Best Guess who wrote NYT Op-Ed

Who do you think wrote the NYT's editorial?

  • Mike Pence

    Votes: 7 10.4%
  • Ivanka

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Mike Pompeo

    Votes: 1 1.5%
  • Melania

    Votes: 3 4.5%
  • Don, Jr.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Eric Trump

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Betsy Devos

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Gen. Mattis

    Votes: 5 7.5%
  • John Kelley

    Votes: 8 11.9%
  • Sarah Huckabee Sanders

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Jeff Sessions

    Votes: 6 9.0%
  • Ben Carson

    Votes: 1 1.5%
  • Linda McMahon

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Nikki Haley

    Votes: 2 3.0%
  • Rick Perry

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • John Barron

    Votes: 2 3.0%
  • Other

    Votes: 28 41.8%
  • Kelly Ann Conway

    Votes: 4 6.0%
  • Steve Mnunchin

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Wilbur Ross

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
People with TDS are nuts. That most likely includes you. Here comes November!

I feel it's time to remind you that this is America. We are Americans here.

Too bad you still haven't noticed that your country has been hijacked by a hypocrite who makes fun of people who voted for him.

Sorry, but O already sailed that boat. He hated america and you to the core.

Sorry, but Trump said that already and promoted himself as being better than Obama, remember?
Now enjoy wallowing in his cesspool.

O and W were the cesspool. Endless wars, failed foreign and domestic policies, 16 trillion in debt. the cesspool. Youll never see it though. The tyrannical shadow govt behind the scenes wants new world order and more war. They got it with O and W. They were salivating rabidly at the thought the Hillary coming in.
What was America referred to when it was first found then colonized?

The New World.

Wouldn't that translate to the New World Order, being America/Americans ruling the New World Order?

So, bringing down the New World Order could translate to bringing down the USA, could it not?

Is that what you really want to do? Bring Americans to their knees? Bring America down from ruling the world?

Bible prophesy says the antichrist is who brings down the new world order. Is Trump the antichrist that is prophesied to come, that brings the New World order down?

How does that Make America Great Again?

I mean, it could be that this is what God wants for us, and he released the antichrist on to us because we abused that power of ruling the world when we had it.... and he uses the evilness of the antichrist to do it??? I just don't know?

Yes, it all sounds bat sh*t crazy... I can't argue with that, for sure! :eek: And I probably deserve every :cuckoo: smilely thrown at me.... but I still have these very unsettling thoughts about it all....that I can't knock.

Bible prophecy states that the antichrist will rule over the one world order. All those pushing for the new world order are establishing the order for the AC .
People with TDS are nuts. That most likely includes you. Here comes November!

I feel it's time to remind you that this is America. We are Americans here.

Too bad you still haven't noticed that your country has been hijacked by a hypocrite who makes fun of people who voted for him.

Sorry, but O already sailed that boat. He hated america and you to the core.

Sorry, but Trump said that already and promoted himself as being better than Obama, remember?
Now enjoy wallowing in his cesspool.

O and W were the cesspool. Endless wars, failed foreign and domestic policies, 16 trillion in debt. the cesspool. Youll never see it though. The tyrannical shadow govt behind the scenes wants new world order and more war. They got it with O and W. They were salivating rabidly at the thought the Hillary coming in.
What was America referred to when it was first found then colonized?

The New World.

Wouldn't that translate to the New World Order, being America/Americans ruling the New World Order?

So, bringing down the New World Order could translate to bringing down the USA, could it not?

Is that what you really want to do? Bring Americans to their knees? Bring America down from ruling the world?

Bible prophesy says the antichrist is who brings down the new world order. Is Trump the antichrist that is prophesied to come, that brings the New World order down?

How does that Make America Great Again?

I mean, it could be that this is what God wants for us, and he released the antichrist on to us because we abused that power of ruling the world when we had it.... and he uses the evilness of the antichrist to do it??? I just don't know?

Yes, it all sounds bat sh*t crazy... I can't argue with that, for sure! :eek: And I probably deserve every :cuckoo: smilely thrown at me.... but I still have these very unsettling thoughts about it all....that I can't knock.

I do enjoy reading your perspective, care. Thank you.
Too bad you still haven't noticed that your country has been hijacked by a hypocrite who makes fun of people who voted for him.

Sorry, but O already sailed that boat. He hated america and you to the core.

Sorry, but Trump said that already and promoted himself as being better than Obama, remember?
Now enjoy wallowing in his cesspool.

O and W were the cesspool. Endless wars, failed foreign and domestic policies, 16 trillion in debt. the cesspool. Youll never see it though. The tyrannical shadow govt behind the scenes wants new world order and more war. They got it with O and W. They were salivating rabidly at the thought the Hillary coming in.
What was America referred to when it was first found then colonized?

The New World.

Wouldn't that translate to the New World Order, being America/Americans ruling the New World Order?

So, bringing down the New World Order could translate to bringing down the USA, could it not?

Is that what you really want to do? Bring Americans to their knees? Bring America down from ruling the world?

Bible prophesy says the antichrist is who brings down the new world order. Is Trump the antichrist that is prophesied to come, that brings the New World order down?

How does that Make America Great Again?

I mean, it could be that this is what God wants for us, and he released the antichrist on to us because we abused that power of ruling the world when we had it.... and he uses the evilness of the antichrist to do it??? I just don't know?

Yes, it all sounds bat sh*t crazy... I can't argue with that, for sure! :eek: And I probably deserve every :cuckoo: smilely thrown at me.... but I still have these very unsettling thoughts about it all....that I can't knock.

Bible prophecy states that the antichrist will rule over the one world order. All those pushing for the new world order are establishing the order for the AC .
I'm not certain about that....

It's more like when he comes in to power, he rules it...but ''it'' already existed, then he knocks down a few allies in it, one by one.... and creates his own order....
So who do you think the secret patriot is in the White House who wrote the NYT's Op-Ed?

Pfft.....nobody. The NYT is trolling Trump. They invented the source.

Trump has been trolling them for two years, this is payback.
If it drives the dump more loony it's worth a million
again - you're validating these tactics for use and it WILL come back to you when you hate it. you need to stop looking at the people and look at what we're actually doing. remove the names and remove the people, are these actions proper regardless of who is in office?

just because you hate something doesn't mean it's all that you make it out to be. we're supposed to be in this together and all we keep doing it allowing our side to behave like kids then get pissed when the other side does it in return.

we validate the behavior and its then acceptable to use. you really want to keep escalating this stupidity?
I appreciate the fact you' make sense I just detest trump his mouth his attitude his lies especially the one about obama,,and the way he handles foreign affairs and other countries leaders
It's time you pulled up your big girl panties Buttercup. Life's hard, get a helmet.
You know, while this article did paint the Trump WH as being chaotic, there was no classified material contained in it. So, my question is, why is Trump claiming that there needs to be an investigation because it's a "matter of national security".

I think "matter of national security" is the new scare term that Trump has learned, but he isn't using it in the right way.

The Walker spy incident? That was a threat to national security, because Walker and his son were passing on Secret and TS info to the Russians, and Walker's son was a Navy Radioman, someone who has access to highly classified material.

The anonymous WH memo? Not so much. No classified information was published, and all it really did was chap Trump's ass. It's not a "national security threat" like Trump is claiming.

More proof that Trump and his followers don't know what real threats are.
So who do you think the secret patriot is in the White House who wrote the NYT's Op-Ed?

It was written by three people, one of whom is John F. Kelly.

Another no longer works at the WH.

bookmark this page and when it comes out I might be able to tell you how I knew...
So who do you think the secret patriot is in the White House who wrote the NYT's Op-Ed?

It was written by three people, one of whom is John F. Kelly.

Another no longer works at the WH.

bookmark this page and when it comes out I might be able to tell you how I knew...

Yeah, I think it's Kelly also. But regardless of who it is, I wish they would grow a pair and speak out publicly instead of guarding their jobs. Some things are more important than self.
Funny I said Kellyanne right away, and then I just saw Morning Joe said the same thing. Maybe I graduated from the University of Alabama. Maybe I...

The New York Times wrote it. It’s 100% fantasy.

I do not think so. Pence and Pompeo have both come out and stated it was not them. They did not dispute what was written, just that they did not do it.

Sent from my iPhone using

All that is needed is to apply some logic and reason. Since the NYT isn’t going to reveal its source that is all we can do. If you think about it logically, it’s very unlikely.

I agree, it is very unlikely the NY Times made it out out of thin air. Logically speaking if it were made up out of thin air and did not hold some reality of what was going on then all the people coming out to say it was not them would be saying it was BS and that is not how things are.

You might notice, that is one thing none of them are doing.

Apparently thinking and logic isn’t your strong suit.

Actually you could not be more wrong. But, unlike you I am not a Trump ass sniffer, so I am not hampered in my thinking when it comes to him.

It is very simple logic, if something came out of my office by some hidden source and it was total BS I would never think to say "that was not me" I would say "that is total BS". But, if what was said was accurate, then people will be jumping on themselves to claim they are not the source.

Nobody is disputing what was published,why is that?

With the amount of things that have "leaked" out of the Trump admin, why in the world do you think this is unlikely to be from a real source?

Let me help you out because you need it and at the moment I have time to waste.

1. Saying “It’s not me” is no indicator of anything except that the person saying it does not know if it’s true or not. Logic, try it.

2. This so-called conservative who is concerned for our country, is backing up every single phobia, and every single lie about the POTUS that the LEFT believes.

3. Of a person was actually thwarting Things that Trump is trying to do, it would be quite obvious who he was.

4. What is he thwarting? The tax cuts? Nope. Getting out of bad trade deals? Nope. Getting out of the Paris Accord? Nope. Getting rid of 0bama’s executive orders? Nope. Almost everything Trump has said he would do, is being done.

Honestly, I know you won’t botherusing logic and reason, it doesn’t fit the narrative you like, and you’d have to admit I am right. So though I’m wasting my time, it’s fun squashing bugs like you when I have nothing else to do.
Let me help you out because you need it and at the moment I have time to waste.

1. Saying “It’s not me” is no indicator of anything except that the person saying it does not know if it’s true or not. Logic, try it.

Logic fail number one from you. saying "it is not me" does not address the matter of if it is true or not at all, it is merely the denial of authorship, not authenticity.
Logic fail number two from you. Anyone that has the access to Trump to need to deny the contents, would know if they were true or not.
Logic fail number three from you. If a person knows the contents are false, the logical reaction would be to tell the world they are false, not tell they world you did not write them.

2. This so-called conservative who is concerned for our country, is backing up every single phobia, and every single lie about the POTUS that the LEFT believes.

It did continue a long line of stories about the inner workings of the Trump admin that all have the same theme. You have no way of knowing that are lies, that is just your guess based upon your worship of Trump.

3. Of a person was actually thwarting Things that Trump is trying to do, it would be quite obvious who he was.

Yet Trump wants his DOJ to look into this and find out how it is. Guess it is not the obvious.

4. What is he thwarting? The tax cuts? Nope. Getting out of bad trade deals? Nope. Getting out of the Paris Accord? Nope. Getting rid of 0bama’s executive orders? Nope. Almost everything Trump has said he would do, is being done.

Logic fail number four from you. If things were thwarted, you would never know since they would never see the light of day.
Let me help you out because you need it and at the moment I have time to waste.

1. Saying “It’s not me” is no indicator of anything except that the person saying it does not know if it’s true or not. Logic, try it.

Logic fail number one from you. saying "it is not me" does not address the matter of if it is true or not at all, it is merely the denial of authorship, not authenticity.
Logic fail number two from you. Anyone that has the access to Trump to need to deny the contents, would know if they were true or not.
Logic fail number three from you. If a person knows the contents are false, the logical reaction would be to tell the world they are false, not tell they world you did not write them.

2. This so-called conservative who is concerned for our country, is backing up every single phobia, and every single lie about the POTUS that the LEFT believes.

It did continue a long line of stories about the inner workings of the Trump admin that all have the same theme. You have no way of knowing that are lies, that is just your guess based upon your worship of Trump.

3. Of a person was actually thwarting Things that Trump is trying to do, it would be quite obvious who he was.

Yet Trump wants his DOJ to look into this and find out how it is. Guess it is not the obvious.

4. What is he thwarting? The tax cuts? Nope. Getting out of bad trade deals? Nope. Getting out of the Paris Accord? Nope. Getting rid of 0bama’s executive orders? Nope. Almost everything Trump has said he would do, is being done.

Logic fail number four from you. If things were thwarted, you would never know since they would never see the light of day.

Again, your inability to think causes you to spout complete nonsense. You actually believe that all you have to do is deny what I said and/or state the opposite.

Like I said, I didn’t really expect you to see reason or logic, I just had the time to waste.

Thanks for playing.
Let me help you out because you need it and at the moment I have time to waste.

1. Saying “It’s not me” is no indicator of anything except that the person saying it does not know if it’s true or not. Logic, try it.

Logic fail number one from you. saying "it is not me" does not address the matter of if it is true or not at all, it is merely the denial of authorship, not authenticity.
Logic fail number two from you. Anyone that has the access to Trump to need to deny the contents, would know if they were true or not.
Logic fail number three from you. If a person knows the contents are false, the logical reaction would be to tell the world they are false, not tell they world you did not write them.

2. This so-called conservative who is concerned for our country, is backing up every single phobia, and every single lie about the POTUS that the LEFT believes.

It did continue a long line of stories about the inner workings of the Trump admin that all have the same theme. You have no way of knowing that are lies, that is just your guess based upon your worship of Trump.

3. Of a person was actually thwarting Things that Trump is trying to do, it would be quite obvious who he was.

Yet Trump wants his DOJ to look into this and find out how it is. Guess it is not the obvious.

4. What is he thwarting? The tax cuts? Nope. Getting out of bad trade deals? Nope. Getting out of the Paris Accord? Nope. Getting rid of 0bama’s executive orders? Nope. Almost everything Trump has said he would do, is being done.

Logic fail number four from you. If things were thwarted, you would never know since they would never see the light of day.

Again, your inability to think causes you to spout complete nonsense. You actually believe that all you have to do is deny what I said and/or state the opposite.

Like I said, I didn’t really expect you to see reason or logic, I just had the time to waste.

Thanks for playing.

Once again, it is a crying shame that you lack the basic intelligence to see the irony of your post.

Such is life
Let me help you out because you need it and at the moment I have time to waste.

1. Saying “It’s not me” is no indicator of anything except that the person saying it does not know if it’s true or not. Logic, try it.

Logic fail number one from you. saying "it is not me" does not address the matter of if it is true or not at all, it is merely the denial of authorship, not authenticity.
Logic fail number two from you. Anyone that has the access to Trump to need to deny the contents, would know if they were true or not.
Logic fail number three from you. If a person knows the contents are false, the logical reaction would be to tell the world they are false, not tell they world you did not write them.

2. This so-called conservative who is concerned for our country, is backing up every single phobia, and every single lie about the POTUS that the LEFT believes.

It did continue a long line of stories about the inner workings of the Trump admin that all have the same theme. You have no way of knowing that are lies, that is just your guess based upon your worship of Trump.

3. Of a person was actually thwarting Things that Trump is trying to do, it would be quite obvious who he was.

Yet Trump wants his DOJ to look into this and find out how it is. Guess it is not the obvious.

4. What is he thwarting? The tax cuts? Nope. Getting out of bad trade deals? Nope. Getting out of the Paris Accord? Nope. Getting rid of 0bama’s executive orders? Nope. Almost everything Trump has said he would do, is being done.

Logic fail number four from you. If things were thwarted, you would never know since they would never see the light of day.

Again, your inability to think causes you to spout complete nonsense. You actually believe that all you have to do is deny what I said and/or state the opposite.

Like I said, I didn’t really expect you to see reason or logic, I just had the time to waste.

Thanks for playing.

Once again, it is a crying shame that you lack the basic intelligence to see the irony of your post.

Such is life

Look up the definition if irony and stop littering up this forum with your ignorance. You are boring me, dismissed.
Let me help you out because you need it and at the moment I have time to waste.

1. Saying “It’s not me” is no indicator of anything except that the person saying it does not know if it’s true or not. Logic, try it.

Logic fail number one from you. saying "it is not me" does not address the matter of if it is true or not at all, it is merely the denial of authorship, not authenticity.
Logic fail number two from you. Anyone that has the access to Trump to need to deny the contents, would know if they were true or not.
Logic fail number three from you. If a person knows the contents are false, the logical reaction would be to tell the world they are false, not tell they world you did not write them.

2. This so-called conservative who is concerned for our country, is backing up every single phobia, and every single lie about the POTUS that the LEFT believes.

It did continue a long line of stories about the inner workings of the Trump admin that all have the same theme. You have no way of knowing that are lies, that is just your guess based upon your worship of Trump.

3. Of a person was actually thwarting Things that Trump is trying to do, it would be quite obvious who he was.

Yet Trump wants his DOJ to look into this and find out how it is. Guess it is not the obvious.

4. What is he thwarting? The tax cuts? Nope. Getting out of bad trade deals? Nope. Getting out of the Paris Accord? Nope. Getting rid of 0bama’s executive orders? Nope. Almost everything Trump has said he would do, is being done.

Logic fail number four from you. If things were thwarted, you would never know since they would never see the light of day.

Again, your inability to think causes you to spout complete nonsense. You actually believe that all you have to do is deny what I said and/or state the opposite.

Like I said, I didn’t really expect you to see reason or logic, I just had the time to waste.

Thanks for playing.

Once again, it is a crying shame that you lack the basic intelligence to see the irony of your post.

Such is life

Look up the definition if irony and stop littering up this forum with your ignorance. You are boring me, dismissed.


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