Best Guess who wrote NYT Op-Ed

Who do you think wrote the NYT's editorial?

  • Mike Pence

    Votes: 7 10.4%
  • Ivanka

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Mike Pompeo

    Votes: 1 1.5%
  • Melania

    Votes: 3 4.5%
  • Don, Jr.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Eric Trump

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Betsy Devos

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Gen. Mattis

    Votes: 5 7.5%
  • John Kelley

    Votes: 8 11.9%
  • Sarah Huckabee Sanders

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Jeff Sessions

    Votes: 6 9.0%
  • Ben Carson

    Votes: 1 1.5%
  • Linda McMahon

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Nikki Haley

    Votes: 2 3.0%
  • Rick Perry

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • John Barron

    Votes: 2 3.0%
  • Other

    Votes: 28 41.8%
  • Kelly Ann Conway

    Votes: 4 6.0%
  • Steve Mnunchin

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Wilbur Ross

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Pence absolutely believes G-d put him there to step in.

Why do you spell God with a hyphen instead of an o? Are you afraid Yahweh will strike you down? Hint: Yahweh is a jewish fabrication and never existed. :p
So who do you think the secret patriot is in the White House who wrote the NYT's Op-Ed?

Believe, not think. Think would involve a certain amount of evidence.

I have no idea. Does it matter? We all know that Trump has a lot of enemies with "his own party", not that's he's actually a proper Republican anyway.
Pence absolutely believes G-d put him there to step in.

Why do you spell God with a hyphen instead of an o? Are you afraid Yahweh will strike you down? Hint: Yahweh is a jewish fabrication and never existed. :p
Easy. “We do not write G‑d's name in a place where it may be discarded or erased. Treating G‑d's name with reverence is a way to give respect to G‑d. So even though on a computer the name is not really being erased (and perhaps is not really there in the first place), and "G‑d" is only an English term used to translate G‑d's holy name, it is in keeping with this respect that I write "G‑d" instead”.

A much more difficult question. Why are you so ignorant that you thought hat should be subject to ridicule?
None Of The Above is the only choice, and it's not on the list.

This is fake fabricated news, is all. Anybody making big deals out of it is a tard, and needs to be kept in a kennel before it hurts innocent citizens. Best guess is the NYT's Op Ed pages Editor's newest 'houseboy' wrote it for 5 bucks and a stuffed bunny.
I'm looking forward to finding out who wrote it, but it seems to me the person with the most reason to is Kelley.
  • There's no one whose sensibilities would be offended more than someone with his disciplined, honest, respectful background
  • There's no one who would see him in such a wide variety of situations on a daily basis
  • There's no one who would feel more duty-bound to hang in there and protect the country at all costs
Just a guess, who knows.

Again, if Kelley loved this country, he would take every instance of Trump's erratic behavior, resign, go before Congress and say, "DO SOMETHING ABOUT THIS!"

Read Albert Speer's "Inside the Third Reich". They all knew Hitler was crazy... but they didn't so anything about it until Germany was losing the war, and by then it was too late.
I'm looking forward to finding out who wrote it, but it seems to me the person with the most reason to is Kelley.
  • There's no one whose sensibilities would be offended more than someone with his disciplined, honest, respectful background
  • There's no one who would see him in such a wide variety of situations on a daily basis
  • There's no one who would feel more duty-bound to hang in there and protect the country at all costs
Just a guess, who knows.

Again, if Kelley loved this country, he would take every instance of Trump's erratic behavior, resign, go before Congress and say, "DO SOMETHING ABOUT THIS!"

Read Albert Speer's "Inside the Third Reich". They all knew Hitler was crazy... but they didn't so anything about it until Germany was losing the war, and by then it was too late.

We all knew Hillary was crazy, and we avoided the mistake Germany made and voted the other way. Thanks for reminding us what loons her supporters are once again. We can't wait for his next two Supreme Court appointments.

Thanks once again to Hillary and her core base for the great turnout for Trump in 2016, and the even larger one coming in 2020. there is a little light at the end of the tunnel, and all we need is some deportations to make it a giant light.
We all knew Hillary was crazy, and we avoided the mistake Germany made and voted the other way. Thanks for reminding us what loons her supporters are once again. We can't wait for his next two Supreme Court appointments.

Thanks once again to Hillary and her core base for the great turnout for Trump in 2016, and the even larger one coming in 2020. there is a little light at the end of the tunnel, and all we need is some deportations to make it a giant light.

Ah, I think you remind us of the other reason why Hitler wasn't stopped... so many nutters who supported him.

Go away, nutter, the grown ups are talking now.
i'm still gonna go with what someone said earlier in the thread - sarah jeung.
Don't have a clue but I love love the OP ED because the New York Times just fucking proved there really is a "Deep State".

It's not a conspiracy theory. It's real.


And that is why Trump had it wrote, to prove there is a deep state and as Fox Carlson said, there is a coup going on.
We all knew Hillary was crazy, and we avoided the mistake Germany made and voted the other way. Thanks for reminding us what loons her supporters are once again. We can't wait for his next two Supreme Court appointments.

Thanks once again to Hillary and her core base for the great turnout for Trump in 2016, and the even larger one coming in 2020. there is a little light at the end of the tunnel, and all we need is some deportations to make it a giant light.

Ah, I think you remind us of the other reason why Hitler wasn't stopped... so many nutters who supported him.

Go away, nutter, the grown ups are talking now.

Bullshit, not while you're in the room they aren't.
The most entertaining circus we've ever seen. What a joke this WH has been....when overseas they are laughing their asses off at this administration on their TV programs, I have never seeing anything like it. Embarrassing to say the least.

You're quite right.
All because of butt hurt progressive socialist pukes and the fake news.

Spoken like a true redneck, indoctrinated cultist.
If it doesn't turn out to be a hoax, it will be some peon that no one knows. This should have a chilling effect on every American regardless or party or ideology. You have some nameless, faceless, unelected person "saving democracy" by pulling strings to steal power from a duly elected President. Is that really the America you want to live in? The guy doesn't like the label of deep state and changes it to steady state. Newsflash, it doesn't matter what Trump, this is 100 times worse.

How else would you want a patriot in fear for America with this moron in the WH to proceed ? Who could he worn that would make a difference??And remember there are more than one

No, they claim it is more than just them. There is no proof that that is true just as their is no proof that the author is actually a senior aide in the WH. The fact that the NYT says they know who it is doesn't mean shit at this point. The NYT is one of the leaders of the media resistance movement. You know that by reading their op ed page and the headlines they run and stories they chose to highlight. You don't know that they didn't write it themselves and are hiding behind not naming their source. Now that we have that cleared up, how would I expect a patriot in fear of America to act? I'd expect him to have the balls to sign his name to the bottom of his op ed. Take a stand by letting people know just how senior he is and dish any dirt that would accomplish his task of removing a duly elected president. He's safe. We have whistleblower laws and this isn't Russia where you will be found dead on the side of the road with a bullet in the back of your head.

Tell me, how much credence would you give an anonymous op ed sent to a major newspaper of someone who claimed to be a former senior aide to Obama and that he was smoking crack and molesting children in the oval office? I think you'd be demanding a name and proof wouldn't you?

One final point on what should a patriot who is in fear for America do? As an unelected bureaucrat, he should not be circumventing and superseding the duly elected president in my name or yours. We didn't vote for him and it isn't his job.

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