Best Guess who wrote NYT Op-Ed

Who do you think wrote the NYT's editorial?

  • Mike Pence

    Votes: 7 10.4%
  • Ivanka

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Mike Pompeo

    Votes: 1 1.5%
  • Melania

    Votes: 3 4.5%
  • Don, Jr.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Eric Trump

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Betsy Devos

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Gen. Mattis

    Votes: 5 7.5%
  • John Kelley

    Votes: 8 11.9%
  • Sarah Huckabee Sanders

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Jeff Sessions

    Votes: 6 9.0%
  • Ben Carson

    Votes: 1 1.5%
  • Linda McMahon

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Nikki Haley

    Votes: 2 3.0%
  • Rick Perry

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • John Barron

    Votes: 2 3.0%
  • Other

    Votes: 28 41.8%
  • Kelly Ann Conway

    Votes: 4 6.0%
  • Steve Mnunchin

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Wilbur Ross

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Boy...Fox News ain't say the least.

My guess is Trump will be hugging a tv tonight with Fox News on it...saying soothing things to him while he cries himself to sleep.

Jeez...I am starting to feel sorry for the guy.

Fuck you, never feel sorry for the dictator wannabe!

The guy seems to be losing his marbles, he appears to have no one he can trust, he craves approval - yet is a laughing stock and now has people in his cabinet subverting his (childish) wishes.
He is also old, fat, has bad Rosacea (which can actually cost you your eyesight if it gets bad enough) and looks to be heading for a potential mountain of legal trouble.

Yes...I do feel sorry for the guy.

It's called 'compassion'...a human emotion you seem to be unaware of.

And no thanks...I don't want to be arbitrarily intercoursed.

Have a nice day.

Lol, I feel for Rump exactly what he feels for us, contempt! You may enjoy the intercourse thing.
/——/ Trump doesn’t need or want you “feeling for him.” He’s 100% heterosexual.

Cool, you're not so you better let him know!
Don't have a clue but I love love the OP ED because the New York Times just fucking proved there really is a "Deep State".

It's not a conspiracy theory. It's real.

Wrong. Whoever wrote this is a Trump appointee and not some nameless bureaucrat. A person who knows the danger Trump poses to the nation.

What danger?
You are buying into the left's propaganda.
Remember when they said nuke war with N. Korea?
Did not happen.

This is all about the greedy power hungry corrupted swamp, who are in both parties and them wanting to keep their power over all of us.
Boy...Fox News ain't say the least.

My guess is Trump will be hugging a tv tonight with Fox News on it...saying soothing things to him while he cries himself to sleep.

Jeez...I am starting to feel sorry for the guy.

Fuck you, never feel sorry for the dictator wannabe!

The guy seems to be losing his marbles, he appears to have no one he can trust, he craves approval - yet is a laughing stock and now has people in his cabinet subverting his (childish) wishes.
He is also old, fat, has bad Rosacea (which can actually cost you your eyesight if it gets bad enough) and looks to be heading for a potential mountain of legal trouble.

Yes...I do feel sorry for the guy.

It's called 'compassion'...a human emotion you seem to be unaware of.

And no thanks...I don't want to be arbitrarily intercoursed.

Have a nice day.

Lol, I feel for Rump exactly what he feels for us, contempt! You may enjoy the intercourse thing.
/——/ Trump doesn’t need or want you “feeling for him.” He’s 100% heterosexual.
You sure about that?
Boy...Fox News ain't say the least.

My guess is Trump will be hugging a tv tonight with Fox News on it...saying soothing things to him while he cries himself to sleep.

Jeez...I am starting to feel sorry for the guy.

Fuck you, never feel sorry for the dictator wannabe!

The guy seems to be losing his marbles, he appears to have no one he can trust, he craves approval - yet is a laughing stock and now has people in his cabinet subverting his (childish) wishes.
He is also old, fat, has bad Rosacea (which can actually cost you your eyesight if it gets bad enough) and looks to be heading for a potential mountain of legal trouble.

Yes...I do feel sorry for the guy.

It's called 'compassion'...a human emotion you seem to be unaware of.

And no thanks...I don't want to be arbitrarily intercoursed.

Have a nice day.

Lol, I feel for Rump exactly what he feels for us, contempt! You may enjoy the intercourse thing.

So you have no compassion for obviously, emotionally disturbed individuals? Or people who clearly are suffering from dementia? How nice.
And remember...the American people who voted for Trump are to blame for putting him in is their fault he is doing what he is doing at least as much as his.
If you give an insane man a loaded gun and he shoots is at least as much your fault as his.

And you were the one whom started the 'intercourse' thing by stating some bizarre desire to have sex with me (sorry - homosexuality is not my thing)...not me.

Anyway, clearly your level of compassion for your fellow humans is limited and there is no point in further discussion on the matter.

We are done here...good day.
So who do you think the secret patriot is in the White House who wrote the NYT's Op-Ed?
/——/ 100% made up BS because libtards are running out of gas.

If it was 100% made up people would not be fighting to be the first to deny they were the source!

Sent from my iPhone using
/—-/ Anonymous Sources rarely if ever deny or admit they are the Anonymous Source.

The point was that if what was published was total bullshit there is no reason to deny you were the source. People going out of their way to deny it was them lends credibility to what was published since they are not denying it accuracy.

Sent from my iPhone using
NYT editorials are written by NYT staff. The question should be based on whether the informant is a real person and whether information was accurate or based on second hand innuendos and rumors and outright fabrications like the Woodward book.

I'm guessing it's like Obabble's composite girlfriend from "Dreams of My Father", and is based on the fevered fantasies of a few holdovers from the Obabble Admin who are conspiring to overthrow a Constitutionally Elected President.
Lol, I feel for Rump exactly what he feels for us, contempt!

You claim Trump feels 'contempt' for the American people; yet he has done more for the American people in 2 years than Barry did in 8:
- Strongest Economy in Decades
- More Americans working
- Lowest minority unemployment in recorded history, etc...

Meanwhile the Democrats are trying to overturn the results of the 2016 Democratic election when the American people elected Trump President, believing they are smarter than the American people and that THEY - not the American people - should decide who is going to be President.

The only ones demonstrating they have contempt for the American people are DEMOCRATS. 8 years of Obama spying on Americans and using a weaponized IRS against them is more proof of that.
Boy...Fox News ain't say the least.

My guess is Trump will be hugging a tv tonight with Fox News on it...saying soothing things to him while he cries himself to sleep.

Jeez...I am starting to feel sorry for the guy.

Fuck you, never feel sorry for the dictator wannabe!

The guy seems to be losing his marbles, he appears to have no one he can trust, he craves approval - yet is a laughing stock and now has people in his cabinet subverting his (childish) wishes.
He is also old, fat, has bad Rosacea (which can actually cost you your eyesight if it gets bad enough) and looks to be heading for a potential mountain of legal trouble.

Yes...I do feel sorry for the guy.

It's called 'compassion'...a human emotion you seem to be unaware of.

And no thanks...I don't want to be arbitrarily intercoursed.

Have a nice day.

Lol, I feel for Rump exactly what he feels for us, contempt! You may enjoy the intercourse thing.

So you have no compassion for obviously emotionally disturbed individuals? How nice. And remember...the American people who voted for Trump are to blame for putting him in is their fault he is doing what he is doing at least as much as his.
If you give an insane man a loaded gun and he shoots is at least as much your fault as his.

And you were the one whom started the 'intercourse' thing by stating some bizarre desire to have sex with me (sorry - not my thing)...not me.

Anyway, clearly your level of compassion for your fellow humans is limited and there is no point in further discussion on the matter.

We are done here...good day.

No just my level of compassion for Rump and his tard herd!
So who do you think the secret patriot is in the White House who wrote the NYT's Op-Ed?

There was nothing in the Op Ed to indicate that it was anyone who works in the WH, it was all "information" readily available to the public in the Lame Stream media and it fit their agenda to a T.

The writer is someone who is working at the New York Times, but someone with enough prominence they would be embarrassed if their cover was blown.

Does Krugman do creative writing? David Brook? Does it matter who got this assignment?
Lol, I feel for Rump exactly what he feels for us, contempt!

You claim Trump feels 'contempt' for the American people; yet he has done more for the American people in 2 years than Barry did in 8:
- Strongest Economy in Decades
- More Americans working
- Lowest minority unemployment in recorded history, etc...

Meanwhile the Democrats are trying to overturn the results of the 2016 Democratic election when the American people elected Trump President, believing they are smarter than the American people and that THEY - not the American people - should decide who is going to be President.

The only ones demonstrating they have contempt for the American people are DEMOCRATS. 8 years of Obama spying on Americans and using a weaponized IRS against them is more proof of that.

Make me!
Boy...Fox News ain't say the least.

My guess is Trump will be hugging a tv tonight with Fox News on it...saying soothing things to him while he cries himself to sleep.

Jeez...I am starting to feel sorry for the guy.

Fuck you, never feel sorry for the dictator wannabe!

The guy seems to be losing his marbles, he appears to have no one he can trust, he craves approval - yet is a laughing stock and now has people in his cabinet subverting his (childish) wishes.
He is also old, fat, has bad Rosacea (which can actually cost you your eyesight if it gets bad enough) and looks to be heading for a potential mountain of legal trouble.

Yes...I do feel sorry for the guy.

It's called 'compassion'...a human emotion you seem to be unaware of.

And no thanks...I don't want to be arbitrarily intercoursed.

Have a nice day.

Lol, I feel for Rump exactly what he feels for us, contempt! You may enjoy the intercourse thing.
/——/ Trump doesn’t need or want you “feeling for him.” He’s 100% heterosexual.

LOL...what the heck does Trump's sexuality have to do with this thread? The question is obviously rhetorical....I have little desire to hear your sexual hang-ups.

And, btw, you do not know Trump. So you have no way of knowing what he feels about anything '100%'.

No doubt you think he does not want to have sex with his children when clearly he has the hots for Ivanka the sick fuck (IMO). And you cannot prove that he does not.

Anyway, enough of this...have a nice day.
Lol, I feel for Rump exactly what he feels for us, contempt!

You claim Trump feels 'contempt' for the American people; yet he has done more for the American people in 2 years than Barry did in 8:
- Strongest Economy in Decades
- More Americans working
- Lowest minority unemployment in recorded history, etc...

Meanwhile the Democrats are trying to overturn the results of the 2016 Democratic election when the American people elected Trump President, believing they are smarter than the American people and that THEY - not the American people - should decide who is going to be President.

The only ones demonstrating they have contempt for the American people are DEMOCRATS. 8 years of Obama spying on Americans and using a weaponized IRS against them is more proof of that.

Make me!
Trump’s lawyer John Dowd has likewise called his client an idiot. Somewhat more audaciously, he has argued that Trump should not have to testify to Special Counsel Robert Mueller, because the transcript would leak, and foreign leaders would see that Trump is an idiot:

Dowd then explained to Mueller and Quarles why he was trying to keep the president from testifying: “I’m not going to sit there and let him look like an idiot. And you publish that transcript, because everything leaks in Washington, and the guys overseas are going to say, ‘I told you he was an idiot. I told you he was a goddamn dumbbell. What are we dealing with this idiot for?’”

Another Trump lawyer, Jay Sekulow, tried to argue to Robert Mueller that Trump could not be asked to give an interview because he is a compulsive liar. They literally explained to Mueller how they conducted a mock interview with Trump, and he was so unable to tell the truth that they considered him mentally disqualified from testifying
Boy...Fox News ain't say the least.

My guess is Trump will be hugging a tv tonight with Fox News on it...saying soothing things to him while he cries himself to sleep.

Jeez...I am starting to feel sorry for the guy.

Fuck you, never feel sorry for the dictator wannabe!

The guy seems to be losing his marbles, he appears to have no one he can trust, he craves approval - yet is a laughing stock and now has people in his cabinet subverting his (childish) wishes.
He is also old, fat, has bad Rosacea (which can actually cost you your eyesight if it gets bad enough) and looks to be heading for a potential mountain of legal trouble.

Yes...I do feel sorry for the guy.

It's called 'compassion'...a human emotion you seem to be unaware of.

And no thanks...I don't want to be arbitrarily intercoursed.

Have a nice day.

Lol, I feel for Rump exactly what he feels for us, contempt! You may enjoy the intercourse thing.
/——/ Trump doesn’t need or want you “feeling for him.” He’s 100% heterosexual.

LOL...what the heck does Trump's sexuality have to do with this thread? The question is obviously rhetorical....I have little desire to hear your sexual hang-ups.

And, btw, you do not know Trump. So you have no way of knowing what he feels about anything '100%'.

No doubt you think he does not want to have sex with his children when clearly he has the hots for Ivanka the sick fuck (IMO). And you cannot prove that he does not.

Anyway, enough of this...have a nice day.
/—-/ You’re the guy admitting he feels other men. Which bathroom are you using today?
Lol, I feel for Rump exactly what he feels for us, contempt!

You claim Trump feels 'contempt' for the American people; yet he has done more for the American people in 2 years than Barry did in 8:
- Strongest Economy in Decades
- More Americans working
- Lowest minority unemployment in recorded history, etc...

Meanwhile the Democrats are trying to overturn the results of the 2016 Democratic election when the American people elected Trump President, believing they are smarter than the American people and that THEY - not the American people - should decide who is going to be President.

The only ones demonstrating they have contempt for the American people are DEMOCRATS. 8 years of Obama spying on Americans and using a weaponized IRS against them is more proof of that.

Make me!
Trump’s lawyer John Dowd has likewise called his client an idiot. Somewhat more audaciously, he has argued that Trump should not have to testify to Special Counsel Robert Mueller, because the transcript would leak, and foreign leaders would see that Trump is an idiot:

Dowd then explained to Mueller and Quarles why he was trying to keep the president from testifying: “I’m not going to sit there and let him look like an idiot. And you publish that transcript, because everything leaks in Washington, and the guys overseas are going to say, ‘I told you he was an idiot. I told you he was a goddamn dumbbell. What are we dealing with this idiot for?’”

Another Trump lawyer, Jay Sekulow, tried to argue to Robert Mueller that Trump could not be asked to give an interview because he is a compulsive liar. They literally explained to Mueller how they conducted a mock interview with Trump, and he was so unable to tell the truth that they considered him mentally disqualified from testifying
Blah, blah, blah....

So you have absolutely no proof that there ever was a source and that this OpEd is not a triggered Trump-hating liberal fictional POS...much like you & Mueller have no evidence to support the BS claims about Illegal Trump-Russian Collusion......

Fuck you, never feel sorry for the dictator wannabe!

The guy seems to be losing his marbles, he appears to have no one he can trust, he craves approval - yet is a laughing stock and now has people in his cabinet subverting his (childish) wishes.
He is also old, fat, has bad Rosacea (which can actually cost you your eyesight if it gets bad enough) and looks to be heading for a potential mountain of legal trouble.

Yes...I do feel sorry for the guy.

It's called 'compassion'...a human emotion you seem to be unaware of.

And no thanks...I don't want to be arbitrarily intercoursed.

Have a nice day.

Lol, I feel for Rump exactly what he feels for us, contempt! You may enjoy the intercourse thing.
/——/ Trump doesn’t need or want you “feeling for him.” He’s 100% heterosexual.

LOL...what the heck does Trump's sexuality have to do with this thread? The question is obviously rhetorical....I have little desire to hear your sexual hang-ups.

And, btw, you do not know Trump. So you have no way of knowing what he feels about anything '100%'.

No doubt you think he does not want to have sex with his children when clearly he has the hots for Ivanka the sick fuck (IMO). And you cannot prove that he does not.

Anyway, enough of this...have a nice day.
/—-/ You’re the guy admitting he feels other men. Which bathroom are you using today?

Lol, I feel for Rump exactly what he feels for us, contempt!

You claim Trump feels 'contempt' for the American people; yet he has done more for the American people in 2 years than Barry did in 8:
- Strongest Economy in Decades
- More Americans working
- Lowest minority unemployment in recorded history, etc...

Meanwhile the Democrats are trying to overturn the results of the 2016 Democratic election when the American people elected Trump President, believing they are smarter than the American people and that THEY - not the American people - should decide who is going to be President.

The only ones demonstrating they have contempt for the American people are DEMOCRATS. 8 years of Obama spying on Americans and using a weaponized IRS against them is more proof of that.

Make me!
Trump’s lawyer John Dowd has likewise called his client an idiot. Somewhat more audaciously, he has argued that Trump should not have to testify to Special Counsel Robert Mueller, because the transcript would leak, and foreign leaders would see that Trump is an idiot:

Dowd then explained to Mueller and Quarles why he was trying to keep the president from testifying: “I’m not going to sit there and let him look like an idiot. And you publish that transcript, because everything leaks in Washington, and the guys overseas are going to say, ‘I told you he was an idiot. I told you he was a goddamn dumbbell. What are we dealing with this idiot for?’”

Another Trump lawyer, Jay Sekulow, tried to argue to Robert Mueller that Trump could not be asked to give an interview because he is a compulsive liar. They literally explained to Mueller how they conducted a mock interview with Trump, and he was so unable to tell the truth that they considered him mentally disqualified from testifying
Blah, blah, blah....

So you have absolutely no proof that there ever was a source and that this OpEd is not a triggered Trump-hating liberal fictional POS...much like you & Mueller have no evidence to support the BS claims about Illegal Trump-Russian Collusion......


You have all of RM'S evidence, please release it so we all can see it. Like your border wall, oops!
Last edited:
You have all of RM'S evidence, please release it so we all can see kt.

Mueller has no evidence. Mueller has released no evidence. Oher also just testified before Congress exposing the fact that he (Oher), his wife, Steele, and Mueller were communicating / working together in early 2016....the Conspiracy has been exposed! Oher 'flipped' and told it all to Congress..
You have all of RM'S evidence, please release it so we all can see kt.

Mueller has no evidence. Mueller has released no evidence. Oher also just testified before Congress exposing the fact that he (Oher), his wife, Steele, and Mueller were communicating / working together in early 2016....the Conspiracy has been exposed! Oher 'flipped' and told it all to Congress..
You really think Mueller and 17 experts in finding crimes have been playing with themselves ?
You really think Mueller and 17 experts in finding crimes have been playing with themselves ?
No, according to Oher they have been engaging in Obstruction, Conspiracy, Sedition, Treason.....
You really think Mueller and 17 experts in finding crimes have been playing with themselves ?
No, according to Oher they have been engaging in Obstruction, Conspiracy, Sedition, Treason.....
And they'll get drumph in the end
Moron calls them gutless ??? Takes more guts to do what this WH person did than trump who is really gutless could ever do

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