claiming to represent the ultimate truth of God. That's a lot of different truths people cling to. They've been clashing for centuries, many times resorting to war and death.

You can keep your so-called truth. I want to see deeds, not words.


You keep pulling Christmas away you get uglyness .

We are not tramping on your rights, we want to hold you in our arms..and say no worries . We love you no matter who you are..


I've read the bullshit you post. Quit lying.

Translation ~ you have not seen anything really want to fuck with me?

Come on bro let's see how smart you are..


so does that mean you would not die so bulldog can live? :auiqs.jpg:

I would sniff your tampon and throw it to bulldog for seconds..


spoken like a true christian. you go boy. can't wait for sweetsue to come & defend your christianity some more! :abgg2q.jpg:
They hate the truth .
Truth is a subjective concept, something that can be accepted or rejected according to a persons prejudices. A couple hundred different religions (many christian) each claiming to represent the ultimate truth of God. That's a lot of different truths people cling to. They've been clashing for centuries, many times resorting to war and death.

You can keep your so-called truth. I want to see deeds, not words.


1. Truth is not subjective. People can come at it with different prejudices but Truth itself, by definition, is not subjection.

2. That many different religions claim to be the Truth doesn't negate that one could be. That people fight among themselves about it, again, does not negate that one could be. It's like you're just throwing stuff around that's immaterial to the claims here.

3. What does that mean, deeds not words? That people live out their faith? Or are not hypocritical? Okay. Which person in the history of the world has been perfectly un-hypocritical?

It's truth who you are..

I mean look at this thread I had to slam trolls .

I believe in God and Jesus, but I won't let anyone make fun of me, I will turn it around .

lol... you are entertaining, that much is true.

Oh please I will outdebate you in any subject ..

That's how good I am..

You keep pulling Christmas away you get uglyness .

We are not tramping on your rights, we want to hold you in our arms..and say no worries . We love you no matter who you are..


I've read the bullshit you post. Quit lying.

Translation ~ you have not seen anything really want to fuck with me?

Come on bro let's see how smart you are..


so does that mean you would not die so bulldog can live? :auiqs.jpg:

I would sniff your tampon and throw it to bulldog for seconds..


spoken like a true christian. you go boy. can't wait for sweetsue to come & defend your christianity some more! :abgg2q.jpg:

So what does that even mean?

You keep pulling Christmas away you get uglyness .We are not tramping on your rights, we want to hold you in our arms..and say no worries . We love you no matter who you are.
I don't see any war on christianity. It's nothing more than a conservative talking point. They can't prove it but have excelled in self-victimization to a point where they actually do believe it exists. While many of the evangelical cult espouse this phony war on religion, there are also patches of Catholics, Lutherans, etc (who listen to talk radio) and are caught up in this mindless, conspiratorial frenzy.

When men take over religion and meld it into politics, it becomes a deceptive, cancerous rot. It's a deception so well done, it misleads the faithful. That's where the problem is.

but of COURSE there is a war on christianity when all those shoppers trample over themselves to get the latest, shiniest new object on black friday ( that starts out on thanksgiving, taking worker bees away from their families ) & being told 'happy holidays' instead of being wished a 'merry christmas'

after all it's because jesus is the reason for the season!

The Irish don't even see it

well after all, irish catholics aren't roman catholics, but we all know 'catholics' aren't real christians anyways, don't we?
I've read the bullshit you post. Quit lying.

Translation ~ you have not seen anything really want to fuck with me?

Come on bro let's see how smart you are..


so does that mean you would not die so bulldog can live? :auiqs.jpg:

I would sniff your tampon and throw it to bulldog for seconds..


spoken like a true christian. you go boy. can't wait for sweetsue to come & defend your christianity some more! :abgg2q.jpg:

So what does that even mean?


too poorly educated to figure it out? of course you are. :itsok:
You keep pulling Christmas away you get uglyness .We are not tramping on your rights, we want to hold you in our arms..and say no worries . We love you no matter who you are.
I don't see any war on christianity. It's nothing more than a conservative talking point. They can't prove it but have excelled in self-victimization to a point where they actually do believe it exists. While many of the evangelical cult espouse this phony war on religion, there are also patches of Catholics, Lutherans, etc (who listen to talk radio) and are caught up in this mindless, conspiratorial frenzy.

When men take over religion and meld it into politics, it becomes a deceptive, cancerous rot. It's a deception so well done, it misleads the faithful. That's where the problem is.

but of COURSE there is a war on christianity when all those shoppers trample over themselves to get the latest, shiniest new object on black friday ( that starts out on thanksgiving, taking worker bees away from their families ) & being told 'happy holidays' instead of being wished a 'merry christmas'

after all it's because jesus is the reason for the season!

The Irish don't even see it

well after all irish catholics aren't roman catholics & we all know 'catholics' aren't real christians anyways, don't we?

^ what does that even mean boy?

Translation ~ you have not seen anything really want to fuck with me?

Come on bro let's see how smart you are..


so does that mean you would not die so bulldog can live? :auiqs.jpg:

I would sniff your tampon and throw it to bulldog for seconds..


spoken like a true christian. you go boy. can't wait for sweetsue to come & defend your christianity some more! :abgg2q.jpg:

So what does that even mean?


too poorly educated to figure it out? of course you are. :itsok:

You're a dude with a dick ..


Talk about some serious cherry-picking of the Bible. Those two issues are just based on “no” rather anything pro-active.

I suppose it’s Republican Jesus that they worship!


Where does Christ command the State to rob from a working man and give his wages to his neighbor who refuses to work?

Don't be a moron. You can't compete on these topic. Quit trying.
Helping the Poor is a Christian concept. Only the right wing, never gets it.

We help the poor. OURSELVES

We don't expect the inept gov't bureaucrats to do it for us.
lol. Nobody takes the right wing seriously about civics. Blue States are the donor States.

Comb your hair ..

Then we might take you serious..

View attachment 230760
get an argument, then i may take You more serious.
Translation ~ you have not seen anything really want to fuck with me?

Come on bro let's see how smart you are..


so does that mean you would not die so bulldog can live? :auiqs.jpg:

I would sniff your tampon and throw it to bulldog for seconds..


spoken like a true christian. you go boy. can't wait for sweetsue to come & defend your christianity some more! :abgg2q.jpg:

So what does that even mean?


too poorly educated to figure it out? of course you are. :itsok:

Admit it fag..

Your upset I took your fag boyfriend down..

It's obvious..

I hurt you bad again.

so does that mean you would not die so bulldog can live? :auiqs.jpg:

I would sniff your tampon and throw it to bulldog for seconds..


spoken like a true christian. you go boy. can't wait for sweetsue to come & defend your christianity some more! :abgg2q.jpg:

So what does that even mean?


too poorly educated to figure it out? of course you are. :itsok:

You're a dude with a dick ..



lol... c'mon, you can do better than that........................

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