Best Guess who wrote NYT Op-Ed

Who do you think wrote the NYT's editorial?

  • Mike Pence

    Votes: 7 10.4%
  • Ivanka

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Mike Pompeo

    Votes: 1 1.5%
  • Melania

    Votes: 3 4.5%
  • Don, Jr.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Eric Trump

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Betsy Devos

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Gen. Mattis

    Votes: 5 7.5%
  • John Kelley

    Votes: 8 11.9%
  • Sarah Huckabee Sanders

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Jeff Sessions

    Votes: 6 9.0%
  • Ben Carson

    Votes: 1 1.5%
  • Linda McMahon

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Nikki Haley

    Votes: 2 3.0%
  • Rick Perry

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • John Barron

    Votes: 2 3.0%
  • Other

    Votes: 28 41.8%
  • Kelly Ann Conway

    Votes: 4 6.0%
  • Steve Mnunchin

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Wilbur Ross

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
So who do you think the secret patriot is in the White House who wrote the NYT's Op-Ed?

Pfft.....nobody. The NYT is trolling Trump. They invented the source.

Trump has been trolling them for two years, this is payback.
If it drives the dump more loony it's worth a million
again - you're validating these tactics for use and it WILL come back to you when you hate it. you need to stop looking at the people and look at what we're actually doing. remove the names and remove the people, are these actions proper regardless of who is in office?

just because you hate something doesn't mean it's all that you make it out to be. we're supposed to be in this together and all we keep doing it allowing our side to behave like kids then get pissed when the other side does it in return.

we validate the behavior and its then acceptable to use. you really want to keep escalating this stupidity?
I appreciate the fact you' make sense I just detest trump his mouth his attitude his lies especially the one about obama,,and the way he handles foreign affairs and other countries leaders
i can't stand listening to trump most of the time, so i don't. kinda like if i don't like burning my hand on my stove, i quit putting it in the fire.

Well I have a small amount of anger in me and drump is the vehicle I use to relieve it Today my anger is at the damn markets so no more trump anger He is what he is and all should have known before voting for him
You need 2:3 of the Congress to act if a president were to object to being ousted under the 25th. There is no way that the GOP cultists are going to support such a move.

Perhaps you should get a school child to explain politics and basic math to you
i see comprehension fucks with you. the ONLY point i was making was that the VP and cabinet invoke that process.

the rest is just you being your usual bitch self.

it sounds like the OP-ED is telling Americans that at least one official is thinking about the process; maybe others are too.

I can imagine that everyone within Trump's orbit is tiring of all of the 'baby sitting'
i'm sure you can imagine an awful lot cause that's what 90% of the trump bullshit out there is. the left imagining it to be true.

I don't believe Trump's cabinet members thought they were signing on as baby sitters; do you?

Speaking of someone needing a babysitter, where is your Mom?

she passed away nearly four years ago so, I guess she's at the cemetery; you dumb ass
it sounds like the OP-ED is telling Americans that at least one official is thinking about the process; maybe others are too.

I can imagine that everyone within Trump's orbit is tiring of all of the 'baby sitting'
i'm sure you can imagine an awful lot cause that's what 90% of the trump bullshit out there is. the left imagining it to be true.

I don't believe Trump's cabinet members thought they were signing on as baby sitters; do you?
i don't believe they are.

i believe the left wants you to believe it so they portray it as such. the left wing media doesn't even hide their bias anymore so please, don't even try to get me to trust their reports of what is going on. you only fall for LOOK OVER THERE a few times before you just stop looking. most people past 10 know this so it's good to know if you and the left still expect this to work, where your collective age group is.

Amazing; you whine about the left & the media. I guess Trump has gotten to you; within your mind the press in America is the enemy of the people. Yeah; I get that.

Why so many stories saying basically the same thing; Trump is a baby, an imbecile, impulsive, amoral, etc. ? Everyone is lying, right?

Yes, keep playing the good ostrich; keep that head buried, real deep.

Yeah, but the truth is he is still your Daddy!

it would seem Trump is your, "Daddy" as he seems to own you like the little bitch that you are
Agree and this POS going into our SC must be stopped

Oh! You don't like Kavanaugh? Good! I don't either. :aargh:
LOL that's one thing we can agree on Who knows might be another in a year or 2

I want a strict Constitutionalist, what do you want?

If you honestly wanted that you would stop saying how much you hate socialism.

Our constitution requires that America be a mixture of both capitalism and socialism.

You would also stop advocating a so called "free market" as the solution for every economic situation. Our constitution also doesn't like your so called free market. Our constitution requires America to have properly regulated capitalism.

You don't want a strict constitutionalist. You don't know what's in that document beyond the second amendment.
you obviously know nothing about the Constitution. You're an imbecile.

Our military is 100% socialism. It's 100% owned, funded and controlled by the government. It's required by the constitution.

FEMA is 100% socialism. It's required by the constitution under the General Welfare Clause.

NASA is 100% socialism.

I'm pretty sure you like that water that comes out of your tap when you turn it on. Socialism built that whole infrastructure system that brought that water to you. If your state has not sold it off to a private company, that water is still in the socialism system.

I'm pretty sure that you like that electricity that powers your home and our nation. Socialism built that system and grid that makes it possible for you to have it in your home and in our nation. If your state has not sold that off to a private company it's also still socialism.

Do you like all those roads you drive on? You guessed it, socialism built them.

If you went to public schools, socialism made it possible.

Do you like that doctor who helps to keep you healthy? Who delivered any children you have safely? Who may one day save your life because of a heart attack or stroke or one of many fatal conditions? Socialism educated them from K-12 and made it possible to save your life.

Socialism created a lot of the things you take for granted every day.

Even the internet you use to post your blatherings. Socialism created it.

Socialism is an economic system where something is owned by the public and not by private companies.

If the founders didn't want any regulations on business. If they wanted and believed in a so called free market, they wouldn't have included the Commerce Clause in the constitution. They would have clearly stated that there was never to be any proper regulations on business. They did the opposite.

If they didn't believe that we need taxes to be imposed on our nation they would't have included the ability for the government to impose and collect taxes in our constitution. They would have clearly stated that there was never to be any taxes imposed on anyone in our nation. They did the opposite.

If they didn't believe that we needed a combination of both capitalism and socialism then they wouldn't have included the government be required to provide for the general welfare of the government in two places in the constitution and wouldn't have required our government to provide a military or post office.

If you all want strict constitutionalists then you seriously need to read that document and understand what those words mean.

Your words not are polar opposite of what the constitution requires for our nation.
Oh! You don't like Kavanaugh? Good! I don't either. :aargh:
LOL that's one thing we can agree on Who knows might be another in a year or 2

I want a strict Constitutionalist, what do you want?

If you honestly wanted that you would stop saying how much you hate socialism.

Our constitution requires that America be a mixture of both capitalism and socialism.

You would also stop advocating a so called "free market" as the solution for every economic situation. Our constitution also doesn't like your so called free market. Our constitution requires America to have properly regulated capitalism.

You don't want a strict constitutionalist. You don't know what's in that document beyond the second amendment.
you obviously know nothing about the Constitution. You're an imbecile.

Our military is 100% socialism. It's 100% owned, funded and controlled by the government. It's required by the constitution.

FEMA is 100% socialism. It's required by the constitution under the General Welfare Clause.

NASA is 100% socialism.

I'm pretty sure you like that water that comes out of your tap when you turn it on. Socialism built that whole infrastructure system that brought that water to you. If your state has not sold it off to a private company, that water is still in the socialism system.

I'm pretty sure that you like that electricity that powers your home and our nation. Socialism built that system and grid that makes it possible for you to have it in your home and in our nation. If your state has not sold that off to a private company it's also still socialism.

Do you like all those roads you drive on? You guessed it, socialism built them.

If you went to public schools, socialism made it possible.

Do you like that doctor who helps to keep you healthy? Who delivered any children you have safely? Who may one day save your life because of a heart attack or stroke or one of many fatal conditions? Socialism educated them from K-12 and made it possible to save your life.

Socialism created a lot of the things you take for granted every day.

Even the internet you use to post your blatherings. Socialism created it.

Socialism is an economic system where something is owned by the public and not by private companies.

If the founders didn't want any regulations on business. If they wanted and believed in a so called free market, they wouldn't have included the Commerce Clause in the constitution. They would have clearly stated that there was never to be any proper regulations on business. They did the opposite.

If they didn't believe that we need taxes to be imposed on our nation they would't have included the ability for the government to impose and collect taxes in our constitution. They would have clearly stated that there was never to be any taxes imposed on anyone in our nation. They did the opposite.

If they didn't believe that we needed a combination of both capitalism and socialism then they wouldn't have included the government be required to provide for the general welfare of the government in two places in the constitution and wouldn't have required our government to provide a military or post office.

If you all want strict constitutionalists then you seriously need to read that document and understand what those words mean.

Your words not are polar opposite of what the constitution requires for our nation.

Correct; pretty funny when all of the jackasses from the right constantly scream SOCIALISM.

They're too stupid to figure it out.
The New York Times wrote it. It’s 100% fantasy.

I do not think so. Pence and Pompeo have both come out and stated it was not them. They did not dispute what was written, just that they did not do it.

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All that is needed is to apply some logic and reason. Since the NYT isn’t going to reveal its source that is all we can do. If you think about it logically, it’s very unlikely.
The next day we hear that Mattis is leaving.

That pretty much answers the question
Who cares who wrote it.
It's the same old Democrap message we have been hearing for the past 2 years presented in a new package.
Nothing to see here; so shuffle along.
Who cares who wrote it.
It's the same old Democrap message we have been hearing for the past 2 years presented in a new package.
Nothing to see here; so shuffle along.
Yeah who cares if you have a degenerate pervert a liar and thief in our WH ? Just walk on by
The New York Times wrote it. It’s 100% fantasy.

I do not think so. Pence and Pompeo have both come out and stated it was not them. They did not dispute what was written, just that they did not do it.

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All that is needed is to apply some logic and reason. Since the NYT isn’t going to reveal its source that is all we can do. If you think about it logically, it’s very unlikely.

I agree, it is very unlikely the NY Times made it out out of thin air. Logically speaking if it were made up out of thin air and did not hold some reality of what was going on then all the people coming out to say it was not them would be saying it was BS and that is not how things are.

You might notice, that is one thing none of them are doing.
You need 2:3 of the Congress to act if a president were to object to being ousted under the 25th. There is no way that the GOP cultists are going to support such a move.

Perhaps you should get a school child to explain politics and basic math to you
i see comprehension fucks with you. the ONLY point i was making was that the VP and cabinet invoke that process.

the rest is just you being your usual bitch self.

it sounds like the OP-ED is telling Americans that at least one official is thinking about the process; maybe others are too.

I can imagine that everyone within Trump's orbit is tiring of all of the 'baby sitting'
i'm sure you can imagine an awful lot cause that's what 90% of the trump bullshit out there is. the left imagining it to be true.

I don't believe Trump's cabinet members thought they were signing on as baby sitters; do you?

Of course they didn’t. And they aren’t
Imbecile trumpkins *wpuld* think that. But like the orange sociopath said, he could shoot someone on Fifth Aveand none of his cult would care.

So who do you think the secret patriot is in the White House who wrote the NYT's Op-Ed?
They say based on the language, it might be mike pence or someone close to him. I can see where pence might want to step into the job

It wasn't Pence. Pence is smart enough to know he could never step in as POTUS and fill TRUMP's shoes. I imagine Pence fully understands the only reason why TRUMP has been able to accomplish so much in such a short time is because he is willing to take risks for what he believes is in the best interests of the US and American workers. Pence sees first hand the attacks TRUMP faces everyday from the media and he knows if he were to replace TRUMP those attacks would be turned in full force towards himself and his family. I doubt Pence has any aspirations of becoming or running for POTUS.

I will concede it could have been written by a member of Pence's staff.

Personally I think the op-ed was written Rosenstein or someone outside the WH for the purpose of rehashing the media narrative of TRUMP being unstable. TRUMP will play along because he is a master at allowing the media to hype up the drama with these narratives that only fail to produce the anticipated results, while TRUMP works behind the scenes fulfilling his promises.
I don’t believe that for a second. Pence absolutely believes G-d put him there to step in.
So who do you think the secret patriot is in the White House who wrote the NYT's Op-Ed?
They say based on the language, it might be mike pence or someone close to him. I can see where pence might want to step into the job

It wasn't Pence. Pence is smart enough to know he could never step in as POTUS and fill TRUMP's shoes. I imagine Pence fully understands the only reason why TRUMP has been able to accomplish so much in such a short time is because he is willing to take risks for what he believes is in the best interests of the US and American workers. Pence sees first hand the attacks TRUMP faces everyday from the media and he knows if he were to replace TRUMP those attacks would be turned in full force towards himself and his family. I doubt Pence has any aspirations of becoming or running for POTUS.

I will concede it could have been written by a member of Pence's staff.

Personally I think the op-ed was written Rosenstein or someone outside the WH for the purpose of rehashing the media narrative of TRUMP being unstable. TRUMP will play along because he is a master at allowing the media to hype up the drama with these narratives that only fail to produce the anticipated results, while TRUMP works behind the scenes fulfilling his promises.

Is there a reason you capitalize Trump’s whole name? Does this make him more powerful in your world?

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:eusa_think: You sound annoyed by my capitalizing TRUMP...

I hope this answers your question. :04:
In other words, you’re trolling?
The New York Times wrote it. It’s 100% fantasy.

I do not think so. Pence and Pompeo have both come out and stated it was not them. They did not dispute what was written, just that they did not do it.

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All that is needed is to apply some logic and reason. Since the NYT isn’t going to reveal its source that is all we can do. If you think about it logically, it’s very unlikely.

I agree, it is very unlikely the NY Times made it out out of thin air. Logically speaking if it were made up out of thin air and did not hold some reality of what was going on then all the people coming out to say it was not them would be saying it was BS and that is not how things are.

You might notice, that is one thing none of them are doing.

Apparently thinking and logic isn’t your strong suit.
The New York Times wrote it. It’s 100% fantasy.

I do not think so. Pence and Pompeo have both come out and stated it was not them. They did not dispute what was written, just that they did not do it.

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All that is needed is to apply some logic and reason. Since the NYT isn’t going to reveal its source that is all we can do. If you think about it logically, it’s very unlikely.

I agree, it is very unlikely the NY Times made it out out of thin air. Logically speaking if it were made up out of thin air and did not hold some reality of what was going on then all the people coming out to say it was not them would be saying it was BS and that is not how things are.

You might notice, that is one thing none of them are doing.

Apparently thinking and logic isn’t your strong suit.

Actually you could not be more wrong. But, unlike you I am not a Trump ass sniffer, so I am not hampered in my thinking when it comes to him.

It is very simple logic, if something came out of my office by some hidden source and it was total BS I would never think to say "that was not me" I would say "that is total BS". But, if what was said was accurate, then people will be jumping on themselves to claim they are not the source.

Nobody is disputing what was published,why is that?

With the amount of things that have "leaked" out of the Trump admin, why in the world do you think this is unlikely to be from a real source?
The New York Times wrote it. It’s 100% fantasy.

I do not think so. Pence and Pompeo have both come out and stated it was not them. They did not dispute what was written, just that they did not do it.

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All that is needed is to apply some logic and reason. Since the NYT isn’t going to reveal its source that is all we can do. If you think about it logically, it’s very unlikely.

I agree, it is very unlikely the NY Times made it out out of thin air. Logically speaking if it were made up out of thin air and did not hold some reality of what was going on then all the people coming out to say it was not them would be saying it was BS and that is not how things are.

You might notice, that is one thing none of them are doing.

Apparently thinking and logic isn’t your strong suit.
His name Trump?

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