Best Guess who wrote NYT Op-Ed

Who do you think wrote the NYT's editorial?

  • Mike Pence

    Votes: 7 10.4%
  • Ivanka

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Mike Pompeo

    Votes: 1 1.5%
  • Melania

    Votes: 3 4.5%
  • Don, Jr.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Eric Trump

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Betsy Devos

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Gen. Mattis

    Votes: 5 7.5%
  • John Kelley

    Votes: 8 11.9%
  • Sarah Huckabee Sanders

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Jeff Sessions

    Votes: 6 9.0%
  • Ben Carson

    Votes: 1 1.5%
  • Linda McMahon

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Nikki Haley

    Votes: 2 3.0%
  • Rick Perry

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • John Barron

    Votes: 2 3.0%
  • Other

    Votes: 28 41.8%
  • Kelly Ann Conway

    Votes: 4 6.0%
  • Steve Mnunchin

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Wilbur Ross

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
You guys are a bunch of backwards lowlife scumbags and bully’s to boot, I can only surmise in real life you don’t have many friends. Go outside and get some fresh air for fucks sake...

Screw that, 90 plus degrees with high pollen count! That is enough to damn dear kill someone with COPD

Sent from my iPhone using
How'd you know I had that ,,,lol Spriva
You guys are a bunch of backwards lowlife scumbags and bully’s to boot, I can only surmise in real life you don’t have many friends. Go outside and get some fresh air for fucks sake...

Screw that, 90 plus degrees with high pollen count! That is enough to damn dear kill someone with COPD

Sent from my iPhone using
How'd you know I had that ,,,lol Spriva

Woodwards book and now this ??? Trump Ryan and McConnell are all horse manure, cowards
Glenn Simpson and some Obama holdover embeds.
My guesses would be Kelly, Coates or Mattis in that order.

I just hope there actually is a "We" or an "Us" that have finally banded together to thwart Trump in his impulses and his worst angels. But that is a very long shot. To my mind it has to be someone who has little or no ambitions in the party and the future of the GOP. My guesses, based on that are, Kelly, Dan Coates or Mattis. And whomever it turns out to be, it's a whole lot late and a whole lot too little. The writer said things that would lead the reader to believe his/her actions are based on a sense of patriotism. Bullshit. The writing has been on the wall for a very long time and if Helsinki wasn't enough to spur someone on to act as a patriot, I have to wonder why now? What individual thing was the straw for this camel's back? I also wonder how much John McCain's death affected that decision to speak out. I like to think that McCain wouldn't have hidden behind anonymity. But the flip side of that coin is to maybe remain on the inside to continue to act as a check on Agent Orange. But to see this as an act of courage is just so much bullpussy. Just like Corker or Flake, it's so much easier to convince one's self that he/she is a patriot when you have little or nothing to lose.

Whoever it is, when exposed should be gut shot. That is all. want someone who exercised their Constitutional, 1'st Amendment right and exposed ZERO secrets that directly compromised American national security? You think they should be taken out and shot...without trial, without a hearing. Just shot....simply for stating their opinions?

You advocate the murder of anyone in the White House cabinet who publicly states their objection to the President and/or his behavior?

LOL...yup, you are a Trumpbot alright.

Donald Trump Supporters Mostly Uneducated, New Poll Finds
Average IQ of university students is around 115 IQ points - read more.

You do realize that virtually no one with an IQ over 110 who is mentally stable thinks of your above opinion as anything more than the rambling's of a mentally unbalanced individual? At least as far as this subject is concerned?
I am guessing 'no'. I am guessing that you think you are and sound very rational.
For your own sake...guess again.

We are done here...have a VERY nice day.

BTW - welcome to my ignore list. Anyone who openly advocates the murder of innocent people without trial - simply for stating their opinions - is probably a complete waste of my time.

Ta ta.

Wait. Is the article opinion or fact? Opinions aren’t facts and you’ve been treating this op-ed as fact the whole thread until now in your anger over someone’s comment. You can’t have it both ways. It’s fact when you want it to be but opinion when Hossfly says the writer should be held responsible for what he believes are lies?
The article is written by some hero that thinks of his country first and not the lunatic,in our WH
My guesses would be Kelly, Coates or Mattis in that order.

I just hope there actually is a "We" or an "Us" that have finally banded together to thwart Trump in his impulses and his worst angels. But that is a very long shot. To my mind it has to be someone who has little or no ambitions in the party and the future of the GOP. My guesses, based on that are, Kelly, Dan Coates or Mattis. And whomever it turns out to be, it's a whole lot late and a whole lot too little. The writer said things that would lead the reader to believe his/her actions are based on a sense of patriotism. Bullshit. The writing has been on the wall for a very long time and if Helsinki wasn't enough to spur someone on to act as a patriot, I have to wonder why now? What individual thing was the straw for this camel's back? I also wonder how much John McCain's death affected that decision to speak out. I like to think that McCain wouldn't have hidden behind anonymity. But the flip side of that coin is to maybe remain on the inside to continue to act as a check on Agent Orange. But to see this as an act of courage is just so much bullpussy. Just like Corker or Flake, it's so much easier to convince one's self that he/she is a patriot when you have little or nothing to lose.

Whoever it is, when exposed should be gut shot. That is all. want someone who exercised their Constitutional, 1'st Amendment right and exposed ZERO secrets that directly compromised American national security? You think they should be taken out and shot...without trial, without a hearing. Just shot....simply for stating their opinions?

You advocate the murder of anyone in the White House cabinet who publicly states their objection to the President and/or his behavior?

LOL...yup, you are a Trumpbot alright.

Donald Trump Supporters Mostly Uneducated, New Poll Finds
Average IQ of university students is around 115 IQ points - read more.

You do realize that virtually no one with an IQ over 110 who is mentally stable thinks of your above opinion as anything more than the rambling's of a mentally unbalanced individual? At least as far as this subject is concerned?
I am guessing 'no'. I am guessing that you think you are and sound very rational.
For your own sake...guess again.

We are done here...have a VERY nice day.

BTW - welcome to my ignore list. Anyone who openly advocates the murder of innocent people without trial - simply for stating their opinions - is probably a complete waste of my time.

Ta ta.

Wait. Is the article opinion or fact? Opinions aren’t facts and you’ve been treating this op-ed as fact the whole thread until now in your anger over someone’s comment. You can’t have it both ways. It’s fact when you want it to be but opinion when Hossfly says the writer should be held responsible for what he believes are lies?
The article is written by some hero that thinks of his country first and not the lunatic,in our WH
/——/ Anonymous Sources are heroic? Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha
Moron sees it as treason .....Whatever it is his unsuitability for the office brought it on
'Best Guess who wrote NYT Op-Ed'


It was 'just' announced Unemployment the lowest since 1969, we have the strongest economy in decades, Trump is about to have his 1st (FIRST) USSC Nomination confirmed...

Democrats / snowflakes are losing their damn minds! You think it is COINCIDENCE the NY Times just happened to release this OpEd by an 'anonymous source' in the midst of the Kavanaugh circus sideshow run by Schumer, the hearing in which Democrats are intentionally violating Senate Rules to attack Kavanaugh?

This is a coordinated, highly organized game-plan being carried out by the Democrats, just as the whole 'Russian Collusion' Investigation was exposed by Oher as one huge criminal conspiracy!
So who do you think the secret patriot is in the White House who wrote the NYT's Op-Ed?
/——/ 100% made up BS because libtards are running out of gas.

If it was 100% made up people would not be fighting to be the first to deny they were the source!

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/—-/ Anonymous Sources rarely if ever deny or admit they are the Anonymous Source.
Took 30 years to find out who deep throat was
Has anyone considered the warmongering mustache yet?

I don't see the deep state writing an op-ed to confirm their own existence but Bolton is crazy enough to do it, he could be upset that Trump doesn't bomb enough countries


NYT editorials are written by NYT staff. The question should be based on whether the informant is a real person and whether information was accurate or based on second hand innuendos and rumors and outright fabrications like the Woodward book.
'Best Guess who wrote NYT Op-Ed'


It was 'just' announced Unemployment the lowest since 1969, we have the strongest economy in decades, Trump is about to have his 1st (FIRST) USSC Nomination confirmed...

Democrats / snowflakes are losing their damn minds! You think it is COINCIDENCE the NY Times just happened to release this OpEd by an 'anonymous source' in the midst of the Kavanaugh circus sideshow run by Schumer, the hearing in which Democrats are intentionally violating Senate Rules to attack Kavanaugh?

This is a coordinated, highly organized game-plan being carried out by the Democrats, just as the whole 'Russian Collusion' Investigation was exposed by Oher as one huge criminal conspiracy!
/——/ Kavanaugh will be the president’s second USSC appointee
Boy...Fox News ain't say the least.

My guess is Trump will be hugging a tv tonight with Fox News on it...saying soothing things to him while he cries himself to sleep.

Jeez...I am starting to feel sorry for the guy.

Fuck you, never feel sorry for the dictator wannabe!

The guy seems to be losing his marbles, he appears to have no one he can trust, he craves approval - yet is a laughing stock and now has people in his cabinet subverting his (childish) wishes.
He is also old, fat, has bad Rosacea (which can actually cost you your eyesight if it gets bad enough) and looks to be heading for a potential mountain of legal trouble.

Yes...I do feel sorry for the guy.

It's called 'compassion'...a human emotion you seem to be unaware of.

And no thanks...I don't want to be arbitrarily intercoursed.

Have a nice day.

Lol, I feel for Rump exactly what he feels for us, contempt! You may enjoy the intercourse thing.
A crazy man in charge of nuclear weapons ??

Yeah he been “in charge” of them for over a year and a half now... which kind of tells us he doesn’t have a compulsion to nuke whatever country he wants.

The lot of you would do well to try and see the bigger picture.
Guess you and republicans see him as calm cool and collected ,in complete control of his mind?

All I’m saying is he’s been “in charge” of the country’s nukes for several months and so far hasn’t nuked anyone... which suggests maybe he’s not interested in burning the world to ash. Just a thought.
Boy...Fox News ain't say the least.

My guess is Trump will be hugging a tv tonight with Fox News on it...saying soothing things to him while he cries himself to sleep.

Jeez...I am starting to feel sorry for the guy.

Fuck you, never feel sorry for the dictator wannabe!

The guy seems to be losing his marbles, he appears to have no one he can trust, he craves approval - yet is a laughing stock and now has people in his cabinet subverting his (childish) wishes.
He is also old, fat, has bad Rosacea (which can actually cost you your eyesight if it gets bad enough) and looks to be heading for a potential mountain of legal trouble.

Yes...I do feel sorry for the guy.

It's called 'compassion'...a human emotion you seem to be unaware of.

And no thanks...I don't want to be arbitrarily intercoursed.

Have a nice day.

Lol, I feel for Rump exactly what he feels for us, contempt! You may enjoy the intercourse thing.
/——/ Trump doesn’t need or want you “feeling for him.” He’s 100% heterosexual.

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