Best Guess who wrote NYT Op-Ed

Who do you think wrote the NYT's editorial?

  • Mike Pence

    Votes: 7 10.4%
  • Ivanka

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Mike Pompeo

    Votes: 1 1.5%
  • Melania

    Votes: 3 4.5%
  • Don, Jr.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Eric Trump

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Betsy Devos

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Gen. Mattis

    Votes: 5 7.5%
  • John Kelley

    Votes: 8 11.9%
  • Sarah Huckabee Sanders

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Jeff Sessions

    Votes: 6 9.0%
  • Ben Carson

    Votes: 1 1.5%
  • Linda McMahon

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Nikki Haley

    Votes: 2 3.0%
  • Rick Perry

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • John Barron

    Votes: 2 3.0%
  • Other

    Votes: 28 41.8%
  • Kelly Ann Conway

    Votes: 4 6.0%
  • Steve Mnunchin

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Wilbur Ross

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
most likely it was no one in the WH, but rather some liberal dem pretending to be on the WH staff. or maybe the NY times is the author and publisher. Could also have been Strzok, Comey, McCabe, Lynch or any of the other crooks who are about to be indicted.
Sorry, but O already sailed that boat. He hated america and you to the core.

Sorry, but Trump said that already and promoted himself as being better than Obama, remember?
Now enjoy wallowing in his cesspool.

O and W were the cesspool. Endless wars, failed foreign and domestic policies, 16 trillion in debt. the cesspool. Youll never see it though. The tyrannical shadow govt behind the scenes wants new world order and more war. They got it with O and W. They were salivating rabidly at the thought the Hillary coming in.
What was America referred to when it was first found then colonized?

The New World.

Wouldn't that translate to the New World Order, being America/Americans ruling the New World Order?

So, bringing down the New World Order could translate to bringing down the USA, could it not?

Is that what you really want to do? Bring Americans to their knees? Bring America down from ruling the world?

Bible prophesy says the antichrist is who brings down the new world order. Is Trump the antichrist that is prophesied to come, that brings the New World order down?

How does that Make America Great Again?

I mean, it could be that this is what God wants for us, and he released the antichrist on to us because we abused that power of ruling the world when we had it.... and he uses the evilness of the antichrist to do it??? I just don't know?

Yes, it all sounds bat sh*t crazy... I can't argue with that, for sure! :eek: And I probably deserve every :cuckoo: smilely thrown at me.... but I still have these very unsettling thoughts about it all....that I can't knock.

Bible prophecy states that the antichrist will rule over the one world order. All those pushing for the new world order are establishing the order for the AC .
I'm not certain about that....

It's more like when he comes in to power, he rules it...but ''it'' already existed, then he knocks down a few allies in it, one by one.... and creates his own order....

Yeah, you're right, it already existed.
I believe Mike Pence and his people are the only ones with anything to gain with this hit piece. While I don't believe Pence wrote it, I'm suspicious of those on his staff. Somebody that believes their action will advance the departure of Trump and provide the country with the leadership it deserves through a Pence presidency. My guess: Nick Ayers.
Ayers described himself as being rather taken with President Clinton and then-Governor Zell Miller, a Democrat, in the 1990s.
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most likely it was no one in the WH, but rather some liberal dem pretending to be on the WH staff. or maybe the NY times is the author and publisher. Could also have been Strzok, Comey, McCabe, Lynch or any of the other crooks who are about to be indicted.
They allegedly met with the op writer, didn't the NYTimes op-editorial board claim this verification of the source?

Note, this was not the News part of the NYTimes, not even the editorial board of the NYTimes, but the Op-Ed, editorial board... the NYTimes news division is trying to trace down who the anonymous op ed person is.... :lol: just nuts!

My guess is either-

Trump had one of his own people plant this editorial so he could use it to promote his "deep State" theory and get everyone off of the Woodward Book. He used all Democratic talking points... way too obviously.... and claiming to be the Resistance, using the Democratic term, while going on to say he believes in ALL of the RIGHT leaning policies like Tax Cuts, and deregulation, and the border wall etc...

And the Resistance

believes in NONE of those things! So it's bull crud put in to an op, that makes absolutely NO SENSE at ALL.... other than trying to give a hint that it is someone related to a Democratic party movement....? It's just so obvious that the New York Times would not be the author/authors.... they would know better....

Trump, well, he's another story and has poor judgement on what Americans that are not Trumpians would see through, or he simply doesn't care...cuz all he wants is division and his Trumpians on his side....

all to support his deep state theory, get off of talking about Woodward's book.

Seriously, there was NO SANE REASON for Anonymous Ed to put this op Ed in to the paper NOW, right at the time of the Woodward book, not anonymous, but with tapes and a gazillion sources, NAMED....

EXCEPT to detract from the Woodward Book.

and for goodness sake, ANYONE THAT HAS WATCHED TRUMP, the past two years, let alone be a hire up whitehouse official, would KNOW this op Ed would throw president Trump in to a hissy fit and "Reality TV" episode of "Who done it?".... give good reason for him to fire a bunch of people, make his base believe in a deep state, make them believe that the New York Times was FAKE NEWS.....

an awful lot of BENEFITS for the President!

And the truth of the matter, after some thought, trying to get the president out of office through the 25th is fruitless.... he's always been bat shit crazy, even when you elected him so there would be no reason to use the 25th Amendmnt now....

Use Impeachment, otherwise, they would lose, using the 25th.

The whole thing smells of a set up, to the advantage, to the benefit of the President.

-My second option but less likely, and truly, unlikely, is a real Republican inside the whitehouse that is trying to help Republicans in the senate and the house get some votes from the real conservatives that were never trumpers.... trying to make them think they can take care of the madness in the white house and STILL get everything they wanted, such as tax cuts, deregulation, etc.
most likely it was no one in the WH, but rather some liberal dem pretending to be on the WH staff. or maybe the NY times is the author and publisher. Could also have been Strzok, Comey, McCabe, Lynch or any of the other crooks who are about to be indicted.
They allegedly met with the op writer, didn't the NYTimes op-editorial board claim this verification of the source?

Note, this was not the News part of the NYTimes, not even the editorial board of the NYTimes, but the Op-Ed, editorial board... the NYTimes news division is trying to trace down who the anonymous op ed person is.... :lol: just nuts!

My guess is either-

Trump had one of his own people plant this editorial so he could use it to promote his "deep State" theory and get everyone off of the Woodward Book. He used all Democratic talking points... way too obviously.... and claiming to be the Resistance, using the Democratic term, while going on to say he believes in ALL of the RIGHT leaning policies like Tax Cuts, and deregulation, and the border wall etc...

And the Resistance

believes in NONE of those things! So it's bull crud put in to an op, that makes absolutely NO SENSE at ALL.... other than trying to give a hint that it is someone related to a Democratic party movement....? It's just so obvious that the New York Times would not be the author/authors.... they would know better....

Trump, well, he's another story and has poor judgement on what Americans that are not Trumpians would see through, or he simply doesn't care...cuz all he wants is division and his Trumpians on his side....

all to support his deep state theory, get off of talking about Woodward's book.

Seriously, there was NO SANE REASON for Anonymous Ed to put this op Ed in to the paper NOW, right at the time of the Woodward book, not anonymous, but with tapes and a gazillion sources, NAMED....

EXCEPT to detract from the Woodward Book.

and for goodness sake, ANYONE THAT HAS WATCHED TRUMP, the past two years, let alone be a hire up whitehouse official, would KNOW this op Ed would throw president Trump in to a hissy fit and "Reality TV" episode of "Who done it?".... give good reason for him to fire a bunch of people, make his base believe in a deep state, make them believe that the New York Times was FAKE NEWS.....

an awful lot of BENEFITS for the President!

And the truth of the matter, after some thought, trying to get the president out of office through the 25th is fruitless.... he's always been bat shit crazy, even when you elected him so there would be no reason to use the 25th Amendmnt now....

Use Impeachment, otherwise, they would lose, using the 25th.

The whole thing smells of a set up, to the advantage, to the benefit of the President.

-My second option but less likely, and truly, unlikely, is a real Republican inside the whitehouse that is trying to help Republicans in the senate and the house get some votes from the real conservatives that were never trumpers.... trying to make them think they can take care of the madness in the white house and STILL get everything they wanted, such as tax cuts, deregulation, etc.

your partisan bias is amusing, and totally flawed. but have at it if it makes you feeeeeeeeeel good.
most likely it was no one in the WH, but rather some liberal dem pretending to be on the WH staff. or maybe the NY times is the author and publisher. Could also have been Strzok, Comey, McCabe, Lynch or any of the other crooks who are about to be indicted.
They allegedly met with the op writer, didn't the NYTimes op-editorial board claim this verification of the source?

Note, this was not the News part of the NYTimes, not even the editorial board of the NYTimes, but the Op-Ed, editorial board... the NYTimes news division is trying to trace down who the anonymous op ed person is.... :lol: just nuts!

My guess is either-

Trump had one of his own people plant this editorial so he could use it to promote his "deep State" theory and get everyone off of the Woodward Book. He used all Democratic talking points... way too obviously.... and claiming to be the Resistance, using the Democratic term, while going on to say he believes in ALL of the RIGHT leaning policies like Tax Cuts, and deregulation, and the border wall etc...

And the Resistance

believes in NONE of those things! So it's bull crud put in to an op, that makes absolutely NO SENSE at ALL.... other than trying to give a hint that it is someone related to a Democratic party movement....? It's just so obvious that the New York Times would not be the author/authors.... they would know better....

Trump, well, he's another story and has poor judgement on what Americans that are not Trumpians would see through, or he simply doesn't care...cuz all he wants is division and his Trumpians on his side....

all to support his deep state theory, get off of talking about Woodward's book.

Seriously, there was NO SANE REASON for Anonymous Ed to put this op Ed in to the paper NOW, right at the time of the Woodward book, not anonymous, but with tapes and a gazillion sources, NAMED....

EXCEPT to detract from the Woodward Book.

and for goodness sake, ANYONE THAT HAS WATCHED TRUMP, the past two years, let alone be a hire up whitehouse official, would KNOW this op Ed would throw president Trump in to a hissy fit and "Reality TV" episode of "Who done it?".... give good reason for him to fire a bunch of people, make his base believe in a deep state, make them believe that the New York Times was FAKE NEWS.....

an awful lot of BENEFITS for the President!

And the truth of the matter, after some thought, trying to get the president out of office through the 25th is fruitless.... he's always been bat shit crazy, even when you elected him so there would be no reason to use the 25th Amendmnt now....

Use Impeachment, otherwise, they would lose, using the 25th.

The whole thing smells of a set up, to the advantage, to the benefit of the President.

-My second option but less likely, and truly, unlikely, is a real Republican inside the whitehouse that is trying to help Republicans in the senate and the house get some votes from the real conservatives that were never trumpers.... trying to make them think they can take care of the madness in the white house and STILL get everything they wanted, such as tax cuts, deregulation, etc.

your partisan bias is amusing, and totally flawed. but have at it if it makes you feeeeeeeeeel good.
But I want to argue, the argument!!! Speak! Tell me the flaws, dang it! :D
most likely it was no one in the WH, but rather some liberal dem pretending to be on the WH staff. or maybe the NY times is the author and publisher. Could also have been Strzok, Comey, McCabe, Lynch or any of the other crooks who are about to be indicted.
They allegedly met with the op writer, didn't the NYTimes op-editorial board claim this verification of the source?

Note, this was not the News part of the NYTimes, not even the editorial board of the NYTimes, but the Op-Ed, editorial board... the NYTimes news division is trying to trace down who the anonymous op ed person is.... :lol: just nuts!

My guess is either-

Trump had one of his own people plant this editorial so he could use it to promote his "deep State" theory and get everyone off of the Woodward Book. He used all Democratic talking points... way too obviously.... and claiming to be the Resistance, using the Democratic term, while going on to say he believes in ALL of the RIGHT leaning policies like Tax Cuts, and deregulation, and the border wall etc...

And the Resistance

believes in NONE of those things! So it's bull crud put in to an op, that makes absolutely NO SENSE at ALL.... other than trying to give a hint that it is someone related to a Democratic party movement....? It's just so obvious that the New York Times would not be the author/authors.... they would know better....

Trump, well, he's another story and has poor judgement on what Americans that are not Trumpians would see through, or he simply doesn't care...cuz all he wants is division and his Trumpians on his side....

all to support his deep state theory, get off of talking about Woodward's book.

Seriously, there was NO SANE REASON for Anonymous Ed to put this op Ed in to the paper NOW, right at the time of the Woodward book, not anonymous, but with tapes and a gazillion sources, NAMED....

EXCEPT to detract from the Woodward Book.

and for goodness sake, ANYONE THAT HAS WATCHED TRUMP, the past two years, let alone be a hire up whitehouse official, would KNOW this op Ed would throw president Trump in to a hissy fit and "Reality TV" episode of "Who done it?".... give good reason for him to fire a bunch of people, make his base believe in a deep state, make them believe that the New York Times was FAKE NEWS.....

an awful lot of BENEFITS for the President!

And the truth of the matter, after some thought, trying to get the president out of office through the 25th is fruitless.... he's always been bat shit crazy, even when you elected him so there would be no reason to use the 25th Amendmnt now....

Use Impeachment, otherwise, they would lose, using the 25th.

The whole thing smells of a set up, to the advantage, to the benefit of the President.

-My second option but less likely, and truly, unlikely, is a real Republican inside the whitehouse that is trying to help Republicans in the senate and the house get some votes from the real conservatives that were never trumpers.... trying to make them think they can take care of the madness in the white house and STILL get everything they wanted, such as tax cuts, deregulation, etc.

your partisan bias is amusing, and totally flawed. but have at it if it makes you feeeeeeeeeel good.
But I want to argue, the argument!!! Speak! Tell me the flaws, dang it! :D

Don't look for any intelligent debate from the cult. Just insults and holding their breath. That makes it so much sweeter when Mueller lowers the boom and exposes this gang for what they are and what they've been up to. I've been saving every piece of future trivia. Books, articles, court decisions, indictments etc. This worst scandal in US history will dwarf Watergate, Irangate and every other slickster bullshit ever devised by the GOP. The contemporary documentation will be valuable to my kids and grandkids in historical value as well as monetary value.
most likely it was no one in the WH, but rather some liberal dem pretending to be on the WH staff. or maybe the NY times is the author and publisher. Could also have been Strzok, Comey, McCabe, Lynch or any of the other crooks who are about to be indicted.

Judging by the rant Trump went on, he knows it was one of his own guys who did it.
most likely it was no one in the WH, but rather some liberal dem pretending to be on the WH staff. or maybe the NY times is the author and publisher. Could also have been Strzok, Comey, McCabe, Lynch or any of the other crooks who are about to be indicted.
They allegedly met with the op writer, didn't the NYTimes op-editorial board claim this verification of the source?

Note, this was not the News part of the NYTimes, not even the editorial board of the NYTimes, but the Op-Ed, editorial board... the NYTimes news division is trying to trace down who the anonymous op ed person is.... :lol: just nuts!

My guess is either-

Trump had one of his own people plant this editorial so he could use it to promote his "deep State" theory and get everyone off of the Woodward Book. He used all Democratic talking points... way too obviously.... and claiming to be the Resistance, using the Democratic term, while going on to say he believes in ALL of the RIGHT leaning policies like Tax Cuts, and deregulation, and the border wall etc...

And the Resistance

believes in NONE of those things! So it's bull crud put in to an op, that makes absolutely NO SENSE at ALL.... other than trying to give a hint that it is someone related to a Democratic party movement....? It's just so obvious that the New York Times would not be the author/authors.... they would know better....

Trump, well, he's another story and has poor judgement on what Americans that are not Trumpians would see through, or he simply doesn't care...cuz all he wants is division and his Trumpians on his side....

all to support his deep state theory, get off of talking about Woodward's book.

Seriously, there was NO SANE REASON for Anonymous Ed to put this op Ed in to the paper NOW, right at the time of the Woodward book, not anonymous, but with tapes and a gazillion sources, NAMED....

EXCEPT to detract from the Woodward Book.

and for goodness sake, ANYONE THAT HAS WATCHED TRUMP, the past two years, let alone be a hire up whitehouse official, would KNOW this op Ed would throw president Trump in to a hissy fit and "Reality TV" episode of "Who done it?".... give good reason for him to fire a bunch of people, make his base believe in a deep state, make them believe that the New York Times was FAKE NEWS.....

an awful lot of BENEFITS for the President!

And the truth of the matter, after some thought, trying to get the president out of office through the 25th is fruitless.... he's always been bat shit crazy, even when you elected him so there would be no reason to use the 25th Amendmnt now....

Use Impeachment, otherwise, they would lose, using the 25th.

The whole thing smells of a set up, to the advantage, to the benefit of the President.

-My second option but less likely, and truly, unlikely, is a real Republican inside the whitehouse that is trying to help Republicans in the senate and the house get some votes from the real conservatives that were never trumpers.... trying to make them think they can take care of the madness in the white house and STILL get everything they wanted, such as tax cuts, deregulation, etc.

your partisan bias is amusing, and totally flawed. but have at it if it makes you feeeeeeeeeel good.
But I want to argue, the argument!!! Speak! Tell me the flaws, dang it! :D

Don't look for any intelligent debate from the cult. Just insults and holding their breath. That makes it so much sweeter when Mueller lowers the boom and exposes this gang for what they are and what they've been up to. I've been saving every piece of future trivia. Books, articles, court decisions, indictments etc. This worst scandal in US history will dwarf Watergate, Irangate and every other slickster bullshit ever devised by the GOP. The contemporary documentation will be valuable to my kids and grandkids in historical value as well as monetary value.

exactly right, great idea. You will be able to show them how Obama, Clinton, and the DNC destroyed the party of Kennedy and Truman and engaged in the biggest criminal activity in the history of our nation. You can show them how the democrats cheated Bernie out of his primary victories, how Hillary was given debate questions, how her parkinsons was covered up, how she paid Russians to create a fake dossier of lies about Trump, how they engaged in wide spread voter fraud and how dead people and illegals voted for her. How many of them were finally held accountable and jailed. Yes, keep that data. We need to never lose this piece of history.
most likely it was no one in the WH, but rather some liberal dem pretending to be on the WH staff. or maybe the NY times is the author and publisher. Could also have been Strzok, Comey, McCabe, Lynch or any of the other crooks who are about to be indicted.
They allegedly met with the op writer, didn't the NYTimes op-editorial board claim this verification of the source?

Note, this was not the News part of the NYTimes, not even the editorial board of the NYTimes, but the Op-Ed, editorial board... the NYTimes news division is trying to trace down who the anonymous op ed person is.... :lol: just nuts!

My guess is either-

Trump had one of his own people plant this editorial so he could use it to promote his "deep State" theory and get everyone off of the Woodward Book. He used all Democratic talking points... way too obviously.... and claiming to be the Resistance, using the Democratic term, while going on to say he believes in ALL of the RIGHT leaning policies like Tax Cuts, and deregulation, and the border wall etc...

And the Resistance

believes in NONE of those things! So it's bull crud put in to an op, that makes absolutely NO SENSE at ALL.... other than trying to give a hint that it is someone related to a Democratic party movement....? It's just so obvious that the New York Times would not be the author/authors.... they would know better....

Trump, well, he's another story and has poor judgement on what Americans that are not Trumpians would see through, or he simply doesn't care...cuz all he wants is division and his Trumpians on his side....

all to support his deep state theory, get off of talking about Woodward's book.

Seriously, there was NO SANE REASON for Anonymous Ed to put this op Ed in to the paper NOW, right at the time of the Woodward book, not anonymous, but with tapes and a gazillion sources, NAMED....

EXCEPT to detract from the Woodward Book.

and for goodness sake, ANYONE THAT HAS WATCHED TRUMP, the past two years, let alone be a hire up whitehouse official, would KNOW this op Ed would throw president Trump in to a hissy fit and "Reality TV" episode of "Who done it?".... give good reason for him to fire a bunch of people, make his base believe in a deep state, make them believe that the New York Times was FAKE NEWS.....

an awful lot of BENEFITS for the President!

And the truth of the matter, after some thought, trying to get the president out of office through the 25th is fruitless.... he's always been bat shit crazy, even when you elected him so there would be no reason to use the 25th Amendmnt now....

Use Impeachment, otherwise, they would lose, using the 25th.

The whole thing smells of a set up, to the advantage, to the benefit of the President.

-My second option but less likely, and truly, unlikely, is a real Republican inside the whitehouse that is trying to help Republicans in the senate and the house get some votes from the real conservatives that were never trumpers.... trying to make them think they can take care of the madness in the white house and STILL get everything they wanted, such as tax cuts, deregulation, etc.

your partisan bias is amusing, and totally flawed. but have at it if it makes you feeeeeeeeeel good.
But I want to argue, the argument!!! Speak! Tell me the flaws, dang it! :D

do you understand that Woodward and the NY times are proven liars? Once you grasp that fact maybe you will understand.
most likely it was no one in the WH, but rather some liberal dem pretending to be on the WH staff. or maybe the NY times is the author and publisher. Could also have been Strzok, Comey, McCabe, Lynch or any of the other crooks who are about to be indicted.
They allegedly met with the op writer, didn't the NYTimes op-editorial board claim this verification of the source?

Note, this was not the News part of the NYTimes, not even the editorial board of the NYTimes, but the Op-Ed, editorial board... the NYTimes news division is trying to trace down who the anonymous op ed person is.... :lol: just nuts!

My guess is either-

Trump had one of his own people plant this editorial so he could use it to promote his "deep State" theory and get everyone off of the Woodward Book. He used all Democratic talking points... way too obviously.... and claiming to be the Resistance, using the Democratic term, while going on to say he believes in ALL of the RIGHT leaning policies like Tax Cuts, and deregulation, and the border wall etc...

And the Resistance

believes in NONE of those things! So it's bull crud put in to an op, that makes absolutely NO SENSE at ALL.... other than trying to give a hint that it is someone related to a Democratic party movement....? It's just so obvious that the New York Times would not be the author/authors.... they would know better....

Trump, well, he's another story and has poor judgement on what Americans that are not Trumpians would see through, or he simply doesn't care...cuz all he wants is division and his Trumpians on his side....

all to support his deep state theory, get off of talking about Woodward's book.

Seriously, there was NO SANE REASON for Anonymous Ed to put this op Ed in to the paper NOW, right at the time of the Woodward book, not anonymous, but with tapes and a gazillion sources, NAMED....

EXCEPT to detract from the Woodward Book.

and for goodness sake, ANYONE THAT HAS WATCHED TRUMP, the past two years, let alone be a hire up whitehouse official, would KNOW this op Ed would throw president Trump in to a hissy fit and "Reality TV" episode of "Who done it?".... give good reason for him to fire a bunch of people, make his base believe in a deep state, make them believe that the New York Times was FAKE NEWS.....

an awful lot of BENEFITS for the President!

And the truth of the matter, after some thought, trying to get the president out of office through the 25th is fruitless.... he's always been bat shit crazy, even when you elected him so there would be no reason to use the 25th Amendmnt now....

Use Impeachment, otherwise, they would lose, using the 25th.

The whole thing smells of a set up, to the advantage, to the benefit of the President.

-My second option but less likely, and truly, unlikely, is a real Republican inside the whitehouse that is trying to help Republicans in the senate and the house get some votes from the real conservatives that were never trumpers.... trying to make them think they can take care of the madness in the white house and STILL get everything they wanted, such as tax cuts, deregulation, etc.

your partisan bias is amusing, and totally flawed. but have at it if it makes you feeeeeeeeeel good.
But I want to argue, the argument!!! Speak! Tell me the flaws, dang it! :D

Don't look for any intelligent debate from the cult. Just insults and holding their breath. That makes it so much sweeter when Mueller lowers the boom and exposes this gang for what they are and what they've been up to. I've been saving every piece of future trivia. Books, articles, court decisions, indictments etc. This worst scandal in US history will dwarf Watergate, Irangate and every other slickster bullshit ever devised by the GOP. The contemporary documentation will be valuable to my kids and grandkids in historical value as well as monetary value.

exactly right, great idea. You will be able to show them how Obama, Clinton, and the DNC destroyed the party of Kennedy and Truman and engaged in the biggest criminal activity in the history of our nation. You can show them how the democrats cheated Bernie out of his primary victories, how Hillary was given debate questions, how her parkinsons was covered up, how she paid Russians to create a fake dossier of lies about Trump, how they engaged in wide spread voter fraud and how dead people and illegals voted for her. How many of them were finally held accountable and jailed. Yes, keep that data. We need to never lose this piece of history.
WOW! you've bought in to a whole load of crap, hook, line and sinker!

hillary did not pay russians or anyone to CREATE a fake dossier, there was no dead people or illegals voted for her scandal, Bernie wasn't cheated...they were the rules in place for decades, it was not a debate she got her heads up to a question she would be asked, it was a town hall, and bernie got a heads up to his question too....
and Hillary does not have Parkinsons...

you really have gone off the deep end believing in all that infowars crud!

Unless an author takes credit, it’s not worth the paper it’s printed on.

It has as much credibility as the anonymous source that says he saw Obama’s Kenyan birth certificate.

If you believe one, you must believe both.
They allegedly met with the op writer, didn't the NYTimes op-editorial board claim this verification of the source?

Note, this was not the News part of the NYTimes, not even the editorial board of the NYTimes, but the Op-Ed, editorial board... the NYTimes news division is trying to trace down who the anonymous op ed person is.... :lol: just nuts!

My guess is either-

Trump had one of his own people plant this editorial so he could use it to promote his "deep State" theory and get everyone off of the Woodward Book. He used all Democratic talking points... way too obviously.... and claiming to be the Resistance, using the Democratic term, while going on to say he believes in ALL of the RIGHT leaning policies like Tax Cuts, and deregulation, and the border wall etc...

And the Resistance

believes in NONE of those things! So it's bull crud put in to an op, that makes absolutely NO SENSE at ALL.... other than trying to give a hint that it is someone related to a Democratic party movement....? It's just so obvious that the New York Times would not be the author/authors.... they would know better....

Trump, well, he's another story and has poor judgement on what Americans that are not Trumpians would see through, or he simply doesn't care...cuz all he wants is division and his Trumpians on his side....

all to support his deep state theory, get off of talking about Woodward's book.

Seriously, there was NO SANE REASON for Anonymous Ed to put this op Ed in to the paper NOW, right at the time of the Woodward book, not anonymous, but with tapes and a gazillion sources, NAMED....

EXCEPT to detract from the Woodward Book.

and for goodness sake, ANYONE THAT HAS WATCHED TRUMP, the past two years, let alone be a hire up whitehouse official, would KNOW this op Ed would throw president Trump in to a hissy fit and "Reality TV" episode of "Who done it?".... give good reason for him to fire a bunch of people, make his base believe in a deep state, make them believe that the New York Times was FAKE NEWS.....

an awful lot of BENEFITS for the President!

And the truth of the matter, after some thought, trying to get the president out of office through the 25th is fruitless.... he's always been bat shit crazy, even when you elected him so there would be no reason to use the 25th Amendmnt now....

Use Impeachment, otherwise, they would lose, using the 25th.

The whole thing smells of a set up, to the advantage, to the benefit of the President.

-My second option but less likely, and truly, unlikely, is a real Republican inside the whitehouse that is trying to help Republicans in the senate and the house get some votes from the real conservatives that were never trumpers.... trying to make them think they can take care of the madness in the white house and STILL get everything they wanted, such as tax cuts, deregulation, etc.

your partisan bias is amusing, and totally flawed. but have at it if it makes you feeeeeeeeeel good.
But I want to argue, the argument!!! Speak! Tell me the flaws, dang it! :D

Don't look for any intelligent debate from the cult. Just insults and holding their breath. That makes it so much sweeter when Mueller lowers the boom and exposes this gang for what they are and what they've been up to. I've been saving every piece of future trivia. Books, articles, court decisions, indictments etc. This worst scandal in US history will dwarf Watergate, Irangate and every other slickster bullshit ever devised by the GOP. The contemporary documentation will be valuable to my kids and grandkids in historical value as well as monetary value.

exactly right, great idea. You will be able to show them how Obama, Clinton, and the DNC destroyed the party of Kennedy and Truman and engaged in the biggest criminal activity in the history of our nation. You can show them how the democrats cheated Bernie out of his primary victories, how Hillary was given debate questions, how her parkinsons was covered up, how she paid Russians to create a fake dossier of lies about Trump, how they engaged in wide spread voter fraud and how dead people and illegals voted for her. How many of them were finally held accountable and jailed. Yes, keep that data. We need to never lose this piece of history.
WOW! you've bought in to a whole load of crap, hook, line and sinker!

hillary did not pay russians or anyone to CREATE a fake dossier, there was no dead people or illegals voted for her scandal, Bernie wasn't cheated...they were the rules in place for decades, it was not a debate she got her heads up to a question she would be asked, it was a town hall, and bernie got a heads up to his question too....
and Hillary does not have Parkinsons...

you really have gone off the deep end believing in all that infowars crud!


I think its you who has bought into the load of crap. The Russians created the dossier and the Hillary campaign paid for it. voter fraud has been proven in several states, not enough to put the hildebeast in the whitehouse, but even one fraudulent vote is too many, the dem delegate fiasco has existed for years, you are correct, the super delegates control who wins, the rest of the delegates have no say in it. She appears to have parkinsons or some other brain disorder, stumbling, fainting, eyes rolling back, back brace, passing out. So what do you think she has? Actually it was a debate, they were both there and Brazille only leaked the questions to Hillary.

You really need to get off of CNN for a few minutes and deal with reality. BTW, Donald Trump is president. Hillary lost even though the corrupt media and pollsters lied to you about her chances.

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